Student Culture and Learning Handbook
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Rocky River High School
Culture and Learning Handbook Culture and Learning Handbook
Rocky River Mission Statement Rocky River High School strives to create a nurturing environment where students are prepared for success in the 21st century. Working together with the various communities and a supportive parent partnership, we foster the developments of the whole individual.
Culture and Learning Goal: To establish a learning community that provides academic support, teaches citizenship, and fosters positive relationships.
Culture and Learning Vision: Adults and students will work together to develop strategies that produce and maintain a positive environment at Rocky River High School and in the community.
Administration Ms. Nelson - Principal Mr. Chiles – Assistant Principal Mr. Olejarczyk – Assistant Principal Ms. Clark – Assistant Principal Mr. Fowler – Dean of Students Ms. Gunn – Dean of Students
SRO Officer Tolman Officer White
Counselors Cruz A-D Cleveland E-K Foster L-P Roche R-Z
Student Services Ms. Hilliard -Secretary Ms. McGill – Secretary Ms. Mohamed- College Advisor Ms. Brown- Career development
Facilitators Ms. Graham – Testing and Accountability Facilitator Ms. Cummings – Academic Facilitator Ms. Reddig – EC Facilitator
Athletic Director Mr. Lamb Character Development CMS wants to insure that all schools are able to focus on learning and teach good citizenship through nine core traits Respect: Show high regard for self, others and property Responsibility: Be accountable for your own behavior Honesty: Be truthful in word and action Caring: Show concern for the well being of others Justice and Fairness: Demonstrate impartial, unbiased and equitable treatment for all Citizenship: Be an informed, responsible and caring participant in your community Courage: Do the right thing in the face of difficulty. Follow your conscience instead of the crowd Perseverance: Stay with a task and not give up Hope: Believe you will be successful
If a student feels that he or she is being bullied, follow the below protocol to obtain support. Speak with the teacher (if the bullying is occurring in the classroom) Speak with counselor Fill out a bullying form and place it in the bully box (located beside the SRO’s office) Seek out grade level administrator Guide to Student Advocacy
Students who advocate (speak up) for themselves are initiators for their learning and overall success in and out of the classroom. Teachers will model appropriate communication skills and interactions between staff and students.
The following statement stems can be used in order to clearly articulate feelings, thinking, concerns, etc…
When I have an academic concern… “I am feeling overwhelmed and need help on…” “I don’t understand how / why…?” “When you explained_____, I didn’t understand…” “Will you be able to help me (before school, after school, during lunch)…?” “I received a __%; what can I do to improve the score…?” “I didn’t pass first quarter, what can I do to increase my pass rate for second quarter?” “I learn better when…” “Can you please give another example of…”
When I’m feeling frustrated… “I didn’t like it when you said…” “I felt upset when you…” “You weren’t listening when I tried to say…” “Every time you say______, it makes me upset.” “I would appreciate it if you would stop…” “I understand your point/ concern, but I feel that…” “Can you give me a moment to process what I’m feeling?” “Is it possible for us to step outside, so I can express my concerns?”
When I have a pressing issue… “Who do I need to speak with to make an appointment with my counselor?” “When do counselors meet with students?” “How do I set up an appointment to meet with my administrator?” “Can I see my administrator to discuss…?” “Who do I go to when I feel unsafe?” “What’s the appropriate time to get a bus pass?”
Study Skills Below is a list of basic skills needed to become a successful high school student.
Time Management o Identify a specific time each day for studying (A few hours a day should be dedicated to completing work / studying) . Monday ______:______to ____ :______. Tuesday ______:______to ____ :______. Wednesday ______:______to ____ :______. Thursday ______:______to ____ :______. Friday ______:______to ____ :______. Saturday ______:______to ____ :______. Sunday ______:______to ____ :______
Good Note-Taking o Write down the most important information o Write in different colors or columns (For visual learners) o Create flashcards o Check notes after tests/quizzes – If notes do not reflect what was on the exam, ask to see a peer’s notes or speak to the teacher
Complete Work o Homework has a purpose – Complete all work to identify strengths and areas of concern
Review and Study Daily o Study with a partner or study group o Attend tutoring o Review notes on a regular basis even if there is no homework or test
Set Goals o Set a reasonable goal for the overall outcome of class o Monitor goal setting o Seek support to achieve goal
Concentrate o Listen to the teacher o Avoid side conversations o Move seat to maintain focus
Advocate for Self o Ask questions for understanding / clarification o Talk to the teacher one-on-one about problems / struggles