National Emergency Communications Certification

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National Emergency Communications Certification

National Emergency Communications Certification Level I Telecommunicator Exam

1) A female caller is concerned about symptoms she is experiencing after coming into contact with a white powder from an envelope. Which of the following is the most appropriate action?

a) Check on the local procedures for handling this type of call. b) Refer her to the local Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. c) Ask her to bring the substance to the local hospital for testing d) Call the EOC for the area to report terrorist activity

2) In the event a 9-1-1 hang up call back is busy, which of the following is NOT an appropriate initial action by the Call Taker?

a) Send a police response b) Attempt an operator interrupt c) Notify the responding units d) Assume the caller is okay

3) In the event a 9-1-1 hang up call is answered, the Call Taker should

a) cancel the call b) remove the call from CAD c) verify the caller's information by calling another party d) remain on the line with the caller until units arrive if possible

4) In the event a caller appears to be abusing 9-1-1 with continuous hang ups, inappropriate language, or false calls, which of the following is NOT appropriate?

a) Threatening the caller with legal action b) Dispatching an office to investigate c) Reporting this action to the on duty supervisor for action d) Treating each call as any other call, until other action is taken

5) Which of the following can be used to calm hysterical callers?

a) Using the alert tone to identify a hot call b) Transferring the call to the supervisor on duty c) Persistently repeating a message to the caller d) Getting the caller's attention by using a beeping sound

6) A car on routine patrol declares sots fired over the radio. Which of the following actions must be taken FIRST?

a) Restrict the radio channel b) Determine the exact location of the unit c) Advise the patrol sergeant of the shots fired call d) Call out all units and ensure the K0 unit is enroute 7) A call is received from a hysterical person reporting a fire in the kitchen. The fire department is promptly dispatched. Two minutes later the same person calls back to report the fire is out and the fire department is no longer needed. Which of the following is an appropriate course of action?

a) Dispatch a police officer to the house to verify and cancel the fire units b) Agree with the caller and cancel the responding fire units c) Instruct the caller to open the windows to help clear the smoke and cancel d) Update the responding fire units with the new information and do not cancel the call

8) A call is received reporting a large jumbo jet crash. Which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?

a) Determine the number of injuries b) Dispatch a police officer to secure the area c) Dispatch a fire department crash truck d) Determine the exact location of the crash site

9) The communications center receives a report of a construction worker who has become trapped in a ditch while installing a natural gas pipe. Which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?

a) Ascertain the extent of patient's injuries b) Determine the exact location of the incident c) Determine if the patient has a clear airway d) Dispatch the fire department and heavy rescue company

10) A call taker receives a call for medical aid from a recognized mentally ill person who has called in the past. The caller is requesting medical attention again, the third day in a row, and the last two calls were false alarms. Which of the following actions should be taken by the call taker, if any?

a) Do not dispatch b) Dispatch police only c) Dispatch ambulance only d) Dispatch ambulance and police

11) A call taker receives a call from a child reporting a house fire. Other children are laughing in the background and when more information is requested they hang up. Which of the following actions is the best practice?

a) Dispatch police to issue a ticket b) Dispatch the appropriate fire units to the scene c) Call back and take action according to the results and your agency protocol d) Wait until someone calls back to dispatch fire units, verifying the call is genuine 12) Upon answering an E911 call, a caller is yelling, screaming, and cursing at the call taker. The call taker tries to calm the caller down, but nothing is working. The address and phone number are displayed on the call taker's CAD screen, but the caller cannot verify the actual address or the problem. Which of the following actions should be taken by the call taker?

a) Send appropriate units to the ALI displayed b) Get an actual address by telling the caller the call will be disconnected if they continue to be uncooperative c) Send units to the address displayed after disconnecting the abusive caller d) Wait for verification of the address and problem before you can send

13) An E911 hang up occurs from a high school cafeteria. In calling back, a teen answers and says everything is okay, which of the following would be the next best appropriate action.

a) Call the high school office and send police or school security officer if available b) Send SWAT to check the situation as this could be a school shooting scenario c) Believe the teen as it is common for kids to call 9-1-1 from the cafeteria d) Let it go, because if someone was able to answer the phone normally, any bad situation most likely has subsided

14) If a mentally ill caller has called over 15 times, which of the following is appropriate for the next time she calls?

a) Log her call in the mentally ill file and hang up b) Hang up so emergency lines are not tied up c) Listen for any indication she may be in trouble on this call and send an office for a welfare check d) Explain to her that she must not call 911 or the police will be dispatched to arrest her

15) If a 911 call is received and the caller hangs up without communicating, which of the following may NOT need to be done immediately?

a) Contact your supervisor to tag the call b) Call back the number on the ANI display c) Reverse the phone number to obtain an address d) Contact the wireless carrier to determine an address

16) During a 911 hang up call, if the line is busy and an operator interrupt is not possible, which of the following is NOT an appropriate action by the call taker?

a) Advise units to cancel b) Advise the units of the inability to interrupt the call c) Advise the operator to continue to try the interrupt until units arrive d) Continue to attempt a line in until units arrive 17) A call taker receives multiple 911 calls from two different screaming callers angry about the cutting down of a tree on the property line. Which of the following is the best way for the call taker to ensure the lines are not tied up by calls from this group.

a) Ask for the caller's address, phone number, and name and send an officer to the location. b) Explain that 911 is for emergencies and tell the caller to call the non emergency line c) Advise the caller to get an attorney for this is a civil matter d) Use persistent repetition because the callers are hysterical

18) A teenage boy calls E911 to report he has just accidently shot his friend in the head. If there is a full ALI display, which of the following is the most important action to take?

a) Find out the location of the gun b) Ask if any adults are on location c) Confirm the address and phone number d) Use persistent repetition to keep him under control

19) An E911 call comes in and is immediately disconnected. The only sound heard on the line was that of a person gasping. If the line back in gets a busy signal, which of the following is the best practice?

a) Dispatch appropriate emergency personnel to the ALI address b) Document the call into CAD c) Wait for a call back to determine problem and confirm address d) Get an operator interrupt to determine call type

20) The phone number of the caller is only important when:

a) there is any call generated b) information is not available on ALI c) the call taker may need to call the reporting party back d) the caller needs to provide further information

21) A caller with an ALI display states that his child is not breathing. Which of the following is the most important next question.

a) Is the child choking b) How old is the child c) Can you perform CPR d) What is your address

22) A girl calls and states that she has just shot her brother. Which of the following questions address officer safety?

a) What is your name b) Is he still breathing c) Was this intentional d) Where is your brother 23) If a caller reports that a rusty grenade is found under the porch, which of the following is the most appropriate initial action?

a) Advise the caller not to disturb the device and dispatch appropriate units b) Dispatch the medic unit in the event there is an explosion c) Instruct the caller to use water to immobilize the device d) Assure the caller that they do not know the status of the device so do not panic

24) If a hysterical male calls to report a deer lying in the middle of the road, what is the most appropriate FIRST action?

a) Obtain a description of the animal b) Obtain the exact location of the animal c) Advise the caller to call animal control not 9-1-1. d) Ask the caller the condition of the animal

25) Which of the following best describes the tool of 'sequencing' of emergency call taking?

a) Allows officers to sequence the response to the location better b) Keep the caller on the line as long as possible c) Keeps a sequence with the caller gong so that they will not hang up d) Allows the most important information to be gathered first

26) Which of the following best determines the 'priority' of a call?

a) Level of severity b) Location of the caller c) Supervisor d) Time of day the call comes in

27) A call is received from a police officer's girlfriend who wishes to report that the officer kicked her in the stomach. The officer is your friend and in a conversation the previous night, he mentioned he was ending the relationship because she was violent. This call may be a form of retaliation. Which of the following actions should be taken to handle this delicate situation?

a) Contact his Sergeant immediately, do not dispatch. b) Give the girlfriend the number of the officer's sergeant. c) Dispatch the call as any domestic violence call. d) Call the officer to find out what happened.

28) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate response to a person reporting verbal threats?

a) Determine who is making the threats. b) Advise threats are free speech and not criminal c) Ask why the caller believes the person is threatening. d) Ask if the caller believes the person is capable of carrying out the threats. 29) If a homicide is witnessed, a call taker should

a) keep the caller on the line until an officer arrives b) instruct the caller to cover the victim c) notify the medical examiner immediately d) ask the caller to secure the premises

30) A caller states he burned a large pile of wood in a field behind his house, which he then soaked with water. Now he says only smoke remains. He thinks that a neighbor has called it in as a fire; however no call was received at your center. Which of the following is the best practice?

a) Log this into CAD as information only b) Send the fire department and notify the caller of this action c) Tell the caller fire trucks are not sent to fires that are out. d) Let the caller know his neighbor did not call so there is no response and disconnect

31) Which of the following questions determine the response type to a brush fire call?

a) What type of brush is on fire? b) Is the fire near any structures? c) Is there a water source nearby? d) Are there any flammable liquids in the area?

32) A teen calls from a cell phone stating that he set a school on fire. After confirming the location of the school which of the following questions should be asked?

a) What is your name? b) Why did you set this fire? c) What was the fire set with? d) How long ago was the fire set?

33) A caller calls to complain of chest pain but wants no response. The caller only wants to know what type of chest pain is a heart attack. The call taker should:

a) explain that cardiac pain does not change b) attempt to convince the caller to get checked out by sending a unit or to go to the hospital because chest pain could be life threatening c) give the caller the number to a local hospital to receive medical advice d) explain to the caller the role of 911 is to send medics not give advice

34) If a six year old child falls from a tree, which of the following questions offer the most critical information?

a) Why did he fall? b) Is he conscious? c) Which arm is broken? d) What is his medical history?

35) How does a wireline phone differ from a wireless phone.

a) Wireless phones allow a caller to select their phone number b) Wireline phones transport ALI/ANI to the E911 Center. c) Wireless phones do not have a surcharge d) Wireline phones can be anonymous to 9-1-1 36) Which of the following best describes a secondary PSAP?

a) Is always a fire dispatch b) Receives calls from a primary c) Answers 9-1-1 directly for the call type d) Is only in use when the primary PSAP goes down

37) A call taker receives a call from the very depressed man on a cell phone who is possibly suicidal. Which of the following is most important to consider when deciding the sequence of questions the call taker should ask?

a) Cell phones often disconnect b) Caller does not know you don't have ALI/ANI on a cell call c) Saying something wrong could push the caller into suicide d) The call must be kept confidential according to HIPPA regulations.

38) Which of the following is most characteristic of a wireless phone call to 9-1-1?

a) NO RECORD shows on the ALI screen b) A phone number and Telco address are displayed c) A notification in the CAD system shows the call cannot be located d) Differs from area to area and agency to agency

39) Which of the following is one solution to wireless location technology?

a) GPS b) IDRT c) GIS d) InfoTrak

40) Which of the following describes GPS?

a) General Priority System b) A method of timekeeping c) General Positioning Standards d) Satellites orbiting the earth

41) PSAPs were created with the use of 9-1-1 because:

a) it was requested by local addressing groups b) legislation coined the term by the FAA c) certain answering points had been designated by the TELCOs d) there was a need to identify one primary agency that would answer the 9-1-1 call

42) Where is a 9-1-1 call received when dialed from a cell phone?

a) Secondary PSAP b) Jurisdictional PSAP c) State Patrol d) Depend on the area 43) Which of the following best describes something about Phase I Wireless Act?

a) Location of the wireless call must carry forward to the PSAP b) Guidelines for Comm Centers in setting up GIS c) The call back number must be passed to the PSAP d) FCC rules and regulations for wireline switching

44) Which of the following is a technology being considered for wireless location technology?

a) GPS b) TDD c) 800 MHz d) Triangulation TAD

45) Wireless phone calls generally do NOT display complete ALI because:

a) most wireless phones are in vehicles b) cell phones overwhelm the system c) wireless carriers require privacy d) wireless exact location technology is not developed

46) When a 'silent' call is received at a PSAP, the call taker must:

a) check the call for TDD/TTY b) use repetitive persistence c) notify the supervisor d) keep the call open for a minimum of 5 minutes

47) Which of the following individuals use a TDD TTY device to communicate?

a) Visually impaired b) Hearing impaired c) Mentally impaired d) Emotionally impaired

48) Which of the following may be a result of selecting an improper call type in a typical CAD system?

