Ref: 02261_03163_2016-09-09_01 Date: 09 September 2016 Standing Way Eaglestone Milton Keynes MK6 5LD Tel: 01908 660033 For people who have hearing loss Minicom 01908 243924

Ms Felicity Myres

Dear Ms Myres

Request under Freedom of Information Act 2000

Thank you for your request for information which we received on 23 August 2016. How many sites are there? – One Site. · What is the total number of employees across those sites? - 3500 · How many IT staff do you employ? – 30. · What is your annual IT budget? - £1.8m · Is it likely that your organisation will merge with another organisation? Unknown.

Contacts · Please provide contacts details for your current CCIO? Miss Deborah Phillips. · Please provide contacts details for your current Clinical Directors? Caroline Hutton. · Please provide contacts details for your current Medical Directors? Dr Ian Reckless. All contactable on hospital switchboard number in letterhead above. · How long have the listed individuals been in post? IR – April 2016. CH – Sept 2014. DP – 2013.

Infrastructure Contracts · Is there an existing IT outsource contract in place? If yes: No. o Who is the contract with? N/A o When is the contract up for renewal? N/A o What is the annual value of that contract? N/A · Do you partner with any other trusts to procure any IT services? If yes: No. o Please name the trusts. N/A o Please list the services that you share. N/A · Across your IT contracts do you have any Netapp Technology in use? If yes: Yes. o When is the contract up for renewal? In 2020. o What was the value of the initial three-year contract? Approx. 400K. · Across your IT contracts do you have any Commvault Technology in use? If yes: Yes. o When is the contract up for renewal? - 31/03/2017 o What was the value of the initial three-year contract? 150K.


As a teaching hospital, we conduct education and research to improve healthcare for our patients. During your visit students may be involved in your care, or you may be asked to participate in a clinical trial. Please speak to your doctor or nurse if you have any concerns. Chief Executive: Joe Harrison Chairman: Baroness Wall of New Barnet · Are you actively procuring a VNA? No. o If yes, which technologies are you considering/have you chosen? o If no (and you have a VNA in place) § Which technology did you choose? § When did the contract commence? o If no (and you do not have a VNA in place), do you expect to go to market in the next 12-18 months for one? · How many applications does your organisation use? (Please select from the following) o 0-100 o 100-250  o 250-400 o 400-600 o 600+ · How many of these departmental applications are unsupported? (Please select from the following) o <10%  o 11 - 30% o 31% - 50% o 51% - 75% o >75% · What’s percentage of these applications are cloud native and therefore do not rely in on premise IT infrastructure? o <10%  o 11 - 30% o 31% - 50% o 51% - 75% o >75%

You are advised that this information is provided in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and is for your personal use. Any re-use of this information will be subject to copyright and the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations (1st July 05) and authorisation from Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will be required. In the event of any re-use, the information must be reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading manner.

If you are unhappy with the information received in response to this request, please address your complaint to the Patient Affairs Office at Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD. If, after exhausting our internal process, you are still unhappy with the information received, you may write to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address above.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Gibbons Freedom Of Information Co-ordinator For and on behalf of Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust