Editor: Kristin S. President: Shannon P

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Editor: Kristin S. President: Shannon P

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013

Editor: Kristin S. www.quiltsqq.com President: Shannon P.

September 9th Program- Joen Wolfrom, Quilt Challenge and Viewer’s Choice Awards Don’t forget your nametag, show and tell and food drive donation. Fat Quarter drawing for September- Pastel Batiks

President’s Message Shannon P. Happy September!! As someone who has started school in August or September for the past 34-35 years, I always look forward to the school supply aisles at the local big box stores. I LOVE school supplies! I tend to collect them like I do fabric. I've gotten better at limiting my purchases for school, but not so much with fabric. So as this school year rolls around, go to the local shops and see what's new, buy a new book, try a new pattern you never thought you would, sign up for a class, learn a new technique. Pretend school is starting for you too. Get the fever! Learn a new skill, then come show us your talent at guild Show and Tell!! Since I'm a school employee, my years tend to run from September to May rather than from January to December. So, have a great start to the "year"!!

Hospitality for the September 9th Guild Meeting Erin B. and Lindsey K. Jan S. and Mary Ann L. have volunteered to bring beverages and Corni Q., Kim M. and Kris L. have volunteered to bring snacks. If you find you are not able to bring what you volunteered to contribute, please call Erin B. or Lindsey K. The meeting begins at 6:45 pm. As always, please turn your cell phones off before the meeting.

Upcoming Guild Job Opportunities Kristin S. It is time to start thinking about upcoming guild jobs that will need filling in the next few months. Please consider how you can give your time and talents to the guild. Some jobs are short and sweet, some require a year’s commitment, but all are a wonderful way to get to know more guild members and have a lot of fun! We especially welcome newcomers to the guild to consider filling positions. There’s no better way to meet folks than diving right in! If you are interested in any of these positions you can contact Kristin S. or Shannon P.

Here are just some of the possibilities:

Newsletter Editor- I will be transitioning to the position of webmaster and creating a new website for the guild. This is a huge job and I would love to train a new newsletter editor soon so that the transition will be smooth and give me more time for website development. The new editor should be able to start training in October and the job will continue through 2014. A working knowledge of Microsoft Word is important for this position. Please contact Kristin S. for more information. Nominating Committee Budget Committee Christmas Party Committee Treasurer Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 1 Programs Coordinator (1st Vice President) 2013 30th Anniversary MBQG Quilt Show Wrap-Up Susan M. THANK YOU to everyone who helped in any way to make our 30th Anniversary Quilt Show a success! Although we had to shut down a bit early again this year, we had many quilt admirers and shoppers while we were all set up. It was especially wonderful to see the “history table” for visitors to share and a beautiful display of quilts. Many commented on the variety of quilts that were displayed individually and from many special groups. It was an honor to help the guild celebrate 30 years with the 2013 Quilt Show in the Park! We are all set for 2014 on Saturday, August 16th---wouldn’t you just love to be the Quilt Show Chairperson/Committee? I’m sure Shannon would love to hear from one or two of you that would be willing to help the guild in this way, and I would be happy to help you get started in the planning!

Quilt Show Boutique Lora F., Marie J., Darlene P., Jane G., Karen K., or Mary Ann B. The grand total of sales for 2013 was $830.00. This included all handmade items and the beautiful doll clothes. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2013 Boutique. We could not have done it without your great work.

We will bring the unsold items to the September Guild meeting. We have unsold items that could be ‘great stocking stuffers’ for your family and friends. Please bring some cash for Christmas and/or birthday presents.

The committee wants to thank everyone who helped with the Boutique during the past two years. Committee members: Lora F., Darlene P., Jane G., Karen K., Marie J., and Mary Ann B.

2013 Raffle Quilt Winner Mary Ann B. Julianne Loving was the winner of our beautiful raffle quilt. On the day of the Quilt Show, she became a new member of the Guild. Julianne purchased and won with the last ticket sold. What a coincidence!

The total sales for the quilt were $2,087.00. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets.

