How to Really Determine Romantic Compatibility?
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Personal Astrology Singles Compatibility Reading For Jennifer Aniston
Interpreted by Robert Reis
[email protected] (862) 684-1968 Your Personal Astrology
Singles Compatibility Reading
Table of Contents:
How to Really Determine Romantic Compatibility?
A Brief Introduction Page 3
Jennifer’s Astrological Birth Chart Page 4
The Descending Sign:
The Attraction Factor Page 5
The Relationship Planets Page 6
Hidden Aspects:
Using the Hidden Sign Overlay to Determine Romantic Compatibility
The Method Page 8
Jennifer’s Hidden Romantic Element/Quality Types Page 9
Jennifer’s Hidden Romantic Sign Types Page 12
© 2015 Robert Reis. All rights reserved.
Personal Astrology Singles Compatibility Reading: For Jennifer Aniston
How To Really Determine Romantic Compatibility?
A Brief Introduction:
To begin your reading, let’s clear up the whole notion of Sun Sign compatibility by debunking a few misconceptions regarding this particular area of astrology.
Let me start by saying this; just because you’re a Cancer, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean that all Sun Sign Cancers will always be compatible with every single Scorpio or Pisces on the planet; just because they’re also Water Signs!
Too many books out there seem to cling to this false notion that going by the Sun Sign alone is enough to determine romantic compatibility between two individuals. Real astrology is not that shallow.
In fact, the only true way to determine romantic compatibility is to examine the single person’s entire astrological birth chart; as this will provide specific clues that will reveal who you’re most likely to be compatible with, as well as who you may not necessarily get on with (at least not right away) from a romantic perspective.
If this is the case, then what role does the person’s Sun Sign play when entering a relationship with another person?
The Sun Sign is really more or less based on friendship rather than love and romance. In fact, true romantic compatibility is seen through the lens of several different planets that are most often associated with this area of a person’s life: the Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn.
These ‘relationship’ planets help the astrologer in finding out what the specific needs, preferences, desires and long-term goals are for the person, to which this reading is based on.
Therefore, the main focus of this reading will include an interpretative analysis of the ‘relationship’ planets found within the single person’s astrological birth chart and how they’re considered determining factors for romance potential.
I’ll then conclude this reading by uncovering and examining the invisible or hidden aspects of the single person’s astrological birth chart as the twelve signs within their chart are likely to represent not only their own strong, neutral and weak character traits, but also the different types of romance partners that they’re most and least likely to be compatible with.
But first, I’ll begin this reading with a brief discussion and interpretative analysis of what’s called the Attraction Factor or Descending Sign.
Disclaimer: As a professional astrologer it’s not my decision to tell a single person and/or couple whether or not they should or shouldn’t pursue the relationship, since the astrologer’s job is to only make the individual(s) in question aware of certain strengths, neutrality and weakness that may be present within the relationship. In honoring their free-will, I place the final decision firmly in the hands of both the single person and/or couple.
Astrological Birth Chart
For Jennifer Aniston: Birthdate: February 11, 1969 Time: 10:22 PM Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
The Descending Sign:
The Attraction Factor A Brief Overview:
In this particular section, I’ll take a look at the single person’s Descending Sign; also known as the Attraction Factor as it’s located opposite the Ascending Sign within the single person’s astrological birth chart.
While the Ascending or Rising Sign symbolizes our most personal part about ourselves, the Descending Sign relates to not only the type of mate that we’re attracted to, but it also relates to the type of role that this particular person whom we’re attracted to needs to fulfill, in order to maintain the romantic bliss.
For instance, if a person’s astrological chart wheel shows Scorpio Descending, this would interpret to mean that they’re attracted to a potential mate who seems intense, emotionally strong, determined and quietly observant.
Mind you, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be a Sun Sign Scorpio per se, but only that the potential mate symbolized by the Scorpio Descending Sign would have to be willing enough to take on those Scorpio-like tendencies, in order to fulfill the ‘relationship role’ that’s implied within the person’s astrological birth chart.
Below, is a brief interpretative analysis for your Descending Sign, in determining the type of romantic partner that you’re most likely to attract, and the type of role that they might be called to fulfill.
Your Descending Sign: Aries
With the Cardinal Fire Sign of Aries on the Descendant, you seem drawn to the type of mate who’s likely spontaneous, active and fun to be with.
