1. Summarise the Wild Weather Story

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1. Summarise the Wild Weather Story

Episode 1 Questions for discussion 5th February 2013 Wild Weather

1. Summarise the Wild Weather story. 2. What Australian states have recently been hit with extreme weather? 3. What types of extreme weather did these parts of Australia experience? 4. What is the name of the ex-tropical cyclone that recently hit the coast of Queensland? 5. Due to flooding thousands of people in Bundaberg recently had to ______their homes. 6. In the BtN story, Sarah wanted to find out why we are getting all this wild weather so she visited the Bureau of: a. Meteorology b. Archaeology c. Astronomy 7. Why would you normally see more cyclones in summer? 8. What factors can increase the severity of a bushfire? 9. How did this story make you feel? 10. Illustrate an aspect of the Wild Weather story.

Make your own weather station. Ask students to make either a rain gauge, wind vane or thermometer box and then record their measurements in a weather diary. www.metoffice.gov.uk/education/kids/things-to-do/weather-station

Tassie Bushfire

1. Discuss the Tassie Bushfire story with another student. 2. What happened in Dunalley Tasmania recently? 3. Describe the weather conditions in Tasmania during the bushfires. 4. In your own words describe the damage caused. 5. What did people in Dunalley do to stay safe during the bushfires? 6. How did the community help each other during the bushfires? 7. The kids in the story were able to go back to school at the beginning of the year. True or false? 8. How do you think the kids in this story felt during and after the bushfire? 9. How did this story make you feel? 10. Think of three questions you would like to ask the kids in this story.

Show your support for the kids going back to school in Dunalley Tasmania. Post a message on the Behind the News Guestbook www.abc.net.au/btn/

Flag Debate

1. Before watching the BtN Flag Debate story, predict what the story is about. 2. Name the three symbols on the Australian flag? 3. What country does the Union Jack come from? 4. Why does Australia have the Union Jack on its flag? 5. What is the Southern Cross?

©ABC 2013 6. Why was an extra point added to the Federation Star symbol? 7. What sorts of places would you see the Australian flag flying? 8. Why do some people want to change the Australian flag? 9. Do you think the Australian flag should be changed? Explain your answer. 10. What colours and symbols do you think best represent Australia?

Do you think the Australian flag should be changed? To vote head to the BtN website www.abc.net.au/btn

School Economics

1. What new subject will all primary school kids be learning at school? 2. Discuss as a class what is meant by the term economics? 3. Make a list of words that you associate with the word economics. 4. Why does the Education Minister think it will be useful learning about economics? 5. Name an economic disaster that’s happened in the past few years. 6. Learning about economics will be useful when you have to: a. Take out a car loan b. Apply for a credit card c. Complete your tax return d. All of the above 7. Why are some people opposed to the idea of teaching economics in school? 8. Do you think kids should be learning about economics in school? Explain your answer. 9. What did you learn from watching this story? 10. Brainstorm with your teacher fun and interesting ways that you can learn about economics and business in the classroom.

Create a simple budget for a class fundraising event. Refer to The Australian Curriculum “Create simple financial plans” http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/Curriculum/ContentDescription/ACMNA106

Ball Kids

1. In your own words describe what the story Ball Kids was about? 2. In what sport would you find a ball kid? a. Football b. Tennis c. Soccer 3. What world tennis tournament were the ball kids in this story a part of? 4. What is the role of a ball kid? 5. Name two well known tennis players that started out as ball kids? 6. How long do you need to train for to become a ball kid at the Australian Open? 7. How many ball kids make up the squad? 8. Which tennis player smashed seven racquets during a tennis match? 9. Which kids won the ball kid award this year at the Australian Open? 10. How much money did the best ball boy and girl win?

Test your knowledge in the Ball Kids BtN quiz. Go to the BtN website and follow the links.

©ABC 2013 Episode 1 Activity 5th February 2013 Wild Weather

Key Learning Students will investigate how extreme weather events can impact on people, plants, animals and landscape, both in Australia and in the Asia region.

