The Honourable Jackson Lafferty, Speaker s2

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The Honourable Jackson Lafferty, Speaker s2


2nd Session Day 75 18th Assembly


Friday, June 2, 2017

Pages 2575 – 2598

The Honourable Jackson Lafferty, Speaker Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories Members of the Legislative Assembly

Speaker Hon. Jackson Lafferty (Monfwi)


Hon. Glen Abernethy Hon. Bob McLeod Mr. Kevin O'Reilly (Great Slave) (Yellowknife South) (Frame Lake) Government House Leader Premier Minister of Health and Social Minister of Executive and Indigenous Services Affairs Hon. Wally Schumann Minister Responsible for the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and (Hay River South) Workers' Safety and Intergovernmental Relations Minister of Industry, Tourism and Compensation Commission Investment Minister Responsible for Seniors Hon. Robert McLeod Minister of Infrastructure Minister Responsible for Persons with Disabilities (Inuvik Twin Lakes) Minister Responsible for the Public Deputy Premier Hon. Louis Sebert Utilities Board Minister of Finance (Thebacha) Minister of Environment and Natural Minister of Justice Resources Minister of Lands Mr. Tom Beaulieu Minister of Human Resources Minister Responsible for the (Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh) Lead Responsibility for Infrastructure Northwest Territories Power Corporation Mr. Frederick Blake Mr. Daniel McNeely Minister Responsible for Public (Mackenzie Delta) (Sahtu) Engagement and Transparency

Hon. Caroline Cochrane Hon. Alfred Moses Mr. R.J. Simpson (Range Lake) (Inuvik Boot Lake) (Hay River North) Minister of Municipal and Community Minister of Education, Culture and Affairs Employment Minister Responsible for Northwest Minister Responsible for Youth Mr. Kieron Testart Territories Housing Corporation (Kam Lake) Minister Responsible for the Status Mr. Michael Nadli of (Deh Cho) Mr. Shane Thompson Women Lead Responsibility for Addressing (Nahendeh) Homelessness Mr. Herbert Nakimayak (Nunakput) Mr. Cory Vanthuyne Ms. Julie Green (Yellowknife North) (Yellowknife Centre) ______Officers Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Mr. Tim Mercer

Deputy Clerk Mr. Doug SchauerteCommittee Clerk Mr. Michael BallLaw Clerks Ms. Sheila MacPherson Mr. Glen Rutland

______Box 1320 Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Tel: (867) 767-9010 Fax: (867) 920-4735 Toll-Free: 1-800-661-0784

Published under the authority of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS

PRAYER...... 2575


191-18(2) – Disability Awareness Week and Disabilities Review (Abernethy) 2575

192-18(2) – Changes to the Income Assistance Program (Moses)...... 2575

193-18(2) – Yellowknife airport Evolution (Schumann)...... 2576


Visiting Colombian Delegation of the International Bar Association's Indigenous Peoples Committee (Thompson)...... 2577

Skills Canada NWT (Vanthuyne)...... 2578

Recognition of Retiring Public Servants Debbie Greenland and Sheila Greenland (Blake)...... 2578

Results of the NWT Housing Corporation Engagement Survey (McNeely).....2578

GNWT Employee Vacancies and Overtime (O'Reilly)...... 2579

City of Yellowknife Living Wage (Green)...... 2579

Offshore Drilling Policies (Testart)...... 2570

Reflections on Aboriginal Day 2017 (Nadli)...... 2570





MOTIONS...... 2593

34-18(2) – Extended Adjournment of the House to September 19, 2017 (Green)2593 FIRST READING OF BILLS...... 2593

Bill 31 – Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2017-2018 ...... 2593

Bill 32 – Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2017- 2018...... 2593


Bill 28 – Interpretation Act...... 2593

Bill 29 – Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017...... 2593

Bill 30 – Health Statutes Law Amendment Act (Cremation Services)...... 2593

Bill 31 – Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures) No. 2, 2017-2018 ...... 2593

Bill 32 – Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures) No. 2, 2017- 2018...... 2593




Bill 15 – An Act to Amend the Tobacco Tax Act...... 2595

Bill 26 – An Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act, No. 2...... 2595

Bill 31 – Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2017-2018 ...... 2595

Bill 32 – Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2017- 2018...... 2595


YELLOWKNIFE, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Friday, June 2, 2017 Members Present Hon. Glen Abernethy, Mr. Blake, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Ms. Green, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. McNeely, Hon. Alfred Moses, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Mr. O'Reilly, Hon. Wally Schumann, Hon. Louis Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne

The House met at 10:01 a.m. Project Public Engagement Questionnaire is part of fulfilling that 2. Prayer commitment. ---Prayer The project is being led by the Department of Health and Social SPEAKER (Hon. Jackson Lafferty): Services in collaboration with non- Masi. Good morning, Members. Item 2, government organizations from the Ministers' statements. Minister of Health disabilities sector and a working group and Social Services. comprised of officials from the 3. Ministers' Statements Departments of Education, Culture and Employment; Municipal and Community MINISTER'S STATEMENT 191-18(2): Affairs; Justice; Finance; and the NWT DISABILITY AWARENESS WEEK Housing Corporation. The disability AND DISABILITIES REVIEW review will document existing resources and identify gaps in disability programs HON. GLEN ABERNETHY: Mr. and services as well as opportunities for Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Disability improvement. This review will ensure Awareness Week is approaching in the government departments are NWT. Each year we acknowledge maximizing the use of existing persons with disabilities and strive to resources, are marketing them raise awareness of challenges they may effectively, and are establishing priority face in their daily lives with accessibility areas for new initiatives, should and inclusion. We also recognize additional resources become available. volunteers who work to help persons with disabilities achieve equality within Through the disability review, we will their communities during the annual also develop a strategic framework and disabilities awareness tea. There are a five-year action plan that addresses more than 3,000 people in the NWT who the needs of persons with disabilities. identify as having a disability. The The action plan will be focused on four GNWT has committed in its mandate to pillars, ensuring services are person- ensuring effective supports and centered and family-driven; improving programs are in place for persons with inclusion and accessibility of services; disabilities. Completing the NWT increasing awareness and education; Disability Program Review and Renewal and coordination, evaluation and June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 7 reporting. As a first deliverable, we will accessing income assistance. For publish an updated inventory of existing example, a family with three children GNWT programs and services in the under six whose annual income is near future. Mr. Speaker, I am confident $45,000 would have received $136.05 that this review and the development of per year before the changes. With the the strategic framework and action plan enhanced benefit, that same family will will enhance and improve the programs now receive $1,397.90, an increase of and services we have for persons with $1,261.85. disabilities, and ultimately enhance their quality of life here in the NWT. Thank The enhanced NWT Child Benefit will you, Mr. Speaker. also now reach more Northwest Territories families, as we have MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Ministers' increased the income threshold to statements. Minister of Education, receive this benefit to $80,000. We Culture and Employment. estimate that more than 2,200 families will benefit from these changes. The MINISTER'S STATEMENT 192-18(2): enhanced Northwest Territories Child CHANGES TO THE INCOME Benefit will continue to be non-taxable, ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and will not be counted as income in the calculation of income assistance HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, benefits. The improved NWT Child Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, over the past Benefit will take effect in July. year, the Department of Education, Culture and Employment has been Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that the making significant changes to the way it amendments to the Income Tax Act provides critical support for the territory's made earlier in this sitting will allow us most vulnerable residents through its to move forward with our plan to help Income Assistance Program. families provide a better quality of life for their children, support their well-being, In 2016, the federal government and give children opportunities to reach announced the Canada Child Benefit. their potential. The Government of the This new benefit had significant Northwest Territories continues to implications for our Income Assistance review and update its Income Security Program, and we revised our program Programs so they respond to the needs so that the new Canada Child Benefit and realities of our residents, including was not counted as income under the the rising cost of living in our territory. Income Assistance program. This This is a critical step toward the health change was intended to ensure all NWT and well-being of families across the residents with families received the full North. These changes, and all of the benefit of this new federal program. Mr. revisions we have undertaken, support Speaker, through a joint initiative with the 18th Legislative Assembly's mandate our colleagues at the Department of to reduce the cost of living, foster Finance we will be increasing the healthy families, improve the Northwest Territories Child Benefit to affordability of childcare, and reduce provide additional financial support to poverty by increasing the benefits to more low- to modest-income families low- and modest-income families. Thank with children and not only those you, Mr. Speaker. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 8

MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Ministers' businesses, utilize the expertise of statements. Minister of Infrastructure. business leaders, and build community awareness for airport-related MINISTER'S STATEMENT 193-18(2): opportunities to enhance business and YELLOWKNIFE AIRPORT economic development for the NWT. EVOLUTION Committee members will help shape the development of the Yellowknife Airport, HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Mr. attract outside investment, and enable it Speaker, the Government of the to act as a catalyst for the wider NWT Northwest Territories has passed economy. The Department of legislation to establish a revolving fund Infrastructure will continue to provide for the Yellowknife Airport. This initiative updates to the Standing Committee on will allow for significant improvements to Economic Development and the airport that will enhance services for Environment and to seek the users and make the airport a bigger committee's input. The revolving fund economic driver for the entire North. budget will be presented as an The new revolving fund will come into information item in the business plan effect on July 1st along with a new and main estimates of the Department airport improvement fee and increases of Infrastructure. Members will also be to aeronautical charges. Mr. Speaker, able to review the airport's progress in the increased revenue generated by the the audited financial statements of the airport will allow us to make critical revolving fund that will be published with changes to the airport facilities to the GNWT's public accounts. Key airport increase business opportunities and stakeholders also provided input in the improve the quality of service for development of a draft business plan for travellers. the Yellowknife Airport identifying improvements necessary for a strong The Department of Infrastructure and effective airport going forward. The continues to communicate with air Department of Infrastructure is revising carriers, businesses, residents, and this business plan using public other stakeholders about these changes feedback. The revised version will be and is committed to ensuring they are made public and implementation of the able to provide input into how these plan will begin in July. All of the actions funds are used. The Yellowknife Airport identified in the business plan will be will benefit from the advice of several accompanied by clear timelines for committees and Members of this implementation. Legislative Assembly. Airport committees include the Airline Mr. Speaker, the Department of Consultative Committee and the Airline Infrastructure plans to renew the Operating Committee, which provide the Yellowknife Airport business plan on an opportunity for the airline community to annual basis. In developing the annual meet formally with airport management plans, the input of all of the advisory to discuss issues of concern and to committees and Members of the develop potential solutions. Legislative Assembly will be critical, and the draft business plan will be shared The Economic Advisory Committee will with the Economic Advisory Committee provide a forum for communications with June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 9 and the airline consultative committee the airport, and wi-fi upgrades are also for their review and input. Each planned. We are creating a Gate 5 committee will provide advice based on Business Centre, which will give mine their mandates and expertise, which will staff unlimited Internet access and include commentary on the airport's increase their productivity during wait developing capital plan. Annual reports times. Industry-specific security will provide information to the public screening will take place at the airport about how well the airport is achieving prior to departure, rather than at the its mission. As the Department of mines upon arrival. This change will Infrastructure refines the current save person-hours and allow staff to business plan, we are not wasting any work more efficiently. time beginning improvements to the Yellowknife Airport. We also heard that better use of space at the airport will reduce congestion. Mr. Speaker, one of the key things we The Department of Infrastructure has heard from the public about plans to relocate the oversize baggage improvements to the airport is more facility in the check-in area of the airport efficient services. Design and to create more passenger queue space. implementation plans are currently We are also working with Edmonton being finalized for common use terminal International Airport to develop an equipment, which allows airlines to economic growth plan that would interchange terminals and ultimately support parking facility upgrades, a shorten check-in wait times. The terminal improvement plan, and a real planned addition of self-service check-in estate growth plan. The Department of kiosks further reduces wait times. The Infrastructure continues to work with air Department of Infrastructure has begun carriers on new routes. Expanding flight developing a tender to complete design options would provide new travel and geotechnical work for an improved opportunities for residents while helping de-icing bay at the airport. This support increased tourism within the improves the efficiency of airline territory. The establishment of a operations while helping ensure on-time revolving fund is enabling the departures for passengers. transformation of the Yellowknife Airport into a centre of capital growth, economic Pre-design of a new security screening investment, and quality service for facility is underway to reduce passenger travellers both outside and within the screening time while continuing to NWT. The Department of Infrastructure maintain a high level of safety and will continue to update airport security for passengers and staff. Some stakeholders and the general public on of you have probably seen that the changes we expect to take off in the Javaroma is now serving food and coming year. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. beverages in the departure lounge. This is just the beginning of our plans for MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Ministers' additional services, food, and beverages statements. Colleagues, I'd like to draw in the security area. A number of your attention to the people in the improved services will also support gallery today. I'm pleased to recognize businesses. New phone charging the Indigenous leaders from Colombia stations will be established throughout who are visiting the NWT this week. We June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 10 have with us Mr. Higinio Obispo, Ahlstrom Wright Oliver & Cooper and is Ms. Martha Peralta, Mr. Antonio Lopez, a former long-term resident of Hay River Mr. Diego Botero, and Ms. Lina and a legal advocate for First Nations, Lorenzoni. They are also accompanied Inuit, and Metis across the North. In July by Mr. Steven Cooper, Mr. Kevin 2015, First Nations representatives from Kossowan, Ms. Mary Grzybowska, Ms. the Northwest Territories attend three Karie Bell, and also it's also interesting communities in Colombia to interact with to have another interpreter in our house. leaders there. The purpose of the It's always great to have another exchange was to discuss the evolution language in the House. Their interpreter of the relationship between northern in the booth is Mr. Tjebbe Donner. Canadian First Nations and extraction Thanks for being here with us. Welcome companies. The Indigenous people in to our Assembly. Welcome to Canada. Colombia are suffering through many of Masi for being here with us. the growing pains that were experienced in the Northwest Territories in the 1970s ---Applause and 1980s and are looking to their Item 3, Members' statements. Member Indigenous colleagues here for for Nahendeh. guidance.

4. Members' Statements The Northwest Territories is being held up as the paradigm for change in MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON Colombian Indigenous circles. The VISITING COLOMBIAN success of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit DELEGATION OF THE in regaining control and establishing INTERNATIONAL BAR autonomy in the Northwest Territories is ASSOCIATION'S INDIGENOUS an inspiration and a framework for PEOPLES COMMITTEE change in Colombia. The visit this week to the Northwest Territories is phase 2 MR. THOMPSON: Thank you, Mr. of the project sponsored by the IBA. Speaker. It's a segue to my Member's They are getting to visit some statement. Mr. Speaker, it is my companies and municipal governments pleasure to welcome to the House to see how we do business. I would like members and guests of the International to thank the organizers for coming here Bar Association's Indigenous Peoples during this sitting to see how our Committee. With a membership of over government system works. I am proud 40,000, the International Bar to say this could be their future model Association is the global voice of the for them. I would like to thank the legal profession. Premier and his office and his staff for Committee Chair Steven Cooper and allowing them here today and to show Vice Chair Lina Lorenzoni organized an them around the Assembly. Thank you, "Indigenous to Indigenous business Mr. Speaker. knowledge exchange program" which MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' has leaders from the Northwest statements. Member for Yellowknife Territories engaging with counterparts in North. Colombia. Mr. Cooper, as many Members may know, is a partner in June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 11

MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON university or not, but we live in a SKILLS CANADA NWT different world. Today, technical and trade schools dedicated to excellence MR. VANTHUYNE: Thank you, Mr. and innovation are popular and growing Speaker. Mr. Speaker, one of the th fast. Skills Canada's message to strengths of the 18 Assembly is our northern youth is that the skilled trades broad range of experiences -- what we are for anyone, and the government's might call our past lives. In this new strategy encourages women and Chamber, we have journalists, non-profit Aboriginal youth to enter into coordinators, lawyers, public servants, apprenticeships. In the NWT and across community leaders, small-business Canada, resources remain at the core of owners, and more. This diversity also our economy. Technical expertise, reflects our constituents. In my own past innovation, and skilled trades will be a life, before I was a small-business centre of growth in our future. owner, I was an apprentice carpenter and cabinet maker, so I understand the Mr. Speaker, this week, northern youth importance of the skilled trades. are competing at the Skills Canada National Competition in Winnipeg. I A few days ago, the Minister of want to wish them all the best and thank Education, Culture and Employment them for representing our territory with tabled the NWT Apprenticeship, Trades their wisdom, strength and, of course, and Occupational Certification Strategy. their skills. Mr. Speaker, trades work. Mr. Speaker, we're going to need that Thank you, Mr. Speaker. strategy, and we're going to have to put it into action soon. To meet our forecast MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' growth, the NWT is going to need more statements. Member for Mackenzie than 2,300 skilled trades jobs by the Delta. year 2030: carpenters, electricians, automotive service technicians, heavy- MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON duty equipment mechanics, plumbers, RECOGNITION OF RETIRING and welders. We are lucky that we have PUBLIC SERVANTS DEBBIE a non-profit organization on the case. GREENLAND AND SHEILA Skills Canada NWT is a registered GREENLAND charity that for almost 20 years has MR. BLAKE: Mr. Speaker, let me engaged youth in the skilled trades in acknowledge a couple of people who our communities. have served the NWT for several years It organizes skills clubs, youth in their respective departments. conferences, regional and territorial Ms. Debbie Greenland, manager for her competitions, and supports our best at department for three communities of national competitions. I am proud to say Fort McPherson, Aklavik, and I have served on its board, and I have Tuktoyaktuk. Debbie Greenland was seen firsthand how Skills Canada employed with the Health and Social makes a difference for our young people Services Authority since 1980 until who want to learn and to work. Mr. 2017, 37 years of service, dedicated to Speaker, in past generations, success her field of helping families and assisting was measured by whether you went to with our schools, working as a June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 12 community liaison to ensure families are efforts to minimize this continued safe and living in a healthy family demand would only be satisfactory. environment. Let me congratulate and thank Debbie for all the years of service, Mr. Speaker, there are many obstacles. and wish her well in her future Our first encounter on delivery is our endeavours. fiscal position. Although we have received limited federal funding Mr. Speaker, please allow me to also assistance, I am supportive of the congratulate and thank Ms. Sheila Housing Corporation in their efforts on Greenland, teacher at Moose Kerr forging ahead. Advancing forward with School, in her field since 1994 to 2017, the limited means of what we have can 23 years of instructing our children. only reassure the people of the Being a teacher also means being a Northwest Territories that we are trying. parent. At 8:30 in the morning to 3:30 in This unique part of Canada, with the the afternoon, Sheila is responsible for many logistical challenges, provides our our children, and makes every effort to administration to champion these teach them math, show them how to difficulties, and provide a product that read, and how to write. It is people like serves the aspiration of the people in Sheila who dedicate their time to our our small, remote communities. schools, and we are sad to see her leave. Sheila has dedicated her time to I am also glad of the many strategies education both in Inuvik and Aklavik, developed by this government, and we wish her well in her future goals. execution, and implementation. It is Both ladies, Mr. Speaker, have a wealth altogether a separate initiative. I look of knowledge, and are going to be forward to areas of community missed in the Delta. Good luck, Debbie, consultation and engagements, and and good luck, Sheila. Thank you, Mr. provide my extended efforts. Mr. Speaker. Speaker, to maximize the implementation with positive additional MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' results, the Housing Corporation should statements. Member for Sahtu. also undertake and conduct a policy efficiency review. Later, Mr. Speaker, I MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON will have questions for the appropriate RESULTS OF THE NWT Minister. Mahsi. HOUSING CORPORATION ENGAGEMENT SURVEY MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' statements. Member for Frame Lake. MR. MCNEELY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The NWT Housing MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON Corporation released its survey, a 172- GNWT EMPLOYEE VACANCIES page document, right from AND OVERTIME homelessness to home ownership. Addressing the demands for the people MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le in the Northwest Territories is challenge President. On February 14, 2017, I sent by itself. Firstly, I agree we cannot meet a Valentine's Day message to the the demands for housing over the term Minister of Human Resources, in the of this Assembly; however, Mr. Speaker, form of a set of written questions regarding vacancy and overtime June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 13 statistics. I recognize this was a except it was highest in December over complicated and lengthy set of the holiday period. questions, and that the department likely had to expend a fair amount of effort to Lastly, for sick leave, from April 2016 to pull together that information. I sincerely mid-February 2017, 71,000 hours out of thank the Minister and his staff for 117,000 total GNWT-wide hours, or pulling the information together. about 61 per cent, are for employees in the Health and Social Services Today, I offer some observations on that Authorities. Almost half of the total sick data tabled in this House on May 25th. hours for departmental staff are found in The vacancies in our department for the Justice department alone. I will have indeterminate positions from June 2016 questions for the Minister of Human to January 2017 vary from 98 to 136. Resources, now known as the Minister That seems like a lot to me, and I of Finance, later today about how we wonder whether there is any way that can reduce our overtime and sick leave, we can make our recruitment efforts and improve the quality of life for our more efficient. Perhaps the most valued employees. Merci, Mr. Speaker. surprising thing I found in the data the Minister provided was that overtime MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' payments for 2016-2017, from April to statements. Member for Yellowknife mid-February, totalled more than $11.42 Centre. million. The agencies and departments MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON with the greatest overtime were: CITY OF YELLOWKNIFE LIVING • Stanton Hospital at $2.05 million; WAGE • Transportation at $1.98 million; MS. GREEN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I welcome the changes • Environment and Natural Resources that are coming to the NWT Child at $1.96 million; Benefit, and I appreciate that fact that • Justice at $1.16 million; there will be a group of people who have modest incomes who will now receive All of the other regional Health and more money as a result of this benefit, Social Services authorities ranging from and that is a good thing. Yellowknife at $186,000 to the Delta Beaufort at $557,000; and I want to give a little perspective, though, on how much money it actually • Public Works and Services at costs to live in the NWT, and in $410,000. Yellowknife in particular. A known profit organization here in Yellowknife Departmental overtime seems to have contracted an economist to figure out occurred mainly over the summer what the living wage would be in months of June, July, and August, and Yellowknife, and in 2015, the answer that makes sense given the fire and was that a family of four with one child in construction seasons. I didn't see any school and one in childcare would need patterns in terms of the overtime for the $80,000, and that would only cover their Health and Social Services authorities, basics: food, shelter, childcare, transportation, clothing, and so on. What June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 14

