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UNIT 1 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading one: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPEMENT DEVELOPEMENT 3 9.1.1, 11.1.3 3 Use of knowledge Use knowledge of of affixes, English root words, morphemes, and phonics, and syntax increased to decode and vocabulary to interpret the interpret the meaning of meaning of unfamiliar words word in literature and content area texts. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 3 3 SION 9.2.3, 11.2.1 Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING5 SPEAKING5 SPEAKING9.1. 3, 11.1.6 Participate in social Participate in and conversations with initiate more peers and adults on extended social familiar topics by conversations with asking and peers and adults on answering unfamiliar topics by questions and asking and soliciting answering questions information. and restating and soliciting information. Grammar and WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND WRITING CONVENTION APPLICATIONS5 STRATEGIES S 9.1.3, 11.1.1 Write brief AND expository APPLICATION compositions and S5 reports that (a) Write reflective include a thesis and compositions that some supporting explore the details; (b) provide significance of information from events. primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading two: READING READING READING FLUENCY UNIT 1 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.2, 11.1.2 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 3 3 SION 9.2.3, 11.1.1 Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Develop a clear APPLICATION Write brief thesis and support it S9.1.3, 11.1.7 expository by using analogies, compositions and quotations, and facts reports that (a) appropriately. include a thesis and some supporting details; (b) provide information from primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading three: LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND SPEAKING3 SPEAKING3 SPEAKING9.1. Prepare to Make oneself be Make oneself be 1 Read understood when understood when speaking by using speaking by using consistent standard consistent standard English English grammatical grammatical forms forms, sounds, and sounds; intonation, pitch, and however, some modulation, but may rules may not be make random errors. UNIT 1 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate followed (e.g. third- person singular, male and female pronouns). Reading READING READING READING FLUENCY FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 5 DEVELOPMENT 5 DEVELOPMEN T 9.1.1, 11.1.3 Demonstrate Recognize idioms, sufficient analogies, and knowledge of metaphors used in English syntax to literature and text in interpret the content areas. meanings of idioms, analogies, and metaphors. Review and LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY Practice RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND ANALYSIS 4 ANALYSIS 4 ANALYSIS 9.3.3, Read a literary Describe the 11.3.2 selection and use interaction between detailed sentences character and to describe orally a subordinate character according characters in literary to what he or she texts. does in a narration, dialogue, or dramatic monologue. Grammar and WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND WRITING CONVENTION APPLICATIONS5 STRATEGIES S 9.1.1, 11.1.1 Write brief AND expository APPLICATION compositions and S5 reports that (a) Write reflective include a thesis and compositions that some supporting explore the details; (b) provide significance of information from events. primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading four: READING READING READING Prepare to COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN Read 3 3 SION 9.2.3,
Read text and use Apply knowledge of LISTENING AND detailed sentences language to achieve SPEAKING11.1 to identify orally the comprehension of .1 main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and UNIT 1 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING5 SPEAKING5 Participate in social Participate in and conversations with initiate more peers and adults on extended social familiar topics by conversations with asking and peers and adults on answering unfamiliar topics by questions and asking and soliciting answering questions information. and restating and soliciting information. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTION Use sentences with Create coherent S 9.1.3, 11.2.3 consistent paragraphs through variations in effective transitions. grammatical forms. *** Listening & LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Speaking SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2. Workshop Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 6, 11.2.3 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Writing WRITING WRITING WRITING Workshop STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Investigate and Develop a clear APPLICATION research a topic in thesis and support it S9.1.3, 11.1.6 a content area and by using analogies, develop a brief quotations, and facts essay or report that appropriately. includes source citations. UNIT 2 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading one: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.1 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.2 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 3 3 SION 9.2.3, 11.3.1 Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Grammar and WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND WRITING STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS2 STRATEGIES AND AND APPLICATION Narrate a sequence S9.2.1, 11.1.2 of events and APPLICATION communicate their S2 significance to an Write detailed audience. fictional biographies or autobiographies. Reading two: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.3, 11.1.2 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. UNIT 2 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 3 ANALYSIS 3 AND ANALYSIS 9.3.8, 11.3.3 Use detailed Identify several sentences to orally literary elements and identify at least two techniques (e.g. ways in which poets figurative language, use personification, imagery, and figures of speech, symbolism). and sound. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING3 SPEAKING3 Make oneself be Make oneself be understood when understood when speaking by using speaking by using consistent standard consistent standard English English grammatical grammatical forms forms, sounds, and sounds; intonation, pitch, and however, some modulation, but may rules may not be make random errors. followed (e.g. third- person singular, male and female pronouns). Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS2 APPLICATIONS2 AND Use complex APPLICATION Narrate a sequence sentences in writing S9.2.1, 11.2.1 of events and brief fictional communicate their biographies and significance to an short stories that audience. include a sequence of events and supporting details. Reading three: READING READING READING FLUENCY FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC Prepare to SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY Read VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 9.2.1, 11.1.2 Identify variations of Use knowledge of the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. UNIT 2 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING5 SPEAKING5 SPEAKING9.1. 1, 11.1.3 Participate in social Participate in and conversations with initiate more peers and adults on extended social familiar topics by conversations with asking and peers and adults on answering unfamiliar topics by questions and asking and soliciting answering questions information. and restating and soliciting information. Grammar and WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND WRITING STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS1 STRATEGIES AND AND APPLICATION Recognize S9.1.2, 11.1.1 elements of APPLICATION characterization in S1 a piece of writing Use appropriate and apply the same language variations characteristics and genres in writing when writing. for language and other content areas. Reading four: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.1 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 4 ANALYSIS 4 AND ANALYSIS Read a literary Describe the 9.3.3, 11.2.2 selection and use interaction between detailed sentences character and to describe orally a subordinate character according characters in literary to what he or she texts. does in a narration, dialogue, or dramatic monologue. Review and LITERARY WRITING LITERARY Practice RESPONSE AND STRATEGIES AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 5 APPLICATIONS1 AND ANALYSIS Produce writing by 9.3.6, 11.3.2 Read literary texts using various and use detailed elements of sentences to discourse (e.g. describe orally the purpose, speaker, sequence of audience, form) in events. narrative, expository, persuasive, and/or descriptive writing. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTION UNIT 2 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Use sentences with Create coherent S 9.1.3, 11.1.1 consistent paragraphs through variations in effective transitions. grammatical forms. *** Listening & LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Speaking SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2. Workshop Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 4, 11.2.3 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Writing WRITING WRITING Workshop STRATEGIES AND WRITING STRATEGIES AND APPLICATIONS2 STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS9.2.1, 11.2.1 Narrate a sequence AND of events and APPLICATION communicate their S2 significance to an Write detailed audience. fictional biographies or autobiographies. UNIT 3 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading one: READING WORD READING WORD WRITING Prepare to ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 2 CONVENTION Read S 9.1.4, 11.1.2 Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge of common English word relationships, morphemes in oral such as roots and READING and silent reading affixes, to derive COMPREHENSION to derive meaning meaning from 9.2.7, 11.2.3 from literature and literature and texts in texts in content content areas (e.g. areas. remove, extend). READING READING #1 READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION 4 4 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax.
Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING3 SPEAKING3 SPEAKING9.1. Make oneself be Make oneself be 3, 11.1.6 understood when understood when speaking by using speaking by using consistent standard consistent standard English English grammatical grammatical forms forms, sounds, and sounds; intonation, pitch, and however, some modulation, but may rules may not be make random errors. followed (e.g. third- person singular, male and female pronouns). Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS4 APPLICATIONS4 AND Recognize Write persuasive APPLICATION structured ideas compositions the S9.1.4, 11.1.3 and arguments and structure ideas and support examples arguments in a in persuasive logical were with writing. consistent use of standard grammatical forms. Reading two: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC UNIT 3 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 11.1.1 the same word that affixes, root words, are found in a text and increased and know with vocabulary to some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of words in meaning of those literature and content words. area texts. Reading LISTENING AND LISTENING AND SPEAKING6 SPEAKING9.1. 9, 11.1.10 Use simple figurative language and idiomatic expressions (e.g. sunshine girl, heavy as a ton of bricks) to communicate ideas to a variety of audiences. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2. Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 4, 11.2.3 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTION Use sentences with Create coherent S 9.1.2, 11.1.1 consistent paragraphs through variations in effective transitions. grammatical forms. *** Reading three: READING WORD READING WORD ???? ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 2 Prepare to Read Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge of common English word relationships, morphemes in oral such as roots and and silent reading affixes, to derive to derive meaning meaning from from literature and literature and texts in texts in content content areas (e.g. areas. remove, extend).
Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENS 3 3 ION 9.2.3, 11.2.2 Read text and use Apply knowledge of UNIT 3 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENS 4 4 ION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS7 APPLICATIONS7 AND Use strategies of APPLICATION Use basic note taking, S9.1.9, 11.1.9 strategies of note outlining, and taking, outlining, summarizing to and writing process structure drafts of to structure simple clear, coherent, and essays, with focused essays, with consistent use of consistent use of standard standard grammatical forms. grammatical forms. (Some rules may not be followed). Reading four: READING WORD READING WORD ???? Prepare to ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 2 Read Use decoding skills Apply knowledge of knowledge of both word relationships, academic and such as roots and social vocabulary to affixes, to derive read independently. meaning from literature and texts in content areas (e.g. remove, extend).
Reading READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENS 5 ION 9.2.8, 11.2.4 Listen to and excerpt from a brief political speech and give an oral critique of the author’s evidence by using simple sentences. UNIT 3 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENS 3 3 ION 9.2.3, 11.2.1W Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTION Use sentences with Create coherent S 9.1.1, 11.1.2 consistent paragraphs through variations in effective transitions. grammatical forms. *** Listening & LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Speaking SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2.2, Workshop Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 11.2.5 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Writing WRITING WRITING WRITING Workshop STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS4 APPLICATIONS4 AND Recognize Write persuasive APPLICATION structured ideas compositions the S9.1.4, 11.1.5 and arguments and structure ideas and support examples arguments in a in persuasive logical were with writing. consistent use of standard grammatical forms. UNIT 4 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading one: READING WORD READING WORD READING WORD Prepare to Read ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 9.1.3, 11.1.2 Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge of common English word relationships, morphemes in oral such as roots and and silent reading affixes, to derive to derive meaning meaning from from literature and literature and texts in texts in content content areas (e.g. areas. remove, extend).
LITERARY LITERARY READING #1 RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND ANALYSIS 6 LITERARY ANALYSIS 6 RESPONSE AND Read a literary Compare and ANALYSIS 9.3.2, selection and use contrast orally and in 11.3.2 detailed sentences writing a similar to explain orally the theme or topic elements of theme, across several plot, setting, and genres by using characters. detailed sentences.
Review and LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY Practice RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 2 AND ANALYSIS 9.3.10, 11.3.3 Read text and use Identify the function detailed sentences of dialogue, scene to respond orally to design and asides in factual dramatic literature. comprehension questions about three forms of literature. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Develop a clear APPLICATION Write brief thesis and support it S9.1.3, 11.1.2 expository by using analogies, compositions and quotations, and facts reports that (a) appropriately. include a thesis and some supporting details; (b) provide information from primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading two: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to Read FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.3, 11.1.2 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the UNIT 4 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.2 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Review and WRITING WRITING Practice STRATEGIES AND WRITING CONVENTION APPLICATIONS1 STRATEGIES S 9.1.1, 11.1.1 Recognize AND elements of APPLICATION characterization in S1 a piece of writing Use appropriate and apply the same language variations characteristics and genres in writing when writing. for language and other content areas. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTION Use sentences with Create coherent S 9.1.3, 11.1.1 consistent paragraphs through variations in effective transitions. grammatical forms. *** Reading three: LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND SPEAKING7 SPEAKING7 SPEAKING9.2. Prepare to Read Respond to Respond to 3 messages by messages by asking asking simple questions, questions or by challenging briefly restating the statements, or message. offering examples that affirm the message. Reading LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 4 ANALYSIS 4 AND ANALYSIS Read a literary Describe the 9.3.3, 11.3.6 selection and use interaction between detailed sentences character and to describe orally a subordinate character according characters in literary to what he or she texts. does in a narration, dialogue, or dramatic monologue. Review and LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY Practice RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 5 ANALYSIS 4 AND ANALYSIS Describe the 9.3.6, 11.3.6 Read literary texts interaction between and use detailed character and sentences to subordinate UNIT 4 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate describe orally the characters in literary sequence of texts. events. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND CONVENTION APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 S 9.1.3, 11.1.1 Develop a clear Write brief thesis and support it expository by using analogies, compositions and quotations, and facts reports that (a) appropriately. include a thesis and some supporting details; (b) provide information from primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading four: READING READING READING Prepare to Read COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 3 3 SION 9.2.3
Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 2 3 SION 9.2.1, 11.2.1 Read and use Apply knowledge of simple sentences to language to achieve identify orally the comprehension of features and informational rhetorical devices of materials, literary simple excerpts of text, and texts in public and content areas. workplace documents and content area texts. Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.2 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTIONS 1 CONVENTION Use sentences with Create coherent S 9.1.3, 11.1.1 consistent paragraphs through variations in effective transitions. UNIT 4 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate grammatical forms. *** Listening & LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Speaking SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2. Workshop Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 2, 11.2.3 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Writing WRITING WRITING WRITING Workshop CONVENTIONS 2 CONVENTIONS 2 CONVENTIONS Edit and correct Edit writing for 9.1.1, 11.1.1 basic grammatical grammatical structures and structures and usage of the mechanics of writing. conventions of writing. UNIT 5 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading one: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 9.1.1, 11.1.3 Identify variations of Use knowledge of the same word that English morphemes, READING are found in a text phonics, and syntax COMPREHENSION and know with to decode and 9.2.7, 11.2.2 some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words.
READING #1 READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION 4 4 Read material and In detailed analyze how clarity sentences identify is affected by orally two to three patterns of examples of how organization, clarity of text is repetition of key affected by the ideas, syntax, and repetition of word choice. important ideas and by syntax.
Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Investigate and Develop a clear APPLICATION research a topic in thesis and support it S9.2.3, 11.1.7 a content area and by using analogies, develop a brief quotations, and facts essay or report that appropriately. includes source citations. Reading two: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 6 DEVELOPMENT 6 DEVELOPMEN T 9.1.1, 11.1.3 Use a standard Use a dictionary to dictionary to derive determine the the meaning of meaning of unknown unknown words (e.g. idioms, vocabulary. and words with multiple meanings.) UNIT 5 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate Reading LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 3 ANALYSIS 3 AND ANALYSIS 9.3.7, 11.3.3 Use detailed Identify several sentences to orally literary elements and identify at least two techniques (e.g. ways in which poets figurative language, use personification, imagery, and figures of speech, symbolism). and sound. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 9.2.1, 11.2.3 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND CONVENTION APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 S 9.1.2, 11.1.1 Investigate and Develop a clear research a topic in thesis and support it a content area and by using analogies, develop a brief quotations, and facts essay or report that appropriately. includes source citations. Reading three: READING READING READING FLUENCY FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Prepare to SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC Read VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.3, 11.1.2 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 3 3 SION 9.2.3
Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational UNIT 5 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Grammar and WRITING WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Investigate and Develop a clear APPLICATION research a topic in thesis and support it S9.2.3, 11.1.7 a content area and by using analogies, develop a brief quotations, and facts essay or report that appropriately. includes soruce citations. Reading four: READING WORD READING WORD READING Prepare to ANALYSIS 2 ANALYSIS 2 COMPREHEN Read SION 9.2.7 Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge of common English word relationships, morphemes in oral such as roots and and silent reading affixes, to derive to derive meaning meaning from from literature and literature and texts in texts in content content areas (e.g. areas. remove, extend).
Reading LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND ANALYSIS 3 ANALYSIS 3 ANALYSIS 9.3.7, 11.3.4 Use detailed Identify several sentences to orally literary elements and identify at least two techniques (e.g. ways in which poets figurative language, use personification, imagery, and figures of speech, symbolism). and sound. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Practice SPEAKING7 SPEAKING7 SPEAKING9.2. Respond to Respond to 3 messages by messages by asking asking simple questions, questions or by challenging briefly restating the statements, or message. offering examples that affirm the message. Grammar and WRITING WRITING Writing STRATEGIES AND WRITING STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 STRATEGIES AND Investigate and AND APPLICATION research a topic in APPLICATION S9.1.3, 11.1.7 a content area and S5 develop a brief essay or report that Write reflective UNIT 5 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced Intermediate includes source compositions that citations. explore the significance of events. Listening & LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Speaking SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2. Workshop Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 6, 11.2.1 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Writing WRITING WRITING Workshop STRATEGIES AND WRITING STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 STRATEGIES AND AND APPLICATION Write brief S9.1.3, 11.1.7 expository APPLICATION compositions and S5 reports that (a) Write reflective include a thesis and compositions that some supporting explore the details; (b) provide significance of information from events. primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. UNIT 6 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Reading one: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 9.1.3, 11.1.2 Identify variations of Use knowledge of the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. READING READING #1 READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION 3 READING 2 COMPREHENSION Apply knowledge of 9.2.1, 11.2.1 Read and use language to achieve simple sentences to comprehension of identify orally the informational features and materials, literary rhetorical devices of text, and texts in simple excerpts of content areas. public and workplace documents and content area texts.
Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Grammar WRITING WRITING WRITING and Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Investigate and Develop a clear APPLICATION research a topic in thesis and support it S9.2.3, 11.2.4 a content area and by using analogies, develop a brief quotations, and facts essay or report that appropriately. includes soruce citations. Reading two: READING READING READING Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND COMPREHEN Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SION 9.2.1, VOCABULARY VOCABULARY 11.2.1 DEVELOPMENT 6 DEVELOPMENT 6 Use a standard Use a dictionary to dictionary to derive determine the the meaning of meaning of unknown unknown words (e.g. idioms, vocabulary. and words with multiple meanings.) UNIT 6 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION 5 5 9.2.8, 11.2.4 Listen to and Prepare oral and excerpt from a brief written reports that political speech and evaluate the give an oral critique credibility of an of the author’s author’s argument or evidence by using defense of a claim. simple sentences. Review and LISTENING AND LISTENING AND READING Practice SPEAKING7 SPEAKING7 COMPREHEN Respond to Respond to SION 9.2.7, messages by messages by asking 11.2.3 asking simple questions, questions or by challenging briefly restating the statements, or message. offering examples that affirm the message. Grammar WRITING WRITING WRITING and Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Develop a clear APPLICATION Write brief thesis and support it S9.1.3, 11.1.6 expository by using analogies, compositions and quotations, and facts reports that (a) appropriately. include a thesis and some supporting details; (b) provide information from primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading READING READING READING FLUENCY three: FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY Prepare to VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Read DEVELOPMENT 2 DEVELOPMENT 2 9.1.1, 11.1.3 Use decoding skills Use decoding skills and knowledge of and knowledge to both academic and academic and social social vocabulary to vocabulary to read independently. achieve independent reading. Reading READING READING READING COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 4 4 SION 9.2.7, 11.2.3 In detailed Read material and sentences identify analyze how clarity orally two to three is affected by examples of how patterns of clarity of text is organization, affected by the repetition of key repetition of ideas, syntax, and important ideas and word choice. by syntax. Review and READING READING READING Practice COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHEN 3 3 SION 9.2.3, 11.1.8 Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve UNIT 6 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. Grammar WRITING WRITING READING and Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND COMPREHEN APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 SION 9, 1, 3, Develop a clear 11.1.7 Write brief thesis and support it expository by using analogies, compositions and quotations, and facts reports that (a) appropriately. include a thesis and some supporting details; (b) provide information from primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Reading four: READING READING READING FLUENCY Prepare to FLUENCY AND FLUENCY AND AND Read SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMENT 3 DEVELOPMEN Identify variations of Use knowledge of T 9.1.3, 11.1.2 the same word that English morphemes, are found in a text phonics, and syntax and know with to decode and some accuracy how interpret the affixes change the meaning of meaning of those unfamiliar words. words. Reading LITERARY LITERARY LITERARY RESPONSE AND RESPONSE AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS 6 ANALYSIS 6 AND ANALYSIS Compare and 9.3.2, 11.3.2 Read a literary contrast orally and in selection and use writing a similar detailed sentences theme or topic to explain orally the across several elements of theme, genres by using plot, setting, and detailed sentences. characters.
Read text and use Apply knowledge of detailed sentences language to achieve to identify orally the comprehension of main ideas and use informational them to make materials, literary predictions about texts, and texts in informational text, content areas. literary text, and text in content areas. UNIT 6 ELD Standards Reading Grades 9-12 ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Grammar WRITING WRITING WRITING and Writing STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIES APPLICATIONS5 APPLICATIONS5 AND Develop a clear APPLICATION Write brief thesis and support it S9.1.7, 11.1.7 expository by using analogies, compositions and quotations, and facts reports that (a) appropriately. include a thesis and some supporting details; (b) provide information from primary sources; and (c) include charts and graphs. Listening & LISTENING AND LISTENING AND LISTENING AND Speaking SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9 SPEAKING9.2. Workshop Prepare and deliver Prepare and deliver 2, 11.2.1 shore presentations brief oral on ideas, premises, presentations/reports or images obtained on historical from various investigations, a common sources. problem and solution, or a cause and effect. Writing WRITING WRITING WRITING Workshop CONVENTIONS 3 CONVENTIONS 3 CONVENTION Revise writing for Revise writing for S 9.1.4, 11.1.3 appropriate word appropriate word choice, organization choice, organization, with variation in consistent point of grammatical forms view, and transitions, and spelling. with some variation in grammatical forms and spelling.