Minutes of the 927Th Meeting of the Stratton-On-The-Fosse Parish Council
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Minutes of the 927th Meeting of the Stratton-on-the-Fosse Parish Council Held in the Village Hall 20 January 2014
PRESENT: Councillors: Mr John Padfield (Chairman), Mr R Jones(vice-Chairman), Mr M Daniels, Mrs J Davies, Mr D Stock, Mr W Quinn. IN ATTENDANCE: Dist Cllr R Carter, Clerk, PUBLIC FORUM: ACTION
1. APOLOGIES: Mr Jeremy Padfield, Mr A Norris, Mrs I Duggan.
A letter of resignation had been received from Cllr Mrs Linda Gittings, which the Chairman read to the Meeting. The reason being that Linda was relocating to another County and all Councillors present were of the opinion that she would be hard to replace, especially in connection with footpath representation. The Chairman was to forward a letter of thanks for her work as a Councillor on behalf of all Councillors.
2. MINUTES: The Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 16 December 2013 were approved as a true record and duly signed.
3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST: There were none.
4. MATTERS ARISING: The Clerk reported on the following action taken since the last meeting: ACTION ACTION POINTS NAME BY DATE Contact Charlie Higgins at Highways to establish why the planned alterations to the Chicane had not happened and why the alternative work had taken place without the PC’s opinion sought before work completed. Clerk had emailed letter re above with cc to Harvey Siggs Jeff Bunting emailed stating that: "The width of the kerbed build-out was reduced to encourage vehicles to take a different path through the chicane; the kerbing on the footway opposite was raised to reduce the problem of vehicles over-running. By reducing the width of the build-out the amount of lateral clearance 1. between vehicles and the kerb line is increased and therefore a consequent reduction in collision risk between pedestrians and vehicles should follow. After careful reflection, I believe that the new arrangements have achieved this and whilst I note that your council’s concern on this matter the site constraints that exist at this location make any other form of improvement difficult to achieve within budget.” Still Councillors were still unhappy that the Parish Council awaiting Harvey had not been consulted before the new design was response Siggs implemented. CC Harvey Siggs will look into this matter. Adopt Financial Regulations and place on Web-site Clerk &Cllr Daniels held meeting to discuss February Agenda 2. Forwarded Councillors Draft financial Regs Meeting Propose to Adopt at Meeting
1 Dog Fouling Bin Needs to be erected asap 3. When positioned notify MDC who will place sign FOC As/when Clerk When positioned notify MDC who will arrange to empty As/when Clerk
Traffic signs obscured by vegetation – Highways have cut phoned around sign, but vegetation obscuring motorist view is the letter Clerk responsibility of landowner. Landowner being Downside. The work on the overgrown vegetation at Green Lane junction had been completed. Chairman reported that Downside had made an excellent job of cutting back at the junction, but wondered if a further 50 yards along the main 4. road toward the lay-by could be cut back also.
Downside acknowledged letter but stated that because it was now term time the work might be delayed. Harvey Siggs will request that Highways completes the asap Harvey job Siggs Dist Cllr Carter would ascertain if/when D/side will do. asap DC Carter
Rubbish collected at Pinch Points – left message not got back Completed 5. Needs digging out.
6. Reported to MDC - drains along A367 and Green Lane blocked Completed Contact Dog Warden MDC to ask advice and/or extra signs denting consequences to dog fouling on Playing Field Contacted Dog Warden stated that would look at and report 7. back. Chase Clerk Clerk had not been contacted by Dog Warden and is difficult to contact. Clerk to chase Meet to discuss future Contract for Lengthsman Duties Next Com. 8. Obtain list of tasks from Cllr Quinn Committee Gardens Mtg Committe New Lamp Post erected in middle of traffic calming island. Notify Western Power/SCC as Health & Safety issue. 9. Chase Clerk Contacted SCC(Phone& email)who will report back- No contact to date 10 Letter to Downside re ivy encroaching ivy on pavement. . Downside replied that would hand job to its gardener. 11 Precept request of £8,500 to be forwarded to MDC completed . 12 Pone/email MDC Planning re RBL development – f/wd letter Completed . 5. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT: No Report received.
6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT: 6.1 Dist Cllr Carter reported that the litter-picking by Downside pupils will commence again after the Christmas break.
