1.Fill out the Chart

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1.Fill out the Chart

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PreMidterm Quiz

1.Fill out the chart

Subatomic Particle Location in atom Charge of Particle Weight of particle

2. Explain or Define the following

Atomic Mass(What element is it based upon?)

Atomic Number:

3.Given Lithium-7 tell me the following:

 Atomic number

 Atomic Mass

 Number of protons

 Number of neutrons

 Number of electrons

 Nuclear charge

4.History of the atom matching

Scientist Theory

___1. Dalton A. probable location of electron

___2. Thompson B. Everything’s made of atoms

___3. Rutherford C. discovered electron with plum pudding model

___4. Bohr D. Gold foil experiment and empty space concept

___5. Charge cloud model E. electrons travel in orbits Draw the models for each: Dalton Thompson Rutherford

Bohr electron charge cloud model

5.Is the following endothermic or exothermic?

a. 2H2O + heat2H2 + O2 e. 2H2 + O2  2H2O + heat

b. H2O(s)  H2O(l) f. H2O(l)  H2O(g)

c. H2O(g) H2O(l) g. H2O(s) H2O(g)

d. H2O(g) H2O(s)

Go back to question #5. Which letter represents: Heat of Fusion sublime deposition

6.Are the following isotopes? Why or why not support your opinion.

12C vs 14C

6 6

7.Match the following:

___1. Ionization energy A. ability to attract electrons

___2. Electronegativity B. energy needed to remove the most loosely held


8.Match the following:

___1. Element A. 2 or more elements chemically combined

___2. Compound B.elements or compounds

___3.Homogenoeous mixture C. same throughout ex air

___4. Hetergeneous mixture D. simplest form of matter cannot be broken ___5. Allotrope down

___6. Pure substance E. evenly disturbed ex Italian salad dressing

F. same element in same phase but different

Physical and chemical properties.

9.Classify what kind of element phosphorus is?

10.Who has a larger atomic radius?(Circle the correct answer)

A. Ba+2 or Ca+2 b. F or Cl C. O-2 or N-3

11.Which of the following is malleable, good conductor of electricity, ductile and form cations? A. Fluorine B. Nitrogen C. Sodium D. Arsenic

12.What is:

 The electron configuration for calcium?

 What is the electron configuration for its ion?

 State the electron configuration for calcium in the excited state

 What family does it belong in?

 Is it more reactive than Mg?

 What is its melting point in degrees Celsius?

13. Name the metalloids.

14. Which has the lowest hydrogen bonding: A. HBr B. HCl C. HF D. HI

15. Which of the following contains both ionic and covalent bond? A. NaCl B. CO2 C. CH4

D. Na3PO4

16. Tell which of the following is ionic bond, polar covalent bond, nonpolar covalent bond, coordinate covalent bond and network solid

+ A. H3O B. H2 C. H2O D. SiO2 E. Mg(OH)2

17.State the type of molecule for the following: CO2, O2 and H2O 18. Which of the following has the lowest kinetic energy?

A. 1.00g at 45C B. 2.0g at 55c C. 3.0g at 65c D. 4.0g at 70c

19. If a hot brick is placed in a cold bucket of water. Explain how the heat flows?

20.A. What is the gram formula mass of barium hydroxide?

B. if your given 575g of barium hydroxide, how many moles do you have?

C. What is the percent composition of barium in barium hydroxide?

21. Perform the following to the correct number of significant figures and units:

A. 12.4g = b. 1.2g + 2.54g= C. 12.5cm x 2.6cm = d. 12.034m-5.0m =


22. Given the following equation 2 H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(l)

 What is the mole ratio of oxygen to water?

 How many grams of hydrogen reacts completely with 75g of oxygen and 250 grams of water?

 Which substance in the equation has a definite volume but no definite shape?

23. What is the unit used to express amount of substance called?


 Which element in the following groups the most active?

Group 1 Group 17

 Which is the most active element? Most active nonmetal?

 Name the two elements that are liquids

 What’s special about transition elements?

 What’s special about mercury? 25. In terms of energy levels explain how quanta is produced?

26. Find the underlined charge: H2KPO4

27. Draw the Lewis electron dot diagram for a molecule of bromomethane. CH3Br

28. An orbital is defined as: (A) a region of the most probable proton location (b) a region of the most probable location of electron (c) a circular path traveled by a proton around the nucleus (d) a circular path traveled by an electron around the nucleus

29.Convert the following temperatures a. -73c b. 20K

30. When 25.0 grams of water are cooled from 20.0c to 10.0c, the number of Joules of heat energy released should be?

31. If the empirical formula is C3H4O3 and a molecular mass is 176amu. What is the molecular formula?

32. Which of the following is an allotrope? (a) Silicon (b) carbon (c) fluorine (d) sulfur

33. Name the two noble gases you could force to react with great pressure.

34. Which of the following behaves like an octet? (a) nitrogen (b) hydrogen (c) helium (d) neon

35. Which compound forms a colored aqueous solution? (a) CaCl2 (b)CrCl3 (c) NaOH (d)KBr

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