The Australian Curriculum > Science / Science Understanding / Earth and space sciences Content description & elaboration General capabilities Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human Literacy activity. Code ACSSU075 Critical and creative  considering the effect of events such as floods and extreme weather on thinking the landscape, both in Australia and in the Asia region Numeracy Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earth’s surface. Code ACSSU096 Cross-curriculum priorities  investigating major geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic Sustainability eruptions and tsunamis in Australia, the Asia region and throughout the world Asia and Australia’s  recognising that earthquakes can cause tsunamis engagement with Asia  describing how people measure significant geological events  exploring ways that scientific understanding can assist in natural disaster management to minimise both long- and short-term effects  considering the effect of drought on living and non-living aspects of the environment

The Australian Curriculum > Science / Science as a Human Endeavour / Nature and development of science Content description & elaboration General capabilities Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to Literacy develop explanations of events and phenomena. Code ACSHE098 Critical and creative  describing how understanding of the causes and effects of major natural thinking events has changed as new evidence has become available Cross-curriculum priorities  considering how gathering evidence helps scientists to predict the effect of major geological or climatic events Sustainability

Focus Questions 1. Summarise the Wild Weather story. 2. What Australian states have recently been hit with extreme weather? 3. What types of extreme weather did these parts of Australia experience? 4. What is the name of the ex-tropical cyclone that recently hit the coast of Queensland? 5. Due to flooding thousands of people in Bundaberg recently had to ______their homes. 6. In the BtN story, Sarah wanted to find out why we are getting all this wild weather so she visited the Bureau of: a. Meteorology b. Archaeology

©ABC 2013 c. Astronomy 7. Why would you normally see more cyclones in summer? 8. What factors can increase the severity of a bushfire? 9. How did this story make you feel? 10. Illustrate an aspect of the Wild Weather story.

Activity Engagement After watching the BtN episode Wild Weather facilitate a class discussion. Here are some discussion starters:  How did you feel after watching the story?  What are some examples of extreme weather? Consider weather events in Australia and around the world.  Have you ever experienced extreme weather?  How does it impact on people and the environment?

Exploration and Explanation Organise an excursion to your local science organisation or conduct online research to find out more about extreme weather and its impact on the landscape. Ask students to start a science journal to record their findings, ideas and questions as they learn.  How is weather measured?  What type of climate zone do you live in?  What is the difference between weather and climate?  How do you predict extreme weather?

Elaboration and Evaluation What are the climate zones in Australia? Divide the class into six groups, and assign one of the following six climate zones to each group:  Equatorial  Tropical  Subtropical  Desert  Grassland  Temperate

Ask each group to research one of the six weather zones and present their findings in an interesting way. Refer to these pictorial maps for inspiration http://mapcollection.wordpress.com/?s=australia.

Using your classroom interactive whiteboard, make an enlarged version of a map of Australia and trace onto butcher paper. Ask students to outline the states, capital cities and the different weather zones on the map. Refer to the Bureau of Meteorology for a map which highlights the major classification groups. http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/environ/other/kpn_group.shtml.

The effects of extreme weather Create a table using the headings below or appropriate headings of your own. Select one type of extreme event that could be linked to each effect and determine the impact it might have on people, animals and plants.

Provide students with enough time to conduct research using the internet, newspapers and other sources of information.

©ABC 2013 Extreme weather Effect Impact on people, animals and plants E.g. Increased rainfall Storm surges Flooding in communities and farms. Damage to livestock and infrastructure.

Further Investigation

Consider an ecosystem in your own area. Describe the ecosystem. Perhaps you can photograph it. What might be the impacts on this ecosystem if temperature increased and rainfall decreased?

Make your own weather station. Ask students to make either a rain gauge, wind vane or thermometer box and then record their measurements in a weather diary. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/education/kids/things-to- do/weather-station

8 Related Research Links

Bureau of Meteorology – Climate Zones Australia http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/environ/travel/map.shtml

Bureau of Meteorology - About Tropical Cyclones http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/about/

Behind the News – Wild Weather http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s2981998.htm

ABC News – Oswald creates weather chaos in Queensland (photos) http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-01-27/queensland-floods-as-oswald-moves-south/4486174

ABC Catalyst – Taking our temperature http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/3633447.htm

CSIRO – Extreme Events http://www.csiro.au/en/Outcomes/Environment/Extreme-Events.aspx

NSW Education and Communities – Under the Microscope: Climate Change http://www.microscope.edu.au/public/clips/documents/climate_change.pdf

©ABC 2013 Episode 1 Activity 5th February 2013 Flag Debate

Key Learning Students will learn about the meanings and uses of flags in Australia and investigate why flags are an important part of society.

