Gabriels Upload File Format For Boston Real Estate
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Feed Spec for Boston Real Estate | 02/17/2005 - Files must be sent in a tab-delimited file format named as follows: yourcompany.txt - If information is not available, please leave field blank, but include a tab. - Please include field headers. - No text qualifier - Send your initial listing file via email to [email protected] and [email protected] - FTP server is available to receive files. Contact Meg (Meg Herbert – [email protected]) to set up FTP access. - We can also host your property photos, agent photos and floor plans if needed. - Note: If there is no data or tech person to assist in setting up this feed and you find this to be confusing, we do have a template available. Please contact Meg for this at 617-929-8650.
Field Name Required Description Listing ID Yes Your Internal Listing ID Company ID Yes Company ID provided by Classification Yes Type of listing. Choose one code from appendix E. Example: 800 Agent ID ID that uniquely defines an agent / Most likely MLS agent ID Agent Name Name of the agent Example: John Smith Agent Phone Number Phone number for the agent Agent Email Address Email address for the agent Agent Photo URL of Photo. Prefix URL with http:// Example: http://www.yoursite/image/agent_pic.jpg Note: image size: width should be 325 px wide, height will be adjusted accordingly Location Yes Location for listing (see appendix C for format) Important: neighborhoods need to be separated from city name Example: Boston|MA|United States|Brighton Rental or Sale Rental = “R”, Sale = “S” Price Yes Listing price. As a full number. Do not use $ sign or commas. Example: 1399 Rooms Number of rooms. Must be an integer. Bedrooms Number of bedrooms. Must be an integer. (enter 0 for studio) Full Baths Number of full bathrooms. Must be an integer. 2.5 baths must be split up into 2 FULLBATHS and 1 HALFBATHS Half Baths Number of half bathrooms. Must be an integer. See note above for FULLBATHS Lot Size Size of lot in Square Feet Square Feet Size of home in Square Feet Ad Copy Yes Text to be displayed for the listing up to 4500 characters Photo 1 URL of Photo. Prefix URL with http:// Example: http://www.yoursite/image/house_pic.jpg Note: image size: width should be 325 px wide, height will be adjusted accordingly Photo 2 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 3 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 4 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 5 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 6 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 7 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 8 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 9 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 10 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 11 Refer to Photo 1 description Photo 12 Refer to Photo 1 description Floor plan 1 URL of floor plan. Prefix URL with http:// Example: http://www.yoursite/image/floorplan.gif Floor plan 2 Refer to floor plan 1 description Floor plan 3 Refer to floor plan 1 description Floor plan 4 Refer to floor plan 1 description Floor plan 5 Refer to floor plan 1 description Virtual Tour URL of Virtual Tour. Prefix URL with http:// Example: http://www.yoursite/virtualtour Style Home Style. Choose one code from appendix B Example: DUPX Property Type Yes Property Type. Choose one code from appendix D Example: MLTF * Required for homes only Open House Yes = “Y”, No = “N” Open House Date 1 Required if Open House = “Y” Format: (mm/dd/yy) Open House Time 1 Text field indicating the time of the open house. Maximum of 25 characters. Open House Date 2 Format: (mm/dd/yy) Open House Time 2 Text field indicating the time of the open house. Maximum of 25 characters. Street Address Required for Open House information to display Amenities A pipe (|) separated list of amenity codes (see appendix A). Example: SECS|WBAR|CVAC New Construction Yes = “Y”, No = “N”
