Instructor: Mr. St. Peter
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World Civilizations SYLLABUS
This survey course reviews civilizations before 1500 AD but focuses mainly on the world since 1500. This class will cover the culture and society of civilizations and student will observe, analyze, and interpret human behaviors, social gatherings, and institutions to better understand people and the relationships among individuals and groups.
Instructor: Mr. St. Peter Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of Louisville 2002 Masters of Arts in Teaching ECE, Western Kentucky University 2005 Master of Arts In Education – Social Studies – University of the Cumberlands 2009 Rank I – High School Curriculum – University of the Cumberlands 2009 Bardstown High School Social Studies Teacher/ECE Teacher - 2003- present
- Arrive to class and be seated on time. Tardies will be counted for not being in seat when bell rings or being late because of a lack of materials. - Bring proper materials to class, including pencil/paper, book, agenda, and binder. - Refrain from speaking until instructed - Food and drink are not permitted; water bottles with screw-on caps will be. - Students will not be allowed to exit the class room the first and last ten minutes of class.
Grading Policy
45% Summative (Major exams or unit projects) 25% Formative (Quizzes) 20% Mid-Term and Final Exam (Cumulative course exam) 10% Daily Work and Homework
My goal is for students to master the content, and therefore there will be opportunities for students to retake quizzes and exams. The student must meet with the instructor and schedule all retakes on an individual basis unless otherwise stated. Retakes must be taken within 2 weeks of the given exam, and must be taken before or after school. *Retakes may be subject to instructor approval and/or student meeting qualifying criteria. GRADING SCALE
A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 65 – 69 F 64 and below St. Peter’s E-mail [email protected] School Website Infinite Campus campus/bardstown.jsp Textbook Students will not be assigned a physical textbook. The World Civ Text is located online at the school website. To access online text – go to click on yellow BHS tab on left side then click Teacher Webpages on left side then click on Mark St. Peter Below my name, a tab for World Civilizations will appear Textbook chapters will be located here
Makeup Work Policy
What can I make up? All graded assignments and notes need to be made up. Binder checks, questions that go along with a video, and quizzes cannot be made up and will not count against you in the case of an EXCUSED ABSENCE. Exams will be made up at a designated date with the Instructor.
Where do I get my work? I no longer take care of providing makeup work during class hours. To check what assignments you are missing there are two options: A) Go to Infinite Campus and check your grades B) Check the school website for the weekly assignment log Once you have figured out what you are missing, the next step is to get the materials. All assignments are online for you to access, copy, or print out. You can do this from home or if you don’t have internet access, from school in the library afterschool. When is it due? Students who miss because of an excused absence will have a number of days equal to the amount of days missed to make-up assignments for full credit. After this period no assignments will be accepted, regardless of their completion, unless the student attends learning lab. It is the student’s responsibility to accumulate and complete missed work, not the teacher’s. With absences deemed unexcused by the Office, work given out will be marked as zeros, including work that was to be turned in that day. Work not completed for disciplinary reasons such as suspension, ISAP, or removal from class will also result in a zero.
Required Materials: Three ring hardback binder (minimum 1 inch) with tab dividers. 2 pocket folders. Paper and writing utensils. Regular internet access.