I want to underline here today is that while I have some questions about that, income assistance, even with the what I really want to know is what we addition of the child benefit, is still going are doing to support oil and gas to keep people in poverty who are now development in the Northwest in poverty, if they are on income Territories. assistance. I know that the Minister, in his state of Mr. Speaker, the living wage is based the economy address, shall we call it on the premise that no one who works that, earlier this week, also touched on full-time should live in poverty, and it this issue, but one thing we are not offers a systemic solution to poverty by addressing are the massive cuts we paying people who are working full-time have made to the public service a living wage. This is a campaign that capacity to manage oil and gas has been undertaken across the resources. Five million dollars has been country. There has been some uptake in cut from their budgets. The Premier has the NWT, but the campaign at the made statements on one side saying, moment is dormant because it has not "We need this economic opportunity," been funded by the GNWT to continue. I while on the other side he has said, "Oil want to stress the potential it has for and gas is gone for the foreseeable people to earn enough money to meet future." I would like to challenge him on their basic needs rather than depending those statements. We have a huge on government handouts, which nobody amount of work ahead of ourselves to wants at the end of the day. I would like get the North ready for offshore drilling, to just provide that perspective today if that is the direction we want to take. and to ask the Minister of Education, Oil companies cannot ensure that they Culture and Employment in particular, can properly address problems that who is now considering changes to a happen on rigs. We all know that some different category, the minimum wage, of these offshore rigs have huge to consider what it really costs to live challenges with environmental damages here in setting these rates. Thank you. when the proper spill responses are not in place, and the Arctic Ocean has been MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' identified as one of those major statements. Member for Kam Lake. challenges. I do not see any work ongoing to address those challenges or MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON to put government processes and OFFSHORE DRILLING POLICIES regulations in place that are going to MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. allow us to assure Northerners that we Speaker. I rise today on our last sitting can deliver prosperity through an oil and day to address an issue that has been gas regime that protects our very fragile bothering me for quite some time. It is arctic environment. indisputable that the North has an We cannot ignore these problems, and abundant wealth of petroleum we cannot just stand up and criticize resources. Many of those are located another government's decision, which is offshore in the Beaufort Delta. What we their right to make, without addressing have heard from the Premier is these concerns. If we are going to do oil opposition to the arctic drilling ban, and and gas, let's make sure we have the June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 15 possibility, the capacity, to do it right. I questions. Item 5, recognition of visitors am going to be asking the Premier if he in the gallery. can clarify that work is going on, and if we can assure our residents that we can 5. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery deliver both economic prosperity and environmental protection, because that MR. SPEAKER: Colleagues, I would is what Northerners today expect from like to draw your attention to our guests their government. Thank you, Mr. in the gallery. Former legislative librarian Speaker. for our Assembly, Ms. Vera Raschke. Ms. Raschke is joined by her fellow MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' retired legislative librarians, Ms. Lynn statements. Member for Deh Cho. Brodie of the Library of Parliament of Canada, and Ms. Donna Burton of the MEMBER'S STATEMENT ON Ontario Legislative Library. Welcome, REFLECTIONS ON ABORIGINAL and what part of retirement don't you DAY 2017 three understand? Thanks. Masi for joining us. Thanks for being here. It is MR. NADLI: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. always great to have an audience as Looking ahead, June 21st will be part of our proceedings. Recognition of Aboriginal Day. I just wanted to take a visitors in the gallery. Member for moment to talk about that day, in Nahendeh. particular here in the NWT and across Canada, when Indigenous people MR. THOMPSON: Thank you, Mr. across this nation are trying to reflect Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to upon their history and look forward in recognize the Indigenous group of terms of trying to determine their place people from Colombia. I would like to in Canadian society and, on a big thank them for showing up here. As important front, our place in the world. I well, two friends of mine, Mary, I will not just wanted to reflect in my language in try to say your last name, because I terms of seeking some points for people think the speaker did a good job. And of to consider as they gather during the course, Mr. Steven Cooper, who is summer. unfortunately a long-time friend of mine. He knows all my stories, and I have to [English translation not provided.] say thank you for keeping the stories Mr. Speaker, I just wanted to wish quiet, but remember, if you share everyone a good summer. There are stories, I share stories. I would like to going to be a lot of important meetings, thank him, and I would like to thank his and one thing that elders have always firm and his staff for doing all the good stated to us is that we need to work work for Aboriginal people in the together, and I think that is a message Northwest Territories and across that people should consider throughout Canada. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. the Assembly in the summertime. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of Mahsi. visitors in the gallery. Member for Sahtu. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Members' MR. MCNEELY: Thank you, Mr. statements. Item 4, returns to oral Speaker. I, too, would like to recognize our guests in the gallery here today, and June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 16

I also recognize our two Pages from MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of Fort Good Hope, Arianna Laboucan, visitors in the gallery. Member for Kam and Patricia Mukhamadieva. I think that Lake. is how you pronounce it, Mr. Speaker. I also want to thank everybody. Like my MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. previous colleagues, I wish everybody a Speaker. I would like to take this safe summer. Mahsi. opportunity to recognize and thank all the Pages for their hard work over this MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of sitting. I would also like to recognize my visitors in the gallery. Member for Frame constituency assistant, Mr. Garett Lake. Cochrane. I couldn't do this job without him, and I am very appreciative that he MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le is joining us here today. Thank you. President. I would like to recognize one of our Pages, Michael Le. He is a MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of resident of the Frame Lake riding, and visitors in the gallery. Member for he is a student at the Weledeh School. I Yellowknife Centre. just want to thank all the Pages for their work during this short sitting and MS. GREEN: Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. congratulate them all on their selection Speaker, it is my pleasure to introduce for serving us and working with us over my partner, Janice McKenna, who lives the duration of the last week. Mahsi, Mr. in the same riding as I do, and I want to Speaker. thank her for her ongoing support for me in this job. As everybody here knows, MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of this is a job that takes a real toll on visitors in the gallery. Member for families and family life. I appreciate the Yellowknife South. fact that she is always so supportive. Mahsi. HON. BOB MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, would like to recognize MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of two Pages from Yellowknife South, Elle visitors in the gallery. If we have missed Mitchener and Drew Wolfe, and I thank anyone in the gallery, thank you for them for providing services to the being here with us. It is always great to Assembly and also to all the other have an audience as part of our Pages. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. proceedings. Masi. Item 6, acknowledgments. Item 7, oral MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Recognition of questions. Member for Nahendeh. visitors in the gallery. Member for Thebacha. 6. Oral Questions

HON. LOUIS SEBERT: Thank you, Mr. QUESTION 809-18(2): Speaker. I would like to recognize all our EXPANSION OF NORTHERN guests in the gallery, in particular STUDIES CURRICULUM Steven Cooper, a colleague of mine for many years. I would also like to MR. THOMPSON: Thank you, Mr. recognize and thank two of the Pages Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this past from Fort Smith: Hannah Porter and Wednesday the Minister of Education, Bronwyn Rutherford-Simon. Thank you. Culture and Employment and his June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 17 department had the opportunity to understanding is Northern Studies 10 is present to the Standing Committee on a course requirement for students to Social Development on the NWT graduate. Will these other two Northern Education Renewal initiative. Mr. Studies courses be deemed Speaker, it was a really good, very prerequisites for our students to informative, and good presentation. graduate? If so, why? Today, my questions are directed to the Minister around some parts of this HON. ALFRED MOSES: Yes, currently presentation. Mr. Speaker, can the Northern Studies 10 is a required course Minister please explain to this House to graduate for all NWT students in the what type of course material is being Northwest Territories. What is exciting developed as it pertains to Northern about Northern Studies 10 is that the Studies 20 and 30? Thank you, Mr. curriculum is around residential schools, Speaker. so our students learn about residential schools and how they are part of our MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Minister of history in the North and throughout Education, Culture and Employment. Canada. Northern Studies 20 and 30, there is a lot of interest with our HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, Aboriginal governments who we have Mr. Speaker. Currently, we just have been consulting with. As I have Northern Studies 10 in the curriculum mentioned in the House, Alberta is that is being offered throughout the redesigning their curriculum, and we Northwest Territories. We do have a have our staff who are working with staff Wise People Committee made up of in Alberta to redesign the curriculum. Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders that is currently working on a Northern We are going to try to see if there is an Studies 20 and 30. Following the same opportunity that our Northern Studies 20 process that we did with Northern and 30 courses can also be the Studies 10, the Northern Studies 20 and equivalent to Social Studies 20 and 30. 30, under direction of the Wise People Those talks are in discussions with the Committee, are looking at exploration Alberta government, and as you know, and developments of things like land we are unique in the North and we claims, treaties, self-governments that follow the Alberta curriculum. We are are all going to be focused on Northern going to see if that is a possibility. As I Studies 20 and 30. That is the direction mentioned, those talks are currently that they are moving toward: letting our happening right now. youth and our people who take our Northern Studies 20 and 30 courses, MR. THOMPSON: I thank the Minister when we start offering them, learn about for his answer on two of my other their culture, their traditions, as well as questions. I thank him very much for their history. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. that. Can the Minister please advise us as to when we think we will see this MR. THOMPSON: I thank the Minister being implemented for the school year? for his answer. Mr. Speaker, this is very exciting news, as we educate our youth HON. ALFRED MOSES: Yes, as I on the history of the Northwest mentioned, we do have a committee Territories. Mr. Speaker, my that is currently working on it. We are collaborating with our Aboriginal June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 18 governments, engaging our Aboriginal opportunities, direct appointments, and governments on what they would like to regional recruitment programs. Also, the see in this curriculum. It is very intern program that we have is very important to get their knowledge, so that successful. As I was saying in the we can in return teach our youth in the House earlier this session, the summer school system. I imagine over the next student would also be another excellent two or three years, I think the curriculum recruitment tool. will be completed, and hopefully delivered in the school system. We have 272 plus, I believe, another 46 or 50 offers that were still out there, so MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. those are the different types of Member for Frame Lake. recruitment strategies that we are using. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. QUESTION 810-18(2): GNWT EMPLOYEE VACANCIES MR. O'REILLY: I thank the Minister for AND OVERTIME his response. Our government is spending a lot of money, more than $11 MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le million between April 2016 and mid- President. Earlier today, I offered some February 2017, on overtime. Can the observations on statistics for employees Minister explain what efforts we are as provided by the Minister of Human making to reduce overtime, and whether Resources, now the Minister of Finance. that includes hiring more full-time staff at There appear to be about 100 vacant, a reduced cost? undetermined departmental positions at any given time. Can the Minister explain HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: We haven't whether this is comparable to other hired more full-time staff, but we have jurisdictions, and what efforts we are introduced full-time relief positions to making to improve our recruitment provide coverage where needed. Relief efficiency? Merci, Mr. Speaker. employees say they are an important part of the GNWT, and their use is a MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Minister of very important part of ensuring that vital Finance. programs and services are provided to the residents of the Northwest HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, Territories without interruption. As of Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the GNWT is December 31, 2016, the GNWT has had a very large organization. Staff turnover 374 relief employees, and overtime is and vacancies are a reality. Our authorized for operations required as vacancies do change from day to day. necessary to support our programs, As of March 31 of this year, our vacancy services, and delivery. In the Member's rate was 3.4 per cent. I don't have statement, he quoted the number of comparisons with other governments, departments that do have a lot of but we would assume that our rate overtime, and it is a lot of the would be similar to the national average departments where they are fairly across the economy. We put various stressful jobs, so there are times when efforts towards recruitment and filling folks need to be called in to relieve the vacancies, including the use of employees who are there. competitive process, transfer assignments, development June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 19

