& HSTW/MMGW Ohio Regions
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Ohio Department of Education & HSTW/MMGW Ohio Regions
HSTW/MMGW Site Review Process (SRP) Guide 2014-2015 John Kasich, Governor Dr. Richard Ross, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Dear Principal, Site Coordinator and Leadership Team
The Ohio Department of Education, Ohio High Schools That Work Network continues to provide technical assistance for HSTW/MMGW member schools as a service to the school's mission of improving student performance and increasing graduation rates. The intent of the technical assistance is to provide commendation for the successes and encouragement for focus and planning of continuous school improvement. The outcome of this assistance is creation of an on-going focused school improvement plan.
The Site Review Process (SRP) is a key element of the SREB and Ohio HSTW/MMGW school improvement model. SRP is an internally led review of self-reflection that incorporates an external team of educators combined with school and district professionals that lead to research based action plans for increased student achievement and graduation rates. This process helps district and school leaders, teachers, and community stakeholders analyze and document progress and challenges to implementing the HSTW/MMGW school improvement design. The SRP involves the school leaders, teachers and regional coach in creating an action plan-- not just an evaluation. It is focused on the needs of the school and aligned with essential concepts and Key Practices of HSTW/MMGW. The SRP report is a focused school plan developed by and for the school to use in addressing their top priority education challenge of meeting the expectation of the Ohio Local Report Card.
With guidance and training from an Ohio trained leader, the HSTW/MMGW school assigned coach will work collaboratively with the school leadership team, community stakeholders and professional staff to complete the Site Review Process. The final SRP report will include an assessment of the site’s progress, challenges, action steps and resources that the site has chosen and prioritized for implementation of the school plan.
SRP will challenge the school to explore state and national research-based practices to apply as strategies for HSTW/MMGW school improvement and student success. Your HSTW/MMGW regional office and coach will support you in this process and will contact you to schedule a meeting to begin preparing for the SRP.
Ohio HSTW/MMGW is excited about working with you on the Site Review Process.
Dan Stacy, Consultant High Schools That Work [email protected]
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 2 Table of Contents Page
Letter from Dan Stacy, HSTW Consultant 2 How the Site Review Process (SRP) aligns with HSTW/MMGW Key practices and 4 the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) The SRP Seven Phase Process 5 At-A-Glance: SRP Leadership Team and Site Coach Major Tasks and 6-7 Deliverables Planning for On-Site Review/Who Serves on the SRP Team and Responsibilities 8 Preparing for an On-Site Review: Checklist of Tasks and Timeline 9-10 Final Report Checklist 11 Appendices - The following are samples and/or examples for the SRP Leader/Coach, Site Coordinator and team members. (Use as guides in preparation for On-Site Review) Appendix 1: Possible SRP On-Site Review Agenda 12 Appendix 2: Individual/Group Phone Interview Schedule 13 Appendix 3: Preparing for Interviews/Suggested Interview Questions 14-18 Appendix 4: Introduction to the Classroom Observation Form 19 Appendix 5: SRP Classroom Observation Form 20-21 Appendix 6: Tips for Completing and Analyzing the DOP Worksheets 22-23 Appendix 7: Assignment and Assessment Review/SREB Instructional Review 24
SRP Resources All SRP documents and resources are available at: www.hstwohioregions.org/resoures
For more assistance with planning your visit, contact your site SRP resource: Central/SE Ohio Region: Betsy Fannin, [email protected] Northeast Ohio Region: Diane Jamieson, [email protected] Northwest Ohio Region: Debbie Schneider, [email protected] Southwest Ohio Region: Garry Huysse, [email protected] Statewide Resources: Garry Huysse, [email protected] Debbie Schneider, [email protected]
Acknowledgement Central/SE Ohio Region: Joyce Odor, [email protected] Northeast Ohio Region: Diana Rogers, [email protected] Northwest Ohio Region: Nancy [email protected] Southwest Ohio Region: Linda Radtke, [email protected]
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 3 How the SRP Aligns with the HSTW/MMGW Key Practices and the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) In preparation for the Site Review, the school must thoroughly examine its progress in implementing the HSTW/MMGW school improvement design as well as other expectations. Refer to the chart below for aligning Ohio’s Goals for HSTW/MMGW Sites with the HSTW/MMGW Key Practices and the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP). For those who have adopted the OIP, this alignment will assist your school in developing a seamless one plan. Note that the OIP Goals 1, 2 and 3 selected for this alignment chart may not be the exact areas of focus for your district or school. Please consult with your coach to align your OIP goals.
