Enlightenment/American Revolution/French Revolution

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Enlightenment/American Revolution/French Revolution

Enlightenment/American Revolution/French Revolution Test Bank

Governments- General The government type in which the government is controlled by the wealthy a. Democracy b. Communist c. Anarchy d. Aristocracy

Democracy is A. government by a monarch B. government by the wealthy C. government by all D. government by a select few E. government by representatives

The following are 10.1.2 In Plato’s Republic a leader should be A. truthful B. love wisdom C. love learning D. have inner goodness E. e all of the above

In our Constitution, Plato’s views are seen in the A. Military B. Judicial C. Legislative D. Executive E. Bill of Rights

The greatest legacy of Rome was A. its commitment to law and justice B. the Roman arch and dome C. Rome’s bridges and aqueducts D. The Coliseum E. The Latin language

In the concept of natural law A. all peoples are held to the same standards B. nature contains certain rational principles C. laws should apply to all people D. man made laws should not violate the higher natural law E. all of the above Matching

Question - Put the letters in the proper order to answer the following statements a. habeas corpus f tyrant b. jury g. English common law c. clergy h. apostles d. Moses e. republic

____ I. A leader who gains power by force is called a _____.

____ II. The idea that no one can be put in jail without first being charged with a specific crime is _____.

____ III. In a _____, government officials are elected by the people to speak on their behalf.

____ IV. The royal courts became the foundation of _____, which is a legal system based on custom and court rulings.

____ V. In a trial, a group of citizens called a _____have the authority to come to a verdict.

____ VI. As Jesus began his ministry, he chose twelve followers, or _____, to help him in his mission.

____ VII. An Israelite named _____ led his people out of slavery in Egypt and first held the 10 Commandments.

____ VIII. The _____ are people who have the power to perform religious ceremonies.

Question - Put the letters in the proper order to answer the following statements A Thomas Jefferson e George Washington b. Diderot f. Adam Smith c. George III g popular sovereignty d. Montesquieu h Thomas Hobbes

____ I. The principle of _____ states that all government power comes from the people.

____ II. The Enlightenment thinker _____ believed in the idea of the separation of powers in government.

____ III. Taxes imposed on the colonies by the government of _____ helped bring about the American Revolution.

____ IV. Economist _____ argued for a free market in which businesses can operate with few government rules.

____V. _____ helped spread Enlightenment ideas by publishing a collection of articles by leading thinkers. ____ VI. The Continental Congress chose _____ to lead American forces in the American Revolution.

____ VII. _____ wrote most of the Declaration of Independence.

Question Put the letters in the proper order to answer the following statements a. Robespierre e. bourgeoisie b. Napoleonic Code f. guerrilla warfare c. Marquis de Lafayette g. guillotine d. Continental System h Olympe de Gouges

____ I. During the French Revolution, _____ was executed for demanding equal rights for women.

____ II. Bankers and merchants were members of the _____, or French middle class.

____ III. Napoleon tried to defeat the British by using the _____, a strategy of closing European ports to British goods.

____ IV. The laws of the _____ included many Enlightenment ideas.

____ V. The moderate revolutionary leader _____ fought alongside George Washington and was head of the French National Guard.

____ VI. Radical revolutionary _____ was a leader of the Reign of Terror.

____ VII. During the Reign of Terror, condemned people were beheaded using the _____. Enlightenment

The ______involves, stating a problem, forming a hypothesis, making observations, and forming conclusions. A. heliocentric theory B. Declaration of Independence C. Scientific theory D. Geo Metro Theory

The belief that the sun revolves around the Earth is known as the A. Geocentric theory B. Heliocentric theory C. Declaration of the Rights of Man D. Just Plain Silly Theory

The Heliocentric theory states A. the sun revolves around the earth B. all the planets float randomly in space C. The Earth revolves around the Sun D. Helicopters are the center of the universe

Isaac Newton is credited for developing A. One of the earliest observatories B. The laws of motion and gravity C. The geocentric theory D. All of these

Isaac Newton is famous for . . A. Discovering the law of gravity B. Discovering the nature of optics C. Creating Calculus D. All of the Above

Galileo A. Dropped objects of different weights to the ground B. Believed in the heliocentric theory C. Was sentenced to house arrest D. All of these

In his book Leviathan, who argued the people should give up their right to a strong ruler ? A. Calvin B. Hobbes C. Locke D. Keys

Who argued for the natural rights of life, liberty and property ? A. T. Jefferson B. Some atheist C. King Louis XVI D. J. Locke

Philosophes who believe in no god were called A. Deists B. Atheists C. Pagans D. Dentists