You seem to want to be with someone who adds a sense of vitality and energy to your life, as well as someone who enjoys taking a risk now and then for the sheer thrill of living in the moment.
Therefore, you want to come home at the end of a busy day and be with a mate who’ll provide not only a lot of humor and fun, but also create for you a place that’s likely to allow you some ‘me-time’ to yourself, while also being there to keep the home fires burning.
The Relationship Planets
A Brief Overview: This next section will cover the kind of wants and needs that the single person’s looking to fulfill; in addition to the type of romantic companion who’ll meet the single person’s romantic qualifications.
When looking to the single person’s astrological birth chart, there are several planets to consider when interpreting the wants, needs and desires of the single person in question.
For instance, the Moon plays a role in informing the single person’s emotional needs, and the kind of person who’ll make them feel safe and secured.
Therefore, if an individual has, for example, the Moon in Sagittarius, then they may need to feel emotionally free to explore not only the meaning of life via religious ideologies and philosophical thinking, but to also have freedom of movement both mentally and physically.
Next, when looking to the planet Venus, this seems to hint to us the kind of values and preferences that the single person’s most likely to express when attracting a particular love partner.
To illustrate, if a person has Venus in Libra, then this would seem to relate to their personal preference for cooperation and fairness rather than confrontation and other forms of assertiveness.
In terms of passion and desire, I next turn to Mars to provide the answer as to what drives the single person towards a certain individual and the kind of activities that will keep the fires burning.
For example, if their Mars is in the sign of Aries, this may point to an individual who possibly places emphasis on their freedom and personal space, as well as passions for living in the present moment.
And last, I also take into consideration the role of Saturn as this is interpreted to represent our personal commitment as the single person may look to their potential partner for structural support, and the ability to demonstrate feelings in practical ways.
For instance, if an individual has Saturn in Gemini, then this is likely to represent their commitment to working on their ability to connect and communicate with their partner through structural dialogue and demonstrating their thoughts through the spoken/written word.
The following analysis below interprets your romantic yearnings based on your personal needs (the Moon), values and preferences (Venus), passion and desire (Mars), and personal commitment (Saturn).
In addition, these interpretations will also be applied to the type of person that must fulfill these particular wants and needs, in order to meet your romantic standards.
The Moon – Your Emotional Needs
Moon in Sagittarius:
You need to be made to feel that you have freedom to expand and grow, in terms of acquiring knowledge and expertise.
Not only is it important for your potential partner to understand your need for exploration and broadening of scope on certain interests, but to also provide for you emotional support when needing to share your knowledge and beliefs with others. Emotionally, you’re likely to be scholarly, philosophical and honest when making your attempts at approaching a potential romantic partner, in that you may take a direct and straightforward approach when getting to know them.
Venus – Your Values and Preferences
Venus in Aries:
You seem to prefer to act on your initiatives when in pursuit of someone who’s a potential love interest.
You value risk when taking your chances in the relationship department by getting to know your partner’s immediate likes and dislikes, along with the types of physical activities that might turn them on.
You’re also likely to value competition when attracting a potential mate, in which having someone who will fight for you and is unafraid to stand up to the opposition is likely to be quite high on your list of turn-ons.
Mars – Your Drive and Passion
Mars in Scorpio:
You seem driven by your desire for a romantic relationship that’s likely to provide for you a sense of power and emotional depth.
Thus, you may seem motivated by your intuition, passionate feelings and emotional observations when taking the initiative in knowing who and what your potential romantic partner is all about.
In addition, you may want to be with a passionate partner who’ll energize you both physically and sexually, as well as motivating you when engaged in activities that allow for you to air out your all-or- nothing attitude.
Saturn: Your Basic Commitment
Saturn in Aries:
You may want to be with a romantic partner who’s committed to providing a sense of spontaneity and fun, as well as being the one to take the initiative; even as a couple.
Although you may feel driven to be with someone who’s either older than you are, or mature beyond their years; you may find yourself interested in being with a potential love partner who’s likely productive with their time and energy when pertaining to both short-term and long-term goals even while at times showing a youthful exuberance for living life in the moment.
In addition, you’d like to be with someone who’ll teach you how to act on your own assertiveness when taking certain initiatives in life as the two of you are likely learning to strengthen the relationship in order to keep the fires of passion alive and kicking for the long-term.
Hidden Aspects: Using the Hidden Sign Overlay to Determine Romantic Compatibility
The Method:
When determining the romantic types for a particular person, I look at their overall astrological birth chart. The chart consists of twelve pie segments; also known as Houses. Each House or pie segment is ruled by a particular Astrological Sign, e.g. Aries rules the First House.
This is what’s called the Hidden Sign Overlay, in that each of the original Signs are still present within their original houses even while different Signs are likely to appear on the visible parts of the astrological chart wheel. For example, if a person has let’s say Taurus at the beginning of the First House or 9 o’clock position of the astrological chart wheel, the Sign of Aries will still be present and hidden beneath the First House no matter what Sign is shown to be visible on the astrological chart wheel.
Based on a points system, we count the number of planets that are within each House, which is then followed by counting the number of planets that are in each Sign. When adding the House and Sign points together; it produces a grand total for each Astrological Sign that’s hidden within the single person’s astrological chart wheel.
Using this particular method will not only determine your specific character strengths, neutral tendencies and weaknesses as represented by the hidden astrological signs within your chart, but also indicate the types of romantic partners that you’re most or least likely to attract.
The Method Reference Table:
Below is a list of the planets with their respective points. Notice that the Sun and Moon, for instance are weighed heavily with more points, whereas the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are assigned the least amount of points due to the indication that they influence a generation of people rather than just on a personal level.
Reference Table 1.
Planet/Sensitive Point Assigned Points The Sun 4 The Ascendant (Rising Sign) 4 The Moon 3 The North Node (Lunar 3 Point) The South Node (Lunar 3 Point) Mercury 2 Venus 2 Mars 2 Jupiter 2 Saturn 2 Uranus 1 Neptune 1 Pluto 1
Jennifer’s Hidden Romantic Element/Quality Types:
Before exploring your potential romantic types based on the Hidden Astrological Signs, let’s first examine the four Elements (17-24 points = strong; 9-16 points = neutral; 0-8 points = weak) and three Qualities (21-30 points = strong; 10-20 points = neutral; 0-9 points = weak) that not only make up the overall energies of your astrological birth chart, but also study the Elements and Qualities from a romantic partner perspective.
Based on the assigned numbers that were calculated using the Hidden Sign Overlay Method, each table will then be followed by interpretations relative to the total points for each Element and Quality attribute.
Your Hidden Elemental Types:
Element Points
Fire (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius) 10
Earth (Taurus, Virgo & 14 Capricorn)
Air (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius) 17
Water 15 (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)
Your Strongest Elemental Types (17 – 24 Points):
The Strong Air Type (17 Points): With the Air element seemingly strong within your basic character and personality, you’re likely to be highly expressive in utilizing your personal, social and visionary skills as you may also show much interest in engaging your mind in various mental pursuits and activities. In fact, your mental faculties are likely to allow you to be focused and decisive; making you both quite informative and sociable within your personal contacts and relationships, as well as showing a great deal of interest in contributing ideas in a group setting.
Thus, when attracting the Air Type as a potential romantic partner, they may be turned on by your mental flirtatiousness, charm and sophisticated mind.
In another instance, however, the Air Type may find you to be a bit overwhelming, to which you’re likely to be inclined to express tendencies in too much over-thinking, judgmental behavior and aloofness; creating the likelihood for a lot of arguing on your part to occur.
Best advice: either you learn to agree to disagree for the sake of the relationship, or otherwise you’ll be wasting too much air time in who can outsmart the other in exhausting mind games and other mental manipulative tendencies.
Your Neutral Elemental Types (9 – 16 Points):
The Neutral Water Type (15 Points): With the Water element shown to be neutral within both your basic character and personality, you may do well in attracting someone who also expresses a moderate tendency for relying on their intuitive faculties, emotional instincts and quiet observations when deciphering a particular person, situation or circumstance.
Although you may at times express emotional outbursts and other moody tendencies on occasion, your feelings and sensitivity otherwise seem balanced, in that you’re neither likely to be overly-sensitive nor lacking in feeling either.
Best advice is to maintain this particular element within yourself for as long as you and your potential Water element partner are willing to understand one another from an emotional perspective without the relationship becoming too overwhelming or lacking in depth.