HSTW MMGW OIP Goal 1, 2 OIP Goal 3 Key Practices Key Practices Reading/Mathematics Climate and Conditions High Expectations High Expectations- AYP - Increase reading/mathematics Attendance Extra Help Extra Help performance of low-performing Discipline Intervention program students (i.e. economically Drop-Out/Graduation Rates for at-risk students disadvantaged (ED), students with Grading Practices disabilities (SWD) Homework Policies OGT/OAA and other Revise/Redo Work intervention/extra help Habits of Success Awards/Recognitions Program of Study Aligned Academic Ohio Core/Senior Project Teacher Base Teams (TBT) Academic Studies Core Align to Ohio Academic Content Common Planning Time Career Technical Standards Common Course Syllabi Studies Align to State/National Standards Align to CT/Academic Content Standards Common Course Syllabi Rigorous, Standards-based Instruction Students Actively Engaging Classroom Literacy/Numeracy Across the Work-based Learning Engaged Practices Curriculum Community Service Work-based Use of Technology Integrating Academics/CT Master Teachers learning Literacy Across the Project-Based Learning Curriculum Use of Technology Guidance Comprehensive Middle School Readiness Adviser/Advisee (Transitions) Guidance and High School Readiness Five-Year Plan Advisement the Postsecondary Readiness College and Career involves parents Exploration/Planning Transitions Culture of Teachers Working Aligned Professional Development District Leadership Team (DLT), Continuous Together Data-driven approach Building Leadership Team (BLT), Improvement Strong Leadership TBT (HSTW/MMGW Leadership and Teachers Working Quality Professional Focus teams) Together Development Seamless plan Clear vision/mission Administrative/Peer Walk-throughs
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 4 Flow Chart: The SRP Seven Phase Process
Phase 1 Introduction to SRP process Phase 2 Phase 7 Prepare for the Implement and SRP update SIP Review Data
Site Review Phase 6 Phase 3 Process Plan On-site Present completed Review SRP report/SIP Complete DOP plan to staff Worksheets
Phase 5 Phase 4 Complete the On- Complete the final site review and SRP report share exit including SIP summary
Phase 1: Introduction to the Site Review Process (SRP) Meet with the Site Coach to prepare for the SRP and review the report format. Orient school leaders to the SRP process. Develop a plan to include all staff in the SRP process. Establish completion dates for each phase Phase 2: Prepare for the SRP and Review Data Review SRP process and identify SRP Leadership, Focus Team and On-site review Leaders’ responsibilities. Upon review of data sheets, select 2-4 Key Practices for focused improvement and request selected Documentation of Progress (DOP) Worksheet for completion. See Appendix 8 for detailed instruction on completing the DOPs. Phase 3: Plan the On-site Review and complete DOP worksheets Identify a timeline for collecting supporting evidence through classroom observations, stakeholder interviews, analysis of Ohio Report Card, 2014 HSTW Assessment and/or MMGW Teacher/Student Survey, and other relevant data described in attachments to this guide. Focus teams complete DOP worksheets. Phase 4: Complete the On-Site Review and Share Exit Summary with staff Work with the Site Coach to complete the On-Site Review and Exit Summary. Phase 5: Complete the final SRP Report, including updated School Improvement Plan (SIP) Review completed DOP Worksheets, Data and the On-Site Exit Summary, to update your School Improvement Plan (See page 14 in SRP Report - Document of Focus sheet) for the next 3 to 5 years. Assemble recommended documents into final report (See Appendices A-C: Sample Site Review Process (SRP) Report).
Phase 6: Present the final SRP Report and updated School Improvement Plan Present final SRP Report including updated School Improvement Plan to entire staff. Phase 7: Implement and Update School Improvement Plan Work with building Leadership Team, Focus Teams and regional coach on yearly implementation of plan and updating plan as necessary.
