ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3 Page 3
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12 COM
ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3 Paris, 22 November 2017 Original: English
Twelfth session Jeju Island, Republic of Korea 4 to 9 December 2017
Provisional list of documents 1. ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3 – page 2
Provisional agenda item Documents
1. Opening ITH/17/12.COM/Participants ITH/17/12.COM/INF.1 Rev.2 General Information
2. Adoption of the agenda ITH/17/12.COM/2 ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.1 Rev. Provisional timetable ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3 Provisional list of documents
3. Observers ITH/17/12.COM/3
4. Adoption of the summary records of the ITH/17/12.COM/4 eleventh session of the Committee
5. Reports of the Committee and the Secretariat
5.a. Report by the Committee to the General ITH/17/12.COM/5.a Assembly on its activities (January 2016 to December 2017)
5.b. Report by the Secretariat on its activities ITH/17/12.COM/5.b
6. Voluntary supplementary contributions to the ITH/17/12.COM/6 Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
7. Draft plan for the use of the resources of the ITH/17/12.COM/7 Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund in 2018-2019
8. Reports of States Parties
8.a. Reports of States Parties on the use of ITH/17/12.COM/8.a International Assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
8.b. Examination of the reports of States ITH/17/12.COM/8.b Parties on the implementation of the Reports available at: Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative periodic-reporting-00921 List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
8.c. Examination of the reports of States ITH/17/12.COM/8.c Parties on the current status of elements Reports available at: inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding periodic-reporting-usl-00922 ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3 – page 3
Provisional agenda item Documents
9. Draft overall results framework for the ITH/17/12.COM/9 Convention ITH/17/12.COM/INF.9 Summary records of the Open- ended intergovernmental working group meeting on developing an overall results framework for the Convention
10. Draft amendments to the Operational Directives ITH/17/12.COM/10 on periodic reporting
11. Report of the Evaluation Body on its work in ITH/17/12.COM/11 2017
11.a. Examination of nominations for ITH/17/12.COM/11.a Rev. inscription on the List of Intangible Form ICH-01-Aide-mémoire Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Aide-mémoire for completing a Safeguarding nomination to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need for Urgent Safeguarding Nominations available at: urgent-safeguarding-list-00938
11.b. Examination of nominations for ITH/17/12.COM/11.b Add. inscription on the Representative List of Form ICH-02-Aide-mémoire the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Aide-mémoire for completing a Humanity nomination to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Nominations available at: representative-list-00939
11.c. Removal of an element from the List of ITH/17/12.COM/11.c Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Request available at: Urgent Safeguarding and its transfer to the Representative List of the Intangible removal-and-transfer-of-an- Cultural Heritage of Humanity element-00950
11.d. Examination of requests for International ITH/17/12.COM/11.d Assistance Requests available at: international-assistance-requests- 00941 11.e. Examination of proposals to the Register ITH/17/12.COM/11.e Add. of Good Safeguarding Practices Proposals available at: register-00940 ITH/17/12.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3 – page 4
Provisional agenda item Documents
12. Procedures to facilitate dialogue between the ITH/17/12.COM/12 Evaluation Body and the submitting State(s)
13. Report of the informal ad hoc working group ITH/17/12.COM/13
14. Reflection on the removal of an element from a ITH/17/12.COM/14 List and the transfer of an element from one List to the other
15. Intangible cultural heritage in emergencies ITH/17/12.COM/15
16. Follow-up to the recommendations of the ITH/17/12.COM/16 External Auditor’s ‘Report on the governance of UNESCO and dependant funds, programmes and entities’ (Document 38 C/23)
17. Accreditation of new non-governmental ITH/17/12.COM/17 organizations and review of accredited non- governmental organizations
18. Establishment of the Evaluation Body for the ITH/17/12.COM/18 Rev. 2018 cycle
19. Date and venue of the thirteenth session of the ITH/17/12.COM/19 Committee
20. Election of the members of the Bureau of the ITH/17/12.COM/20 thirteenth session of the Committee
21. Other business
22. Adoption of the list of decisions ITH/17/12.COM/Decisions
23. Closure