The Australian Curriculum > History / Historical Knowledge and understanding / Community and Remembrance Content description General capabilities Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Australia Literacy Day, ANZAC Day, Harmony Week, National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Intercultural understanding week and National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems. Code ACHHK063 Critical and creative thinking

Elaboration Cross-curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait  identifying and discussing the historical origins of an important Islander histories and cultures Australian celebration or commemoration  generating a list of local, state and national symbols and emblems (for example club emblems, school logos, flags, floral emblems, coat of arms) and discussing their origins and significance  examining the symbolism of flags (for example the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags) and recognising special occasions when they are flown (for example all three flags are flown during NAIDOC week, National Reconciliation Week, National Sorry Day and MABO day)

Focus Questions 1. Before watching the BtN Flag Debate story, predict what the story is about. 2. Name the three symbols on the Australian flag? 3. What country does the Union Jack come from? 4. Why does Australia have the Union Jack on its flag? 5. What is the Southern Cross? 6. Why was an extra point added to the Federation Star symbol? 7. What sorts of places would you see the Australian flag flying? 8. Why do some people want to change the Australian flag? 9. Do you think the Australian flag should be changed? Explain your answer. 10. What colours and symbols do you think best represent Australia?

Activity What country does this flag represent?

©ABC 2013 Print a selection of flags from various countries around the world. Ask your students to name what country each flag represents. When you have finished this task use the flags as posters around the classroom. (Alternatively use your classroom interactive whiteboard to refer to a selection of flags online).

After watching the BtN story Flag Debate invite students to participate in a class discussion. Find out what your students know about the Australian flag, what they learnt from the story and what questions they have about the topic. Here are some discussion starters:  What elements make up the Australian flag? Ask students to consider symbols and colours used on the flag.  Do you know what the symbols on the Australian flag represent?

 List some places where you would see the Australian flag.  What is the purpose of a national flag?

 What messages do you think the Australian flag conveys?

Exploring symbols Divide the class into three groups and ask each group to research one of the symbols used on the Australian flag. Ask students to consider the symbols historical origins when conducting their research.  Students to investigate the Southern Cross o What is its scientific name? o When and where is it used? o Ask students to identify other constellations in the Australian sky.  Students to investigate the Union Jack. o Where does it originate? o Why is it included on the Australian flag? o What other national flags include the Union Jack?  Students to investigate the Federation Star. o What does it symbolise? o Explore why this symbol was changed and when.

Consider completing this activity for other flags like the Aboriginal flag, Torres Strait Islander flag, Eureka Stockade flag and the Olympic flag.

Brainstorm some other symbols that you think represent Australia (for example the colours of green and gold, the opal, the golden wattle, aboriginal dreamtime, the kangaroo and emu).

The flag debate – “The Australian flag should be changed”

Before preparing for your classroom debate invite students to participate in a class discussion on whether they think the Australian flag should be changed. Consider creating a SWOT chart on the Australian flag.

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

©ABC 2013 Preparing for your class debate A debate is traditionally held between two teams of three speakers. The speakers are given the same topic. One team is called the ‘Affirmative’ and speaks in support of the topic. The other team is called the ‘Negative’ and speaks against the topic.

Other roles that can be assigned are chairperson, time keeper and the remaining class members can give feedback to the speakers. Discuss with students the length of time each speaker talks for. Students will need sufficient time to research the topic.

Once roles are assigned ask each team to prepare for the debate as per the following:  List your arguments and write in point form.  Highlight your five best points. These points will be used for the debate.  On cue cards, write in point form a beginning (introduction), middle (five best points) and ending for your speech.  Practise your speech using your cue cards.

Guide for giving feedback  Was the information clear and accurate?  Were the arguments logical?  Were the counter arguments accurate and relevant?  Comments about the presentation style (tone of voice, body language, enthusiastic, convincing).

Reflection  How difficult was it to think of points to support one side of the argument?  Do you think you would have done a better job supporting the other side of the argument?

“Should the Australian flag be changed?” Vote in the BtN online poll http://www.abc.net.au/btn/

Design your own flag – Your say

Ask students to design a new Australian flag. Students will need to consider the 5 basic principles of flag design, as per the following:  Keep it simple  Use meaningful symbolism  Use 2-3 basic colours  No lettering  Be distinctive

Go to the BtN website and download your own flag template http://abc.net.au/btn/story/extracontent/2013/flagdesign/btn-flagdesign.pdf Submit your designs to BtN [email protected] or put up around the classroom.

