Chesterfield Cycle Campaign
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Chesterfield Cycle Campaign Meeting We will be doing a ride on Wednesday 20th June at 7pm from Queen’s Park 12th June 2012 café. The route is along the newly signed Hipper Valley to Summersal and Minutes back. Present- Barbara Sansome, Chris Allen, Paul Balderson, Barry Kay, Jennifer Briddon, Alistair Miekle, Megan Cook. Membership report: 286 members. Barry Kay chaired the meeting in Joe Clark’s absence. Treasurer’s report: Apologies-Joe Clark, Pam Kay, Simon Redding. £2581.73, money for cycle racks and ride leaflets still to come out of this.
Minutes of the last meeting: Secretary’s report: Minutes of the last meeting (May) were accepted as a true record. The The newsletter will not go out his time as NP is moving house. Instead a amount of money CBC have to spend on cycle racks should have read new map and short letter will go out to every member household. The next £1500. one should be in September.
Matters arising: Walton Works-AM has made a suggestion, that the exit of the cycle path Cycle racks have been installed at the Hollingwood Hub. We will pay for onto Chatsworth Road should be on the other side of Mill Lane and make the them and we will be acknowledged in their newsletter. crossing a toucan. The Hipper Valley trail will cross the entrance to the new supermarket. AM is concerned that this will not be good for cyclists. He We have heard no more from BC about the £1500 to spend on cycle racks in also suggested a cycle path along Goyt Side as the road could become much the town centre. busier. The development also affect the Hipper Valley route on Walton Fields Road. There will be 96 houses in the old Mill building. Whilst work was being done on Park Road we requested drop kerbs opposite the entrance to the cycle path next to the park, but the work has finished and Wednesday or Thursday this week is the release of the “Northern Gateway” nothing has been done. plans which include the “donut” roundabout
The Brimmington Road North cycle route has been finished, but the crossing Webmaster: is not working. Working fine.
Work is being done on Eastwood Park this summer and bike racks will be Items: installed, AM has suggested there should be less, but further apart. We are due to reprint membership cards. We can get 1,000 for £86.94 or 500 for £61.71. It was agreed to get 1,000 printed. The pie and pea supper has been arranged by BK at the Old House, Loundsley Green on Friday 22nd June. It will cost £3.95/head for pie, peas Ride Leaflets Launch and chips, veggie option available. Meet at the town hall at 6.30pm for a AM contacted the Derbyshire Times with a press release for the ride leaflets ride to arrive at the Old House at 7.15 for a 7.30 serving. We need to know launch. It appeared on the DT website. AM emailed Ellie Hunter as he numbers by 15th June. wanted to do a photo of members handing them over to the Tourist Office, but she has not replied. AM, BS and CA can do Sunday (1st July) of the canal festival so we agreed to have a stall on one day only. Tuesday 10th July 2012, 7.00pm at Town Hall, Chesterfield.
Chesterfield Cycle Map The cycle map is ready to print and its size was discussed. NP designed it as A2, folding down to a little smaller than an OS map. 2,000 @A2 costs £580 and 2,000 @A3 costs £543. It was agreed that A2 would be the best for clarity. Mark Tournier of the Chesterfield School Sports partnership wants 1,000 of the maps to give to children who do cycle training.
Bike week The pie and pea supper and evening ride-see matters arising.
The new stickers for marking cycle routes have been going up on lamp posts (on both sides) with the QR code. AM to start labelling the Hipper Valley today.
EMCF Meting We need to decide a venue and the format for the meeting. The afternoon is usually taken up by a bike ride. Roger Griffin from CTC would like to do a speech. Ideas for items:We should highlight our achievements in the ride leaflets and cycle map and network. What else do we do that is good? What can we do better? Can we get our maps to surrounding counties? Can we show one of Alistair’s cycling films? Include Paek cycle link. Irene Haywood the cycling rep from Derbyshire Local access forum, could do a talk.
We will try to apply to CBC for some funding, AM to write to Chris Ludlow and state case and ask for £300 for the venue and poss. catering.
A.O.B. Hipper Valley extension to from Sumersal aprk to Holymoor side-not heard anything yet.
The Access to station grant is due by the end of June-not heard anything yet.
NP says the path on the other side of the A61 has started the footpath is being widened. Date of Next Meeting: