Learner Support Fund s1

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Learner Support Fund s1

Financial Help For Students Aged 19+ Further Education Courses 2016/17

 If you are aged 19 or over on 31 August 2016, this information is for you.

 Students on Advance Learning Loans (ALL) for their fees are included, except for the assistance with fees item (2.8 below) which can only be paid via their loan

 If you are aged 16 - 18 on 31 August 2016, please request the separate information pack.

 This information does not apply to apprentices, nor Higher Education students.

NB The college receives limited funds for bursaries, so once the funds are exhausted, there will be no further bursaries issued.

 You are advised to apply for financial help by 3rd October 2016 or 2 weeks after the start of your course if beginning later in the year.

 Eligibility

To be eligible for a bursary, students must:  have been ordinarily resident in the British Isles or European Union for the last three years or having their passport endorsed to show they have the right of abode in the UK/ having ‘settled status’ in the UK

 be on a further education course at this college  be aged 19 or over on 31 August 2016

If you have not had a reply back from the college within 2 weeks of application please contact 01305 215165


There are 2 kinds of financial support available to 19+ students and students on Advanced Learning Loans (ALL) from September 2016 to June 2017.

19+ and ALL Bursaries 2016/17

The 19+ and ALL Bursaries are government funds to help learners aged 19 and over (no upper age limit) whose studies may be affected by financial hardship. It is available at Kingston Maurward to students on low household incomes, of up to £20,000 per year. See Section 2.4.1 below for full details of income thresholds.

NB At Kingston Maurward College cash bursary payments for 19+ students are only made in exceptional circumstances. Most bursary awards are in kind and relate to the college course (see Section 2 below). Bursaries cannot help you with your general living expenses. Other Financial Help: Trusts and Charities

We have a list of trusts and charities which you can contact for other sources of financial help. Please see information below. **************** FINANCIAL HELP (19+ STUDENTS)

19+ and ALL Bursaries – Policy Statement

1 Who can receive Bursary support?

Bursaries are for students aged over 19 on a college course where the net household income (after tax etc deductions, but including certain benefits – see application form) is £20,000 per annum or lower. If your combined net household income is in excess of £20,000 pa the Bursary Panel will not be able to help.

Applicants over 19 living in the family home or in a shared household and financially supported by other/s in the household (eg relative/partner) will be required to declare details of relative/partner etc income.

If you are over 19 and living away from home, or living in a shared household but not as a dependant, you will be assessed as independent.

Students must agree to inform the Bursary Administrator of any changes in income/financial circumstances during the time of their course.

2 What is the Bursary award for?

The award helps to cover costs incurred as a result of attending your course. For 19+ students, these may include:

 College bus travel or College accommodation (see 2.1 and 2.2 below)  Contribution towards petrol costs for journeys to and from college (2.3)  Subsidy towards meals if net household income £12000 or lower (2.4)  Contribution towards course costs/materials (2.5)  Contribution towards study trips (2.5)  Childcare (must be registered – see 2.6 below)  Kit and clothing essential for the course (see 2.7 below)  Course fee reduction (not available to students on ALL loans – see 2.8 /grid 4.1 below)

2.1 College or service bus transport

Support for college transport = maximum 90% – see grid 4.1 below

Travel costs will be awarded as a subsidy towards total travel fees charged each term for the transport provided by the College. Applications for transport cost assistance should be submitted by 3rd October, if starting in September 2016, for the whole college year. Students starting a course later in the year should also apply within 2 weeks of the start date for their course. Students only need to apply for support towards transport once in each college year. Late applications may not be successful if funds are already exhausted, although some funds will be reserved for students starting courses later in the college year.

Service bus costs will be refunded on the same basis (for eligible students) provided there is no accessible college bus route, on presentation of tickets purchased (weekly or monthly).