A big thank you to all who sold tickets during Shop Hop, Quilt Week, and the Mountain Meadows Quilt Show. You were a big help! Thank you, also, to Marie J. who donated a canopy to provide shade during the warm days of summer.

Community Food Drive- September 9th Guild Meeting Diana L. Please bring any canned food for September’s donation to the Food Pantry. We donate to Nativity Lutheran Church where we also do our weekly Community Quilting. They can buy items for the Food Pantry through the food bank or locally at a much lower price than discount stores or supermarkets. Any monetary donations go much further for the Food Pantry, but they appreciate and use all donations. Thank you for the support.

Community Quilts- Next Meeting September 11, 11-3 at Nativity Lutheran Church Jane D., Diana L., Bev P., Lora F., or Jean M. On August 22nd, we distributed 92 quilts to five agencies (Cascade Youth, Saving Grace, Ronald McDonald, Partners in Care, and The Kids Center). As usual, we were greeted with excitement and many thanks. For those of you making community quilts, we could use some more quilts for little boys in the future. Somehow we usually end up with more "girl" quilts, so we'd like you to think about smaller guys as well. We are also starting to save up some baby quilts for the Bend Sr High Teen Parent Program, so baby quilts are welcome. As you may know, we give quilts to this program once a year, in conjunction with their December holiday party.

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 2 COMING UP: Wednesday, September 11th--We are having a crazy stripping party! Several of us have saved up a whole lot of strips and we are planning a fun day of using them up--with your help. If you can come, we meet as usual at Nativity Lutheran Church (corner of SE Knott and Brosterhaus), from 11-3. Bring your lunch and sewing machine and supplies. You will be able to either work on a quilt by yourself, or work with others as a team. We will have patterns, or you can bring your own. If you have fabric strips you want to use up, bring them, too! Community quilts is a great way to get to know other Guild members. Please come if you're interested.

Our Guild Library Linda M. The September raffle book is Blanket Stitch Quilts, by Lynne Edwards. This book contains 12 stunning projects for simple stick-and-stitch appliqué. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. New library book is Pretty Patchwork Gifts, by Helen Philipps. Books donated by members to the library: Pieced Borders, the Compete Resource, by Judy Martin & Marsha McCloskey; Scraps, Blocks & Quilts, by Judy Martin; and Karen K. Stone Quilts, by Karen K. Stone. There will be a selection of books for you to check out and you can return books previously checked out at the meeting. Thank you for your support of the Guild library.

Programs Kayla H. September- Joen Wolfrom will be here to present our program. Joen's work focuses on color and design. Check out more here: http://joenwolfrom.com/. We will also be revealing the winners of the Quilt Challenge and Viewer’s Choice awards from the Quilt Show.

October- Bill Fellows will be here from Cynthia's Sewing Center. The president picks a program each year and this year Shannon chose Bill to do a program on at home sewing machine maintenance. We all will get a few pointers to help us out. Come with lots of questions.

Workshops- Next Workshop September 9- Joen Wolfrom Linda G. The next scheduled guild workshop, “Creating a Scene with Pizzazz” with Joen Wolfrom, will be held on Monday, September 9th. We have 10 seats allocated to our guild. All 10 seats have been filled and paid for, and we have 2 people on the waiting list.

Watch for details on our first workshop of 2014! It will be held on January 13, 2014 and will be taught by our own Jill Monley. Jill will be teaching undulating flying geese techniques that she learned at a Gayle Garber workshop – remember “Royal Roost”? At this point, we are not planning on splitting seats with Mountain Meadow Quilt Guild as we expect that there will be lots of interest in the workshop and that we will be able to fill 20 seats.

Craft and Hobby Supplies Sale- Saturday, September 7, Madras A group of women in Madras will offer a craft supply sale on Saturday, September 7, 9-4. The address is 49 NW 12th St. Madras. For more info: Jan Gilmore, 541-475-3305. Quilt supplies: fabric ($4 a pound), patterns, books, magazines. Also supplies for: needlework, knitting, crochet, dollmaking, jewelry, home decorating, sewing. The group is also taking donations for sale. Proceeds go to the United Methodist Church Food Ministry.

MBQG Retreat- March 7-9, 2014 Debbie A. and Suzanne H. Reserve your spot now for the Mt. Bachelor Quilters’ Guild Retreat March 7th, 8th and 9th, 2014! Mount Bachelor Village Condos house 5 people and have a full kitchen, fireplace, separate bedrooms and baths. There is a hot tub on each deck overlooking the Deschutes River. Registration begins at the next Guild

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 3 Meeting in July. Space is limited to 40 people. Bring your checkbooks. Questions: contact Suzanne H. 541- 280-7712 or Debbie A. 541-389-6653.

Caring Corner Libby S. Please contact Libby S. with any news of current or former guild members.

Treasurer’s Report Wynne O. The current account balance is below: Newsletter Report: September newsletter Actual 01/01/13 Cash balance (15,015.32) YTD Income -17,205.85 YTD expenses paid w/income 16,627.92 YTD Expenses paid w/Reserves ======Cash Balance 08/25/13 (15,593.25)

The membership may want to know the following:

Budget Year to date Quilt show revenue $400.00 $588.00 Boutique $750.00 $828.90 Raffle Quilt $2500.00 $2,077.00

Door Prize Update: There were no door prizes awarded in August. Stay tuned for our next meeting though!

September Birthday Wishes- Happy Birthday to All!

Anita F. 9/8 Shannon P. 9/12 Patricia P. 9/22 Bonnie C. 9/28 Judie D. 9/9 Lindsey K. 9/14 Sharon S. 9/22 Kay M. 9/9 Kathy F. 9/17 Kathie E. 9/26

Guild Dates to Remember

Guild Workshop- Joen Wolfrom September 9 Guild Meeting- Program: Joen Wolfrom September 9 Community Quilt Day- Nativity Lutheran Church, 11-3 September 11 Guild Meeting- Program: Bill Fellows October 14 Community Quilt Day- Nativity Lutheran Church, 11-3 October 16 Guild Meeting- Annual Business Meeting November 11 Community Quilt Day- Nativity Lutheran Church, 11-3 November 13 Guild Meeting- Christmas Party December 9 Community Quilt Day- Nativity Lutheran Church, 11-3 December 11 MBQG Retreat- Mt Bachelor Village March 7-9, 2014

Other Dates to Remember First Friday at QuiltWorks September 6

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 4 First Friday Reception at QuiltWorks, 926 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend, 5-7pm. The September exhibit will be former QuiltWorks Featured Quilters. Craft and Hobby Supplies Sale September 7 Saturday, September 7, 9-4, 49 NW 12th St. Madras, more info: Jan Gilmore, 541-475-3305, quilt supplies, fabric ($4 a pound), patterns, books, magazines. Also supplies for: needlework, knitting, crochet, dollmaking, jewelry, home decorating, sewing. The group is also taking donations for sale. Proceeds go to the United Methodist Church Food Ministry. Whale of a Quilt Show- Sea Pal Quilters of Ocean Shores September 27-29 Free admission, Friday and Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-3pm, Ocean Shores Convention Center, Ocean Shores, WA. Quilts for All Seasons Quilt Show, Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild October 4 & 5 Admission $5, Friday and Saturday 10-4, Youth and Family Link Building, 907 Douglas St., Longview, WA.

With Thanks to our Sponsoring Shops (Alphabetically by store name, rotated monthly)

Material Girl Fabrics 515 SW Cascade Ave., Redmond 541-923-1600 www.material-girl-fabrics.com Material Girl is having a Labor Day sale Mon. & Tues. the 1st & 2nd of September. All fabric will be 10% off. Mention the secret coupon during the sale, and get 20% off one cut of fabric. All month long, satin, solid corduroy, tulle by the yard and netting will be 30%. There will be end of the month sale Fri. Sat. & Mon. the 27th, 28th & 30th of September. Lots of new fabric is displayed on the website, and Facebook page. ~Leslie and Alex