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 5 At-A-Glance: Site Review Process (SRP) School Leadership Team and Site Coach Major Tasks, Timelines and Deliverables
Phase 1: Introduction to the SRP (Suggested Timeline: No later than August 31)
Major Tasks: Receive SRP introductory letter, Spring 2014 Meet with Site Principal, Site Coordinator(s) and Site Coach for introduction to SRP process ▪ Discuss purpose of SRP and roles of SRP Leadership Team, Focus Teams and Site Coach in the SRP ▪ Review the SRP Process Guide and SRP Report Document ▪ Identify target date for completion of the seven phases of the SRP
Target Completion Date: Phase 2: Prepare for the SRP process Review Data (Suggested Timeline: No later than September 30)
Major Tasks: Designate site SRP Leader Meet with Principal, Site Coordinator(s), SRP Leadership Team, and Site Coach to develop a plan and timeline to complete each phase of the SRP Share information with staff about the SRP steps and timeline and invite questions at a staff meeting/orientation Review all SRP documents Select 2-4 Key Practices for focused improvement Establish a process and protocol for Focus Teams to analyze all of the selected Key Practice Documentation of Progress (DOPs) Worksheets Assign Focus Teams and provide time for in depth review of assigned DOP Worksheet *Complete SRP Leadership Team Names and Roles (Page 1 of SRP Report)* *Complete the Site Background/Information Sheet (Page 4 of SRP Report)* *Complete Summary of Team Roles and Work (Page 5 of SRP Report)* *Review and study the SRP Leadership Team Assessment of Progress in Implementing the HSTW/MMGW Design. Identify successes and challenges ((Page 6 and/or Page 7 of SRP Report)* *Review and study Tables for High School and Middle School Site Based Data Analysis (Pages 8-9 of SRP Report)* *Complete and study Tables for High School and Middle School Site Based Data Analysis (Pages 10-11 of SRP Report)* *Complete the HSTW/MMGW High Performance Rubric (Page 12 of SRP Report)*
Target Completion Date:
*Note: Resource for * items is found in SRP Report Guide for HS or MS. Each * item becomes part of the final SRP Report. Phase 3: Plan the On-Site Review and Complete the SRP Documentation of Progress (DOP) Worksheets (Suggested Timeline: No later than December 30)
Major Tasks: Assign a coordinator(s) for the On-Site Review. Work with the Site Coach to plan the actual On-Site Review (See pages 8-11 of this guide) Complete the selected 2-4 DOP Worksheets
Target Completion Date:
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 6 Phase 4: Complete the On-Site Review and Share Exit Summary (Suggested Timeline: No later than March 15)
Major Tasks: Conduct classroom observations, interviews and assignment/assessment review (See appendices 2-6 of this guide) Debrief the visit and develop the Exit Summary Share the On-Site Review Exit Summary with staff Identify additional work to complete the SRP Report
Target Completion Date: Phase 5: Complete and Submit the final SRP Report (Suggested Timeline: No later than May 1) (Use the on-site data and Exit Summary to develop the SRP Report)
Major Tasks: Develop the process and protocol for completing the final report (See SRP Document) Prepare the Executive Summary (Page 3 of SRP Report) ▪ Work with the Site Coach and Leadership Team to review all DOP worksheets ▪ Use supporting evidence to confirm or refute the information in the DOP worksheets ▪ Select 2-4 Key Practices needing improvement and aligned with site’s focused implementation plan Utilize Focus Teams to review the appropriate DOP sheets to include new data and planned action steps Include all of the completed DOP documents in the SRP Final Report (See page 11-12 of SRP Report Summary) Complete Document of Focus (See page 12 of SRP Report Summary). Work with your Site Coach to understand and incorporate data-based/research-based best practice action plans
Target Completion Date: Phase 6: Present the final SRP Report and Updated School Improvement Plan (before end of school year)
Major Tasks: Develop the process and protocol for sharing the final SRP Report with school and community stakeholders Revise and update School Improvement Plan to reflect SRP Report. In the event the school improvement plan is not completed, establish a completion date Present final SRP Report and Focus Team work for the next school year to entire staff and other stakeholders Identify Focus Team members for next school year
Target Completion Date: Phase 7: Implement and Update School Improvement Plan
Major Tasks: Develop the process to update the SIP annually Review new local, state, federal and HSTW/MMGW data Update the SIP with site coach Monitor progress of action plans
Target Completion Date:
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 7 Planning For the On-Site Review Classroom Observations, Interviews, and Assignment/Assessment Reviews
The purpose the On-Site Review is to collect qualitative and quantitative data through classroom observations, interviews and data/document reviews to support development of a final SRP Report that will guide the school to more deeply implement the HSTW/MMGW design and accelerate school improvement. Estimated time for the on-site review is two days. This provides time for the visit team and school to participate in all aspects of the visit and gain important HSTW/MMGW learning from the site and other team members. In some situations (such as large visit team, few teachers, etc.) shorter visit times may be appropriate without compromising the integrity of the process.
The site and Site Coach should customize and finalize the agenda to best meet the needs of the school and participants. The Site Coach should conduct interviews with the superintendent, principal, site coordinator and counselor(s). Interviews could be by phone or in person, and may be held prior to the visit. One effective way of conducting the On-Site Review is described below.
Day 1: On-Site Review Team Orientation, Site Presentation, Classroom Observations and Interviews At the start of the first day of classroom observations / interviews, Site Review Team (Team) members receive an orientation from the On-Site Review Leader (Site Coach and possibly Site Coordinator) to prepare for the visit. Next, the school shares their school improvement plan ("One Plan") addressing HSTW/MMGW Key Practice actions taken, progress made in implementing the Key Practices, and current challenges (barriers and constraints) to improving student achievement. During the day, the Team will prepare for and observe classrooms and conduct 30-60 minute group interviews of students, teachers, and parents. The Team’s goal is to visit all classrooms at least once.
Day 2: Classroom Observation, SRP Team Debriefing and SRP Exit Summary During the morning, the On-Site Review Team completes classroom observations and/or interviews. Following classroom observations/interviews, the Team, along with the principal and site coordinator, debriefs the evidence collected and begins to develop the draft on-site report summary. Within two weeks, present the on-site report summary to the staff.