MR. O'REILLY: I thank the Minister MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le again for that information. I am glad that President. I truly do appreciate the he recognizes that overtime is stressful commitment of the Minister to look into on our employees, and that the idea of that and provide further information to relief workers is a good one. I will be us on this side. Sick leave hours for tracking this during the rest of my term, employers are concentrated in the certainly. As I mentioned earlier today, Health and Social Services authorities though, a great deal of the overtime is and in the Department of Justice. While concentrated in Health and Social I can understand how health and social Services authorities, and Stanton workers are often overworked and need hospital alone accounted for 18 per cent to take sick leaves, it's not clear what is of the overtime costs. This may not happening in Justice. Can the Minister come as a surprise to our healthcare explain these patterns of sick leave and and social workers, but I believe this is what are we doing to improve employee causing a lot of stress and burnout. wellness? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. What is our government doing to reduce overtime particularly in the Health and HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, Social Services authorities and at Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we can do Stanton hospital, which is actually in my some analysis. However, in 24-7 riding? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. continued operations where shift work is required, if you notice a pattern, there HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, does seem to be some sick leave but Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as I that's working 24-7. The health and mentioned before, there are a lot of wellness are in the workplace are a key relief positions that we have and there is initiative of the NWT, and this includes some overtime that does happen within raising awareness about the GNWT the health authorities. Part of that can Employee and Family Assistance be attributable to the fact that it is a Program as well as providing a variety highly stressful job and there are times of education sessions on health and when the regular workers can't make it wellness related topics. There was also in so they have to call a relief person in. a suggestion earlier in this Assembly There was a study, in my about the concept of having Shane understanding, done a few years ago, I Days as well. think, by Health and Social Services on the amount of overtime that was being MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. used across the health authorities in the Member for Kam Lake. Northwest Territories. My understanding QUESTION 811-18(2): is there was no particular OFFSHORE DRILLING POLICIES recommendations that came out of that, but I will follow up with the Minister of MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. Health and Social Services to see if I Speaker. On the issue of offshore can obtain a copy of the study that was drilling, most Arctic nations have noted done and I will share the information several concerns related to offshore with the Member. drilling. The environmental sensitivity, remote locations with limited access, oil MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. spill response, and winter Arctic Member for Frame Lake. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 20 conditions, limited Arctic class drilling them in a political forum. Can the and marine infrastructure, late season Premier answer that, why his approach operating challenges such as limited has changed and his relationship with daylight and ice conditions. The Canada on this issue? proposed solutions to these problems haven't often worked. I'd like to ask the HON. BOB MCLEOD: The Member is Premier if he believes that industry is quite quick to put words into my mouth, positioned well enough to safely conduct but I'll set the record straight. We were a Arctic drilling in our waters or offshore of bit opposed to the process and the Northwest Territories. Thank you. approach that the Government of Canada took to impose a permanent MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The Honourable moratorium and ban on oil and gas Premier. drilling in the Beaufort Sea. That's what we're opposed to. We have wanted a HON. BOB MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. system that would be safe and protect Speaker. There have been over 100 the environment. We believe in balance, wells drilled in the Beaufort Sea and we development, and to permanently ban have not had a blow-out like they have oil and gas drilling without input from had in the Gulf of Mexico. Thank you, people most affected without any Mr. Speaker. economic development strategy in place MR. TESTART: Well, I appreciate that to offset the jobs that would be lost, to we've been safe so far, but these leave trillions of dollars' worth of oil and problems persist. This is the reason why gas in the ground, I think is abandoning a ban was put in place by Canada. I'd the responsibility. Also, we negotiated in just like to take a minute to quote from good faith the Devolution Agreement debates in Hansard of February 2, 2013, with the Government of Canada. Part of when the Premier said: that Devolution Agreement was that we would negotiate the coal management "The Government of the Northwest of the Beaufort Sea and the offshore Territories is focused on managing the and also how resource revenues would business of the territory. It has to be our be dealt with. That's what we're primary objective not telling the concerned about. Government of Canada how it should do its business. Further, we aren't the MR. TESTART: I appreciate that federal opposition. We're governing our explanation from the Premier. There's a own right and we need to concentrate clause in that Devolution Agreement on managing our own affairs. We will that allows us to take disputes through continue to work with the federal that process. Is the Premier going to use government and raise issues that matter the Devolution Agreement to bring to Northerners." Canada to task on this issue? I should point out that it's not a permanent ban. So why has the Premier now taken a It's a five-year ban that can be revisited, different approach to this, which seems so is the Premier going to wait for five not to respect the jurisdiction of Canada; years until we can revisit that decision or and instead of working with Canada to are we going to access the Devolution find a solution to the challenges related Agreement to start these negotiations to offshore drilling, we've condemned early and as he's clearly stated, he's a June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 21 strong believer in this economic not at the tables, so perhaps this will opportunity. Are we going to make it inform his relationship when we're happen through the Devolution working with the government to find out Agreement? how to make good decisions for people. My last question, Mr. Speaker, we've cut HON. BOB MCLEOD: I'm a strong $5 million out of our public service believer that, if we pontificate on capacity to address oil and gas something, we should make sure we get development in the Northwest the facts right. In this case, it is a Territories. With what little is left, is that permanent ban and the Prime Minister being used to address these issues and has written to me to confirm that and, as to develop an appropriate response to well, he has stated that they would offshore drilling? Thank you. review the need for a moratorium every five years. I've also written to him HON. BOB MCLEOD: Mr. Speaker, expressing my concern about the fact there's an old saying about shutting the that we have had no responses to our barn door after the cows have left the request to get on with a negotiation of barn. We have no oil and gas offshore management. He wrote back development production going on in the and indicated that he has put together a Northwest Territories as of this date. If reviewed team led by Minister Carr and you look around the territory, there's not Minister Bennett in which they will be one drop of oil being produced. A large undertaking a one-year consultation part of this is the oil and gas moratorium process with existing offshore oil and in the Beaufort where everything is shut gas rights holders to seek views on their down and, since then, there's been no interest. This process will engage key other oil and gas development. People partners including rights holders, have lost confidence in their ability. If territorial governments, and land claim the federal government can wipe away agreement holders. These consultations trillions of dollars of oil and gas in one will be an opportunity to discuss a swipe, then how do you expect industry number of issues that you have raised to invest millions of dollars to develop? including home management and As a government, if there is no activity resource revenue arrangements in the what do you want these people to do? If Beaufort Sea. We believe that those are there is nothing going on, do you want legal commitments and that we should them to sit there? That is why we have get on with it and it's not something that taken the approach that we are going to we should tie on to some other process get ready, we are going to develop an where we can just raise it. oil and gas strategy, and when oil and gas industry comes back, if it comes MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. back, we will be ready to go. Thank you, Member for Kam Lake. Mr. Speaker. MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. Speaker. It sounds like the Premier is Member for Sahtu. starting to understand what it's like to be a Regular Member. Often, we raise concerns that are put to study or put to an internal working group when we're June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 22

QUESTION 812-18(2): HON. CAROLINE COCHRANE: Again, RESULTS OF THE NWT as I stated in the previous question, I HOUSING CORPORATION have already made commitments to the ENGAGEMENT SURVEY Aboriginal municipal governments to get them out in a timely basis. It was tabled MR. MCNEELY: Thank you, Mr. the other day, and so we are working on Speaker. As I mentioned in my getting it out immediately. However, I Member's statement, my question is to have not done the Sahtu tour yet, and the Minister of Housing. My first there was a commitment made by our question: will the Voices on Housing Premier to get Ministers out into all the survey be shared with the community communities. So I would be more than leaders to a public forum? Mahsi, Mr. willing to do a tour of the Sahtu to be Speaker. able to take any input that the MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Minister communities may have in any of the responsible for the NWT Housing portfolios that I carry, including the Corporation. Voices on Housing document. HON. CAROLINE COCHRANE: Thank MR. MCNEELY: Thanks for that you, Mr. Speaker. I had previously made response to the Minister. The attraction a commitment and I have made that in the Sahtu this time of year is very commitment at every meeting that I ideal for fishing. As part of the have made, bilateral meetings, consultation here, will the Minister individual meetings with Aboriginal commit to developing an action plan governments, municipal governments. I based on the survey so that a next step have committed to sharing the Voices engagement is consulted with the forum on Housing report to Aboriginal and if it is on a regional basis, and commit to municipal governments, and I will do that action plan being delivered as well? that, but it will not probably be in a HON. CAROLINE COCHRANE: Now public forum. The reason is because I that the survey is completed, we are in need to get them out timely and we the process of actually developing an have 33 communities all with municipal action plan not for the dissimilation of governments and Aboriginal the material, but also to make sure that governments. There are huge lists, and we meet all the needs and that we if I was to do them all individually it address the policies and programs in a would take me many, many months. So, timely manner, defining which ones can no, I will be distributing the information be solved early, which ones will take via letter. We are in the process of doing more consultation and time to deliver. that now, and it is not that I would not So we are developing an action plan on like to it publically. It is that we need to how to do that now? We are going to try be timely in the distribution. Thank you. to be as inclusive of communities as Mr. Speaker. possible in the determination of the final MR. MCNEELY: Will the Minister policies, so once we roll out with the commit to a regional Sahtu forum to policies we will be looking for feedback. engage in the delivery of the survey? At this point, I cannot say what that feedback will look like because we are still developing that strategy. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 23

MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. am wondering: can the Minister give us Member for Sahtu. more detail on industry partnerships the government has developed to support MR. MCNEELY: Thank you, Mr. increased training and employment and Speaker. I look forward to engaging how are we going to get these kids in community consultations or a regional front of potential employers? Thank you, forum with the Minister, so would the Mr. Speaker. Minister provide me some suggested dates here over the coming summer on MR. SPEAKER: Minister of Education, the availability to discuss in some form Culture and Employment. to include community leaders of the Sahtu and also discuss some of the HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, fruits of the labour of this document here Mr. Speaker. First off, I just want to for the rest of the term so the general thank the Member for his support and public can have an idea what are the encouragement for our students objectives for the term of this participating in the National Skills government? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Canada Competition, and good luck to those students as well. We do have HON. CAROLINE COCHRANE: Thank some really good students up here in you, Mr. Speaker. As stated before, I am the skills area. Along with the strategy more than willing to visit the Sahtu that we did table earlier and made region for a constituency tour to address comments about, we do have a board all issues that community members in that is made up of mostly industry. It is that region may have including the an industry-driven board. So they do a housing survey, and I am committing to lot of the work and we work through that try to be as inclusive as possible in the board to get a lot of this information out. development of the policies and the new They come up with a lot of the ideas on programs going forward. However, I how we should move forward in terms of cannot state yet what that would look putting the strategy forward, and in the like because we are still developing the strategy we do have a lot of key actions plan on how to roll that out. that we are going to be working to complete and address, and it is mostly MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. through this industry-driven board and Member for Yellowknife North. working with our department that we are going to be focusing on getting those QUESTION 813-18(2): students into the job industry. APPRENTICESHIP AND TRADES INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS MR. VANTHUYNE: Thank you to the Minister for his reply and his MR. VANTHUYNE: Thank you, Mr. acknowledgement to my Member's Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier in the statement. I appreciate that. Mr. week, the Minister of Education, Culture Speaker, in the Minister's statement he and Employment issued a good also talked about how they will be statement about the NWT implementing incentives for employers apprenticeship and trades strategy. The and in particular encouraging target Minister's statement described efforts to groups like Indigenous residents and connect industry and employers through women to consider careers in the trades partnerships in education and training. I June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 24 and that is good, but I would like to NWT currently? Have we been tracking elaborate with the Minister and ask him: northern employment retention in the can he describe the ways in which the trades? department will encourage the women and Indigenous people themselves to HON. ALFRED MOSES: That is one of participate in trades and the goals of our strategy, is to keep a apprenticeship? northern workforce here in the North working, as well as looking at recruiting HON. ALFRED MOSES: The resources others to come up here and help that are going to be used to encourage industry for the in-demand jobs that we this is through the schools. We will talk are seeing that is out there. I don't have with students in the schools, as well as the exact data in front of me of how our career development officers, our many are still here and how many we employment transition officers that go are recruiting, but I can get that out into the communities and actually information for the Member and share it get this information to those that might with him. be on income assistance or looking at a career moving forward, and most MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. recently we also made an Member for Yellowknife North. announcement and an improvement into MR. VANTHUYNE: Thank you, Mr. our small community employment Speaker, and yes, I would agree that support program that does on-the-job that is an important aspect. I mean, if we training, so we will work with our are the ones putting the effort and the Aboriginal groups. As you heard earlier, investment into our youth and having one of my colleagues mentioned that we them become successful trades do have these bilateral meetings and journeypeople, well, then we would like this is something that we can continue to see them stay here in the North and to support and work together with our be contributors here. Mr. Speaker, we stakeholders and partners throughout obviously live in changing times. I would the Northwest Territories to encourage like to know: how does the department more Indigenous people getting to the ensure that it stays on top of changing trades or into the workforce, as well as industry trends and technical women into the trades and other innovations to make sure that our workforces. apprentices and tradespeople have the MR. VANTHUYNE: Thank you to the most up-to-date knowledge and skills Minister once again for a good answer possible? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. on that. I think the small community HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, support program will be an excellent Mr. Speaker, and with our way in which to accomplish that. Mr. Apprenticeship, Trades and Speaker, the Minister's statement says Occupational Certification Board, when that approximately 4,700 apprentices we have meetings with them, get have been certified under the updates, we will ensure that. This is a government's apprenticeship program. concern of the Member, but I am sure That is, in my view, a success. Does the they stay on top of it. It is industry- department have any figures to indicate driven, so anything new and innovative how many of those people remain in the that we are doing in industry, I am sure June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 25 the board is on top of that. I have full airport, we believe it is going to be an trust and confidence that they are economic driver for the City of working in the best interests of industry, Yellowknife and the citizens of the but also in the best interests of Northwest Territories. I believe that is Northerners, and we will make sure that something that we are going to have to is part of the next discussions that we have a look at through the business have with the board. process. As I have said in the House, we have a number of consultative MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. committees that look at this issue, and I Member for Hay River North. will make sure that this is one of the ones that is on the table for them to QUESTION 814-18(2): have a look at moving forward. Thank YELLOWKNIFE AIRPORT you, Mr. Speaker. HOURS OF OPERATION MR. SIMPSON: Maybe someday, I MR. SIMPSON: Thank you, Mr. guess. The Minister also mentioned the Speaker. On our last sitting, I brought up Department of Infrastructure is working the issue of airline passengers arriving with carriers on new or expanded at the Yellowknife Airport late at night; routes. I know airfare and air travel into you know, if a flight is delayed, maybe at Hay River is a major issue. Can the 1:00 in the morning or so, and then Minister confirm whether or not the having to catch their connecting flight to Department of Infrastructure is working Hay River early the next morning. The on bringing new air carriers into the issue was that the airport would close Yellowknife-Hay River route or perhaps for about a 90-minute window, and working on a route from Yellowknife to these people have to find somewhere to Edmonton that stops in Hay River? stay. Often there are no hotel rooms, and I know people who were lucky HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Our job is enough that a cab driver let them sleep not to lobby airline industries for which on their couch for those couple hours. I routes they take. Our job is to put the asked the Minister about this before. He practices and opportunities in place that told me that, once Bill 7 passes, the allow for businesses to develop in the revolving fund, which it did, they would Northwest Territories. I believe we have start looking into this. Today he made a done that setting up the revolving fund. statement on the Yellowknife Airport What came out of that, as soon as we Evolution, and I am wondering is a plan brought this initiative forward, we had a to keep the airport open 24 hours in the number of air carriers get a hold of the works so that his constituents do not department about possible routes have to sleep on strangers' couches. coming particularly to the YZF airport Thank you, Mr. Speaker. around the revolving fund. I think that is an ongoing basis, and I think there are MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Minister of great opportunities particularly for the Infrastructure. YZF airport. HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Thank I will speak to Hay River in short, as I you, Mr. Speaker. As I stated in the know the Mayor of Hay River has raised House today, as we move forward on this as a concern. I know he has July 1st with the revolving fund for the June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 26 reached out to a couple carriers in contaminations in buildings, inability to specific to try to get them to bring get leases, we have not been able to get opportunities to Hay River and have a a firm location. We have come up with a look at it. I believe as the economy in temporary solution that will be beginning the South Slave picks up with a couple shortly. We are looking at doing some of initiatives that we are looking at joint releases with the city. I will not say moving forward down there, there will be what that is at this point in time, but I did an opportunity maybe for an air carrier share it with the Members. The to have a better look at it, and the Members did get an update by e-mail economies of scales will work a little bit where we are, and I did indicate that we better for them. I personally have are working on a joint release with the reached out to one carrier myself, too, to city. At that point, I will be making it ask them to have a look at the situation public to residents of Yellowknife in the in Hay River. North. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. MS. GREEN: I thank the Minister for his Member for Yellowknife Centre. answer. I understand that what he is working on now is a temporary solution. QUESTION 815-18(2): Could he please talk about what he is CREATION OF A YELLOWKNIFE doing toward a long-term solution? SOBERING CENTRE HON. GLEN ABERNETHY: We have to MS. GREEN: Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. look at this in a short-, medium-, and Speaker, yesterday in Committee of the long-term approach. We do have Whole, we rolled the money for the something in the works for the short sobering centre into the current year's term, which we hope to be announcing spending because the money had not very shortly, in cooperation with the city, been spent last year. So it seems like a who has been a fantastic partner on good time to ask the Minister of Health this. In the medium-term, well, we have and Social Services for an update on to put it in medium-term because there creating a sobering centre in is a longer plan in place. We have Yellowknife. Thank you. looked to acquire and put a hold on the downtown location, which is the MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Minister of Yellowknife Day Care at this point. They Health and Social Services. are vacating the building. The GNWT HON. GLEN ABERNETHY: Thank you, owns the building. That building does Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have been have to come down. We believe that in the Assembly for a large number of that is a prime location for a sobering years now, and this has been possibly centre day shelter in the downtown core, one of the most frustrating files that I but we will not be able to move onto that have worked on. Something that should site for approximately two years, which be such a good news story has turned means we have to come up with a out to be quite a frustration. We had medium-term solution. hoped we would have a location by now. For the medium-term solution, we are We have had several locations that we looking at a number of different thought we were very close on, and for properties in Yellowknife. We have got a variety of reasons such as June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 27 two that are possible. I would hate to the details and there's another property say what those properties are because that may be available. We're trying to we have had lots of properties that got ascertain whether or not that is really close, almost to the point where something we can get on the medium- we were ready to do some retrofitting, term basis. and have failed at the last minute due to environmental remediation or other I've made the mistake, Mr. Speaker, of issues. So we have a short-term saying we're close a couple of times on solution we are going to be announcing a medium-term solution, so I'm going to shortly. We are still looking for the cautious. I want to say that we're going medium-term, and we have a long-term to have something in place shortly. The plan for a future sobering centre day only thing I can say for sure is we've got shelter here in Yellowknife. a short-term solution in place that we're going to announce shortly. That will take MS. GREEN: Lots of good news in that us to the end of September. We're really answer. What I hear is that it is really hoping we can find a medium-term the medium-term now that presents solution because, as the Member has problems. I am sure that this is a very said, continuity on this is going to be high priority for you to provide continuity critical. of service once the sobering centre opens. I know that this has been MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. frustrating, that there have been a lot of Member for Yellowknife Centre. setbacks. What kinds of new MS. GREEN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. approaches can you take to try and Again, I'd like to thank the Minister for work with landlords or repurpose his response. In addition to the physical GNWT-owned assets to find that location of the sobering centre, could medium-term solution? the Minister please review what kind of HON. GLEN ABERNETHY: Last time staffing and services will be available in we talked about this in the House, I was that facility? Thank you. inundated, thankfully, with just a large HON. GLEN ABERNETHY: Thank you, number of people saying, "Have you Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the tried this building?" "Have you looked at Department of Health and Social that property?" "Have you followed up Services has talked to the stakeholders. with?" The answer in most situations is, We have listened to the comments and yes, we have looked at those properties. suggestions from Members. We have We've talked to those landlords. We've put together a bit of a program design been looking for a solution. There were on how a sobering centre would operate a couple that were a little bit more here in the Northwest Territories and difficult because it involved moving that has often driven the size of the GNWT staff and re-profiling billing just location we need to have and how many as the Member has suggested. We are beds we can support. So we already looking at some current GNWT space have that in place. I'm happy to share that we might have to take our staff out that with committee if committee is of and relocate. I'm not going to name interested. I'm happy to come and have those places at this point in time a conversation with committee and because we're still working on some of provide them with a bit of an update on June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 28 where we are as far as programming. MR. THOMPSON: I thank the Minister We haven't been there to that point so for that explanation. It's great to hear far because we've been struggling to what they're doing there. Can the find a location, but I'm happy to meet Minister advise us how this program with committee at their request. was promoted during implementation? MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. HON. ALFRED MOSES: Approximately Member for Nahendeh. 225 NWT teachers across the North have been trained in the healthy QUESTION 816-18(2): relationships program called "The HEALTHY RELATIONS Fourth R." Training is provided to all TRAINING FOR EDUCATORS NWT schools free of charge as well through continued working through the MR. THOMPSON: Thank you, Mr. partnerships that we do have with the Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to follow University of Western Ontario and as up with some more questions to the part of a federally- funded research Minister of Education, Culture and project on youth and mental health. We Employment. During the presentation on work with our partnerships with the Wednesday, the Minister and his staff University of Western Ontario. We offer spoke about healthier relationship it to all schools in the Northwest programming. Can the Minister briefly Territories, and any schools that haven't explain to us what that program received the training or feel that they involves? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. might want more training, just contact MR. SPEAKER: Minister of Education, their education authorities or the Culture and Employment superintendents to get that training offered. HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As stated in the NWT Safe MR. THOMPSON: I thank the Minister Schools Legislation and Regulations, for his answer. This is very important every school in the NWT is required to program and I appreciate the offer healthy relationship programming department for the work they're doing in to its students. Our department works this area, especially with all the bullying with the University of Western Ontario that we hear about through the news Centre for School Mental Health to and from what I'm hearing from parents. deliver a healthy relationship training Can the Minister explain how this program for NWT grades 7 to 10, information is shared with parents in the teachers, and other school staff. The DA member annually so they know that evidence-based program is for grades 7 this is a system that the Education to 10 students. It teaches students how Department is implementing in all to build relationship skills, understanding schools across the Northwest of making safe decisions about Territories? substance abuse, sexual relationships, HON. ALFRED MOSES: As part of bullying, as well as violence. That's the regular school businesses, both schools main focus of these healthy and education bodies have the relationships. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. responsibility to get any type of information that we work with these June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 29 education authorities or initiatives of the QUESTION 817-18(2): department to the parents and to people POST-SECONDARY that are doing work inside the schools. EDUCATIONAL REGIME DE members are informed about school programs through their principals and MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. their superintendents and the Speaker. We spent a lot of time this requirements such a program as well as sitting debating education. I'd like to ask it is required under the Safe and Caring the Minister of Education now how the Schools Legislation Regulation. It is a ambitious plans for post-secondary responsibility of our education education are rolling out of the authorities, our principals and departmental level and if he can give an superintendents to make sure this update to the House on the work to date information is shared with parents. on developing a thorough post- secondary education regime to the MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. Northwest Territories. Thank you. Member for Nahendeh. MR. SPEAKER: Minister of Education, MR. THOMPSON: Thank you, Mr. Culture and Employment Speaker. I thank the Minister for his answer. I guess I'm struggling with some HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, of the parents not hearing about it, and it Mr. Speaker. As all Members know, we is something like that. I guess, is the are currently going to conduct the Minister able to provide me and other foundational review. I believe we're still Regular Members with an update waiting for feedback on the terms of package so we can better understand reference that's before committee, and this program and actually help promote as soon as we get those terms of this process so that parents are aware reference back on this foundational of how our education system is working review, we'll go ahead and move and and how we're making it healthier and see the structure within our Aurora better for our students? Thank you, Mr. College system but also looking at Speaker. utilizing our community learning centres a lot more and taking direction from our HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, Skills 4 Success focus and also working Mr. Speaker. We did make a with our partners' continued support with commitment during the presentation that our other partners that run post- we had to standing committee the other secondary programming. Thank you, night and we'll make that commitment in Mr. Speaker. the House that we will get those packages, Safe and Caring School MR. TESTART: Sadly, it sounds like not packages to all Members should they much has changed. I'm particularly want them, but we'll make sure that the interested in post-secondary academic honourable Member from Nahendeh education. I think the community gets the package and that all Members learning centres do an amazing job, but that would like one, we'll get one to them I'm more focused on the degree granting as well. institutions. I know that the Minister committed to doing a bit of work on this, MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. developing some legislation around it. Member for Kam Lake. Can he provide an update on that June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 30 legislative process and when we're some programs that we currently are going to be able to grant northern delivering within the Aurora College, and degrees from northern institutions here we will continue to enhance and build on in the North? those partnerships. HON. ALFRED MOSES: Yes, we are MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. currently working on that legislation. We Member for Kam Lake. are going to be doing some consultations during the summer MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. months and then get the feedback from Speaker. Thank you to the Minister for our stakeholders and partners on that that. I appreciate that the government and then proceed forward. However, provides probably the best support in we're still going to have to look at the Canada for students attending university foundational review of the port where we down south. I am going to re-ask that are going in terms of post-secondary, question with just a bit of different which I made a commitment to the language. Rather than send our House to look at that foundational students to these institutions, can we review with the Aurora College but also bring these institutions to the North? getting feedback from other institutions Can they establish a campus or a and other stakeholders in the Northwest branch here? Has he had those Territories regarding the legislation that discussions, and is he working toward the Member has been bringing up. that goal? Thank you. MR. TESTART: We're still at the HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, consultation stage. I think that's helpful Mr. Speaker, and yes, we have had for understanding our progress to date. discussions with the partners that we In addition to northern institutions, their are currently in agreements with, and as willing partners are very close to us in I mentioned, we are going through this northern Alberta who have been trying foundational review right now. We are to make inroads with our student just waiting on the terms of reference population. Has the Minister had any feedback from standing committee. We interaction with these institutions in will go ahead and proceed on that trying to bring their programming into foundational review, and hopefully in the the North and make it more accessible early new year, 2018, we will be moving to Northerners? forward and hopefully have some good structured programs in the 2018-2019 HON. ALFRED MOSES: Yes, and we academic year. also support our students going to those institutions for post-secondary program. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. In 2016-2017, there was over $60 Member for Frame Lake. million paid in Student Financial QUESTION 818-18(2): Assistance benefits supporting our YELLOWKNIFE AIRPORT students to go to post-secondary EVOLUTION education down south. We continue to work with partners at the University of MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le Alberta, University of Regina, University President. I have some questions for the of Saskatoon, University of Victoria, for Minister of Infrastructure. Can he tell us June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 31 when these fabulous new airport side, and I am sure he is going to make improvement fees are actually going to sure that they are posted immediately to come into effect? Is it going to be July the Infrastructure website, but the 1st? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. economic advisory committee, has his deputy minister made the appointments MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Minister of to that body yet? Infrastructure. HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: The HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Thank deputy has shared some names with me you, Mr. Speaker. I would have to look of people who have either approached up the exact details, but it comes into st us about having their name submitted effect July 1 , so I suspect the airport and some possibilities, but I do not improvement fee will come into effect on believe that those positions have been that date and the landing fees as well. I determined yet. think there was discussion with committee that people who had booked MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. airline tickets prior to the implementation Member for Frame Lake. of this date would be offset, and those charges would not be applied to them MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le for the fees. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. President. Thanks to the Minister for that response. Of course, I have MR. O'REILLY: Thanks to the Minister expressed in this House my view that I for that response. A few more questions think the appointments should be made about the Yellowknife Airport Evolution by the Minister himself rather than a statement that he made earlier today. I deputy minister, but when those names know I had asked previously whether are finalized, is there a commitment the terms of reference for the Economic from the Minister to release them Advisory Committee were public, and publicly and make them available to the now there are two more committees, an Members on this side as well? Thank Airline Consultative Committee and an you, Mr. Speaker. Airline Operating Committee. I am kind of confused here, but are there terms of HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Thank reference for each of these, and can the you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I can do that for Minister provide them to this side and the Member. make them public? MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Oral questions. HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: As we Item 7, written questions. Member for went through the planning of this, we Frame Lake. have made it quite clear that there were 7. Written Questions these other committees. I am sure that they are in a public realm, and they WRITTEN QUESTION 23-18(2): could be made available to the Member. SCHOOL FUNDING MR. O'REILLY: Thanks to the Minister FRAMEWORK for his response. I am not sure they are MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le actually in the public realm yet, and that President. I have two written questions is why I am asking. So he has got today. For the first one, my questions commitment to share them with this are for the Minister of Education, Culture June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 32 and Employment. The Minister provided Territorial Schools – item (iv) – Regular Members with the most recent School Counselling: (K-12 version of its School Funding community FTE x 0.0032); Framework that I tabled in the House yesterday. Can the Minister: f. School Funding Framework – Territorial Schools – item (v) – 1. Identify the number of students School Secretaries: (K-12 enrolled in junior kindergarten alone, community FTE x 0.00028); and in kindergarten to grade 12 cumulatively, and each school g. School Funding Framework – offering the Junior Kindergarten Territorial Schools – item (vi) – Program in 2016-2017; Custodians: (K12 community FTE x 0.0102); 2. Provide departmental projections of the above for 2017-2018; and h. School Funding Framework – Inclusive Schooling – item (iv) – a. Identify differences between Support Assistants: (Community current K-12 funding and that K-12 FTE / 63); same funding if it accounted for JK-12 in the items below, using i. School Funding Framework – estimated 2017-2018 enrolment Inclusive Schooling – item (vi) – figures and the formulas set out Staff Development – Base in the framework shared with funding of $2,000 per community Regular Members: + (community K-12 FTE x $50) x NCI; b. School Funding Framework – Administration – Administration O j. School Funding Framework – and M – item (i), Administration Inclusive Schooling – item (vii) – and School Services: Specialized Learning Materials / (Administration Staffing for Assistive Technology: [Education Assistant Superintendents, Authority $10,000 base for minor Administration Officers and projects + Base funding of $2,000 Clerical Staff according to the per community + (community K- tables); 12 FTE x $62)] x NCI; c. School Funding Framework – k. School Funding Framework – Administration – Administration O Inclusive Schooling – item (x) – and M – item (ii), District Healing and Counselling: Base Education Authorities O and M: funding of $10,000 per (Community Base of $15,000 + community + ($60 per K-12 FTE K-12 FTE x $86); x NCI); d. School Funding Framework – l. School Funding Framework – Territorial Schools – item (iii) – Aboriginal Languages & Cultural School Support Consultants: Programs – item (i) – Aboriginal funded according to established Languages O and M: (Base table; funding of $100,000 per education authority) + ($9,000 x e. School Funding Framework – number of communities minus June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 33