Morrows Sewing & Vacuum Center 304 NE 3rd St., Bend 541-382-3882 www.morrowsewingandvacuum.com We look forward to seeing you this month---stop by and see our new products. ~Happy Sewing---Karen

Quilters Attic 8154 11th ST. Suite #1, Terrebonne 541-548-8119 www.quiltersattic.net Quilters Attic hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 Looking forward to seeing you! ~Kathy

The Quilt Shack 1211 NW Madras Hwy, Prineville 541-447-1338 www. thequiltshack.com 370 E Cascade in Sisters, Oregon for the summer What a great summer it has been, we hope you have enjoyed it as well. We are getting ready for fall classes and our Block of the Months; go to the website for more information, wwwthequiltshack.com.

The Quilt Shack's last day in Sisters is August 31, we are will be a moving sale that day. If you haven't stopped by, this is a great time to get some specials and start gearing up for fall and winter. Happy Quilting ~Rhonda, family and friends

QuiltWorks 926 NE Greenwood Ave., Bend 541-728-0527 www.quiltworks.com QuiltWorks Gallery Our September exhibit will be former Featured Quilters. One or two pieces from each of our former Featured Quilters will make for a stunning exhibit. This is a not-to-be-missed exhibit.

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 5 QuiltWorks First Friday - September 6 will be our First Friday reception honoring our quilters. The event will be from 5 to 7 PM, featuring appetizers, refreshments, door prizes and a sale. Open House for Fall Classes - Join us September 8th for our Open House from 10A to 4P showcasing our fall classes. There will be a sale, refreshments, teachers to meet and 10% discount on classes from now until Sept. 8.

October Gallery - Jan Tetzlaff from the Mountain Meadow Quilt Guild will be our Featured Quilter. Jan has many unique styles from civil war to wonky whimsical; her colors and ideas are inspiring. Our group exhibit will be The Undercover Quilters with quilts from the novel The Language of Flowers.

November Inspirations Small Quilt Show - Our November gallery will feature a unique quilt show inviting our customers to exhibit small quilts, no larger than 172” perimeter for our first annual show with prizes awarded. Quilters are invited to exhibit quilts in the following categories: pieced, appliqued, mixed and collaborative (more than one person including machine quilting). Throughout the month of November viewers will be invited to vote for their favorite quilt in each category. We are asking for quilts that have not been exhibited in the gallery before and have been made within the last two years. We will be limiting the number of quilts we can take in each category and will have registration forms available soon. We are looking forward to our new annual November Inspirations Small Quilt Show and invite you to join us!

Thanks for being a QuiltWorks friend! ~Marilyn, Dave and the gals from QuiltWorks

Sew Many Quilts and Bernina Center 1375 SE Wilson #170, Bend 541-385-7166 www.sewmanyquiltsinbend.com We are excited to announce that Claudia Dinnell of Claudia's Creations in Arizona will be teaching a class on digitizing using Bernina's Designer Plus V6 embroidery software November 14-16, 2013. More information is on our class schedule. Please call the shop if you are interested to reserve a space and get on our special email list.

Our class schedule for Fall 2013 has been sent to everyone on our email list. If you did not receive yours, please go to our website www.sewmanyquiltsinbend.com then click on "Class Schedule" on the left side of the page beneath our slide show. We're planning lots of fun classes and many projects for Christmas gift giving.

We have special "demo" machine pricing on three of our most popular machines, the Bernina 330, 750, & 780. We have one of each model at these very special prices, so hurry in. When they are gone, they're gone!

We always enjoy having you bring in your completed projects for us to see - please continue to bring them. We are inspired by your creativity.

Happy Quilting, Gail, Sharon & Our Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff

Stitchin' Post 311 W Cascade, Sisters 541-549-6061 www.stitchinpost.com Fall Class Schedule We are pleased to announce our line-up of Fall 2013 and Winter 2014 classes. We hit the ground running in September with Paper Piecing 101, Chain Reaction table runner, Contemporary Totes (with Tonye Phillips) and the beginning of our Krazy for Kaffe Series with Dusky African Huts. If you didn’t get a copy in the mail you can check it out online and register there as well, for an extra 10% discount.