The Neutral Earth Type (14 Points): With the Earth element shown to be neutral within your basic character and personality, it’s likely best for you to attract a partner who also seems able to express a moderate tendency for being practical, grounded, and organized, as well as proceeding with some caution when making use of their basic common sense, analytical mind and competitive drive.
Your mental faculties seem to allow you to be sometimes methodical and disciplined when managing and maintaining your material resources and overall health; even likely showing a certain degree of interest in improving your own worth and status through committed long-term goals and objectives.
Although there might be times, in which you seem unwilling to share your possessions with another; you’re still neither overly-materialistic nor depriving yourselves of such material resources and pleasures, either.
Best advice is to maintain this particular element within yourself for as long as you and your potential Earth element partner are willing enough to keep one another on solid ground without the relationship being either too rocky or stuck. The Neutral Fire Type (10 Points): With the Fire element shown to be neutral within your basic character and personality, you’re likely to do well in attracting someone who’s also balanced in their ability to initiate action and other forms of risk.
Your intuitive faculties seem to allow you to be moderate in your sense of spontaneity, enthusiasm and gregariousness; making you seem rather esteemed and confident in your overall pursuit of certain physical or outdoor activities.
Although there may be times when you’re likely impatient and frustrated with your potential romantic Fire Type partner, you’re still neither overly-aggressive and demanding nor do you resort to expressing meekness and other inactive tendencies either.
Best advice is to maintain this particular element within yourself for as long as you’re willing to keep the fires burning without the relationship either getting too hot to handle or going out too quickly.
Your Weakest Elemental Types (0 – 8 Points):
There are no Weak Elemental Types to report here.
Your Hidden Quality Types:
Quality Points
Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) 23
Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius) 16
Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & 17 Pisces)
Your Strongest Quality Types (20 – 30 Points):
The Strong Cardinal Type (23 Points): Although when attracting the Cardinal Type, they may be turned on by your ability to initiate action and assert yourself in the face of competition, as well as finding you to come on a bit too strongly, to which your tendency for being highly forceful, tenacious, decisive and ambitious when going after a particular goal or objective might actually overwhelm them.
Thus, you may seem a bit too aggressive, defensive and intimidating even for your potential Cardinal partner to handle.
Best advice is for you to either choose to tone down your overly-aggressive and combative tendencies, or else the relationship will only crash and burn, before you know it. Your Neutral Quality Types (10 – 19 Points):
The Neutral Mutable Type (17 Points): You’re likely to do well in attracting a romantic partner who seems moderate in their ability to adapt to their external environment just as you’re also able to express a certain degree of flexibility and fluidity when completing one goal or project, in order to move onto the next.
As a result, you’re might find yourself mirroring your potential Mutable partner, in that you may also show a particular degree of versatility and eagerness, in which you’re neither likely to be too changeable nor overly-anxious when seeking to bring a certain goal, task or project to the finish line.
Best advice is for you to continue maintaining this particular quality for as long as both you and your potential romantic Mutable partner are willing enough to remain together, while on the road of life’s many winding twists and turns.
The Neutral Fixed Type (16 Points): You’re likely to do best in attracting a romantic partner who expresses a moderate approach to stabilizing their environment through means of maintenance and keeping order, in that you also seem more or less balance when expressing your sense of fortitude and staying power.
Thus, you’re neither likely lacking in personal worth, consistency and emotional resilience nor will you seem too relaxed, complacent and resistant when lending a certain degree of strength and power to another person within a romantic setting.
Best advice is for you to continue in maintaining this particular quality for as long as both you and your potential romantic Fixed partner are willing enough to sustain the relationship through thick and thin.
Your Weakest Quality Types (0 – 9 Points):
There are no Weak Quality Types to report here.
Jennifer’s Hidden Romantic Sign Types:
Below is a table containing each Hidden Astrological Sign and their respective points followed next by a listing and interpretative analysis for each Romantic Sign.
In two ways, the Hidden Sign Data Table is interpreted to represent the single person’s various character traits and aspects (Weak = 0 – 5 points; Neutral = 6 – 11 points; Strong = 12 – 18 points), as well as symbolizing the types of romantic partners that they’re most or least likely to be compatible with.