one) + (Aboriginal K-12 FTE x 2. Why did the Earnscliffe Strategy $125) x NCI; and Group invoice the GNWT for a total of $30,450 for October, November, m. School Funding Framework – and December 2016 service if the Aboriginal Language & Cultural firm did not provide services before, Programs – item (ii): Education during, or after the visit? Assistants / Aboriginal Language specialists (EA/ALS): Aboriginal 3. Why the Federal Lobbyist Registry K-12 FTE per community, describing the activity of Earnscliffe according to established table? on behalf of the GNWT says Earnscliffe, arranging meetings with Merci, Monsieur le President. the federal representatives, when we MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Written do not have these services while in questions. Member for Frame Lake. Ottawa? 4. Will the Premier provide a copy of WRITTEN QUESTION 24-18(2): the Executive Indigenous Affairs CONSULTANCY CONTRACT Department's contract with WITH EARNSCLIFFE STRATEGY Earnscliffe Strategy Group? GROUP Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le President. For my second question, my MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Written questions are for the Premier. Members questions. Item 9, returns to written of Cabinet and their support staff questions. Item 10, replies to travelled to Ottawa in November 2016 Commissioner's opening address. Item for intergovernmental meetings and 11, petitions. Item 12, reports of parliamentary presentations. In his standing and special committees. Item January 31, 2017 reply to my written 13, reports of committees on the review question, the Premier said that "there of bills. Item 14, tabling of documents. were no lobbyists or consultants Minister of Health and Social Services. engaged in the planning or coordination of this trip." Can the Premier explain 8. Tabling of Documents why we pay the lobbyist firm Earnscliffe Strategy Group more than $120,000 per TABLED DOCUMENT 406-18(2): year to provide "media and government KNOWLEDGE AGENDA: relations and communications" services NORTHERN RESEARCH FOR in Ottawa, but did not use services NORTHERN PRINCIPLES, MAY during the one visit the full-time Cabinet 2017 made to Ottawa last year? HON. GLEN ABERNETHY: Mr. 1. Did any of the seven Cabinet Speaker, I wish to table the following Ministers and 15 staff members document entitled "Knowledge Agenda: participating in the trip to Ottawa Northern Research for Northern meet with any representative of the Principles." Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Earnscliffe Strategy Group during the MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of November 2016 trip to Ottawa? documents. Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 34