Who said “ I disagree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it”? A. Copernicus B. Voltaire C. Rush Limbaugh D. Galileo

Frederick II of Prussia and Catherine the Great of Russia were examples of what ? A. Enlightened Despots B. Emperors C. Presidents D. Talk Show hosts

What Montesquieu idea is used in the US Constitution ? A. Bill of Rights B. democracy C. Separation of Powers D. 14th Amendment

. The creator of Capitalism, the system of competition that the U.S.,England, Germany and most countries use is. . . . A. John Locke B. Thomas Jefferson C. Adam Smith D. Nicholas II

Who created the idea of a “Social Contract” that the power of the government comes from the people. A. Thomas Hobbes B. John Locke C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau D. Baron de Monesquieu

Document Based Assessment The Enlightenment

To understand political power aright, and derive it from its original, we must consider what estate all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of Nature, without asking leave or depending upon the will of any other man. —John Locke, The Second Treatise of Civil Government, 1690

No man has received from nature the right to give orders to others. Freedom is a gift from heaven, and every individual of the same species has the right to enjoy it as soon as he is in enjoyment of his reason. —Denis Diderot, Encyclopedia, 1752

In short, it is the greatest absurdity to suppose it in the power of one, or any number of men, at the entering into society, to renounce their essential natural rights, or the means of preserving those rights; when the grand end of civil government, from the very nature of its institution, is for the support, protection, and defense of those very rights; the principal of which, as is before observed, are Life, Liberty, and Property. —Samuel Adams, “The Rights of the Colonists,” 1772

What common idea do all three writers express?

. How did Locke’s philosophy influence revolutionaries in France and the British colonies?

How did the United States incorporate the idea of natural law into its new form of government?

Draw Conclusions Before the French Revolution, Catherine the Great of Russia was an enlightened despot. Early in her reign she read the works of the philosophes, exchanged letters with Voltaire, and implemented some reforms. However, as the French Revolution progressed, Catherine’s views changed. She burned Voltaire’s letters and locked up her critics. Why do you think Catherine’s views toward Enlightenment ideas changed?

French Revolution The First Estate was the. . . A. Common People B. King C. Clergy D. Nobility Under the Old Regime, the peasants. . A. had the heaviest tax burden B. owned most of the land C. were few in number D. belonged to the First Estate

The first violent incident of the French Revolution was A. The Tennis Court Oath B. The Storming of the Bastille C. The execution of Louis XVI D. The execution of Marie Antoinette

Which group became radicals because they had gained fewer benefits than others from the reforms of the first stage of the French Revolution ? A. Wealthy merchants B. Clergy C. Urban Working people D. Peasants

Jacobeans A. were more moderate than the Girondists B. led the Reign of Terror C. encouraged a strong opposition D. were counter revolutionaries

Increased influence for the middle classes A. was a result of the French Revolution B. Restored its privileges to the nobility C. Conflicted with the rising spirit of nationalism D. Led to the abolition of the draft in 1795

The ideas and principals of the Enlightenment were most strongly embraced by members of A. the nobility B. the bourgeoisie C. the peasant class D. the urban working poor

The National Assembly lost the support of many French peasants when it A. taxed the bourgeoisie B. made peasants and noblemen equal C. adopted a Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen D. took away the Catholic church’s land and independence

The Reign of Terror was imposed and controlled by A. The Second Coalition B. The King’s Swiss Guard C. The National Assembly D. The Committee of Public Safety

The Great Fear A. was a battle fought against Austria B. was a panic among the peasants in Paris C. was a systematic destruction of all the bridges of Paris D. was what Louis XVI felt when he met with the peasants at the Oath of the Tennis Courts.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was the Declaration for which revolution ? a. American b. Mexican c. Russian d. French

The last king of France before the French Revolution was A. Louis XIII B Louis XIV C. Louis XVI D Louis XVII

Napoleon accomplished all of the following EXCEPT A. a uniform set of laws B. a stabilization of the economy C. an expansion of freedom of speech D. an equal-opportunity public education system

King Louis was removed from the throne for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A. High Debts from helping the American Revolution B. War against England C. The Three Estates were well organized D. Louis’ wife Marie Antoinette was unpopular because she was a foreigner

The Committee for Public Safety during the Reign of Terror was led by ? a. Napoleon Bonaparte b. V.I. Lenin c. Joseph Guillotin d. Maximilian Robespierre King Louis XVI and other European Monarchs claimed to rule by what theory ? A. Free Enterprise B. Divine Right C. Absolute Power D. Pope’s Privilege