a) Incorrect address would appear b) Caller information would not match ALI c) Incorrect recommended units and priority d) An accurate record of the call would be created

49) In a CAD entry, which of the following is the proper abbreviation for Avenue?

a) AV b) Ave c) AVE d) Depends by agency 50) Which of the following is typically received by MDTs?

a) Simulated training sessions for new hires b) Disaster coordination for EOC operations c) Responders obtaining info electronically from dispatch d) Mobile Determinates Technology

51) PBX calls may create a problem for 9-1-1 because they

a) required a 9-1-1 user fee b) may not give correct location c) create an improper link between CAD and PSAP d) not have PBX operators on duty

52) A caller requests an ambulance for a compound arm fracture. The caller is a friend of the call taker's family and known to be HIV positive. Since the call involves blood that may expose the responders to HIV, which action should be taken?

a) Do not reveal HIV status of the caller b) Use agency secret HIV code c) Call responders on private line to advise of HIV status d) Include this info in dispatch to protect responders

53) Which of the following is NOT a component of a negligence lawsuit?

a) A loss / harm b) A standard of care c) A timely trial / docket d) A duty / responsibility

54) Which of the following is the purpose of immunity laws?

a) To keep 9-1-1 call tapes confidential b) To keep 9-1-1 agencies from lengthy trials c) To keep 9-1-1 operators accountable for their actions d) To keep 9-1-1 workers from excessive lawsuits

55) Which of the following best describes privacy regarding HIV patients?

a) No transmission about HIV status is permitted b) Responders must only be notified of HIV status in code c) Call takers must enter the HIV status into premise history d) Call takers must have direct knowledge in order to advise

56) Which of the following best describes the handling of information of patient condition and medical calls to 9-1-1?

a) Considered to be kept off the air b) Considered to be kept out of CAD c) Considered to be public knowledge d) Considered to be confidential 57) The Crisis Clinic calls about a person who has sliced their wrists. Upon arriving at the location, the patient is taken to the hospital. The Crisis Clinic calls back and asks the condition of the patient. Which of the following is the best practice?

a) Advise of the transport and patient condition b) Advise them the patient did not die c) Advise them to call the hospital d) Advise them the patient was contacted and treated appropriately

58) Which of the following best describes 9-1-1 tapes?

a) Cannot be used in a court of law b) Are always kept on file for two years c) Are never released until court ordered d) Can be released under certain guidelines

59) Which of the following would be appropriate if a patrol officer is dispatched to a low priority call and a high priority call is received?

a) The low priority call must be handled first b) The officers may not be reassigned once assigned c) Dispatch/command may reassign the officer to the higher priority d) All calls must be answered in the order in which they are received

60) Which of the following best describes the goals of emergency radio communications?

a) Adam, Boy, Charles b) Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity c) Abbreviate, Break, Code d) Attenuate, Bandwith, Channel

61) Which of the following best describes the rationale for echoing.

a) Is designed for use on tactical channels b) Is not necessary unless the air is closed c) Is used primarily in ICS d) Ensures the message was received as intended

62) The best practice for police pursuits is that all transmissions from an officer are:

a) Off air to ensure privacy b) Echoed c) Assigned stats to start and end times d) Used to create felony flight arrest report

63) During radio transmission, addressing methods should be:

a) Concise b) Consistent c) According to APCO standards d) According to mapping 64) Which of the following is most important regarding safety during a pursuit?

a) Calling out all units and ensuring the K9 unit is enroute b) Ensuring all units on the air hear vital details c) Confirming the sergeant on duty is aware of the pursuit d) Ensuring the suspect address is relayed to the officer

65) Which of the following best describes a PASS device used by firefighters?

a) Works when a firefighter is in distress b) Allows officers to get into the staging area c) Should be activated on a call back only d) Allows for a second alarm to off duty personnel

66) If a suspicious call for help is received on the radio, the first step dispatch should take is to:

a) Notify the supervisor b) Announce a roll call c) Clear the channel and ask the unit to repeat d) Ignore the event so as not to encourage the sender