©ABC 2013 Further Investigation

Australia has a number of official flags. Ask pairs of students to research one of Australia’s official flags and share their findings with the class by creating a poster that features the flag, its history and its symbolism.

8 Related Research Links

ABC News – Does Australian sport need a new flag? http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2013/s3676173.htm

ABC News – Your say: Flying the flag http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-01-25/your-new-australian-flag-designs/4484312

Australian Governments Civics and Citizenship – Civic Symbols: Introduction http://www.civicsandcitizenship.edu.au/cce/cce_civics_flags_introduction,25194.html

Australian Governments Civics and Citizenship – Discovering democracy: A flag for the nation http://www.civicsandcitizenship.edu.au/cce/discovering_democracy_a_flag_for_a_nation,28879.html

ABC Indigenous – Aboriginal Flag http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/education/aboriginal_flag.htm

ABC Indigenous – Torres Strait Islander Flag http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/education/torres_strait_islander_flag.htm

©ABC 2013 BtN: Episode 1 Transcript 5/2/13

On this week's Behind the News

 We meet some kids returning to class after a bushfire destroyed their school.

 Should the Aussie flag be changed? We take a look at the debate.

 And taking Wall Street to the classroom a new subject for Primary school kids.

Hi I'm Nathan Bazley, welcome to the first Behind the News of 2013 great to be back. Also on the show today, we go behind the scenes and find out what it takes to be a ball kid at a major tournament. But first, let's go straight ahead and get a run-through of some of the main news stories. Here's Tash with the Wire.

The Wire

It's been an action packed start to the political year. Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced the Federal Election will be held on September 14 this year.

JULIA GILLARD, PRIME MINISTER: I can act so Australia's parliament and government serves their full three-year term and it is clear and certain when the election will be held.

TONY ABBOTT, OPPOSITION LEADER: We are so ready that we have already launched our real solutions plan and we are already campaigning on it.

Shorty after that announcement, a federal Labor politician was arrested! It's alleged Craig Thomson mis-used money belonging to a union, while he was the National Secretary. He's facing 150 fraud charges in Victoria but says he's done nothing wrong.

And if you think that wasn't enough it was followed up by two high profile resignations. Attorney-General Nicola Roxon and Senate leader Chris Evans have decided to quit politics later this year. The latest polls have shown a fall in support for the Prime Minister.

Wild Weather Reporter: Sarah Larsen

©ABC 2013 INTRO: Massive floods have devastated large parts of Queensland and New South Wales. Some people died and many lost their homes. The clean-up's expected to take a long time. Sarah takes us through what's been happening and why.

SARAH LARSEN, REPORTER: On the day that school was supposed to start again, some kids had their minds on other things. In parts of Queensland and New South Wales school was cancelled last week as people fought to save their property. Or salvage what they could.

It started when ex-tropical cyclone Oswald hit the coast of Queensland. Strong wind and waves whipped up sea foam which coated parts of the coast. While that brought hidden dangers, the real threat was rain which made rivers swell and burst their banks. Bundaberg in Southern Queensland was the worst hit. Thousands of people had to be evacuated. And some towns still recovering from last year's deadly floods were hit again.

But while people were mopping up in the country's east, down south they were battling flames. Last week there was a big fire in the Victorian mountains. And earlier in the month homes were destroyed in Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania.

It might seem hard to believe that such different weather could cause so many problems all in the same month except if you look back at the past few years you'll see a pattern

NATHAN (BtN 2012): Parts of Queensland and New South Wales have been hit by massive floods.

NATHAN (BtN 2010): Queensland has been hit by yet another natural disaster.

NATHAN (BtN 2009): While Victorians try to rebuild their lives after the fires Queenslanders are cleaning up after a natural disaster left parts of their state under water.

REPORTER: In four of the past five years. BtN has started the school year with a story about natural disasters. January just doesn't seem to be a good month for Australia!

So what's going on? Has Australia just had a really unlucky few years? Or is there a reason for all this wild weather. I went to visit the Bureau of Meteorology to find out.

REPORTER: So just tell me what we're looking at here? PAUL LIANIO, METEOROLOGIST: Well this is the remains of tropical cyclone Oswald so no longer a tropical cyclone but it travelled from up in the north of Queensland, all the way down to Queensland and then further along, flooding in New South Wales and Queensland as well.

Paul explained that cyclones form over warm patches of ocean and that's why you see more of them in Summer. But only around the top of Australia in something called a tropical climate zone.