6.2 Dist Cllr Carter reported on a fund, obtainable from her, for something to benefit the community, with a form to be filled out as soon as possible (bid to be made Parish within 1 year). Form given to Cllr Daniels. The Parish Council to discuss and Council decide when the result of the bid for the strimmer had been received.
6.3 Dist Cllr Carter would chase Stratton’s bid for a strimmer. DC Carter 7. POLICE MATTERS:
2 PCSO Housley was not in attendance and no Report had been received.
8. PLANNING MATTERS: 8.1 Applications: None
8.2 Permission granted by MDC : None
8.3 Cllr Daniels stated that the Planning web-site at Mendip District Council had not DC been accessible since last September, which was thought to be unacceptable. Dist Carter Cllr Carter would make enquiries to find out what was happening.
9. FINANCIAL MATTERS: 9.1 An Invoice for BT/Broadband (Oct 2013-Jan 2014) amounting to £1 and the new BT Hub amounting to £49 totalling £163.05 was agreed by all Councillors present to be paid. Cheque No.
9.2 An Invoice from Syd for work completed on the Community Gardens amounting to £5,136.00 was agreed to be paid by all Councillors present. Cheque No.
9.3 An Invoice from Mendip Signs for two signs for the Community Gardens amounting to £700.92 had already been paid. Cheque No.
9.4 Bank Forms were reconciled and signed.
10. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS: The Financial Regulations to be placed on the February Agenda Agenda
11. COMMUNITY GARDENS: 11.1 Cllr Stock gave the Clerk his weekly Inspection Report of the Play-Park conducted since the last PC Meeting. There was nothing to follow up.
11.2 It was confirmed that the Community Gardens Committee would discuss the Comm Annual Playground Inspection Report at its next meeting on 24 January 2014. Gardens
12. STREET CLEANING/LENGTHSMAN SCHEME: A meeting was still to be held to discuss details of the Lengthsman Contract. It was Comm. decided that this should be discussed at the Community Gardens Committee meeting to Gardens be held on Thursday 24 January 2014.
13. HIGHWAYS: There was nothing new to report.
14. FOOTPATH: 14.1 It was noted by all Councillors present that, with Cllr Gittings resignation, a new footpath officer would have to be found. 14.2 It was agreed that it did not need to be a Councillor and a parishioner Trevor Letcher was suggested. The Chairman would approach him to ask if he would be Chair interested.
15. PARISH FORUM REPORT: There was nothing to report and the next Meeting would not be until next Year.
3 Cllr Daniels stated that he was still not receiving any information about events in the village for placement on the Web-site. 17. CORRESPONDENCE:
1 Mendip Signs Invoice £700.92 for 2 signs for Community Gardens . Already paid by Cheque.
2 Somerset Proposed Closure of Coleford Re-cycling site. . Waste Board will meet 21 February 2014-01-20 Can write Partnership Monmouth House,Blackbrook Park,Taunton,Somerset TA12PX or email [email protected] with comments/views. Emailed to Councillors 3 Downside Abbey Downside View – ivy encroaching pavement. Will ask . & School gardener to give this attention
4 MDC Parish News Bulletin - Emailed to Councillors .
Magazines/ Brochures: Clerk’s & Councillors Direct Issue 91
Planning: None
Bank Statements: Business Reserve A/C December 20,826.26 Current A/C 50.00 Letters sent:
Cheques: Valerie Attwood £ 163.05 Mr J R Meagor £5,136.00
18. MATTERS OF REPORTS & ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: 18.1 Cllr Stock reported that the Cricket Club had been given a stay of execution by Downside to stay at the ground for this season. The Club had been running, and on this site, for nearly 100 years. It was thought by all Councillors present that the Parish Council should write to the Bursar at Downside, in support for the Cricket Club’s wish to play on this site. Also to ask Downside to give the reason why the Cricket Club had been asked to leave. Dist Cllr Carter was of the opinion that this was a financial decision and that the cost of the groundsman for 6 weeks was a deciding factor. Councillors suggested that maybe the Cricket Club could be given the option to contribute to the payment of the groundsman if this was the case.
18.2 The Clerk to write with the above comments to the Bursar with a copy to the Abbot. Clerk
18.3 Agenda items: Adoption of Financial Regulations.
19. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 19.1 The date of the next Meeting will be on Monday 17 February 2014 at 7.45 19.2 There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.
4 CHAIRMAN______DATE______