67) If an officer is reassigned to a call and the complainant is expecting a response, dispatch should

a) Make no justification to the citizen regarding time b) Allow the officer to notify the citizen it's his call c) Allow one hour for the response then call with a more appropriate time d) Attempt to notify the complainant of the delay as soon as possible

68) An alarm company calls to report a water flow alarm at the local lumberyard. Several minutes after the fire companies are dispatched, the alarm company calls back to report a false alarm. What is the most appropriate action?

a) Cancel the responding fire units for safety reasons b) Update the responding fire units with the new information c) Ascertain the exact location of the enunciator panel from the alarm company d) Dispatch police for false alarm citation

69) Which of the following is the best practice when receiving a PASS alarm?

a) It is the responsibility of dispatch to acknowledge any report of such a device sounding and ensure all personnel are aware of the alarm b) It is the responsibility of the command unit to acknowledge the report, handle the ground units and dispatch should not tie up the air c) It is the responsibility of the units on the ground to handle the alarm as only they can hear it d) It is the responsibility of dispatch to set off the alert tones and close the air to routine dispatches until the unit is located 70) Which of the following should a dispatcher do when fire units on the scene are communicating on a secondary or alternate channel?

a) Echo b) Monitor c) Mute d) Keep times

71) Safety on the emergency radio is affected by the dispatcher's voice and

a) monotone tone to keep emotions down b) consistency with other dispatchers tone c) professionally controlled confident tone d) soft and soothing tone for stress

72) A caller states her 21 year old daughter did not come home from work and she is concerned because her daughter has been receiving death threats from her ex husband. Which of the following is the best practice?

a) Send an officer to the call b) Enter into CAD as information only and dispatch an ATL c) Check all local shelters for the woman d) Advise her to call in 24 hours

73) A person calls to report their 40 year old father is not breathing and has no pulse. The dispatcher receiving the report never dispatches emergency medical services. Consequently the patient dies. The failure to act may be considered

a) a tort b) an assault c) covered under immunity d) a criminal act

74) Two calls are received for an ambulance; a police officer shot and a baby choking and turning blue. There is only one ambulance available. Which of the following should be done by the dispatcher?

a) Send the ambulance to the officer and give instructions for the baby b) Send the ambulance to the baby and determine the condition of the officer c) Send the ambulance to the officer and give the baby's parents directions to the hospital d) Send the ambulance to the baby and tell the officers to take the wounded officer to the hospital

75) Which of the following is characteristic of the use of 10 codes in emergency communications?

a) Are varied and not always used by every agency b) Keep the air secure from interference c) Are standardized by APCO used by all agencies d) Keep the air free from long transmissions 76) In terms of emergency dispatching, which of the following best describes a repeater?

a) Device for sensing recorded data and transmitting repeatedly for verification b) Device used to harmonize electronic signals between different agencies c) Device designed to squelch electronic communications signals for privacy d) An electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher level

77) Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a car submerged in a body of water?

a) Seatbelts are often operated electronically so the car must be running to get them off in water b) When sinking, doors cannot be opened until water pressure inside is equal to outside c) Vehicles with all windows closed will float longer and provide better chance of escape d) If the car sinks too fast for occupants to escape, there may be air trapped in the vehicle

78) A caller with an ALI display hangs up after stating, "My father is molesting my sister." If upon calling back an adult make answers, which of the following is characteristic

a) Calls of this nature must be investigated by following procedures b) No victim, no crime there is nothing the call taker can do c) The man who answers must be questioned by the call taker about the accusations d) Anonymous calls cannot be dispatched, there is no one to contact

79) While on the line with a couple engaged in a domestic dispute, a call taker hers one member accuse the other of child abuse. Which of the following is characteristic of the information?

a) The abuse information must be reported b) The conversation is not regarded as an actual statement so it is not viable c) The abuse statement was not an actual report and is hearsay d) The accusation could be retaliation and there fore must be ignored

80) Which of the following is an appropriate response to a caller who states she saw a man walking down the highway holding what appeared to be a rifle in a gun case 20 minutes ago?

a) Advise the caller is it not illegal to carry a gun in a case b) Do not create a call, this is not illegal c) Do not dispatch since the call is 20 minutes old and he is probably out of the area d) Advise the units of the information and description, location, direction of travel, time delay

81) Which of the following questions are NOT vital to the call type "man with a gun"?

