Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held at Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall

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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held at Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall

2013/2014 28

Gaddesby Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall on Thursday, 12 th September 2013, commencing at 7.30 pm.

Councillors Present

Mrs Jenny Hurst – Chair Mrs Pat Walton Mr Gordon Bigam – Vice-Chair Mr Neil Shorrock Mr Howard Bakewell

Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council ______Action

Apologies – Apologies were received from Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson.

Parishioner/Public Time There were no parishioners present.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2013/2014 22-27, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.

Matters Arising

1. Street Light Programme – The Clerk was pleased to advise that the lantern attached to the wooden pole outside no. 24 Paske Avenue, Gaddesby had now been replaced. This now completes all outstanding improvement works on the street light programme for the present year.

2. Arrow indicator signs, Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby – Nothing to report.

3. Blocked Drain, Paske Avenue, Gaddesby – The Clerk had reported to LCC, Highways Department that there is a blocked drain on the corner of Paske Avenue, Gaddesby, which requires their attention. It was bought to the attention of GPC that the drain situated outside Ashby and Clerk Barsby Parish Hall frequently blocks on a regular basis; the Clerk was asked to report this to LCC, Highways Department.

4. Changes to the Local Bus Service 100 – County Councillor Orson had forwarded to GPC the ‘second report of the Scrutiny Review Panel on the County Council’s 95% bus coverage policy’. The Clerk had emailed a copy of the report to all Councillors prior to the meeting. After reading through the report, Councillors were encouraged to learn that the proposed recommendation for the services 100/128, Leicester to Melton via the Wreake Valley villages was a ‘two bus service with route coverage remaining the same but operated to a reduced frequency, from hourly to two hourly, with an adjusted timetable to allow for driver breaks and the withdrawal of low use journeys at the start and end of the day’. Although Councillors had some concerns regarding the ‘withdrawal of low use journeys at the start and end of the day’. It was thought that a consultation would take place following the Cabinet meeting on the 13th September 2013. 2013/2014 29 Matters Arising cont.

5. RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection – The Clerk had yet to obtain a quotation Clerk, from Greyhound Leisure Ltd, for a quotation for the new safety surfaces at the Councillors Gaddesby Children’s Play Area, but would endeavour to do so prior to the Shorrock October meeting. and Councillor Shorrock showed Councillors the notice which he proposed to attach Bakewell to the MUGA fencing. The notice followed the guidance from RoSPA, which stated ‘Do not climb on the framework or nets’, ‘Do not hang on the ring’, ‘Do not wear rings or other jewellery as these can get caught and cause injury’. Following the approval of all Councillors, Councillor Shorrock would attach the notices to the fence. Councillor Bakewell had yet to repair the multi-play/playhouse steps, but would endeavour to do so when time permitted.

6. Uneven Public Footpath, Gaddesby – The Clerk had reported to Mr Richard Bye, the Rights of Way Inspector for the Melton area for LCC, that the hollows in the footpath, which runs through Coles Nurseries in Gaddesby, had been filled in with very large gravel, thus making the surface of the footpath uneven and to ask Mr Bye if, in his opinion, this was to a satisfactory standard. Mr Bye replied to GPC; that following the defect report he had contacted Coles Nurseries and that they had undertaken to carry out the repair at their own cost and that he had not had any direct involvement. Mr Bye had suggested that either the fence required removing so that walkers could bypass the wet sections or that some stone needed to be put into the wet area. Mr Bye would walk the footpath in the next week or two to see if anything further could be done.