Fabric Coming in September…

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 6 Let’s just say that we know this line will be a HIT, that’s why we are already taking pre-orders on Tula Pink’s “Acacia”! In Tula fashion, it is a fabulous line with wonderful pattern support and inspiration. Not to mention that it will go perfectly with our Tula Pink Project club that starts September 30th (5:30-8). Follow along as we embark on a journey to make quilts based on her “100 Modern Quilt Blocks” book.

We will be posting our progress on Instagram @stitchinpost #SPTula100

The Moda truckload should be here any day. We are very excited for S’more Love. Those darn owls are too cute! High Street will make an appearance as well, with its beautiful florals and sophisticated medallions. Get a jump on holiday projects with Midwinter Reds.

Stay tuned As summer winds down and kids head back to school, the prospect of more sewing time elicits true excitement around here. We will keep you posted on upcoming fabric and classes. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram to watch our daily fun.

Don’t Miss Out on Fabulous Fall Workshops! Jean Wells~ Journey To Inspired Art Quilting Sep 15-17, 2013 Design Forward- Quilt Exploration Nov 4-8, 2013 Patty Hawkins~ Collage the Essence of Landscapes, Colors & Shapes Sep 23-27, 2013 Hilde Morin~ In and Around Town Sep 23-25, 2013 Quilt In a Bowl Sep 26 & 27, 2013 Susan Carlson~ Fabric Images Sep 23-27, 2013 Tonye Phillips~ City Livin’ Nov 14, 2013

~Happy Quilting! The Stitchin’ Post Staff

BJ's Quilt Basket 20225 Badger Road, Bend 541-383-4310 www.bjsquiltbasket.com Wow – what happened to summer??! Well, since it is fall; it’s time to get behind that sewing machine again, and get to work on those Christmas projects – yes I said the “C” word!! We have some great classes scheduled to get you started or “re-inspired”; we will start with Norma and some safe but fun “Rock Climbing” on the 14th & 15th (which is actually appliqué in disguise!) She will also be teaching her Animal Art Appliqué again on the 21st, so if you’ve missed this one a time or two in the past, sign up today before it fills again! She teaches you any one of Toni Whitney’s patterns; Check them out at Toni’s website (www.toniwhitney.com) or search her older, but fabulous, designs on Big Fork Bay’s website (http://www.bigforkbaycottonco.com). We are happy to order any of them in a pattern only or packaged kit! Also, our Lumberyard gal, Patty Bowers, is now here in Central Oregon permanently – yeah!! You will need to start with the Trunk Show to get going on her scrap management program, put that on your calendar for Saturday, Sept 28th, 2pm – 4pm, this is the first of many classes she will teach for us. There are “Construction Zone” classes and “Tricks with Tools” classes coming later this fall. You can also join Patty to learn how to use up those scraps on the Vortex Pillow on the 19th, which doesn’t require the trunk show. Watch your emails for news of our Labor Day Sale, Saturday, August 31st – Monday, September, 2nd it will be a fun one! Hope to see you soon at BJ’s – it’s the quilting place to be!! ~Vicki and The Inspiration Team at BJ’s!

Cynthia’s Sewing Center 20225 Badger Road (inside BJ’s), Bend 541-383-1999 www.cynthiassewingcenter.com Check our website for special classes, demonstrations and new products available. We welcome you to visit our store for new product demos and information. ~Cynthia, Jerry, Lisa, Ann, Bob, Kris, and Elaine

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 7 High Mountain Fabric 1542 S Hwy 97, Redmond 541-548-6909 ~Donna

Homestead Quilts 51425 Hwy. 97, La Pine 541-536-2360 www.homesteadquiltsonline.com It looks like we are in for some great weather so please take this opportunity to come visit us at Homestead Quilts and Gallery. Check our website for all our new classes. There is still room in the Block of the Month class. Check our website for details or call us. ~Cathy and Staff

Mt Bachelor Quilters’ Guild September 2013 Newsletter 8

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