Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety
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Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety
Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities Complete the Royal Life Saving water safety S 4, 9 online quiz. www.wate rsafetyqui Propose S 4, 9 responses to water – based scenarios such as:
when visitin
© VCAA Page 1 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities g the beach how do you decid e where is safest to swim what strate gies can you use to stay safe in a boat.
© VCAA Page 2 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities Analyse the safety messages of media campaign s such as Play it Safe by the Water, by describing S 8, 9 what are the key messages and how are they being communic ated. https://vi 54121720
© VCAA Page 3 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities Develop a safety plan for and participate in aquatic activities LLPA, CA, 4, 9 in outdoor S environme nts such as canoeing or a beach program. Perform a range of specialise d movement FMS, LLPA 10 skills in aquatic environme nts such
© VCAA Page 4 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities as:
swim ming comp etentl y for a contin uous distan ce of 50 metre s (25 meter s in freest yle and 25 metre s in
© VCAA Page 5 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities anoth er stroke ). demo nstrat ing sound breat hing and stroke techni ques. throwi ng a rope or buoya nt object to a perso
© VCAA Page 6 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities n at leave five metre s from the side of the pool and pullin g or instru cting them to safety . Create and perform a RE, FMS, 11 movement sequence in water
© VCAA Page 7 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities which combines a number of different skills. Demonstr ate defensive and GS 10 offensive play in Flippa Ball. Perform survival technique s of sculling, FMS, 10 treading LLPA, S water, floating and survival
© VCAA Page 8 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities strokes for an extended time (four to six minutes), while clothed, in a pool and/or in open water. Discuss the health, skill and fitness benefits of HBPA 5 participati ng in aquatic activities such as swimming
© VCAA Page 9 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety Person Movement and Physical Activity Strand al, Social and Comm unity Level Health 5-6 Strand Being Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Sub- healthy, Strand safe and active Key Content Explore Investigate resources to manage changes Investigat Plan and Practise Investigate Explore Classroom Descript how and transitions associated with puberty e practise skills to the role of how identities communit strategies establish preventive participatio -based ion activities are y to and health in n in outdoor influenced resources promote manage promoting activities by people and health, relationshi and supports and places strategies safety and ps maintaining personal Water- to seek wellbeing health, and based help about safety and community activities health, wellbeing health and safety and for wellbeing wellbeing individuals and creates and their connections communitie to the s natural and built environmen t Sample Focus Contribut swimmin Area ion g and Code/s towards water Achieve safety ment teaching Standard and # learning activities , surfing or water polo. Participate in and examine the health LLPA, 5 and social HBPA benefits of water aerobics. Explore centre of gravity while FMS 10 floating and treading water.
Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard- Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard Separated by line. Number in brackets, e.g. (3), is used as Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard an identifier in various parts of the template.
© VCAA Page 10 Health and Physical Education: Swimming and Water Safety By the end of Level 4 By the end of Level 6 By the end of Level 8 Students recognise strategies for managing Students investigate developmental changes Students investigate strategies and resources change. and transitions. (1) to manage changes and transitions and their impact on identities. They examine influences that strengthen They understand the influences people and identities. places have on personal identities. (2) Students evaluate the benefits of relationships on wellbeing and respecting diversity. They investigate how emotional responses vary They recognise the influence of emotions on and understand how to interact positively with behaviours and discuss factors that influence They analyse factors that influence emotional others in different situations including in physical how people interact. (3) responses. activities. They describe their own and others’ They gather and analyse health information. Students interpret health messages and discuss contributions to health, physical activity, safety They investigate strategies that enhance their the influences on healthy and safe choices. and wellbeing. (4) own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. They understand the benefits of being fit and They investigate and apply movement concepts physically active. They describe the key features of health-related fitness and the significance of physical activity and strategies to achieve movement and They describe the connections they have to their fitness outcomes. participation to health and wellbeing. (5) community and how these can promote health They examine the cultural and historical They examine how community wellbeing is and wellbeing. significance of physical activities and examine Students apply strategies for working supported by celebrating diversity and how connecting to the environment can cooperatively and apply rules fairly. connecting to the natural and built environment. enhance health and wellbeing. (6) They select and demonstrate strategies that Students explain personal and social skills help them stay safe, healthy and active at home, Students demonstrate skills to work required to establish and maintain respectful at school and in the community. collaboratively and play fairly. (7) relationships and promote fair play and They refine fundamental movement skills and They access and interpret health information. (8) inclusivity. apply movement concepts and strategies in They explain and apply strategies to enhance They justify actions that promote their own and different physical activities and to solve others’ health, safety and wellbeing at home, at their own and others’ health, safety and movement challenges. school and in the community. wellbeing at home, at school and in the They create and perform movement sequences community. (9) Students demonstrate control and accuracy using fundamental movement skills and the when performing specialised movement skills. They perform specialised movement skills and elements of movement. They apply and refine movement concepts and propose and combine movement concepts and strategies to suit different movement strategies to achieve movement outcomes and situations. solve movement challenges. (10) They apply the elements of movement to They apply the elements of movement when compose and perform movement sequences. composing and creating movement sequences. (11)
Sample Assessments*
Activity Assessment Propose responses to water – based scenarios such as: Victorian Water Safety Certificate Assess students against the swimming and water safety knowledge and skills identified in when visiting the beach how do you decide where is safest to swim the Victorian Water Safety Certificate what strategies can you use to stay safe in a boat. Perform a range of specialised movement skills in aquatic environments such as:
swimming competently for a continuous distance of 50 metres (25 meters in freestyle and 25 metres in another stroke). demonstrating sound breathing and stroke techniques. throwing a rope or buoyant object to a person at leave five metres from the side of the pool and pulling or instructing them to safety. Perform survival techniques of sculling, treading water, floating and survival strokes for an extended time (four to six minutes), while clothed, in a pool and/or in open water. *Note the sample assessments listed don’t cover all of the sample activities identified.
© VCAA Page 11