Scoring Rubric

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Scoring Rubric



Scoring Rubric:

Scores are calculated with points awarded for each sub-category. It is possible to receive scores in multiple rubric grading categories and to receive less than full points in each category.

1. Responses may be typed or written in blue or black ink. NO PENCILS!

2. Write in COMPLETE SENTENCES with correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and word usage. Use spell check and/or a dictionary.

3. Copying or plagiarism of any kind will result in an automatic failing grade!

Category: 26-29 points 30-33 points 34-37 points 38-42 points Grade: D C B A 1. Writes Clearly and Effectively -Organization Student’s information is Student organizes Student organizes Student organizes not clearly organized and information into information into information into highly does not flow logically beginning, middle, and logical sequence of effective structure from one thought to end structure. ideas connected by using strong another. (6 points) transitions. transitions. (5 points) (7 points) (8 points) -Conventions Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates knowledge of simple knowledge of compound correct use of use of a variety of sentence structure, uses sentence sentence structure and sentence structures end punctuation and structure, uses correct often uses correct appropriate to the capitalizes correctly. Uses internal and end grammatical piece. Always uses many sentence fragments punctuation, capitalizes structure, spelling, language conventions and has many spelling correctly. Some spelling punctuation, and appropriately. errors. errors. capitalization. (8 points) (5 points) (6 points) (7 points) 2. Audience, Purpose and Form -Style Student demonstrates Student uses deliberate Student uses Student presents awareness of audience word specialized vocabulary argumentation and purpose in word choice and some variety relevant to the topic logically or uses choice and sentence in sentence and varies sentence language and structure in a limited structure appropriate to structure. sentence structure to number of forms. form, audience, (7 points) enhance style. (5 points) purpose, and topic. (8 points) (6 points) -Requirements Student does not meet Student meets some Student meets most Student meets all sentence requirements. Sentence requirements. sentence sentence Writes in pencil. (1 point) requirements. requirements. (0.5 points) (1.5 points) (2 points) 3. Content Specific -Accuracy Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates basic knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of deeper understanding scientific principles and scientific principles scientific principles of scientific principles applies them somewhat and applies them and applies them and applies them with correctly. Student fails to correctly the majority of correctly. Student careful thought. answer each question. the time. Student responds to each Student fully (5 points) answers each question. question completely. investigates each (6 points) (7 points) question. (8 points) -Extending Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Knowledge little effort to expand an attempt to expand creativity to look the ability to learn their knowledge past their knowledge beyond the classroom and investigate what was taught in the beyond the classroom by drawing strong outside of the classroom. by making connections connections between classroom by giving (5 points) to real life. topics and real life. concrete examples (6 points) (7 points) and making connections to real life. (8 points)

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