Who Serves on the On-Site Review Team?
The site should recruit approximately eight to ten team members from regional HSTW/MMGW sites and within the district. Of the eight to ten people there should be at least 3 external people from outside of your school district. All team members should: (1) be knowledgeable about the HSTW/MMGW school improvement design; (2) understand the time commitment and (3) agree to be present for the entire visit.
HSTW On-Site Review Team Members MMGW On-Site Review Team Members
Recruit team members from inside and outside the district: Recruit team members from inside and outside the district: . Site Coach (SRP Visit Leader) . Site Coach (SRP Visit Leader) . Administrator or Site Coordinator . Administrator or Site Coordinator from the high school . Counselor . Counselor from a high school or middle school . At least two high school teachers of English/language arts . At least two high school teachers of ELA arts and (ELA), mathematics; mathematics . Optional: two additional teachers from science, social . At least two teachers from the elementary school sending studies, or special education students to the MMGW site. Prefer teachers of ELA and . At least two career-technical teachers mathematics from transition grades . Academic Middle school teacher from feeder school . Community stakeholder (e.g., parent, school board or . Community stakeholder (e.g., parent, postsecondary community leader) education, school board or community leader) . At least two representatives from an external MMGW site, preferably from outside the district if not represented in groups already listed . Optional: two additional teachers from science, social studies or special education from the receiving high school(s)
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 8 Preparing for an On-Site Review: Checklist of Tasks and Timeline Preparation for the On-Site Review should begin well in advance of the visit. Major tasks to be completed anytime through the process but no later than: Six Weeks before the Visit
1. Complete/Develop: a. Schedule interviews before the visit, SRP leaders should arrange for interviews of the superintendent, principal, site coordinator, and counselor(s). These interviews can be done before site visit and on the phone. b. Develop sample agenda for on-site visit. c. Recruit and confirm On-Site Review Team Roster. (See page 8) d. Bell Schedule and Master Schedule. 2. Monitor and assist Focus Teams in reviewing, analyzing, and finalizing DOP Worksheets and Data Tables
Four Weeks before the Visit
1. Complete the 2-4 selected Documentation of Progress (DOP) Worksheets (See Appendix 6).
2. Understand and Complete the Data Tables (See pages 8-11 HSTW/ MMGW SRP Report Document)
3. Complete other important information and data a. SRP Site Background (see page 4 of SRP Report) b. School Improvement Documents. Gather your district/school improvement plans (i.e., HSTW/MMGW Site Action Plan, Ohio Improvement Process (OIP), District /Site Improvement Plans, etc.) c. On-Site SRP Group Interview Schedule (Appendix 2 of this Guide).
4. Begin preparation of the On- Site Review Presentation 5. Review and finalize Agenda, Phone Interview Schedules, Team Member Roster, Bell and Master Schedule with Leadership Team and Site Coach
6. Arrange for the site logistics. Confirm the following details with the Site Coach: a. Private meeting locations for the SRP team and interviews b. Provide a Substitute for the Site Coordinator and other internal members of the site review team (as needed). c. Plan refreshments/meals for both days d. Determine number of copies needed for the visit e. Determine supplies needed for review team f. Determine equipment needs
7. Provide DOP Worksheets, Data Tables, Site Background, Site Improvement Documents, On-Site Review, Group Interview Schedule and Site Logistics (Items 1-5 above) to Leadership Team and Site Coach 8. Compile an SRP Data Notebook
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 9 Preparing for an On-Site Review: Checklist of Tasks and Timeline (Continued)
Two Weeks before the Visit
1. Share detailed information about the On-Site Review with administrators, teachers and staff
2. Remind staff to deliver instruction and not to give a test during classroom visitations on Day 1 and 2 of the On-Site Review
3. Confirm the site logistics
4. Develop a contingency plan to address inclement weather or other school closings during planned On-Site Review 5. Confirm the date, time and attendance of the superintendent, administrators, staff and Leadership Team at the On-Site Review Summary presentation
6. Provide the On-Site Review Leader and team members the following documents: a. Letter of confirmation and thank you from the site b. On-site review Agenda c. On-Site Review Agenda (Appendix 1), Team Roster and Site Background (Page 4 of SRP Report Summary) d. Final DOP Worksheets (Appendix C - Report Document) e. Map and directions to the school and parking location f. Inclement weather closing protocol During the Visit
Day 1: a. Make final preparation of the Team meeting room with supplies, equipment and refreshments b. Make an announcement to remind staff and students that the visiting team is in the building c. Provide SRP Leader and team with On-Site Review Group Interview Schedule/Phone Interviews (Appendix 2) d. Provide SRP Leader and team with Bell Schedule and Master Schedule by teacher with subject taught, period and room number e. Provide a substitute list for the SRP team f. Arrange for lunch g. Remind office staff that the Team members will be arriving and have name badges ready h. Post signs and designate visitor parking spaces. Provide signage that clearly directs the team to the meeting locations i. Remind staff and students to appear at their appointed times and locations for interviews j. Conduct the 30-minute On-Site Presentation by the Principal, Site Coordinator and Leadership Team. The presentation should be written and copied for each SRP team member for easy reference during the visit k. Provide floor plan of the building with the location of the office, directions for guest check-in, and the location of any off-site meetings l. Option: Arrange a tour of the building and recruit student volunteers Day 2: a. Make an announcement to remind staff and students that the visiting team is in the building b. Provide a substitute list for the SRP visiting team c. Arrange for lunch d. Arrange time, meeting space for the SRP On-site Report de-brief