Appendix A - Amenity Code List – codes in parenthesis Above-ground pool (APOL) Adult community (ACOM) Air conditioning (ACON) Balcony (BALC) Barn/stable (BNST) Beach (BEAC) Cabana (CABA) Cable available (CATV) Carriage house (CHOU) Cathedral ceilings (CCEI) Cats allowed (CTAL) Central air (CAIR) Central air/vacuum (CAIV) Central vacuum (CVAC) Clubhouse (CLUB) Compactor (COMP) Concierge (CONC) Countertop range (CTRG) Covered patio/deck (CPAT) Deck (DECK) Decorative lighting (DECL) Deeded parking (DPAR) Dishwasher (DWSH) Dishwasher/disposal (DDIS) Disposal (DISP) Doorman (DOOR) Dryer (DRYR) Eat-in-kitchen (EIKI) Elevator (ELEV) Enclosed patio (EPAT) Enclosed porch (EPCH) Enclosed/fenced yard (FENC) Exercise room (EROO) Finished basement/lower level Fireplace (FIRE) Fitness center (FCEN) (FBAS) For-Sale-By-Owner (FSBO) Free month's rent (FMNT) Freezer (FRZR) Fully applianced (FAPP) Garage (GARA) Garage parking (GPAR) Garden (GARD) Gazebo (GAZE) Golf course (GOLF) Gourmet kitchen (GKIT) Greenhouse (GRNH) Guest house (GHOU) Gutters (GUTT) Gym (GYMM) Handicap accessible/equipped (HDCP) Hardwood floors (HFLO) Health club (HCLU) Heat and hot water included (HHWI) Heat and utilities included (HUIN) Heat included (HINC) Heat, hot water & central air included (HHCA) Heated pool (HPOL) High ceilings (HCEI) Hot tub/spa (HTSP) In-ground pool (IPOL) In-law/au paire (IAUP) In-unit laundry (IULA) Indoor grill (GRIL) Indoor pool (INPL) Intercom (INTR) Jacuzzi (JACU) Landscaped (LNDS) Laundromat (LDMT) Laundry (LAUN) Microwave (MCWV) Near beach (NBEA) Near downtown (NDOW) Near lake/pond (NLAK) Near medical facility (MDCL) Near ocean (NOCE) Near park (PARK) Near public transportation (TRAN) Near schools (NSCH) Near shopping (SHOP) New construction (NCST) New listing (NLIS) No condo fees (NCON) No dogs (NDGA) No fee (NOFE) No lease (NOLE) No pets (NPTA) No security deposit (NOSE) No smoking (NOSM) Oceanfront (OCEA) Off-street parking (OSPA) On cul-de-sac (OCUL) On-street parking (ONST) Outdoor pool (OPOL) Owner occupied (OWOC) Paddock (PADD) Parking (PRKN) Patio (PATO) Pets allowed (PETA) Pool (POOL) Porch (PRCH) Private yard (PYAR) Racketball (RACK) Range (RNGE) Refrigerator (REFG) Rental parking (RPKN) Required: First and last (FLST) Required: First, last and security (FLSE) Required: Last and security Roof deck (RDCK) Satellite dish (SATD) (LSEC) Sauna/steam/hot tub (SAUN) Screens (SCRN) Security system (SECS) Shed (SHED) Skylights (SKYL) Small pets allowed (SPAL) Solarium (SOLA) Sprinkler system (SPRK) Stables (STBL) Storage (STOR) Storage shed (STRG) Sublet (SUBL) Sunroom (SUNR) Swimming pool (POOL) Tennis court (TENN) Terrace (TERR) Utilities included (UINC) Vaulted ceilings (VCEI) Walk-up attic (WKAT) Walk/jog trails (TRLS) Wall oven (WOVN) Wall-to-wall carpeting (WCAR) Washer (WASH) Washer/dryer (WDRY) Washer/dryer hookup (WDHO) Water treatment (WTTR) Water views (WVIE) Waterfront (WFRN) Weight room (WROM) Wet bar (WBAR) Whirlpool (WPOL) Wooded (WODD)
Appendix B - Style Code Table – codes in parentheses 2/3 Family (2/3F) Antique (ANTQ) Brownstone (BSTN) Bungalow (BUNG) Cape (CAPE) Chalet (CHAL) Co-op (COOP) Colonial (COLN) Colonial Revival Condo (COND) Contemporary (CONT) Cottage (COTT) (CREV) Courtyard (CTYD) Custom Home (CHOM) Detached (DETD) Duplex (DUPX) Estate (ESTE) Farmhouse (FARM) Gambrel (GAMB) Garden (GRDN) Garrison (GARR) Greek Revival (GREV) Half Duplex (HDPX) Hi-Rise (HI) Land (LAND) Log Cabin (LOG) Low-Rise (LOW) Manor (MNOR) Mediterranean Villa Mid-Rise (MID) Mobile Home (MHOM) Motel/Cottage/Efficiency (MVILL) (MCEF) Multi Family (MULT) Multi-Level (MLTI) Penthouse (PENT) Raised Ranch (RRAN) Ranch (RANC) Row House (RHOU) Rowhouse (ROW) Saltbox (SALT) Split Entry (SENT) Split-Level (SPLT) Stone (STON) Studio (STUD) Townhouse (TOWN) Triple Decker (TDEC) Triplex (TRIP) Tudor (TUDR) Victorian (VICT)
Appendix C - Location Format A pipe (|) should separate each section of information in this field. The city and state are required. There should always be three pipes. Format:
Appendix D - Property Type Table – code in parenthesis Condo (CNDO) Multi Family (MLTF) Income Property (INPR) Single Family (SNGF) Land (LAND) Time Share (TMSH) Mobile Home (MOBH)
Appendix E – Classification Table – code in parenthesis Apartments (800) Land (705) Apartments to Share (803) Maine Real Estate (730) Apartments Wanted (804) Massachusetts Real Estate (700) Architects (712) Mobile Homes (750) Assisted Living (832) New Hampshire Real Estate (740) Canada Real Estate (742) Out Of State Real Estate (722) Cape Cod Real Estate (720) Office Space (836) Caribbean Real Estate (743) Mortgages (709) Children To Board (701) Real Estate Wanted (703) Connecticut Real Estate (726) Rhode Island Real Estate (732) Commercial and Industrial (710) Time Sharing (714) Farm & Village Homes (704) Unfurnished Rooms (834) Florida Real Estate (724) Vacation Rentals (708) Furnished Apartments (801) Vermont Real Estate (728) Furnished Rooms (833) Condos (7042) Homes Pictorial (702) Box Open Houses (7050) Houses for Rent (835) Multi Family homes (7060) Income Property (706) International Real Estate (744)