Bromocresol Purple

Catalog Number: 150518, 195080 Bromocresol Purple

Structure :(free acid)

Free Acid Salt Molecular Formula: C21H16Br2O5S C21H15Br2O5SNa Molecular Weight: 540.2 562.2 CAS # 115-40-2 62625-30-3

Synonym: 5',5''-Dibromo-o-cresolsulfonephthalein

Physical Description: Reddish-brown crystalline powder (sodium salt); Orange to purplish-brown crystalline powder (free acid)

pK: 6.3


Free Acid: Soluble in water (20 mg/ml), (80 mg/ml) or methyl cellosolve (300 mg/ml).

Sodium Salt: Soluble in water (80 mg/ml), ethanol (20 mg/ml) or methyl cellosolve (90 mg/ml).

Description: Typically used as a pH indicator (5.2-6.8 : yellow to blue-purple). Bromocresol purple binds quantitatively with human serum1 albumin forming a stable complex with absorbance maximum at 600 nm. The intensity of the color produced is directly proportional to the albumin concentration in the sample.


Catalog Number Description Size 195080 Bromocresol Purple 5 g 25 g 100 g 150518 Bromocresol Purple, Sodium Salt 5 g 25 g


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