Project Completion Report

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Project Completion Report

Project Completion Report

SECTION A: Project profile ATC 02 2012A – Enhanced Capacity Building for Food Safety Risk Project number & title: Assessment in Asia-Pacific Time period covered July 1, 2012-December 31, 2013 Date January 28, 2013 in report: submitted: Committee / WG / Fora: Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group(ATCWG) Name: LIU Jinfeng Project Overseer Organization: National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment Name / Organization / (CFSA) Economy: Economy: P. R. China

SECTION B: Project report and reflection

Briefly answer each of the questions below. Section B should be a maximum of 2-3 pages, inclusive of the questions and tables provided.

1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, describe the project and its main objectives.

The main objective of the project is to promote the food safety risk assessment capacity of Asia-Pacific countries/regions through sharing experiences among APEC and non-APEC economies, and putting in place a long-standing cooperation mechanism and platform. By the end of the symposium, participants/attendees from APEC economies will be able: (1) To share the experiences and lessons in the field of food safety risk assessment among APEC and non-APEC economies. (2) To identify strengths and weaknesses of various APEC economies on food safety risk assessments system and assess their needs. (3) To build the regional network for food safety risk assessment and information sharing among APEC economies. (4) To establish a long term regional multilateral cooperation and exchange mechanism for food safety risk assessment in APEC economies.

2. Meeting your objectives: Were the proposed objectives of the project met? If so, please describe how. If not, please include any major changes to the proposed scope of the project. Please outline any problems you may have encountered that resulted in delays to the delivery of the activity.

Surveys on the status of capacity building on food safety risk surveillance, assessment, communication and standard development among APEC economies and on the development of foo d safety risk assessment in China have been performed by Beijing Bionovo Medicine Development Co. The strengths and weakness on food safety related technological development, including risk assessment, have been evaluated. And the results from the survey have been shared with all participants on the symposium. The International Symposium on Food Safety Risk Assessment has been organized by Beijing Weiren weiye International Medicine Research Center (BWW) in Beijing, China on 27-28 September 2012. Participants from APEC economies including USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Viet Nam, Russia, Thailand and China have attended the symposium. Including the extra domestic participants from China, totally over 240 participants had attended symposium. Participants had discussed and shared the advanced knowledge, and experience on food safety risk assessment, risk surveillance, food standards development and risk communication. Over 20 speakers had delivered the thematic presentations and inspired discussion of participants covering the topics including: global food safety situation, challenges and strategies; food safety risk communication challenges, experience from developed economies and EU; food safety risk evaluation and incident response; food safety surveillance and risk assessment; risk alert system; introduction of Codex Alimentarius Commission and food safety standards development. The symposium had been organized smoothly and successfully reached the objectives laid out in the project proposal. According to the satisfaction survey of participants, 95.4% of surveyed participants satisfied with the symposium and 51.4% of them were very satisfied.

Major change: due to the fact that there were still remaining fund from the participants airfare, PO had applied for reallocation of US$15,000 to support the speakers airfare, since the speakers airfare budget has been under estimated.

3. Evaluation: Describe how you evaluated the project upon completion? Detail the results of the evaluations conducted, if any (e.g. participant evaluation, peer review of publication, measurement of indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.).

At the preparation stage, a need assessment survey for the symposium had been conducted to identify the most desired topics to be put in the symposium agenda. 10 member economies had submitted their questionnaires. Based on these feedbacks, a consultant employed by the project had analyzed the survey and identified the topics discussed at the symposium, including current situation, problem and strategies of food safety risk assessment, risk surveillance, food standard development, risk communication etc. At the symposium, an evaluation survey on the symposium had been conducted by experts from Beijing Bionovo Medicine Development Co. The survey had found that 95.4% of surveyed participants satisfied with the symposium and 51.4% of them were very satisfied with the meeting. 38.7% of the surveyed participants were to extend the knowledge, to understand the new trend and to strengthen the capacity in food safety working area. Besides, all surveyed participants considered the symposium a good opportunity to exchange the experience in food safety areas among participants from different countries. And most participants thought the symposium is very helpful for their work.

4. Key findings: Describe the main outputs delivered and any broader outcomes achieved as a result of this project. (For example have there been any capacity building outcomes, policy or operational changes, or changes to standards or systems as a result of this activity?) Describe how project outputs relate to fora/sub fora/working group strategic and medium- term priorities and strategic priorities. Please provide examples of important findings or lessons learned arising from the project.