Your Hidden Romantic Sign Types:
Sign Points Aries 7 Taurus 6 Gemini 0 Cancer 6 Leo 0 Virgo 8 Libra 10 Scorpio 3 Sagittarius 3 Capricorn 0 Aquarius 7 Pisces 6
Your Strongest Romantic Sign Types (12 – 18 Points):
There are no Strong Romantic Sign Types to report here.
Your Neutral Romantic Sign Types (6 – 11 Points):
The Neutral Libra Type (10 Points): When the Sign of Libra is shown to be neutral within your basic character expression, it’s likely in your best interests to attract a potential partner who’s also similar, in terms of being moderately sociable and charming with a balanced sense of pleasing others.
Thus, neither are you too mentally decisive nor do you lack such mental control either. While it’s likely that you and your potential love partner might now and then try to over-ride or undermine each other’s personal stance on a particular argument or social issue through mental manipulation or control, the relationship may actually still remain harmonious, in which you especially seem willing enough to keep the love and peace between one another; lessening the chances for quarreling and other argumentative tendencies to occur.
The Neutral Virgo Type (8 Points): When the Sign of Virgo is shown to be balanced within your basic character trait, it’s likely best for you to attract another individual who’s also moderate in their approach to keeping order, paying attention to details, and working on their sense of self-improvement.
You’re neither too concerned for getting things right nor do you lack the need to work on youself either.
While it’s possible from time to time for you and your potential love mate to try and use criticism and other means of ridicule to either over-power or undermine the other’s sense of analytical control and self-discipline, the relationship’s still likely to maintain its work-in-progress, in that you especially seem devoted enough to remain supportive of another person; lessening the chances for perfectionism and other nit-picky tendencies to interfere with the relationship.
The Neutral Aries Type (7 Points): When the Sign of Aries is shown to be neutral within your basic character and personality, you’re likely to do well with a romantic partner who also seems moderate in this particular expression as they may not be too overly-assertive and head-strong nor are they fearful in taking chances to live in the moment either.
While it might be possible for both partners to once in a while over-power or weaken each other’s basic energy and drive,, the relationship’s likely to still work, in that both partners seem able to monitor their level of will-power, spontaneity and assertiveness as it may lessen the chance for both partners to be overly-blunt and aggressive when sharing in physical activities and other joint-initiatives.
The Neutral Aquarius Type (7 Points): When the Sign of Aquarius is shown to be balanced within your basic character expression, it might be best for you to attract a potential love partner who also seems neutral in their independent thinking, progressive ideas and unique individuality.
Thus, you’re neither too unconventional nor do you lack the innovative genius and capability to think outside the box either.
While it might seem possible for both you and your potential romantic partner to sometimes over-ride or weaken one another’s future plans by expressing some form of mental resistance, the relationship may actually still continue to make progress, since you especially seem willing enough to keep the romance on friendly terms without becoming too overly-detached from each other.
The Neutral Taurus Type (6 Points): When the Sign of Taurus is shown to be neutral within your overall character and personality, it’s likely best for you to attract a partner who’s also similar in expression, in that they’re neither overly-materialistic nor do they deprive themselves of such material wealth and resources either.
Furthermore, you seem to show a moderate tendency for being down-to-earth, practical, patient and good-natured.
While it’s possible for both you and your potential romantic partner to sometimes use certain practical means for either over-powering or weakening each other’s sense of personal worth and fortitude, the relationship’s still likely to sustain its roots, in that you especially seem willing enough to maintain your sense of dedication, loyalty and appreciation when in a relationship with another person; likely lessening the chance for jealousy and other overly-possessive tendencies to try and uproot the relationship altogether.
The Neutral Cancer Type (6 Points): When the Sign of Cancer is shown to be neutral within your basic character trait, you’re likely to do well with someone who’s also similar in expression as you may seem balanced in your moods and sensitivity accompanied by a moderate sense of emotional tenacity and toughness.
Furthermore, you’re neither too nostalgic about the past nor do you lack the capability to reminisce about such early memories either.
While there’s a possibility that you and your potential love partner may try to use certain previous events or circumstances to either over-power or weaken the other’s sense of personal security and defense now and then, the relationship’s likely to still remain well-insulated, in that you especially seem able to offer enough love, care and protection to another individual; lessening the chance for emotional manipulation or other guilt-ridden tendencies to take place.
