Minutes of a Meeting of the PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE

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Minutes of a Meeting of the PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE


Minutes of a meeting of the PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE held at the Guild Hall on Monday 4TH August 2008 following a meeting of the Town Council

Present: the Town Mayor, Cllr. Ms. V. Dawson, the Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. Masters, and Councillors Revd. A. Davis (Chairman), C. Albrow, Mrs P. Davis, D. Kersey, G. McKay, M. Reynolds & D. Watts.

Town Clerk – Richard Styles Town Clerk’s Assistant – Mrs. J. Mathews

Apologies for absence: None

534 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Cllr. Goddard asked to receive Committee Agenda and minutes in future. Cllr. Ms. Saunders stated that she wished to object to the application regarding Pearl Cottage, Dungeness. Mr Hipkiss explained some of the details regarding his application in regard of St Nicholas House, Lydd. The Chairman asked Mr Hipkiss about the overall size of the proposed CCTV cameras and was satisfied that they would be no more than 21/2 ins overall.

535 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members agreed to declare any interests as each item was considered.

536 MINUTES Minutes of the meeting on 21st July 2008 were agreed and signed. Proposed Cllr Ms. Dawson and Seconded Cllr Mrs. Davis

The following matters were considered as matters arising from the minutes

537 PARISH PATHS Cllr. Mrs. Masters asked for early and full consultation when these matters arise.

538 GREATSTONE CAR PARK The Chairman expressed some concern at the lack of progress from Shepway D.C. in implementing an improvement plan. The correspondence between Shepway and New Romney and Lydd Town Councils was unsatisfactory. There were serious health and safety implications in leaving the car park in its present state. It was agreed to ask the Town Clerk to send a letter to Shepway D.C. pointing out the dissatisfaction with their reply and urging them to include the car park within their budget for immediate improvement.

539 CORRESPONDENCE Shepway D.C- National and local requirements for the validation of planning requirements. The Chairman said that these were extensive and though available on the internet, were beyond the resources of ordinary members of the public to download and print and therefore he asked that a hard copy of the guidelines be provided by Shepway. Greatstone car park: already considered in matters arising.

Planning & Environment Committee, 4th August 2008 126

Planning Applications considered:

540 Y08/0615/SH – ST NICHOLAS HOUSE, 42 HIGH STREET, LYDD Listed building consent for the installation of two CCTV cameras to the front elevation. Submitted by Mr. R. Hipkiss. RESOLVED: Supported. Proposed by Cllr. Reynolds and seconded by Cllr. Kersey.

541 Y08/0716/SH – SANDORA, ROBIN HOOD LANE, LYDD Erection of a summer house. Submitted by Mr. R. Hill. RESOLVED: Supported. Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Masters and seconded by Cllr. Kersey.

542 Y08/0718/SH – HOLCUM HOUSE, NEW LANE, LYDD Erection of a two storey block of four flats following demolition of existing buildings. Submitted by Servo & Electronic Sales Ltd. RESOLVED: Supported. Proposed by Cllr. Reynolds and seconded by Cllr. Kersey. Abstained Cllr. Mrs. Masters.

543 Y08/0709 & 710/SH – PEARL COTTAGE, DUNGENESS ROAD, DUNGENESS Erection of replacement dwelling & Conservation area consent for demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. Submitted by Mr. M. Robinson. RESOLVED: Objection. Proposed by Cllr. Kersey and seconded by Cllr. Ms. Dawson. Objection on the grounds of being an inappropriate development not in line with the built environment and conservation area. The Cttee is concerned that a historic building is to be demolished by reason of cost and convenience. The Cttee has asked the T.C to investigate the process of having the building listed. Many objections have been received and the local residents associations have expressed their objection to the development.

The following matters were considered under Any Other Business

544 Y08/0461/SH – 25 SYCAMORE CLOSE, LYDD Installation of dormer windows to front and rear roof slopes (resubmission of Y07/0509/SH).

An appeal has been lodged against the refusal by Shepway D.C. to approve this application. NOTED.


Planning & Environment Committee, 4th August 2008

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