2.2 College accommodation

Support for college accommodation = maximum 90% – see grid 4.1 below

College residential accommodation is an alternative to college transport for students who live too far away to commute into college. The cost is £104.50 per week for 33 weeks in 2016/17. All students pay a returnable £300 deposit against damage, not supported through the bursary award. Bursary support for accommodation is maximum 90% of the fees, for eligible students – see grid 4.1 below. NB The cost for cafeteria meals (if required) is charged separately from accommodation @ £35 per week (breakfast and one other meal per day, Monday to Friday).

2.3 Petrol Subsidy

Please discuss with Bursary Administrator at the start of your course.

 The contribution amount of refund per week will be based on your home – college travel distance  Cheques to cover petrol subsidy will be issued on a half-termly basis on the production of petrol payment receipts. Petrol refunds cannot be greater than the total amount on receipts submitted  Attendance will be checked for weeks when petrol costs are claimed

2.4 Meal Subsidy

Subsidy (value = £2.50 per meal) will be made available for those on 90% threshold of the household income grid, ie up to £12,000 of net household income. [Also a small number of 19 – 25 year old vulnerable students are eligible for a free meal in college.] Please see the Student Support office staff at the start of your course.

2.5 Essential Course Costs (Materials) and Essential Study Trip Subsidies

Approval from your Course Manager has to be sent to the Bursary Administrator before refunds can be considered.

2.6 Childcare .

Childcare costs for students aged 20 or over will be paid directly to the registered childcare provider on receipt of an invoice. Maximum Bursary support is 90% (see assessment grid below 4.1), if not eligible for an alternative scheme. NB This covers college term time only.

There is a childcare scheme for students under 20 years. See www.gov.uk/care-to-learn.

2.7 Essential kit and clothing

Discuss your needs with the Student Support Administrator. Your course manager may need to confirm that the items you require are essential to your course activity. Refunds will be dependent upon production of your receipts and your course manager’s report on your attendance and progress as at the autumn half term break. You need to purchase the items yourself and will receive a refund later. Your course tutor will give you a list of the essential kit/clothing, with guide prices, for your course.

2.8 Course fee reduction for students aged 19+ on full time courses

For eligible students £500 will be available. Pease apply asap.

Combined Household Income Learner Support Allocation Income up to £16,000 £500 award

Fee reduction from the Bursary is available to students (1) aged 19+ on full time courses due to pay the full course fee (Year 1) (2) continuing into Year 2 of their course, aged 19+ (3) aged 19+ due to pay fees for courses below Level 3.

NB1 For students aged 19+ on courses at Level 3 or above (inc both Full and Part Time), there is now usually an Advanced Learning Loan available which can pay course fees. Please contact Admissions (01305 215032) for information.

NB2 There are other government funds to pay course fees entirely – not a loan (based upon either age up to 23 years and level of course; or receipt of certain benefits). Please contact Admissions (01305 215032) for full information.

2.9 Hardship – Kingston Maurward Foundation (charity)

KMC Governors have a small charitable fund which can help students in severe need, normally if net household income is £12,000 or lower, with some college costs. Please contact Student Support. [We can also provide students with vouchers for Dorchester Food Bank.]

3 What are the conditions for a Bursary award?

3.1 Where the application form is incomplete or further information (eg photocopied evidence) is needed, a decision could be delayed. Please note: you are liable for all costs until and unless your Bursary award is formally approved in writing.

3.2 You will need to inform us of any changes in your financial circumstances which could affect the award.

3.3 All receipts (photocopies recommended so that you keep the originals) will need to be produced before any refund, at latest by 1 November 2016, for students starting in September. Late applications for refunds may be declined if funds are exhausted.

3.4 All awards are dependent on you achieving and maintaining satisfactory progress and attendance in all your classes. Your course manager will be asked to approve your continuing Bursary award in November and March.

3.5 Bursary funds may be withdrawn, on the course manager’s advice, if disciplinary action is taken against the student. 4 How much can I apply for?