7. MBC, Renewable Wind Energy Guidance – Following the Renewable Wind Clerk Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Presentation by MBC, held on Wednesday, 7th August, a copy of the presentation had been forwarded to GPC for Councillors information. Subsequently, MBC had written to all Parish Councils within the Borough to ask for each one to identify local important view points within their individual Parish. MBC had provided each Parish Council with a map so that any important view points could be clearly marked indicating the direction of the view. The Clerk had circulated to Councillors, prior to the meeting, a copy of the presentation and a copy of the letter and map, so that Councillors had time to consider the view points of importance. Councillors discussed the important view points and these were indicated on the map. The Clerk would forward a copy of the map to MBC along with a covering letter with the comments from GPC, these comments being:  GPC consider the views from our Parish into other Parishes to be of great importance.  Our Parish is surrounded by quality rural landscape.  A number of public footpaths and bridleways run through our Parish.  Our villages all have conservations areas within them.  This Parish is defined as High Leicestershire and the views into the open landscape need to be protected.

8. LCC, Proposed diversion of footpath 177 (part), within the Parish of Gaddesby – The Clerk had written to the LCC, Chief Executive’s Department to advise that GPC fully support the proposal to divert the public footpath 177 (part) within the Parish of Gaddesby. 2013/2014 30 Matters Arising cont.

9. MBC, Parish Council Liaison : Agenda Setting Meeting – The Clerk reminded Councillors that an MBC Parish Council agenda setting meeting would be held on Tuesday, 1st October 2013 at 6pm in Council Chamber One, Parkside. The Clerk had forwarded to MBC an item for inclusion on the agenda, this being ‘An Update of the Melton Local Plan’.

10. Overgrown footpath between Barsby and Ashby Folville – Councillors were pleased to note that the overgrown footpath between Barsby and Ashby Folville had been trimmed back.


1. E.ON – Street Lighting Annual Maintenance – Notification had been received from E.ON that the annual maintenance visit had been carried out on 01.08.2013, where all the lamps (bulbs) were changed and the visors/bowls were cleaned.

2. Melton Local Plan – Notification had been received from MBC regarding the new ‘Melton Local Plan’. The letter and information described how the Plan, once in place, would provide the framework for the Borough’s development needs – where the housing, retail and business needs of the community would be provided and how important countryside, ecological and heritage features would be protected. In order to carry out this task, MBC were inviting as many people as possible to be involved and were proposing to invite ‘Reference Groups’ to have a direct input into the content of the Plan. The Reference Groups being:  Residents – housing and community issues.  Environment and Rural – environment and green issues.  Town Centre – retail and leisure.  Employment – business across the Borough.  Special Interests – groups for the whole Borough.  Landowners and Developers.  Young People – targeted at 16-24 year olds.

Councillors considered the various Reference Groups but felt that ‘Environment and All Rural’ would be of particular interest to GPC and would represent the Parish in general. Councillors th The letter and information advised that a conference would be held on Friday, 27 and Clerk September 2013, when a presentation would explain more about the planning process and the role of the Reference Groups. Unfortunately Councillors were unable to attend the conference but the Clerk was asked to contact MBC to advise that a representative from GPC would be pleased to join the ‘Environment and Rural’ Reference Group.

3. Melton West Community Forum – Notification had been received that the next Councillor th Melton West Community Forum would take place on Thursday, 10 October 2013 at Hurst Somerby Memorial Hall, 57 High Street, Somerby from 6.30pm. Councillor Hurst hoped to attend the Forum.

Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary. 2013/2014 31 Planning Matters a. Land Off Main Street, Barsby – Application submitted by Mr P Featherstone, for a Clerk proposed extension to the existing pole barn used to house cattle. Councillors resolved to support the application. As the incorrect address has been used on the planning application form, the Clerk was asked to clarify with MBC the correct address as Gaddesby Lane, Barsby. b. 22 Park Hill, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs Faulknall for a Clerk proposed rear extension, internal alterations and loft conversion to the existing property. Councillors resolved to support the application, providing that the occupants of the neighbouring properties had no objections to the application. c. St.Mary’s Church, Folville Street, Ashby Folville – Application submitted by Clerk Mrs A Patton, for consent to work on trees, for the proposed reduction of the lower branches of a yew tree. Councillors resolved to support the application.