The Neutral Pisces Type (6 Points): When the Sign of Pisces is shown to be neutral within your basic character expression, it’s likely best for you to attract a partner who also exhibits a balanced sense of compassion, empathy and understanding. Therefore, you’re neither too overwhelmed by your reality nor do you lack the sensitivity to help navigate you through your physical surroundings either.
While it still seems possible for both you and your potential romantic partner to sometimes over-power or weaken the other’s emotional feelings through self-sacrificing behavior and other guilt-ridden tactics, the relationship’s likely to remain steady through life’s murky waters, since you especially seem able to maintain your love, devotion and acceptance of another within the romantic relationship until the end; without resorting to clouded emotions and other self-undoing tendencies.
Your Weakest Romantic Sign Types (0 – 6 Points):
The Weak Scorpio Type (3 Points): With the Sign of Scorpio shown to be weak within your basic character expression, you’re less likely to be emotionally intense, focused and contained, in that being confident in expressing your own personal power and self-control doesn’t come natural to you.
Because of your lack of ability to observe and keep things within your emotional environment under control, you may experience much difficulty in attracting and understanding the Scorpio Type, to which you may find them to be too concerned with wanting to overrun and see who’s who and what’s what in the hidden scheme of things; making this an extremely challenging relationship to say the least.
Best advice: you could either choose to strengthen this particular sign trait within yourself by looking for ways to empower the relationship, so long as you’re really willing to understand the Scorpio Type on a deep soul level.
Otherwise, you have the choice to end it right then and there without further complicating your feelings in the process.
The Weak Sagittarius Type (3 Points): With the Sign of Sagittarius shown to be weak within your overall character expression, you’re less likely to be adventurous, freedom-loving and enthusiastic, to which being able to believe and have faith in yourself doesn’t seem to come easy for you.
Because of your lack of interest to explore both your mind and the world from a broader perspective, you may have trouble attracting and understanding the Sagittarius Type, in that you may find them to be a bit excessive in their optimism, as well as being a little too direct and honest when expressing their personal philosophical views, knowledge and expertise; making this particular relationship tough to fence in.
Best advice: you could either choose to optimize this particular sign trait within yourself, so long as you’re willing enough to keep the faith. Otherwise, you could also decide to wish the Sagittarius Type good luck, and end the relationship right then and there.
The Weak Gemini Type (0 Points): With the Sign of Gemini shown to be weak within your general character expression, you’re less likely to be curious, witty and quick-minded, in which being confident in your own ability to connect and articulate your basic thoughts with others doesn’t seem to come natural to you.
Because of your lack of mental curiosity, flexibility and adaptability to change, you may experience technical difficulties in attracting and connecting with the Gemini Type as they may seem too concerned with dabbling in the social scene and other forms of mental activities; making this type of relationship hard to pin down.
Best advice: you may either choose to work on developing this particular sign trait within yourself through active listening and feedback or otherwise don’t try to give the relationship a second thought.
The Weak Leo Type (0 Points): With the Sign of Leo shown to be weak within your overall character expression, you’re less likely to be bold, courageous and charismatic, in which being confident in your own ability to create, perform and express yourself doesn’t seem to natural to you.
Because of your lack of interest for receiving recognition, entitlement and praise, you may experience difficulty in attracting and recognizing where the Leo Type’s coming from as they may seem too concerned with wanting to be the center of attention, as well as seeking approval from others; making this a tough act to follow.
Best advice: you could either work on strengthening this particular sign trait within your own self by building up your confidence through, for instance, little romantic gestures and thoughtful compliments, or otherwise you could call it quits before the curtain comes down.
The Weak Capricorn Type (0 Points): With the Sign of Capricorn shown to be weak within your basic character expression, you seem less likely to be committed, driven and ambitious, in that being confident in your own ability to go around obstacles and limitations from a practical sense doesn’t seem to come natural to you.
Because of your lack of ambition and interests to make practical use of your time and energy, you may experience problems in attracting and attaining the Capricorn Type as a potential romantic partner, to which you may find them to a bit too serious-minded and concerned with achieving their own long-term means and other objectives; making this relationship an obstacle in and of itself.
Best advice: you could either choose to work on developing this particular sign trait within yourself through committed work and effort, so long as you make it worth the time and energy to attain and honor the relationship.
Otherwise, you could also decide to leave the relationship on good terms without giving the Capricorn Type the cold shoulder.