Each application is assessed on its own merits in accordance with the eligibility guidelines above. The final decision will be at the discretion of the Bursary Panel. The amount that you receive also depends on your net household income, which includes any applicable benefits. The following threshold table provides a guide to the level of your bursary.

4.1 College Bus Transport /Accommodation etc Discounts Assessment

Combined Household Income Learner Support Allocation Income up to £12,000 90% awarded Income £12,001 - £16,000 70% awarded Income £16,001 - £18,000 35% awarded Income £18,001 - £20,000 20% awarded Income £20,001+ No award

Service bus costs will be refunded on the same basis (for eligible students), on presentation of tickets purchased (either weekly or monthly).

5 How do I apply?

Applications should be made by 3rd October 2016 (or within 2 weeks of the start date for your course if you begin college later in the year) as funds are limited.

Application forms are available from the Student Support Team in 121 office in the Higher Dairy Courtyard (or can be printed from the KMC website). Completed forms should be returned to Janet Miller, Bursary Administrator, at the address on the last page of this document, together with the following PHOTOCOPIED (not originals please) evidence, as appropriate (see list on application form):  Current payslips to show your earnings (or your family’s earnings if applicable)  Letters/documents which show current benefit payments if you (or your family if applicable) are in receipt of income-related benefits  Evidence of other household income  Photocopied receipts for items purchased (once they are available/by 1 November)

6 What happens then?

6.1 Your application will be considered by the Bursary Panel and you will be informed of the decision within seven days of the panel meeting.

6.2 Applications for essential kit and clothing refundable under the Bursary will require the return of the course manager’s report on attendance and progress and the first decisions are likely to be made at the mid-November Bursary panel meeting.

6.3 If you are made a Bursary award, you will receive an offer letter (2 copies). You will need to confirm for us that the information you have given us is accurate, to the best of your knowledge, and you will need to accept the conditions stated in the award letter. You need to sign/date one copy and return it to us before your bursary award can be confirmed. You can keep the other copy on record.

6.4 If your application is refused, you will receive information about why it has been refused together with information on how you can appeal if you disagree. TRUSTS & CHARITIES We have a separate list of trusts and charities which you can contact to seek other sources of financial help. Most information is available on the Dorset for You website, www.dorsetforyou.com. If you enter, on the front page screen, Trust Funds in the ‘enter keyword’ search box, you will find on the Trust Funds page some of the funds available, ie those administered by DCC. The final entry in the list is the ‘2010 Other sources of financial help booklet’. Download this booklet and you have access to lots of useful information (not just from Dorset). You need to use the contents page – it starts with higher education funds, but Sections 6 – 8 could be of most interest to students – Section 8 has information about local charities and trusts.

. * * * * * * * * * * * * * FURTHER INFORMATION

1 Appeals procedure

If you wish to appeal against the panel decision, you will need to write to:- Chris Pedder, Deputy Principal Finance & Corporate Services, Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester DT2 8PY

2 How can I get more information? 2.1 Government information

There is government information about the latest financial provision for students, as follows:

ALL Loan Write ‘Advanced Learning Loan’ into your web search engine

2.2 Kingston Maurward College information

2.2.1 Application forms for the Bursary can be sent to you from the Student Support team or can be printed from the KMC College website Money Matters section on www.kmc.ac.uk

2.2.2 For further information about the Kingston Maurward bursary provision, please contact the 121 Student Support team in person, by email or telephone as follows:

Telephone: 01305 215165 Email: [email protected] (term time) or [email protected] (July/August)

The main 121 office is within the student common room in the courtyard classroom area.

2.2.3 The team are:

Student Services Co-ordinator Angela Taylor 01305 215058 Student Support Adviser Vicky McDonnell 01305 215165 Student Support Administrator Janet Miller 01305 215165

2.2.4 Please return your completed application forms to:

Janet Miller, Student Support Administrator, Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester DT2 8BR

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