TABLED DOCUMENT 407-18(2): TABLED DOCUMENT 411-18(2): COMMUNITIES AND DIAMONDS GNWT RESPONSE TO 2016 ANNUAL REPORT COMMITTEE REPORT 8-18(2): REPORT ON THE REVIEW OF TABLED DOCUMENT 408-18(2): THE 2014-2015 AND 2015-2016 FOLLOW-UP LETTER FOR ORAL ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE QUESTION 503-18(2): INFORMATION AND PRIVACY NORTHERN FRONTIER COMMISSIONER OF THE VISITORS CENTRE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Mr. HON. LOUIS SEBERT: Mr. Speaker. I Speaker, I wish to table the following wish to table the following document two documents entitled "Communities entitled "GNWT Response to CR 8- and Diamonds 2016 Annual Report," 18(2): Report on the Review of the and "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Annual 503-18(2): Northern Frontier Visitors Reports of the NWT Information and Centre." Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Privacy Commissioner." Thank you, Mr. Speaker. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of documents. Minister of Finance. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of documents. Minister of Education, TABLED DOCUMENT 409-18(2): Culture and Employment. INTER-ACTIVITY TRANSFERS EXCEEDING $250,000 (APRIL 1, TABLED DOCUMENT 412-18(2): 2016 TO MARCH 31, 2017) EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLAN TABLED DOCUMENT 410-18(2): 2017-2020 REPORT OF SPECIAL WARRANTS ISSUED (JANUARY HON. ALFRED MOSES: Thank you, 31 TO MAY 24, 2017) Mr. Speaker. I wish to table the following document entitled "Early Childhood HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, Development Action Plan 2017-2020." Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to Thank you, Mr. Speaker. table the following two documents entitled "Inter-Activity Transfer MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of Exceeding $250,000 (April 1, 2016 to documents. The Honourable Premier. March 31, 2017)" and "Report of Special Warrants Issued (January 31 to May 24, TABLED DOCUMENT 413-18(2): 2017)." Thank you, Mr. Speaker. FOLLOW-UP LETTER FOR ORAL QUESTION 438-18(2): MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of EMPOWERING LOCAL documents. Minister of Justice. GOVERNMENTS HON. BOB MCLEOD: Mr. Speaker. I wish to table the following document entitled "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 438-18(2): Empowering Local Governments." Thank you, Mr. Speaker. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 35

MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of Member for Great Slave, that documents. Minister of Municipal and notwithstanding Rule 4, when this Community Affairs. House adjourns on June 2, 2017, it shall be adjourned until Tuesday, September TABLED DOCUMENT 414-18(2): 19, 2017; FOLLOW-UP ON TABLED DOCUMENT 355-18(2): FOLLOW- AND FURTHER that at any time prior to UP LETTER FOR ORAL September 19, 2017, if the Speaker is QUESTION 385-18(2): CHANGES satisfied after consultation with the TO CITIES, TOWNS AND Executive Council and Members of the VILLAGES ACT Legislative Assembly that the public interest requires that the House should HON. CAROLINE COCHRANE: Thank meet at an earlier time during the you. I wish to table the following adjournment, the Speaker may give document entitled "Follow-up on Tabled notice and thereupon the House shall Document 355-18(2): Follow-Up Letter meet at the time stated in such notice, for Oral Question 385-18(2): Changes to and shall transact its business as it has Cities, Towns and Villages Act." Thank been duly adjourned to that time. Mahsi, you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Tabling of MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The motion is in documents. order. To the motion. Question has been called. All those in favour? All those TABLED DOCUMENT 415-18(2): opposed? SUMMARY OF MEMBERS' ABSENCES FOR THE PERIOD ---Carried JANUARY 31, 2017 TO MAY 24, Masi. Item 18, first reading of bills. 2017 Minister of Finance. MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to Section 5 of the Legislative Assembly and 10. First Reading of Bills Executive Council Act, I wish to table BILL 31: the Summary of Members' Absences for SUPPLEMENTARY the Period January 31, 2017 to May 24, APPROPRIATION ACT 2017. Masi. Item 15, notices of motion. (OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES) Item 16, notices of motion for first NO. 2, 2017-2018 reading of bills. Item 17, motions. Member for Yellowknife Centre. HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, 9. Motions seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River South, that Bill 31: MOTION 34-18(2): Supplementary Appropriation Act EXTENDED ADJOURNMENT OF (Operations Expenditures) No. 2, 2017- THE HOUSE TO SEPTEMBER 2018, be read for the first time. Thank 19, 2017, CARRIED you, Mr. Speaker. MS. GREEN: Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 36

MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The motion is in interpretation; order. All those in favour? All those opposed?  identifies the elements in a legislative text that are to be ---Carried considered part of the text; Bill 31 has had first reading. First  provides standard definitions of reading of bills. Minister of Finance. commonly-used words and expressions; BILL 32: SUPPLEMENTARY  provides standard sets of provisions APPROPRIATION ACT regulating aspects of the operation of (INFRASTRUCTURE all enactments, such as the effective EXPENDITURES) NO. 2, 2017- time of commencement, the effect of 2018 repeal and amendment, the calculation of time, and the making HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, of regulations; and Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member  provides standard sets of provisions for Thebacha, that Bill 32: regulating the powers of Supplementary Appropriation Act corporations, judicial officers, and (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, public officers. 2017-2018 be read for the first time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The motion is in MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The motion is in order. To the principle of the bill. order. All those in favour? All those Question has been called. All those in opposed? favour? All those opposed? ---Carried ---Carried Bill 32 has had first reading. Item 19, Bill 28 has had second reading. It is now second reading of bills. Minister of referred to committee. Second reading Justice. of bills. Minister of Justice. 11. Second Reading of Bills BILL 29: BILL 28: MISCELLANEOUS STATUTE INTERPRETATION ACT LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 2017 HON. LOUIS SEBERT: Mr. Speaker, I HON. LOUIS SEBERT: Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable move, seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River South, that Bill Member for Hay River South, that Bill 28, Interpretation Act be read for the 29, Miscellaneous Statute Law second time. This bill sets out Amendment Act, 2017, be read for the fundamental concepts governing the second time. This bill corrects rest of the Northwest Territories' inconsistencies and errors in the legislation. It: statutes of the Northwest Territories. The bill also deals with other matters of  sets out key principles of statutory June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 37 a minor, non-controversial and Health Act to clarify that the uncomplicated nature in the statutes. Commissioner may make regulations Thank you, Mr. Speaker. respecting cremation and crematoria. This bill also amends the Vital Statistics MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The motion is in Act to define cremation and order. To the principle of the bill. crematorium and prohibit cremation Question has been called. All those in except by a funeral planner in a favour? All those opposed? crematorium operated by a funeral ---Carried planner. Merci, Monsieur le President. Bill 29 has had second reading. It is now MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The motion is in referred to committee. Second reading order. To the principle of the bill. of bills. Member for Yellowknife Centre. Member for Frame Lake. MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le BILL 30: President. I'm pleased to recommend HEALTH STATUTES LAW the Health Statutes Amendment Act, AMENDMENT ACT (CREMATION Cremation Services, Bill 30, for the SERVICES) consideration of this Assembly. This is a MS. GREEN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. private Member's bill which proposes Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Section 77(1) amendments to the Public Health Act of the Legislative Assembly and and to the Vital Statistics Act. All Executive Council Act, I wish to advise Canadian jurisdictions except the the House that I have a conflict of Northwest Territories and Nunavut have interest in Bill 30, Health Statutes Law legislation for cremation. The private Amendment Act. This bill amends the Member's bill does not seek to create Public Health Act to clarify that the new powers with respect to cremation. It Commissioner may make regulations does not create any new regulatory respecting cremation and crematoria. structure to govern the performance of Mr. Speaker, my spouse is a funeral cremation. Above all, the private planner and, as such, has a private Member's bill does not require interest in this bill. I will excuse myself cremation. It does provide greater clarity from the Chamber during consideration for anyone designated to offer funeral of this matter. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. services in the Northwest Territories, enabling service providers to include MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Duly noted. You cremations within the existing system. may be excused while we are dealing Specifically, amendments to the Public with Bill 30. Second reading of bills. Health Act will create the ability to make Member for Frame Lake. regulations for cremation and MR. O'REILLY: Merci, Monsieur le crematoriums, amendments to the Vital President. I move, seconded by the Statistics Act will define cremation and honourable Member for Hay River crematoriums and ensure that only a North, that Bill 30, Health Statutes funeral planner can carry out cremations Amendment Act (Cremation Services) that are to take place in a crematorium. be read for the second time. Mr. I would like to thank all MLAs in this Speaker, this bill amends the Public House for the unanimous support of the June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 38 first reading of this bill and second MR. SPEAKER: Bill 31 has had its reading. I believe that is good example second reading. Second reading of bills. of how consensus government can Minister of Finance. work. I look forward to your continued support in a public review of the bill BILL 32: through the Standing Committee on SUPPLEMENTARY Social Development. Mahsi, Mr. APPROPRIATIONS ACT Speaker. (INFRASTRUCTURE EXPENDITURES), NO. 2, 2017- MR. SPEAKER: Masi. To the principle 2018 of the bill. Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? HON. ROBERT C. MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, ---Carried seconded by the honourable Member MR. SPEAKER: Bill 30 has had its for Thebacha, that Bill 32, second reading and is now referred to Supplementary Appropriations Act the committee. Second reading of bills. (Infrastructure, Expenditures), No. 2, Minister of Finance. For the record, the 2017-2018, be read for the second time. Member for Yellowknife Centre has Mr. Speaker, this bill makes returned for the remaining of our supplementary appropriations for procedures. Minister of Finance. infrastructure expenditures for the Government of the Northwest Territories BILL 31: for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Thank SUPPLEMENTARY you, Mr. Speaker. APPROPRIATIONS ACT MR. SPEAKER: The motion is in order. (OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES), To the principle of the bill. Question has NO. 2, 2017-2018 been called. All those in favour? All HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, those opposed? Motion carried. Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, ---Carried seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River South, that Bill 31, MR. SPEAKER: Bill 32 has had its Supplementary Appropriations Act second reading. Second reading of bills. (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2017- Item 20, consideration in Committee of 2018, be read for the second time. Mr. the Whole of bills and other matters: Speaker, this bill makes supplementary Committee Report 11-18(2), Committee appropriations for operations and Report 12-18(2), Minister's Statement expenditures for the government of the 186-18(2), with the Member for Hay Northwest Territories for the 2017-2018 River North in the Chair. fiscal year. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 12. Consideration in Committee of the MR. SPEAKER: The motion is in order. Whole of Bills and Other Matters To the principle of the bill. Question has been called. All those in favour? All CHAIRPERSON (Mr. Simpson): I now those opposed? Motion carried. call Committee of the Whole to order. What is the wish of committee? Mr. ---Carried Testart. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 39