The main output from this project is two analysis reports: on report of capacity building on food safety among APEC economies and the other on the development of food safety risk assessment in China have been delivered. The first report provides an overview of the food safety regulation system and capacity building status among different economies. The second report summarized the food safety supervision system in China and four policy recommendations to Chinese government according to the findings from the report have been proposed. Capacity building on food safety, which aims to enhance agriculture's contribution to the region's economic growth and social well-being by promoting agricultural technical cooperation between APEC members, is one of the objectives of the forum working group, the Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG). In recent years, APEC Leaders have charged the ATCWG with strengthening food safety standards. Food safety risk assessment, as the basic technological support for standards development as well as fair food trade, attracted a lot of attention among APEC economies. From the project, we can see that most of the developing economies have arisen their notice on food safety related technological system building. However, insufficient professional team is still a major issue in most economies, especially developing ones. To achieve the strategic priorities of the working group, professional and technological training on personnel are needed.

Example 1 - the content for future capacity building in the region identified According to the evaluation survey on the symposium, participants agreed that global food safety situations, challenges and management, the introduction for global food safety risk surveillance systems and programme, the progress for food safety risk assessment, especially for microbial risk assessment, global food safety standards formulation and revision systems and their progress in the Codex and China, case studies for risk communications and risk assessments are helpful for their daily work on food safety in the Asia-pacific region. The domestic participants also believed that risk communication should be strengthened in the future.

Example 2 – policy recommendation for food safety risk assessment capacity building for Chinese government According to the research on the development of food safety risk assessment in China, it is suggested to the Chinese government that multi-pronged approach should be applied to master resources dynamically in real time, to increase resource investment, to emphasize the efficient use of resources, to strengthen the quality management, and to improve food inspection capacity to fundamentally change the status quo of insufficient food inspection capacity technical support capabilities in China.

5. Next steps: Describe any follow-up steps or projects that are planned following the completion of the activity, such as post-activity evaluations or tracer studies planned to assess the impact of this activity. Have the results of the activity been disseminated to participants and other stakeholders and how? What are (if any) any flow-on effects from this activity? How will this activity inform any future APEC activities?

It is recommended that the symposium on capacity building of food safety risk assessment in Asia- pacific region should be organized in series format by different economies. According to the evaluation survey on the symposium, more than 60% of the domestic participants considered that the symposium held twice a year, 2 days for each time is appropriate. The project overseer is seeking the opportunity to continue to apply such kind of symposium in food safety risk assessment under the support from APEC. It is suggested that APEC should play as a financial supporter to this activity.

6. Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have any suggestions for more effective management of projects in the future? Any assessment of consultants, experts or participants that you would like to share? (The Secretariat collates and examines feedback to identify trends for ongoing evaluation of our project management and/or communications systems.)

It is suggested that the secretariat should widen up the range of project fund utilization in the future. The widened up fund utilization range could extend the impact of the activities supported by APEC. For example, if the APEC could provide the financial support to the simultaneous interpretation for the conference or workforce supported by APEC itself, it is believed the impact of such activities will be enlarged in the host economies and in the region as a whole.

The consultants have successfully completed their tasks referring to their term of reference. The outcomes of their work have provided valuable support to the organization of the symposium, such as training needs assessment etc. 7. Participant information: Please provide details, where applicable. Insert rows as needed.

Economy # male # female Details

Indonesia √ Mr. Halim Nababan Philippines √ Ms. Karen Kristine A. Roscom Viet Nam √ Mr. Mai Van Tai Russia √ Mr. Kirill A. Antyukhin Thailand √ Miss. Panpilad Saikaew Australia √ Mr. Paul James Brent Canada √ Mr. Samuel Godefroy Japan √ Ms. Yukiko Yamada

United States √ Mr. Jianghong Meng United States √ Mr. Gerald G. Moy

8. Outputs: Please provide details, where applicable. Change headings or insert rows as needed.

# planned # actual Details # of workshops / events International Symposium on Food Safety 1 1 Risk Assessment # of publications distributed 150 150 150 hardcopies of materials for symposium # of CDs distributed # of websites created Other:


Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC- provided project budget, including:  Planned costs (using most recently approved budget figures)  Actual expenditures  Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more.

SECTION D: Appendices or additions

Please attach any of the following. This information will help us better understand your project, support overseers of similar projects and plan for future projects.

 List of experts or consultants utilized, with job titles and contact details, gender disaggregated where possible.  List of participants, with job titles and contact details  √Event agendas  √Links to any relevant websites or online material (e.g. reports, resources created):  Results of participant feedback or other project evaluation (raw and/or analyzed)  Any other relevant information or resources that would help us learn more about your project

FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Were APEC project guidelines followed? Could the project have been managed more effectively or easily by the PO?


International Symposium on Food Safety Risk Assessment Xiyuan Hotel, Beijing, September 27th-28th 2012

September 27th, 2012

Time Agenda

Morning: Plenary Session

08:30-09:00 Registration; Venue:Banquet Hall Opening Ceremony Moderator: Dr. Chen Xiaohong, Vice Minister of Health Keynote Speech by Dr. Chen Zhu, Minister of Health Keynote Speech by Leader of the Food Safety Office of the State 09:00-09:30 Council Keynote Speech by Dr. Michael O’Leary, WHO Representative in China Moderator: Prof. Chen Junshi /Prof.Jianghong Meng (USA) Topic 1: Global Food Safety Situation, Challenges and Strategies 09:30-10:00 Speaker: Dr. Gerald Moy (Switzerland) 10:00-10:30 Topic 2: Food Safety Surveillance and Risk Assessment in China Speaker: Prof. Chen Junshi (China)

10:30-10:50 Coffee Break Topic 3: Establishing a Science-based Food Safety Administration 10:50-11:20 System Speaker: Mr. Su Zhi (China) Topic 4: Food Safety Risk Evaluation and Incident Response 11:20-11:50 Speaker: Mr. Alexander Domesle (USA) Topic 5: Food Safety Risk Communication: Lesson from the EU 11:50-12:20 Speaker: Prof. Patrick Wall (Ireland) Topic 6: Regional Action Towards Improving Food Safety : The 12:20-12:45 Western Pacific Regional Food Safety Strategy 2011-2015 Speaker: Ms. Zhang Pingping (WHO Office in Beijing) 12:45-14:00 Lunch

Afternoon: Parallel Sessions

Risk Communication and Standard Development

Venue:Hongyun Hall Parallel Session 1 Moderator: Prof. Luo Yunbo/Wang Zhutian

14:00-14:30 Topic 1: Food Safety Risk Communication and INFOSAN Speaker: Dr. Gerald Moy (Switzerland)

Topic 2: Risk Communication in FSANZ Past and Present Activities and 14:30-15:00 Future Challenges Speaker: Dr. Paul Brent (Australia) 15:00-15:30 Topic 3: Challenges to Food Safety Risk Communication Speaker: Prof. Luo Yunbo (China) 15:30-15:50 Coffee Break Topic 4: Codex Alimentarius Commission - 50 years of 15:50-16:20 accomplishments and future challenges Speaker: Dr. Samuel Godefroy (Canada) 16:20-16:50 Topic 5: National Food Safety Standards of China Speaker: Prof. Yan Weixing (China) 16:50-17:20 Topic 6: Development of Pesticide Residue Standard Speaker: Prof. Ye Jiming (China) 17:20 End of the Session

Parallel Surveillance and Risk Assessment. Session 2 Venue:No. 6 Hongyun Hall Moderator: Controller TAM Lai-fan/Prof. Hou Peisen Topic 1: Foodborne Illness Surveillance with 21st Century 14:00-14:30 Technologies Speaker: Prof. Jianghong Meng (USA) Topic 2: The Progress of Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance in 14:30-15:00 China Speaker: Dr. Guo Yunchang (China) 15:00-15:30 Topic 3: A Case Study of Microbial Risk Assessment Speaker: Dr. Yuhuan Chen (USA) 15:30-15:50 Coffee Break 15:50-16:20 Topic 4: Principles for Establishing Maximum Levels for Contaminants and Importance of Exposure Assessment Speaker: Dr. Yukiko Yamada (Japan)

16:20-16:50 Topic 5: Chinese Total Diet Study Speaker: Prof. Wu Yongning (China) 16:50-17:20 Topic 6: Risk Alert System on Import and Export Food Safety of China Speaker: Dr. Jiao Yang (China) 17:20 End of the Session

18:00-20:00 Dinner

September 28th, 2012

Time Agenda

08:00-08:30 Venue:No. 6 Hongyun Hall Moderator: Liu Jinfeng, Director-General of China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) Topic 1: Brief Introduction of APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum 08:30-08:50 Speaker: Dr. Yang Binbin (China) Topic 2: Brief Introduction of APEC Partnership Training Institute 08:50-09:10 Network Speaker: Dr. Paul Brent (Australia) Topic 3:Partnership: Key for Success in Food Safety Capacity 09:10-09:40 Building Speaker: Prof. Jianghong Meng (USA) Topic 4: Centre for Food Safety Past, Present and Future 09:40-10:10 Speaker: Dr.TAM Lai-fan (HongKong, China) 10:10-10:20 Coffee Break Topic 5: Comparison of Food Safety Capacity Building among APEC 10:20-10:40 Economies Speaker: Prof. Li Fengqin (China) Experience sharing on food safety risk surveillance, risk assessment, food safety standard, food safety risk communication etc. in the 10:40-11:30 Indonesia, Philippines, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam(10 min per economy)

11:30-12:30 Discussion

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:30 Go to CFSA Introduction of CFSA 14:30-15:00 Speaker: Leader of CFSA 15:00-16:00 Onsite Visiting to CFSA

16:00-17:00 Back to Hotel 18:00-20:00 Dinner

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