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 10 SRP Final Report Checklist To be completed by May 1, 2015
Completed Executive Summary
Completed Site Background/Site Information page
Completed Summary of Focus Team Roles and Work
Completed Leadership Team Assessment of Progress
Completed Tables for Data Analysis
Completed SRP Performance Rubric
Completed Relevant Documentation of Progress Worksheets
Completed Document of Focus Worksheets
Submit completed final report electronically to: Your Regional Office and Dan Stacy, Ohio Department of Education [email protected] NO LATER THAN May 1, 2015
Please make sure you keep an original copy for your records. Confirmation of receipt of report will be emailed to site contact
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 11 Appendix 1: Sample of Possible SRP On-Site Review Agenda
Work with site coach to finalize in format chosen by site SRP Agenda Success High School, Anytown, Ohio Month, Year Day 1: Day, Month, Date, Year Date/Time Category Participants Location Comments Provide access to SRP Leadership Team, computer and printer. Team orientation Administrators, and Allow no more than 1 (2 hours) and HSTW/MMGW On-Site hour for site presentation Site Presentation Team Members Screen and LCD, Handouts of presentation Interview questions 1-2 periods Interviews/Observations Leader/Team Members provided Lunch Leader/Team Members Provide lunch Interview questions 1-3 periods Interviews/Observations Leader/Team Members provided (1-2 hours) Team Debriefing Leader/Team Members Screen and LCD During school day Interview questions Parent Interview Leader/Team Members or after school provided Day 2: Day, Month, Date, Year 30 minutes before Light refreshments, team Team Briefing Leader/Team Members first bell supplies, screen, LCD Leader/Team Members From first bell to Classrooms Provide two chairs in Classroom Observations Site Coordinator 10:30 a.m. each room available Team Debrief/Lunch Provide lunch and access 10:30 am - 3:30 pm -prepare on-site Leader/Team Members to computer and printer report summary Share On-site review Site leadership, Coach, Within 2 weeks of Check with Leader: summary with administration Site Review Screen and LCD entire staff and staff
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 12 Appendix 2: Individual/Group/Phone Interview Schedule
Work with your site coach to customize questions for each group. (See Appendix 3) Explain that all the information will remain confidential
Persons to be SRP Members Suggested Group Location Time Interviewed Interviewing Superintendent Principal Site Coordinator
Career Tech
Ninth Grade Teachers (For MS)
Students (At Least) MMGW 8th grade
HSTW 9th & 12th grade
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 13 Appendix 3: Suggested Interview Questions for Individual and Group Interviews
Preparing for Interviews
During an SRP, the on-site visit team will conduct 30-60 minute interviews with students, teachers, and parents. Prior to or during the visit, the site coach and others will interview the superintendent, principal, site coordinator and counselor(s) by phone or on-site.
The interview questions on the following pages provide a starting point for the school and coach to identify key questions for use by the On-Site Review Team. Since there is not one set of questions that fits every school's issues, the questions should be modified as needed to gain desired current information about the school's Key Practice strengths and challenges.
Suggestions for conducting interviews:
1. Preparation by Interviewers a. Review and prioritize suggested questions b. Decide who will ask questions and who will take notes
2. During Interviews a. Create a comfortable environment for interviewees: i. Introduce interviewers ii. Explain purpose of interviews iii. Assure interviewees that this is part of a school wide improvement effort and what is said will not be attributed to or identify any individual iv. Ask participants to introduce themselves b. Start with open ended questions to hear the key points interviewees have on their minds c. Go with the energy in the room-there is no need to ask each question d. Focus on the key practices of HSTW/MMGW e. Be persistent in getting the information you need. Ask for clarification. f. Don’t let any individual dominate g. Take detailed notes
3. After interviews a. Share with on-site visit team during debrief
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 14 Appendix 3: Suggested Interview Questions - Superintendent, Principal, Site Coordinator
1. How do you feel HSTW/MMGW has impacted your district/school?
2. What are the 2-3 best Key Practices in your district/school?
3. What are the 2-3 highest priority challenges, barriers and constraints in your district/school?
4. What strategies address high expectations for all students, teachers and administrators in the district/school?
a. Lower performing students
b. High performing students
5. How does the district/school ensure that all students take rigorous college and career courses that are aligned and delivered to state, national and industry standards K-12?
6. What strategies address extra help and intervention for lower performing students?
7. What strategies are implemented to provide a comprehensive guidance and advisement system K-12?
8. How does your school engage all stakeholders in continuous school improvement?
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 15 Appendix 3: Suggested Interview Questions for Academic/CT Teachers
1. What are the 2-3 best Key Practices in your school?
2. What are the 2-3 highest priority challenges, barriers and constraints in your school?
3. What strategies address high expectations for all students, teachers and administrators in the district/school?
a. Lower performing students
b. High performing students
4. How does the district/school ensure that all students take rigorous college and career courses that are aligned and delivered to state, national and industry standards K-12?
5. What strategies address extra help and intervention for lower performing students?
6. What strategies are implemented to provide a comprehensive guidance and advisement system K-12?
7. How does your school engage all stakeholders in continuous school improvement?
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 16 Appendix 3: Suggested Interview Questions for Counselors
1. What are the 2-3 best Key Practices in your school?
2. What are the 2-3 highest priority challenges, barriers and constraints in your school?
3. What strategies are implemented to provide a comprehensive guidance and advisement system K-12?
4. What is your role in K-12 Guidance/Advisement processes such as: Five-Year Plan/Individual Academic Career Plans; Parent/Student Conferences/Grades/Communication and Career Exploration? How much time is spent on these processes?
5. How has the school/district been involved in providing students and parents with a smooth transition from Elementary to middle school, Middle to high school, Associate schools to the career technical center, and High school to postsecondary opportunities?
6. What strategies address high expectations for all students, teachers and administrators in the district/school?
a. Lower performing students
b. High performing students
7. What strategies address extra help and intervention for lower performing students?
8. How does your school engage all stakeholders in continuous school improvement?
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 17 Appendix 3: Suggested Interview Questions for Students/Parents
1. How would you describe your school to a friend/another parent?
2. What are the 2-3 best Key Practices in your school?
3. What are the 2-3 highest priority challenges, barriers and constraints in your school?
4. In what class do you/your student learn the most and why?
5. Do you feel your teachers have high expectations for you? For all students?
6. Do teachers clearly indicate the amount and quality of work necessary to earn an A or B at the beginning of a project or unit?
7. Are you/your student expected to revise work to ensure quality of learning?
8. Are grading practices consistent from teacher to teacher?
9. How much writing is expected weekly in ELA classes? Other classes? Research papers?
10. How many books or articles have you/your student read this year in English class? All classes? In the summer?
11. If you/your student struggle with concepts in a class, what extra help is available?
12. Are all rules and discipline administered fairly?
13. Do all students have an adult mentor/advisor?
14. Did you feel that you were prepared for middle and/or high school? Postsecondary?
15. Did you develop a five year plan in eighth grade for four years in high school and one year after high school?
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 18 Appendix 4: Introduction to the Classroom Observation Form
The SRP team members may use the sample Classroom Observation form and Engagement/Rigor Rubric Appendices 5) when visiting the classrooms. The purpose of the classroom observation is to determine, within a 10 to 15-minute snapshot, the degree to which students are actively engaged in learning challenging content. Given the short window of observation, this form must be brief, while encouraging the observer to note key characteristics of the instruction that support student achievement. Space is provided for notes concerning significant learning activity or lack of significant learning activity that may be included in the exit report. Please take notes during your observation for clarity. Make sure you completely familiar with this form before classroom observations begin.
There are many factors that contribute to a well-managed and well-planned lesson. To address them all would result in a form of many pages and an observation that lacks focus. This form encourages the observer to look specifically at the quality of work through items that support student learning.
This form emphasizes several things:
The focus of the form is on the students’ learning experiences in the classroom. It is a “moment in time” assessment of what is actually happening. This is not an evaluation of individual teachers. For example, there are no items related to teacher planning. Though it is important for teachers to plan lessons, planning alone does not guarantee student learning. The teacher’s ability to engage the students in learning is a more significant factor and actually can be observed in the classroom.
This form describes the quality of the learning experience rather than the specific method used. This is not an assessment of particular teaching methods, although some methods such as cooperative learning or project-based learning may indeed lead to improved student learning. For example, the form asks if students are engaged in substantive interaction about the content of the lesson. Students could be interacting in groups or in a well-designed discussion involving the whole class.
The organization for learning and the resources available in the classroom are viewed only as they affect student learning. Technological tools, displays, or equipment may be readily available in the classroom, but it is important to note how they are being used to enhance student learning.
This form attempts to describe the quality of work in which students are engaged. It is more than an assessment of whether students are “on task.” Observers should be concerned with the level of the task and whether or not students are encouraged to think deeply about the content of the lesson. For example, are students making lists, taking notes, recalling facts, or are they applying, analyzing and/or creating?