In the tropics the ocean is warmer which means more moisture in the air and more rain and storms in the summer. Around the bottom of Australia is a sub-tropical zone. The ocean is cooler and there's not much rain in summer. Dry, hot, windy weather can sometimes fan bushfires.

©ABC 2013 PAUL LIANIO: We can get those double whammies in summer. Sometimes you've got fire conditions in the south and flooding and windy conditions in the north from cyclone activity.

While fires and floods are a normal part of Australian summer, weather experts are worried that climate change could make them worse. A warmer atmosphere could mean more intense cyclones in the north and more frequent bushfires in the south.

And that will mean finding new ways to adapt.

JULIA GILLARD, PRIME MINISTER: Whether it’s bushfires, whether it's floods Australia is being challenged by nature but we are a strong and smart nation and we will get through this as we always do

For now people in the fire and flood zones are just trying to pick up the pieces and do their best to deal with yet another devastating summer. Tassie Bushfire Reporter: Nathan Bazley

INTRO: Down in Tasmania there are a lot of people who also had a hard start to the year battling bushfires which destroyed homes and a school. In one town in Tassie people have been pitching in to help rebuild their school. And the kids who were involved made a video of their experiences.

MOLLY: Hello my name is Molly and I'm from Dunalley in Tasmania. Not long ago, a big bushfire burned through our town. My friends and I would like to tell you about what happened.

KAYLA: Well it was about 1:30 in the afternoon, and we could tell the house just started glowing bright orange, and you know it was crazy warm, it was about 55 degrees outside.

CHLOE: After about two and a half hours, we came back to the jetty and we came and had a look at our street because we thought it was all fine, and that's when all of over here started to go up in flames.

GRANDAD: We saw tornados of fire just come across towards us. And the next thing we knew, everything was on fire everywhere all around us.

KIDS: It came from both directions, it came at us and from the front and sides.

GRANDAD: By that time, I'd said to Gran with the children, 'get down to the jetty', because there was no other escape.

MUM: It's still quite upsetting to see the image, it's of all of our five children underneath the jetty huddled up to neck deep seawater.

KIDS: Even though there was hot ash and everything all over us, it was still cold.

©ABC 2013 After the fire went away, everyone came back to see what damage had been done, and some people started to cleanup.

DUNALLEY STUDENT: My dad and my great uncle, they're volunteer firefighters and they thought they'd saved all the houses in Mourbra Bay. They got a call back to Dunalley and they went back to Dunalley, when they came back here, most of these houses were gone.

JAKE: This is my brother's girlfriend’s car and this was our shed. Unfortunately it got burnt down and came really close to our house burning down.

DUNALLEY STUDENT: This is where my nan and pop used to live and my dad, my uncle and my aunty grew up in this house. We found a few things left in the house but you cannot use them.

One of the places destroyed was our primary school. All of our books and supplies were burnt.

But since then a lot's happened.

The whole school site was cleared and pretty soon, these temporary classrooms were lifted in by big cranes.

These will be our classrooms while the school is being rebuilt.

It won't be exactly the same, but it's pretty amazing to think all of this has come together so quickly.

MOLLY: As you're watching this, we'll just be starting back at our makeshift school for the new year. The whole community has chipped in to make sure we don't miss out, even after such a terrible event. I hope all kids around Australia enjoy the new school year as much as we will. Bye! Quiz 1

OK, we're going to move onto a story about flags next but first let's have a quiz.

The question is:

The skull and crossbones on the flag of a pirate ship is known as what?

The Cutlass Cross

The Ghost Flag

Or the Jolly Roger

Answer: Jolly Roger

Fortunately we don't see too many of those flags anymore.

©ABC 2013 Flag Debate Reporter: Sarah Larsen

INTRO: One flag we do see a lot of though is our own Aussie flag particularly at celebrations like Australia Day. But recently some people have been talking about getting rid of the flag and replacing it with something else. So why would they want to do that? Here's Sarah.

SARAH LARSEN, REPORTER: We fly it, we parade it, we wave it, we wear it. On Australia day more than any other day the Aussie flag is in.

REPORTER: But have you ever wondered where the flag came from? Or just what these lines and stars represent?

When British people colonised what's now Australia they brought their own flag with them known as the Union Jack. When Australia became a federation in 1901 it got a new flag but the Union Jack stayed. It was joined by new symbols, like the Southern Cross which is a constellation that can always be seen from Australia. And a six pointed star to represent each of the six states, with an extra point added later to represent the territories.

