Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board

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Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board

Appendix 2 BPSAB V5 Last Updated on 22.11.12

Bournemouth and Poole Safeguarding Adults Board

Business Plan

2012 – 2013

Last Updated: 22 November 2012 September 2012 Contents:

1. Chairperson’s foreword

2. Introduction

3. Aims and Objectives of the Safeguarding Adults Board

4. Business Planning and local priority themes for 2012-13

5. Outcomes for BPSAB to achieve through a year strategy 2010-2013

6. Appendix - Action Plan

2 D:\Docs\2018-04-22\02b158564279a947abb8b4c1f869d392.doc 1. INDEPENDENT CHAIR’S FOREWORD:

This is the final annual plan in our 3 year strategy. Much has happened and improved but much remains to be done. The Board met in March to review overall progress and begin developing its next strategic intentions. In the next few months we will review detailed progress against our plans and develop more fully the next 3 year strategy.

In doing this it will need to take account of national developments following the various inquiries post the Winterbourne View revelations and the White Paper on Health & Social Care which proposes a complete revision of Social Care legislation and the establishment of statutory Adult Safeguarding Boards. It will also be important to root local developments in the spirit of the national "Making Safeguarding Personal" work to enhance our work towards greater inclusion and empowerment.

Jane Ashman Independent Chair Bournemouth & Poole Safeguarding & Adults Board 21 September 2012

3 D:\Docs\2018-04-22\02b158564279a947abb8b4c1f869d392.doc 2. INTRODUCTION:

This Business Plan is prepared for the Bournemouth & Poole Safeguarding Adults Board (BPSAB) to outline and explain its business during the year; April 2012 until March 2013. The Business Plan will be made widely available to all those with an interest in Safeguarding Adults and be uploaded on to Bournemouth and Poole Local Authority websites. The plan represents an agreement between each of the agencies represented on the Board about the activities to be undertaken and the priority afforded to each of them. The Business Plan also refers to information with which the Board expects to be provided to inform further activity and for the activity of working groups to be made available at appropriate intervals. Those working groups will include Policy & Procedures, Quality Assurance Group, Training and Workforce Development and Serious Case Review Panel. All but the QA Group work across Dorset as well. The Board will also receive Independent Overview Reports of any serious case reviews held.

The BPSAB plan is issued to partners who are expected to carry through the activities for which their commitment is being sought.


The main purpose of the Bournemouth and Poole Safeguarding Adults Board (BPSAB) is to promote inter-agency cooperation at all levels of safeguarding adults work. In order to protect adults at risk from harm, it is essential that all partners and stakeholders work closely together to develop policies and processes that result in timely and robust inter-agency responses. The BPSAB oversees this partnership approach by working strategically to consider, direct, assure quality and monitor actions and initiatives which enhance and improve practice across all partner agencies. The method by which the BPSAB aim to achieve their objectives is set out within their agreed terms of reference which are:

4 D:\Docs\2018-04-22\02b158564279a947abb8b4c1f869d392.doc 4. BUSINESS PLANNING AND LOCAL PRIORITIES FOR 2012/13

Business Planning: The purpose of this business plan is to work towards achieving the vision that has been agreed and to demonstrate how all relevant stakeholders will participate in making it a reality. The business plan will assist the BPSAB to support, monitor and review what partner agencies do individually and collectively to fulfil their safeguarding duties. In order to assure good oversight and continuity of working, the BPSAB have identified actions in line with the five domains and associated outcome measures within the South West Self Assessment Quality & Performance Framework for Adult Safeguarding. The framework has been developed in partnership with the Strategic Health Authority and approved by the South West ADASS Safeguarding Adults Advisory Group which has health, social care, CQC and Police representation. The Quality & Performance Framework Domains and Outcome Measure are:

4.1 Prevention & Early Intervention

Outcome: a pro-active approach reduces risks and promotes safe services whilst ensuring independence, choice and control.

4.2 Responsibility & Accountability

Outcome: There is a multi-agency approach for people who need safeguarding support

4.3 Access & Involvement

Outcome: People are aware of what to do if they suspect or experience abuse.

Outcome: Local practice and the commissioning of services and support are informed by feedback and satisfaction levels of those who have had experience of the safeguarding process

4.4 Responding to Abuse & Neglect

5 D:\Docs\2018-04-22\02b158564279a947abb8b4c1f869d392.doc Outcome: People in need of safeguarding support feel safer and further harm is prevented

4.5 Training & Professional Development

Outcome: Staff are aware of policies & procedures, their practice safeguards adults and promotes understanding of harm


The Board have agreed the outcomes it wishes to achieve for its 3 year strategy taking account of the SW QP Framework domains and outcome measures as follows:

5.1 Governance

The Board is functioning effectively with a clear purpose and shared priorities and the relevant Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) understand its role. Links with other relevant partnerships are strong and functional

5.2 Community Role

The public, employees, carers and adults at risk know about the Board and what it does and are able to communicate with it.

Everyone (public, employees, carers and adults at risk) knows what abuse is, recognises it, knows how to refer it and what actions need to be taken.

5.3 Customer Focus

Consultation and participation with service users and carers ensures their views are central to safeguarding service provision and development.

5.4 Safeguarding

Adults at risk are protected from harm and the potential for harm is reduced through safeguarding and preventative actions.

5.5 Expertise and Control

Board and service leadership is apparent and understood. The whole service is outcome focused.

6 D:\Docs\2018-04-22\02b158564279a947abb8b4c1f869d392.doc Policies and procedures are understood and followed, and there is a clear safeguarding and risk management focus.

Staff at all levels are appropriately trained and confident to carry out their role and there is a culture of continuous learning.

Quality Assurance is a regular part of each agency's operational functions.

These outcomes will be delivered through an Annual Work Plan detailing milestones and timescales.

The Work Plan will be amended and updated to allow for new priorities which emerge through the year.

The Work Plan for Year 3 to achieve these priorities for 2012/13 is as follows:

 This will include a review and update of the three year strategic outcomes for 2013-2016.

7 D:\Docs\2018-04-22\02b158564279a947abb8b4c1f869d392.doc Appendix 1 V5 Updated 22.11.12

BPSAB Draft Work Plan 2012/2013 Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 1. Governance Arrangements:

Ensure effective The Board is functioning a) Review Terms of a) Chair a) July 12 a) T of R of SAB and multi-agency effectively with a clear Reference and working groups have Governance purpose and shared Memorandum of Agreement been updated and arrangement is n priorities and the of the Board and its working placed on website. place to lead relevant LSPs groups and revise as safeguarding adults understand its role. necessary. work. b) Develop and understand b) Chair and b) April 13 b) Members of the the Board’s relationship with Board members SAB have attended the new Health & Wellbeing an initial workshop Board to embed Adult for the new H&W Brd Safeguarding in its thinking and will report to Dec processes and practice. SAB. 2. Leadership & Accountability

The BPSAB provides a) Members of the a) Develop next 3 year a)Chair and Board a) Dec 12 a) Work commenced leadership and clarity BPSAB and working strategic outcomes and members on this at about priorities and groups are clear about initial action plan. Development Day on actions needed to accountability and 7 March and will ensure adults are responsibility for actions. continue in Dec SAB. safeguarded. b) Agreed actions will b) Develop a relationship b)Chair & Board b) April 13 & b) A SAB member is improve safeguarding of with the new Clinical members ongoing. an interim member of adults. Commissioning Group to the CCG and will embed Adult Safeguarding report back to the in its thinking and practice SAB in Dec. processes. c)Agree multi-agency c)Chair & Board c)To be discussed response to capacity issues members and action agreed in in responding to increase in SAB meetings. alerts.

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Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 3. Serious Case Reviews a) New combined Effective serious BPSAB are clear and a) Undertake serious case a) a) SCR/DHR protocol is case review (SCR) use SCR & DHR reviews and domestic Independent Chair, As required in use. Learning from and domestic protocols and homicide reviews and P&PRO SCR/DHRs is homicide review procedures, which inform ensure learning is reported to the SAB (DHR) processes are learning and reduce risk disseminated and acted and learning in place. of harm to adults. upon and practice improves. disseminated to their staff by member agencies. b) Continue to review b) b) Dec 12 b) Learning from external SCRs to import and Independent Chair, external SCRs was disseminate learning P&PRO reported to the SAB in march 2012 and will continue when relevant.

4. Standards & Procedures

Local Standards, a) Employees in all a) Review and refresh the a) Chair P&P group a) April 2013 ai) Review of current Policies and agencies understand new Multi-Agency Policy & P&P has Procedures are in and follow Policies and Procedures. commenced with place in relation to Procedures which requests to members safeguarding adults. ensure adults are b) In conjunction with QA agencies for their safeguarded. sub-group, monitor member b) Chair QA group b) Dec 2012 feedback. This will agencies’ use of Policy & be considered and Procedures. used to refresh the P&P where necessary, taking account of the new Care and Support Bill. aii) New Guidance

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Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 on safeguarding in relation to pressure ulcers, moving and handling, hydration and nutrition issued and will be monitored. aiii.) Work with Police and Social Care to understand each other’s roles and reduce inappropriate referrals to begin early December. b) This is ongoing and takes place through supervision and case audits. 5. Training & Development

Training and Employees in all a) Agree standards of a)Chair, T&WDG a) Dec 2012 a) Focus groups are development agencies are skilled and training required. working on this in opportunities ensure competent in relation to there is a skilled safeguarding adults. awareness and workforce to investigation training safeguard adults. using the competency framework and will report to the T&WD group and SAB. (See 1.6 and 1.7 of Training Strategy Action Plan) b) Devise methods of b) Chair, T&WDG b) Dec 2012 b) Currently taking

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Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 assessing impact of training place through case (in conjunction with QA audits (QA) and group) evaluation through use of competency framework. Focus groups are working on this. (See 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of Training Strategy Action Plan)

c) Establish most effective c) Chair, T&WDG c)Dec 2012 c) Focus groups ways to deliver various working on this for training requirements. T&WD action plan. (see 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of Training Strategy Action Plan)

d) Use results of training d)Chair, T&WDG d) Dec 2012 d) Training action audit to revise and plan revised in implement the training response to audit. strategy and action plan for Completed. key staff in relevant agencies as required.

e) Audit and update training e)Chair, T&WDG e)Dec 2012 e) Focus groups programmes to reflect working on this. revised standards, audits, (see 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 policies and procedures. of Training Strategy Action Plan

6. Learning &

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Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 Control

QA framework a) Safeguarding a) Use continued analysis of a)Chair, QA a)April 2012 a) Analysis takes monitors practice and Practice is consistently performance data to target working group, and ongoing. place quarterly in QA performance across of a high standard. areas for safeguarding P&PRO group. Targeted safeguarding activity. Performance is regularly prevention work. areas such as monitored and reported preventative work to the Board. Both meet with care and local and national nursing homes takes requirements. place to improve quality of care. b)Service users are protected and risk is b) Encourage and enable b) Independent b) Oct 2012 b) Information reduced contribution from other Chair & Chair of QA and ongoing received from Police, agencies on their Working Grp DHUFT, RBCH and performance. Poole hosp.

c) Commission, analyse and c) Chair, QA c) Jan 2013 c) Internal audits are report on interagency working group reported to QA group practice audits. and interagency audits are due to be agreed.

d) Further develop and use d) Chair & QA d) Dec. 2012 d)Framework and service user feedback working group. governance agreed mechanisms ensure service and has been users are asked if they feel piloted. Process for safe at the end of the further investigation process and implementation monitor this. needs to be agreed.

e) Further develop carer and e)Chair & QA e) Dec 2012 e)Service user/ carer employee feedback working group event held April 2012 mechanisms. 7. Customer

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Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 Focus Public, service users, a)Launch website, publicise a)Chair and a)July 2012 & a) website launched Communication carers and employees and monitor its use. P&PRO Dec 2012 in July and use is Strategy in place, are aware of and well being monitored which effectively informed about communicates with safeguarding issues, b) Ensure the views of b)Chair and b)Ongoing b) Views are stakeholders about guidance, policy and stakeholders including P&PRO obtained as above safeguarding using procedures. voluntary groups, service and taken into appropriate users and carers are heard, account. More needs communication They are able to acted upon and they will to be done to ensure materials. influence policy continue to influence policy continued feedback development and give developments. obtained. their views.

Prevention of identification of abuse will be improved.

8. Protection & Prevention Effective measures Adults at risk are a) Embed safeguarding in a) Board members a) Dec 2012 a) QA group reports are in place to protect protected from harm and all areas of commissioning. & commissioning & ongoing that Provider adults at risk and the potential for harm is and contracting contracts require prevent harm reduced through leads. safe recruitment occurring. safeguarding and practices, whistle preventative actions. blowing policies and procedures and awareness training in Safeguarding Adults. This is monitored annually.

b) Implement local b) Chair & Board b)Ongoing b) WV action “Winterbourne View” action members. planned is monitored plan and incorporate quarterly, and is national learning when currently being

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Domain Outcome Actions Responsibility Time Progress at Nov 2012 available. updated to include the learning from the recently published SCR and NHS reviews.

c) Ensure research and c) Chair, P&PRO & c)Ongoing c) This is an ongoing national and regional safeguarding leads process and included expertise is understood and in agencies. in revisions of P&P, influences safeguarding and training and practice. preventative actions.

d) Agree continued multi- d)Chair and Board d)During d)Ongoing process agency response to members financial year to develop multi- preventative work with frail agency initiatives and older people in their and training for own homes to reduce universal services to safeguarding alerts. raise awareness.

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