This form does not address all relevant data from the classroom. Some data may be difficult to obtain during an observation; some issues may be better explored through questions during student or teacher interviews. For example, students should be asked whether they are aware of the standards for quality work and opportunities for extra help. Teachers should be asked about professional development opportunities and ways these opportunities have supported fundamental changes in classroom practice.
Further evidence of student experiences can be collected if it does not interfere with teaching and learning. Beyond the actual observation of classroom events, the observer can ask the teacher, if the opportunity arises, for samples of student work, a copy of the course syllabus, copies of recent assessments or copies of end-of-course exams. These offer further evidence as to how the teacher engages students in learning.
It is very important that each observer completes the Overall Ratings of Student Engagement and Rigor sections in the middle and at the bottom of the Form.
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 19 Appendix 5: SRP Classroom Observation Form (Team use only)
Course/Level: ______Time of Observation: Opening ___ Middle ___ Closing ____
Class Size: Total ____ Male _____ Female ____ Ethnicity: Major______Minor______Other______
Rigor and Standard-based Instruction Comments State standards posted or verbalized by the teacher Please write notes/examples for clarity
Instruction at grade level rigor and to standards posted
Rubrics displayed, used or evidence of use
Student work displayed, used or evidence of use
Print-rich environment other than textbooks
Emphasis on reading in and out of school
Emphasis on writing in and out of school
Homework and/or long term projects posted.
Time is provided during instruction for re-teach and extra help Teacher monitors students understanding of the content and provides substantive feedback
Overall Rating of Rigorous Instruction ___Basic ___ Proficient ___Advanced
Student/Teacher Level of Rigor - Blooms Taxonomy Rubric Levels Useful Verbs Assignments and Products
tell state distinguish Basic level assignments require students to remember information or list name predict make simple explanations, such as: describe explain restate Answer who, what, where and when types of questions Basic relate interpret translate Identify some parts of physical and biological systems find outline compare Recognize relationships presented in verbal, algebraic, tabular, and write discuss describe graphical forms
Proficient level questions and assignments require students to apply and solve examine investigate analyze information learned, such as: show classify categorize Defend ideas, and to give supporting examples use analyze identify Understand of algebraic, statistical, and geometric and spatial illustrate distinguish Proficient explain reasoning that is relevant to the field calculate examine separate Apply scientific and technical principles to everyday situations construct compare advertise Judge and defend the reasonableness of answers or solutions to complete contrast problems that routinely occur in the chosen technical field
create improve justify Advanced level questions and assignments require students to evaluate invent propose debate and create work, such as: compose devise verify Communicate their ideas and reasoning through the correct use of predict formulate argue concepts, symbolism, and logical thinking Advanced plan judge discuss Design and apply procedures to test or solve complex, real-world construct select determine situations design choose prioritize Write thorough, thoughtful and extensive written responses
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 20 Appendix 5: SRP Classroom Observation Form (Team use only)
Student-Centered Engagement Comments Low Engagement Please write notes/examples for clarity Teacher lectures with limited student discussion Students listening with no/limited reading or writing Students complete worksheets with no/limited follow-up Moderate Engagement Teacher Actions: Lecture using visuals with high level questioning Model with all learners practicing Use literacy strategies to engage all learners Use numeracy strategies to engage all learners Checks for learning with individual/all students Differentiates instruction for all learners Student Actions: Complete bell-ringer/warm-up activity with follow-up Use technology with feedback from teachers/students High Engagement Teacher Actions: Facilitate students working in pairs/groups Facilitate students working on projects/hands-on activities Facilitate students teaching each other; using technology Teach others working in pairs/groups Design/complete independent project with a written research paper, oral presentation, product or service Use technology to complete student-designed assignment Present oral reports with feedback Demonstrate relevancy across two or more subjects in completing assignments
Overall Rating of Students Engagement ___Low ___ Moderate ___High
1% Students completing Student/Teacher Level of worksheets Engagement Rubric Low Source: Learning Pyramid 10% Students reading assignments only
20% Teacher-led instruction with limited student participation
30% Teacher-led using visuals with most students participating in discussion Moderate 50% Teacher modeling, students practicing (literacy/numeracy Strategies), checks for learning
70% Teacher works with students grouped by ability on differentiated instruction
80% Students having a personal experience working in pairs/groups on hands-on activities, using technology High
95% Students teaching someone else, using technology
98% Using art, drama, music, etc. – integrated curriculum with content
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 21 Appendix 6: Tips for Completing and Analyzing the Document of Progress (DOP) Worksheets
Analyzing and completing Document of Progress (DOP) worksheets is important work that school administrators, building leadership teams, and focus teams will complete during the Site Review Process (SRP). The building leadership team should engage all stakeholders in collecting site-based data and analyzing all data for the DOP Worksheets. This will result in a quality Site Improvement Plan (SIP) understood by all stakeholders. Your HSTW/MMGW site coach will assist throughout the completion and analysis of the DOP worksheets.