a) What type of gun? b) Where is the gun on the person? c) Guns are legal, how is this threatening to you? d) Is the person brandishing, concealing or holding the weapon? 82) Domestic violence laws often require police to

a) arrest the male b) supply information shelters c) remove the male from the house d) believe the female as they are mainly the victims

83) Which of the following is considered true by advocates of domestic violence prevention?

a) Women never batter b) Alcohol causes battering c) Batterers may also hurt children d) The batterer is never a loving husband

84) If a woman calls to report her husband has stated he is coming over to kill her, which of the following must be done?

a) Dispatch the call with full information b) Tell the caller to call back when he arrives, we cannot stand guard c) Determine if the caller has a legitimate claim as there is no current threat d) Advise the caller that threats only do not require a response, a phone report will do.

85) Which of the following is NOT considered a reason for women who stay in abusive relationships by DV experts?

a) She is afraid it is safer to stay than leave due to threats to family b) She likes the abuse c) She has been isolated and has no support d) She has no financial means to leave

86) Which of the following is LEAST important to the safety of the responder when handling a suicide call?

a) Method of suicide b) State of mind of the suicidal person c) History of suicide attempts d) Who is calling about the person

87) Which of the following is NOT appropriate when speaking to someone who is potentially suicidal? a) Ask directly, "Are you considering suicide?" b) Ask directly, "Are you aware of the consequences of suicide after death?" c) Ask directly, "Do you have a plan?" d) Ask directly, "Do you have a timeline?"

88) A woman has called stating her son is suicidal. She has a phone number for him but does not know where he lives. Which of the following should be done next?

a) Tell her to call 1.800.SUICIDE immediately b) Perform a reverse search on the son’s phone number c) Send officers to the mother's home address d) Advise her to call back with son's address 89) A call is received from a male who may possibly be suicidal. In assessing the risk, the call taker must first ask if he

a) has a gun b) has a plan c) has any health problems d) is considering harming himself

90) A person in crisis usually

a) will not harm others b) is mentally ill c) has lost the ability to cope d) are not in counseling

91) The crime of sexual assault is generally

a) often not credible b) under reported c) alcohol induced d) partly the fault of the victim

92) Engine 3, Truck 7 and Battalion 1 are on the scene of a residential structure fire. A firefighter from Truck 7 transmits the following urgent radio message. "Truck 7 Firefighter Mayday, Mayday I'm trapped." Which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?

a) Switch all units to TAC channel and clear the air b) Dispatch an ALS ambulance to the scene of the fire c) Notify the fire chief that a firefighter is in distress d) Determine the exact location of the firefighter in distress

93) Which of the following should a call taker tell a caller if he is in a burning building?

a) Breathe deeply b) Get out safely c) Stay on the line d) Do not give advice due to liability

94) Which of the following is characteristic of the Incident Command system?

a) Does not involve the dispatcher b) Requires the response of a commander c) Used for large incidents only d) Command controls and coordinates

95) Which of the following is required by an Incident Command System?

a) Lineman b) PIO c) Command Second d) Resource SitStat 96) The Incident Command System assumes which of the following?

a) Fire department Captain will be the only control authority b) Vehicle staging area is mandatory for units to await further assignment c) Incident Commander will operate from a mobile command post upon arrival d) First public safety official to arrive on the scene becomes the initial Incident Commander

97) According to typical EMD protocol, which of the following actions must be taken FIRST if a woman states her child is possibly choking and cannot breathe?

a) Tell her to check the child's airway and turn the head to the side b) Determine if the child is choking or is possibly in seizure c) Tell her to get the child on the floor flat on his back and clear the throat d) Confirm the location of the caller

98) Which of the following is the most appropriate call type for a suspect who has snatched a woman's purse and fled?

a) Assault b) Burglary c) Petty Theft d) Strong Arm Robbery

99) Which of the following is most characteristic of the 9-1-1 system?

a) Most countries have 9-1-1 as an emergency number b) 9-1-1 is funded by the federal government c) The US is the only country with 9-1-1 d) 9-1-1 is not yet in all areas of the US or Canada