MR. TESTART: Thank you, Mr. Chair. I RECORDED VOTE move that we rise and report progress. Thank you, Mr. Chair. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The Member has requested a recorded vote. The motion CHAIRPERSON (Mr. Simpson): Thank is in order. To the motion. The question you, Mr. Testart. There is a motion on has been called. All those in favour, the floor to report progress. The motion please stand. is in order and non-debatable. All those in favour? All those opposed? Motion CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Mr. Mercer): carried. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, the Member for Hay River South, the ---Carried Member for Thebacha, the Member for Hay River North, the Member for I will rise and report progress. Mackenzie Delta, the Member for Sahtu, MR. SPEAKER: May I have the report, the Member for Yellowknife North, the Member for Hay River North? Member for Kam Lake, the Member for Nahendeh, the Member for Frame Lake, 13. Report of Committee of the Whole the Member for Yellowknife Centre, the Member for Deh Cho, the Member for MR. SIMPSON: Mr. Speaker, your Nunakput, the Member for Inuvik Boot committee would like to report progress. Lake, the Member for Range Lake, the Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of Member for Great Slave, the Member the Committee of the Whole be for Yellowknife South. concurred with. Thank you. MR. SPEAKER: Masi. All those MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Is there a opposed, please stand. All those seconder? Member for Inuvik Twin abstaining, please stand. The results of Lakes. the motion: 18 in favour; zero opposed; ---Carried zero abstentions. Motion carried. Item 22, third reading of bills. Minister of ---Carried Finance. Bill 15 has had its third reading. Third reading of bills. Minister of 14. Third Reading of Bills Infrastructure. BILL 15: AN ACT TO AMEND THE BILL 26: TOBACCO TAX ACT AN ACT TO AMEND THE REVOLVING FUNDS ACT, NO. 2 HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, HON. WALLY SCHUMANN: Thank seconded by the honourable Member you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, for Great Slave, that Bill 15, An Act to seconded by the honourable Member Amend the Tobacco Tax Act, be read for Inuvik Twin Lakes, that Bill 26, An for the third time. Mr. Speaker, I will Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act, request a recorded vote. Thank you, Mr. No. 2, be read for the third time. Mr. Speaker. Speaker, I request a recorded vote. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 40

RECORDED VOTE seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River South, that Bill 31, MR. SPEAKER: Masi. The Member has Supplementary Appropriation Act requested a recorded vote. The motion (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2017- is in order. To the motion. The question 2018 be read for the third time, and, Mr. has been called. All those in favour, Speaker, I would request to record a please stand. vote. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Mr. Mercer): The Member for Hay River South, the RECORDED VOTE Member for Thebacha, the Member for MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Member Hay River North, the Member for requested a recorded vote. Motion is on Mackenzie Delta, the Member for Sahtu, the floor. To the motion. Question has the Member for Yellowknife North, the been called. All those in favour, please Member for Kam Lake, the Member for stand. Nahendeh, the Member for Yellowknife Centre, the Member for Deh Cho, the CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Mr. Mercer): Member for Nunakput, the Member for Mr. McLeod — Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Inuvik Twin Lakes, the Member for Schumann, Mr. Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Range Lake, the Member for Great Mr. Blake, Mr. McNeely, Mr. Vanthuyne, Slave. the Member for Yellowknife Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. O'Reilly, South, the Member for Inuvik Twin Ms. Green, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Lakes. Mr. Moses, Ms. Cochrane, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. McLeod — Yellowknife MR. SPEAKER: Masi. All those South. opposed, please stand. MR. SPEAKER: All those opposed, CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Mr. Mercer): please stand. All those abstaining, The Member for Frame Lake. please stand. The results of the MR. SPEAKER: All those abstaining, recorded vote are 17 in favour; zero please stand. against; zero abstentions. Motion carried. The results of the vote: 16 in favour; one opposed; zero abstentions. Motion ---Carried carried. MR. SPEAKER: Bill 31 has had its third ---Carried reading. Third reading of bills. Minister of Finance. Bill 26 has had its third reading. Third reading of bills. Minister of Finance. BILL 32: SUPPLEMENTARY BILL 31: APPROPRIATION ACT SUPPLEMENTARY INFRASTRUCTURE APPROPRIATION ACT EXPENDITURES NO. 2, 2017- (OPERATION EXPENDITURES) 2018 NO. 2, 2017-2018 HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, HON. ROBERT MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, honourable Member for Thebacha, that June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 41

Bill 32, Supplementary Appropriation Act award presentations held here at the (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, legislative assembly building this week. 2017-2018 be read for the third time, The Order of the Northwest Territories and, Mr. Speaker, I request a recorded on Tuesday, the Premier's Award, and vote. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. the Institute of Public Administration of Canada Northwest Territories branch on MR. SPEAKER: Masi. Member is Wednesday, and the Education Hall of requesting a recorded vote. Motion is in Fame just yesterday. order. To the motion. Question has been called. All those in favour, please stand. It is important that the government takes the time to recognize and honour the RECORDED VOTE deserving and hard-working Northwest Territories residents with these awards, CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Mr. Mercer): and I am glad that I could be here to Mr. McLeod — Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. take part. As we enjoy the summer Schumann, Mr. Sebert, Mr. Simpson, months, I would like to wish each of you Mr. Blake, Mr. McNeely, Mr. Vanthuyne, a safe, healthy, and a happy summer as Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. O'Reilly, you take your break and enjoy quality Ms. Green, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, time with your families. Please travel Mr. Moses, Ms. Cochrane, Mr. safely on the land, on our waters, in the Abernethy, Mr. McLeod — Yellowknife air, and on our highways as you South. continue working for the betterment of MR. SPEAKER: All those opposed, all Northerners. please stand. All those abstaining, Please encourage and remind your please stand. The results of the families, friends, and people in your recorded vote are 17 in favour; zero communities to be safe out on the land against; zero abstentions. Motion and to wear personal floatation devices, carried. or PFDs, when travelling by boat on our ---Carried waterways. As this sitting comes to a close, I wish the Members of this House MR. SPEAKER: Bill 32 has had its third good health and happiness as you enjoy reading. Third reading of bills. Mr. Clerk, the summer and continue to work in would you please ascertain if Deputy your constituencies. Commissioner Gerald W. Kisoun is prepared to enter the Chamber to Now, as Deputy Commissioner of the assent the bills. Northwest Territories, I am pleased to assent the following bills: 15. Assent to Bills  Bill 15: An Act to Amend the DEPUTY COMMISSIONER (Mr. Tobacco Tax Act Kisoun): Good morning. Please be seated. Mr. Speaker and Members of  Bill 16: An Act to Amend the the Legislative Assembly, good Education Act afternoon. Quyanainni, qaiqqafi, and  Bill 17: An Act to Amend the Income shiik kut hai cho. I would like to Tax Act congratulate all the recipients of various  Bill 18: An Act to Amend the Health June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 42

and Social Services Professions Act 3. Members' Statements  Bill 26: An Act to Amend the 4. Reports of Standing and Special Revolving Funds Act, No. 2 Committees  Bill 31: Supplementary Appropriation 5. Returns to Oral Questions Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 6. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery 2, 2017-2018 7. Acknowledgements  Bill 32: Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 8. Oral Questions No. 2, 2017-2018 9. Written Questions Thank you, hai cho, quyanainni, merci 10.Returns to Written Questions beaucoup, mahsi cho, koana. May God bless you. 11.Replies to Commissioner's Opening Address MR. SPEAKER: Please be seated. Members, [English translation not 12.Petitions provided.] 13.Reports of Committees on the Colleagues, I'd just like to say it's been a Review of Bills short session but we've done a lot of work. We completed a lot of 14.Tabling of Documents assignments that were before us. The 15.Notices of Motion summer is fast approaching, and a lot of you will be going back to your region, 16.Notices of Motion for First Reading your community, your riding. I just want of Bills to release a message to be safe out 17.Motions there, and the work does not end here. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. 18.First Reading of Bills I'd just like to say thank you for your 19.Second Reading of Bills respect, your dignity in this House, and your cooperation. We've done a lot of 20.Consideration in Committee of the work in that respect, so I'd just like to Whole of Bills and Other Matters say masi. Masi, and keep safe over the - Committee Report 11-18(2), summer. Masi cho. Mr. Clerk, orders of Standing Committee on Rules the day. and Procedures Report on the Review of Standing committee 16. Orders of the Day Public Engagement and CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Mr. Mercer): Transparency Orders of the day for Tuesday, - Committee Report 12-18(2), September 19, 2017, at 1:30 p.m.: Standing Committee on Priorities 1. Prayer and Planning Report on the Progress Review of the Mandate 2. Ministers' Statements of the Government of the Northwest Territories, 2016-2019 June 2, 2017 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES HANSARD Page 43

- Minister's Statement 186-18(2), MR. SPEAKER: Masi, Mr. Clerk. This Update on the A New Day House stands adjourned until program September 19, 2017, at 1:30 p.m. 21.Report of Committee of the Whole ---ADJOURNMENT 22.Third Reading of Bills The House adjourned at 12:10 p.m. 23.Orders of the Day

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