Suggested Actions for Site Leadership Team:
1. Review the Leadership Team Assessment of Progress Table and the Tables for HSTW/MMMGW and Ohio Data Analysis (pages 7-9 of SRP Report Document) provided a. Understand the 10 Key Practice DOPs (not populated with data) provided by your coach b. Analyze gaps to identify the 2-4 DOP Sheets most relevant to the Site Improvement Plan (SIP) c. Request data for the identified 2-4 DOPs through your site coach
2. Assign Focus Teams to begin work on Sections A and B of identified DOPs a. Part A- Briefly describe how this Key Practice supports and aligns with the SIP b. Part B- Describes What the School has Done, What the School Plans to Do, and Challenges to Implementing Plans
3. Assemble the following documents a. 2014 HSTW Assessment and/or MMGW Student and Teacher Survey DOP Data (This will be provided to School.) b. HSTW and/or MMGW current SREB Benchmarks Documents HSTW and/or MMGW Site Action Plan, CCIP/OIP Plan and other district/school improvement plans c. Ohio Local Report Cards with data by grade level for the most recent 2-3 years. d. Data information found on the www.hstwohioregions.org web site under Site Data
4. Complete Sections of DOPs (See Site Review Document) Work with your Site Coach to develop a plan and timetable for completing the DOP Worksheets. Start completion of sections A and B as soon as possible. Analyze and incorporate section C data when received. An overview of Sections A, B, and C follows:
Section A. How does implementation of this Key Practice support and align with the Site Improvement Plan? Describe in one or more sentences how work on this Key Practice aligns and supports the district/school improvement plan.
Section B. Narrative B1. What the School Has Done Write a paragraph describing actions taken for each power indicator and the highest priority indicators selected in Section C. Include dates of implementation and data/measures of success. Include a paragraph describing recommendations not acted upon from the previous Site Review.
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 22 Appendix 6: Tips for Completing and Analyzing the Document of Progress (DOP) Worksheets (Continued)
B2. What the School is Doing Now Describe current plans and actions during this school year for this Key Practice B3. What the School plans to do based on findings of the SRP On-Site Review Describe plans for the implementation of action steps for this Key Practice over the next two to three years with dates of implementation based on current data and the SRP on-site visit Tip- “Refer to” described plan on the Document of Focus sheets when appropriate. B4. Challenges to Implementing Plans Describe barriers and constraints to implementing planned actions and why you are not getting the success you desire. Explain why this barrier exists. Support with evidence.
Section C. Data Analysis Data for indicators listed in Section C will be provided to the school. Study and analyze the results for power indicators and additional indicators for each selected Key Practice. Discuss indicators which have improved since the previous HSTW Assessment and MMGW Survey. Discuss indicators requiring improvement in the next 3- 5 years. Identify the highest priority indicators needing improvement.
5. Finalize the DOP Worksheets Once the drafts are complete, the Leadership Team should meet with the individuals/teams that completed the DOP Worksheets to clarify the data and evidence. Gather the additional information and complete a final draft. Work with your HSTW/MMGW coach to review and finalize the DOPs. The final DOPS will be provided to the on- site visit team prior to their scheduled visit. (See sample DOP on pages 23-24 of Sample SRP Final Report Document)
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 23 Appendix 7: Assignment and Assessment Review SREB Instructional Review
This review tool is another opportunity to provide the school and On-Site Visit Team additional information on the level of rigor in assignments, assessments, student work and rubrics. SREB believes that the quality of student work cannot reach the proficient or advanced level when the level of assignments, assessments, and rubrics does not reach the proficient or advanced level. The review is performed in advance of the On-Site visit and used by the On-Site visit team as one source of data.
The process is detailed in the steps below.
SRP Leadership Team identifies a number of classes and collects: a. Two recent assignments (from this grading period) for the class. The assignments should include a copy of the written assignment along with information sheet data that includes notes on any oral directions and a list of the state standards the assignment addresses. b. Two most recent assessments (or culminating projects that result in an exam grade for a class) that include any special directions given orally or in writing and a list of the state standards the assessment addresses. c. Rubrics for the assignments or assessments
Site coach (SRP leader) and SRP Leadership Team complete the summary form below. This is not an evaluation of individual teachers. The SRP Final Report will not include the names of teachers and will only reflect general findings for the school’s use in developing improvement action plans.
Level of Rigor by Percentage (Blooms Taxonomy) Aligned to Items # Reviewed State Standards % Basic % Proficient % Advanced
Teacher Assignments
Teacher Assessments
Samples of Quality Student Work
Ohio HSTW/MMGW Site Review Guide 4/2014 Page 24