Planning Decisions a. ‘Castledene’, 27 Park Hill, Gaddesby – Appeal application submitted by Mr and Mrs D Rogers for a proposed garage attached to the front elevation of the existing dwelling has been granted permission by the Secretary of State Planning Inspector. b. ‘Beechcroft’, 4 Church Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs J Simon, for a proposed two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and alterations to the existing dwelling and garage, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

Representative Reports

1. Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall – Nothing to report.

2. Barsby Village Hall Green – Councillor Hurst reported that the Green had been well used and enjoyed by families during the summer months and that a committee meeting had been held to plan a skittles evening and carols on the green.

3. Gaddesby Village Hall – Councillor Bakewell reported that the Village Hall continued to be well used and that the existing Hall floor would be sanded and varnished when possible. Councillor Bakewell advised Councillors that the Chair of the Village Hall had now left Gaddesby and would no longer continue with the role of Chair, with the Vice-Chair currently acting as Chair on a temporary basis.


Accounts paid since the last meeting: E.ON UK Plc – Street light energy, from 01.04.2013 to 30.06.2013, £211.28 plus 5% VAT £10.56, total £221.84. Melton Borough Council – RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection, £53.05 plus 20% VAT £10.61, total £63.66. 2013/2014 32 Finance

Accounts for payment: E.ON UK Plc – Replacement of street light lantern outside no.24 Paske Avenue, Gaddesby, £2,380.00 plus 20% VAT £476.00, total £2,856.00. Plus street light maintenance, ¼ end 30.09.2013, £182.65 plus 20% VAT £36.53, total £219.18. Total cheque to E.ON UK Plc - £3,075.18.

Payments Received: 03.06.2013 – Barclays Bank Business Reserve Account – Interest from 04.03.2013 to 02.06.2013, total £1.95.

Estimated Balances: Barclays Bank Business Reserve Account £12,986.25. Barclays Bank Community Account £1,393.17.

Transfer of Funds: Councillors agreed that £3,500.00 should be transferred from the Business Reserve Clerk Account into the Community Account; the Clerk was asked to carry out this transaction.

Other Business

1. Vintage Car Club Meeting, Ashby Folville – It had been noted that the Vintage Car Club meeting, held on the second Tuesday of the summer months, had been re-located to the Leicester Speedway Circuit and that it would no longer take place in Ashby Folville. Following a visit from the local Police at the August meeting, it was considered unsafe and no longer practical for the event to continue.

2. Land Off Main Street, South Croxton – With reference to the land off Main Street, South Croxton, which had previously been the subject of a planning application for the siting of two mobile homes. It was reported to Charnwood Borough Council that the caravan had become occupied and that a section of the hedge had been removed. Following this report a member of the Enforcement Team had visited the site and had spoken to the occupant. It was understood that the landowner, Mr John Connor, was currently selling the piece of land. The Enforcement Team would encourage the planting of the hedge during the planting season, between October and March. Charnwood Borough Council advised that, at the present time, there had not been a breach of the planning condition, but that they would continue to monitor the site.

3. D66 Public Footpath, Baggrave End, Barsby – It had been bought to the attention of Clerk GPC that a section of the D66 public footpath in Baggrave End, Barsby had become overgrown. It was understood that the surface of the footpath was uneven and that the surface could not been seen due to the long grass. Additionally, it was thought that the arrow indication sign, which indicates the designated footpath along the track, was missing. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Richard Bye, the Rights of Way Inspector for the Melton area for LCC, to ask him to arrange to have the area of the footpath trimmed back and to have a new sign installed.

4. Apologies for October 2013 meeting – Councillor Bigam gave his apologies for the next meeting, which would be held on Monday, 7th October 2013. 2013/2014 33

Arrangements for the next meeting: Monday, 7th October 2013, at Gaddesby Village Hall, commencing at 6.45 pm.

The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.


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