All of the following were reasons France was in debt in the late 1700s EXCEPT A. Fighting too many Wars B. Extensive loans to the Catholic Church C. Lavish spending by the King especially the building of Versailles D. Series of Bad Harvests

Who paid the highest taxes in pre-revolutionary France ? A. King B. Clergy C. Nobility D. Peasants

Higher and Lower Clergy were part of the A. First Estate B. Second Estate C. Third Estate D. Mental Estates

The Bourgeoisie were members of the A. First Estate B. Second Estate C. Third Estates D. Liquid Estates

Not since 1614, what governing body did King Louis XVI call together in 1789 ? A. National Assemblies B. Committee on Public Safety C. Estates General D. Student Council

Locked out of Versailles, the Third Estate vowed to stay until a constitution was written this was called the. . A. Wedding Vow B. Loyalty Oath C. Vow of Silence D. Tennis Court Oath What happened on July 14 1789 and is now a national holiday in France ? A. Battle of Waterloo B. Storming of the Bastille C. Tennis Court Oath D. Cinco De Mayo

On August 27, 1789, the National Assembly issued what document stating the government belonged to the people ? A. The Communist Manifesto B. The Constitution C. The Declaration of Independence D. The Declaration of the Rights of Man

What happened to Louis XVI in January 1793 ? A. He was guillotined B. He was hanged C. He was arrested and brought back to Paris D. All of the Above

What forbade France’s allies and all countries under French control from importing English goods? A. The Napoleonic Code B. The Napoleonic Wars C. A Trade Embargo D. The Continental System

The ‘scorched-earth policy’ was used by A. Napoleon as he invaded Spain B. Napoleon as he invaded Russia C. Russian troops as Napoleon invaded Russia D. Spanish guerrillas as Napoleon invaded Spain.

What did Napoleon do to benefit the United States ? A. Financed the American Revolution B. Sold the US used French warships C. Sold the US the Louisiana territory D. Stayed in France

Short Answer Questions How did the Declaration of the Rights of Man help the United States create its current government ? What were the three Estates in France before the French Revolution ? What was the most conservative of the Legislative Assembly called? What were the sans-culottes? Who were the émigrés? What was the name of the government body that replaced the National Assembly? Who was the individual who wrote a strong response to “A Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” because it did not give the same rights to women ? Who tried to build a “republic of virtues” but it later became known as the Reign of Terror? What was invented to ease the pain of death?

DBQ “To propose the trial of Louis XVI is to question the Revolution. If he may be tried, he may be acquitted [cleared of wrongdoing]; if he may be acquitted, he may be innocent. But, if he be innocent, what becomes of the Revolution? If he be innocent, what are we but his calumniators [those who tell lies about someone]? . . . his imprisonment is a crime; all the patriots are guilty; and the great cause which for so many centuries has been debated between crime and virtue, between liberty and tyranny, is finally decided in favour of crime and despotism!” — Maximilien Robespierre

Identify Point of View In the quotation above, what was Robespierre arguing for or against? Explain Robespierre’s point of view. Did Robespierre get his way? Explain.

American Revolution

Montesquieu’s ideas of separation of powers are used in what US document ? A. Articles of Confederation B. Tax Codes C. Constitution D. None of the Above

Excessive taxation of British colonies in America led to the A. American Revolution B. Civil War C. Mortal Combat D. French Revolution

The idea that John Locke created, that Thomas Jefferson used was. .. a. Power to the People b. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property c. equality under the law d. voting rights for women The main two reasons for the American Revolution were a. Freedom and Democracy b. Truth, Justice, and the American Way c, Freedom from Unfair Taxes, and Representatives in Government d, Religious Freedom and Economic Liberty

The American Rebel group which protested British taxes in Boston was a. The Sons of Liberty b. The Continental Congress c. The Bolsheviks d. Washington’s Boys

The King of England during the American Revolution, who also had a severe medical problem was.. . a. Louis XVI b. George III c. Alexander II d, Nicholas II

The author of the Declaration of Independence was. . A. James Madison B. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jefferson D. Charles Dickens

DBQ: Paul Revere’s Engraving of the Boston Massacre Is Revere an objective source for this visual account of the Boston Massacre? Why or why not? How was art such as the engraving above intended to influence the colonists?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” —Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

Identify Point of View Enlightenment thinker John Locke influenced the ideas in the Declaration of Independence. In the excerpt above, identify and describe the ideas that reflect John Locke’s point of view.

Compare and contrast the French Revolution to the American Revolution, how were the conditions and outcomes of the two revolutions similar and different.

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