Texts for use with shared reading or read aloud: (David Hornsby)

Title Author Purpose The short and Colin Thompson & Amy Lissiat incredibly happy life of Riley Dust Colin Thompson The outing Michael Rosen We’re going on a Michael Rosen bear hunt I think Michael Rosen I can’t stand it Michael Rosen anymore The really rude rhino The burnt stick Anthony Hill help to develop compassion for others Way home Libby Hathorn has excellent dectriptive language for visualising, begin teaching grammar Encounter Jane Yolen My place help understand time The witch of Elizabeth George Speare history of Conneticut and witches, more blackbird pond powerful than a history text, characters bring story to life for kids Faithful elephants Yukio Tsuchiya a true narrative, historical, japan WW2 Lilly’s plastic purple Kevin Henkes learning about feelings and laughing at purse yourself The silver donkey Sonya Hartnett Our granny we are the same but different, can use to begin study of words eg all words ending in ‘y’ Millicent Jeanne baker loneliness and the elderly Boy overboard Paul Jennings he writes about people he knows A very important Julie Kingston story The smell of Barbara McGuire chocolate The red tree Shaun Tan Gordon’s got a Lisa Shanahan & Wayne Harris snookie A picture book of David Adler Anne Frank See the ocean Estelle Condra Bilby moon Margaret Spurling Maddie Finn Garry Disher So B it Sarah Weeks The dog who loved a Jackie French queen The whales child Gillian Rubenstein A wrinkle in time The silver sword Ian Serrailier I am David Love you forever Robert Munch predictions, esp predictogram The lonely troll Me and my dad Jill C My dad Anthony Browne Refugees David Miller Fly Away Home Eve Bunting The bush bunyip creating mental images, beginning the strategy of visualisation, uses all 5 senses, turn and talk after a page or two Piggybook Anthony Browne questioning, wondering, author’s intent