100) Which of the following best describes a civil lawsuit? a) Is usually involving civil rights amendment b) Is an action not involving a crime c) Is an action not involving attorneys d) Is an action regarding property rights

101) Setting up a perimeter - is a term used by

a) Lifeflight b) Medic One c) K9 Unit d) GPS Systems

102) What information is needed to determine if a restraining order against someone exists?

a) The court area that issued the restraining order b) One person's name and date of birth c) The restraining order number d) Police file number 103) A local judge calls and complains that a vehicle parked in his lot looks suspicious. He wants the plate run and wants to know the registered owner's name. Which of the following best describes this action?

a) Not advisable action b) Always advisable action c) Necessary part of call taker's job d) Action allowable to any city official

104) At 6 AM a candy store owner calls when discovering an unknown teenage girl sleeping in the back room of the store. The caller reports that nothing inside the store appears to have been disturbed and that the girl is still sleeping. She may have entered through an open window. This call type can best be characterized as

a) B & E b) Burglary c) Mischief d) Criminal Trespass

105) Which of the following best describes robbery?

a) Theft/larceny of property or money through the offender's use of physical force or fear against a victim b) Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft c) Unlawful entry of property without permission with intent towards larceny d) Taking or attempting to take the control of a person's money using a weapon or fear

106) With regard to firefighting, which of the following best describes a fire shelter?

a) Safety device of last resort used by wildland firefighters when trapped by wildfires b) Wet shield used to enter fires when the flames are too intense to navigate c) Makeshift tent where fire victims may reside when trapped in a burning building d) Location where firefighters may rehabilitate from fighting wild land fires

107) Fire enunciator panels are designed to announce

a) the type of fire b) the size of the fire c) the location of the alarm d) the location of the caller

108) Which of the following best describes a 'second alarm' fire

a) The second alarm comes in on the same fire from another caller b) The first alarm does not adequately dispatch the units due to technical difficulties c) The second alarm comes in after the primary fire location when the fire is spread d) The first dispatch units cannot suppress the fire and a second group is dispatched 109) Fire requires which of the following components?

a) Gas heat and oxygen b) Fuel heat and oxygen c) Combustion heat and oxygen d) Compression heat and oxygen

110) Fire dispatch receives the radio message, "Engine 47 on the scene. We have Heavy smoke showing from a 50 X 30 two story brick multi dwelling. Establishing Main Street Command." Which of the following best describes this message?

a) Strategy b) Size up c) Response d) Objective

111) Which of the following patient information is NOT important when responding to EMD calls?

a) Medical history b) Age c) Condition d) Diagnosis

112) When should an EMD offer pre arrival instructions to a caller?

a) When the patient is in critical condition b) During a true pre hospital emergency only c) When the true chief complaint is confirmed d) When the caller is willing and able to perform them

113) Which of the following is NOT used to determine EMD protocol card?

a) Chief complaint b) Patient level of pain c) Patient age and condition d) Mechanism of injury

114) ALS is defined as

a) Advanced Life System b) Advanced Life Support c) Advanced Life Stabilization d) Ambulance Life Support

115) Which of the following best describes BLS?

a) Basic Life Saving b) Basic Life Services c) Basic Life Support d) Basic Life Stability 116) Which of the following is a major symptom of a cerebrovascular accident?

a) Chest pain b) Hemorrhage c) Slurred speech d) Sudden onset of stomach pain

117) Which of the following best describes anaphylactic shock?

a) Type of blood poisoning b) Severe allergic reaction c) Shock caused by seizure d) Remedy for cardiac dysrhythmia

118) How does public safety define EMS?

a) Emergency Medic Services b) Emergency Medic Systems c) Emergency Medical Service d) Emergency Medical Systems

119) Which of the following is a proper response to a person found obviously dead with rigor mortis?

a) DOA b) Possible homicide c) Unknown person down d) Domestic violence death

120) Which of the following is a recognized method of handling public safety worker stress?

a) Post Traumatic Stress Debriefing b) Public Safety Stress Debriefing c) Critical Fatigue Stress Syndrome d) Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

121) Which of the following legal terms best describes a problem in a communications center of an unsafe condition that could lead to a future trouble but may not be handled?

a) Forseeability b) Failure to comply c) Negligent retention d) Detrimental reliance


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