Since then the flag has been the main symbol of Australia. It flies over Parliament house, at official ceremonies and over official buildings. It's on ships and the uniforms of soldiers. And it's flown whenever an Aussie stands at a sporting podium. Except scenes like this at last year's Olympics had some wondering whether Australia's flag really sets us apart.

ROBERT WEBSTER, AUSFLAG CHAIRMAN: Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain finished first, second and third and the three flags went up the flag pole. I imagine people watching in China or the United States or somewhere looking and thinking hmm, there's three British flags just gone up the flag pole because you're immediately drawn to the Union Jack. And that was what really started me on my crusade to change the Australian flag.

Robert Webster is the chairman of Ausflag, an organisation which reckons the Aussie flag has an image problem. It's not just the UK and New Zealand that bear the Union Jack. It's on the flags of many countries that used to be British colonies. So to avoid the confusion, Ausflag is trying to get a new flag flown at sporting events.

But some reckon a new sporting flag isn't enough and that it's time Australia changed its official flag for good. One argument is that the current flag with its Union Jack doesn't represent Indigenous Australians. Many suffered when their land was colonised by Britain.

Now there are separate flags for Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait Islands but some people reckon it'd be better to have one flag that represents everyone, including Aussies with no British ancestors.

There have been plenty of attempts to design a new one. This one was launched on Australia day by an Aussie academic who tried to incorporate bits of the old flag with symbols of Aboriginal Australia and the country's many migrants. Some loved it, but others thought they could do better

©ABC 2013 While there disagreements about just what a new flag should look like some reckon we shouldn't be changing it at all. They say it's an important part of Australia's history a symbol that's meant a lot to people including the many soldiers who fought for their country.

It's an issue that always stirs up debate. So what do you think?

KID: I don't think the flag should be changed simply because of the all of the history that's happened in Australia and the flag's been part of it.

KID: I think it should be change due to we're not a part of England we've expanded we've had immigrants coming over here

REPORTER: These are the two designs that people have come up with so what do you think of them?

KIDS: They're all right. That one's better than that one.

KID: That one I think is really good for the new Australian flag because it's got the Aboriginal colours

KID: This one I think would look better as the Australian flag than the one at the moment Online Poll

OK let's make that our poll this week.

The question is:

Do you think the Australian flag should be changed?

To vote head to abc.net.au/btn

And if you want to why not have a go at designing your own Aussie flag.

Send it to us via the website. School Economics Reporter: Nathan Bazley

INTRO: You might have missed it but over the summer holidays there was a big announcement that affects all primary school kids. The government says you're all going to be studying economics lessons. We take a look at why teachers and politicians think the economy is something you need to know more about.

STOCKBROKER STUDENT: How are the European markets looking? Okay? Is the NASDAQ still up? Well I want you to sell my tech portfolio, it's underperforming. What do you mean you can only guarantee 28 points profit. Do Better!

©ABC 2013 STOCKBROKER STUDENT: Sorry, what did I miss? No not you!

NATHAN BAZLEY, REPORTER: Wall Street and the classroom are two worlds that are usually pretty far apart. But soon, the economy will be making an appearance on whiteboards around Australia.

This guy, Australia's school education minister, wants to get economics lessons into primary schools. But the reason isn't to make you all loud and demanding stockbrokers. So why the push to teach you economics?

STUDENT: Heaps of the world's economies have gone bad. Are the lessons to teach us about what went wrong? And how to avoid it happening again?

That's a pretty good thought, because economic crashes have been all over the headlines for the past few years. Learning how to stop all this chaos from happening again would be pretty handy. But that's not what these primary school economics lessons are all about. So again, why economics lessons?

Well the focus of these lessons isn't on Wall St. It's actually on your Wallet. Okay let me explain. What is the point of school?

STUDENT: To teach you what you need to get through life and to get a job.


But what will you do with the money you earn once you get that job? Will you take out a car loan? What about a house loan? Will you apply for a credit card? Maybe two? Maybe three? How about doing your own tax return?

Then, will you do it all over again if you decide to start a business? Knowing how all these things work and how best to use them, can make a huge difference to your bank balance and your life. But get it wrong and you can be left in a world of financial pain.

Up until now though, it was really up to you to separate the right decisions from the wrong ones. That's where economics lessons come in - to teach you about all those adult money issues before you need to know about them! But remember how we said these economics lessons have nothing to do with all those world crashes you've heard about? Well that's not technically true. Because if more people make smart financial decisions, then huge crashes are much less likely to happen. That’s how the American economic crash started after all.

So classrooms like this won't only focus on multiplication tables, but on multiplying your money too. Although there are some people who are against the plan, saying the curriculum is already pretty full. But then there are probably others who don't want economics lessons taught, just in case more kids end up like this guy.

STOCKBROKER STUDENT: Well get on with the lesson then. And you, stop listening, start selling! Quiz 2

©ABC 2013 Let's have a quiz.

The question is:

Which Australian building is on the $5 note?

Parliament House

Opera House

Australian War Memorial

Answer: Parliament House

On the other side is the Queen and some eucalyptus leaves.

Let's check out what's been happening in sport now. Here's James with the score. The Score

The Baltimore Ravens have been crowned Super Bowl champions. They beat the San Francisco 49ers in a tense game, that was made even more tense because the coaches of both teams are brothers! The Ravens took a comfortable lead early on, but the 49ers finished strongly. The Ravens clung on to win only their second Super Bowl in their history.

Aussie golfer Karrie Webb has won the Ladies Masters on the Gold Coast. She took out the event by two shots with a final round of 67. It's her eighth win at the event.

And four of the biggest soccer clubs in the world have met with some of Australia's best young players. Development coaches from Manchester United, Barcelona, Inter Milan and Brazilian club Corinthians cast their eyes over players at a training camp in Canberra.

SOCCER PLAYER: Oh, one of the most exciting things that's happened in a while, so yeah no it's really big and like yeah, just sort of not lose my head.

They got a chance to develop relationships with some of their favourite teams and learn techniques that could help their career. Ball Kids Reporter: Natasha Thiele

INTRO: If you've ever watched a major tennis tournament you might have noticed the ball boys and girls on the sidelines. It looks like a pretty cool job to do but actually there's a lot more to it than you might think. Tash finds out what it takes to be a ball kid.

NATASHA THIELE, REPORTER: They've got the best seat in the house and a ticket to watch some of the world's top players. That's because these guys are ballkids!

©ABC 2013 SOPHIA, BALLKID: It's really fun, it's amazing you really feel like you're a part of the Australian Open and you're a part of the players.

DYLAN, BALLKID: It's kind of amazing to see the full scale of a big tournament like the Australian Open in full force and being a part of it makes you feel really special.

PATRICK, BALLKID: It's my third year now and it just gets better and better each year.

It's a job some of the world's greatest tennis players like Roger Federer and Aussie Pat Rafter did as kids. And it's something that might look easy, but a lot of hard work goes into being a ball kid! They need to know where to move around the court, where the balls need to be and good reflexes come in handy too.

DYLAN, BALLKID: I was lucky enough to ball kid for the semi final of Roger Federer vs Nadal and I took a catch. It was a bit of a fluke, but i'll take it.

Ballkids also need to make sure the players have their drinks, balls and towels when they want them. And you need to stay still on the court for a long time!

DYLAN, BALLKID: You've really got to stay concentrated, really listen to the score. You don't want to move around to much to catch the players' attention and break their concentration.

If you want to become a ball kid at the Australian Open, there's a tough process you need to go through. It involves training sessions like this and all up it takes about a year.

DARREN STURGESS, BALLKID SQUAD MANAGER: We start with club based trials at local venues around the state. We had roughly just under 2,000 this year and cut that down to about 750 and we have a weekend here in may where are the kids come in and they're all graded against each other and then we pick a squad from that.

In the end, a squad of 380 was made up of 12 to 15-year old kids from across Australia, along with some of the best ball kids from international events.

Being a ball kid seems like a lot of fun, but it's not always glamorous.

DARREN STURGESS: There's always a few stories, there was Allison this year that had to remove the bugs for the players because the player was scared of the bug on the court, so you know doing things like that.

DYLAN, BALLKID: There's been a lot of stuff like one of my other friends was on court when Baghdatis smashed seven rackets and he was asked to throw the rackets out. So there's a lot of bizarre situations.

At the end of each year trophies are awarded to the best ball boy and girl. They get their name added to an honour board and they score a thousand-dollar cheque, and the hunt is already on for next year's ball kids! Closer

©ABC 2013 That's it for the show. Don't forget to send us your flag designs via the website and vote in this week's poll. And I'll see you next time.

©ABC 2013

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