Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee Meeting
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TOWN OF SEABROOK ISLAND Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee Meeting October 26, 2016, 9:00 A.M., Town Hall
Chairperson Sue Ingram called the meeting of the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee to order at 9 a.m. Members in attendance included Sue Ingram, Randall Buck, Jim Eisenhauer, Charlene Kreusch, Stuart Spisak, and Patsy Zanetti. Also attending was Town Council liaison, John Wells. Susan Leggett and Mike Kiser attended on behalf of the Alan Fleming Tennis Tournament. Todd Gerhart attended to do a presentation on Kick-It at Bohicket and Nick MacPherson attended on behalf of the Billfish Tournament that is held annually at Bohicket Marina.
Chairperson Sue Ingram declared a quorum was present.
Councilman Wells made remarks about the importance of the responsibilities of the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee, determining whether contributions requested from Accommodations Tax funds fits the criteria of how the funds can legally be spent and to make recommendations to Town Council. He reminded the Committee that the funds received are divided according to a predetermined schedule: The first $25,000 goes into the Town General Fund. 5% of the balance is allocated to the general fund and 30% of the balance is allocated to a special fund which must be used for advertising and the promotion of tourism. That 30% will be sent to the Convention & Visitor's Bureau for the above stated purpose. 65% of the balance will be spent by the Town on tourism related activities. Councilman Wells urged the Committee to be aware of how the funds are divided and used by the town.
He also informed the Committee that the Town of Seabrook Island has joined with the Property Owners Association and the Seabrook Island Club to hire Hammond and Associates to develop a plan for marketing and website development for each of the three entities of the Town in order to present a unified message about Seabrook Island to the public, while maintaining their separate identities.
Councilman Wells reminded Nick MacPherson, representative of the Bohicket Marina, that he has until the end of December to make use of the Accommodations Tax funds allocated to him in 2016 for the purpose of updating the two kiosks located in both breezeways at the marina which advertise the many amenities that Seabrook Island offers.
Chairperson, Sue Ingram, then asked representatives for the organizations requesting Accommodations Tax funds for 2017 to begin their presentations.
Bohicket Marina - Nick MacPherson requested a total of $15,200.00 for functions at the marina. Bohicket Invitational Billfish Tournament: Mr. MacPherson stated that the Billfish Tournament that is held at Bohicket Marina is the first of five different tournaments within the South Carolina Governor’s Cup series. The dates for the tournament at Bohicket Marina will be May 10-13, 2017. Mr. MacPherson estimates there will be from 30 to 35 boats participating in the tournament; and, over a 4-day period, there will be about 2,500 people attending the tournament. The 2017 sponsorship will include a customized packet for the Town of Seabrook similar to the 2016 packet, including The Town’s name and/or website information on all promotional items. Arrangement have been made for the May 10, 2017 kickoff and captains’ meeting to be held at the Seabrook Island Club. It is expected 200 people would attend a sit-down dinner including drinks priced at $8,000. Tournament participants and their families will receive a first-hand look at Seabrook Island. Request is for $8,000 to cover the Kick-off Dinner. Parking Detail and Security Patrols – Request is for parking detail and security patrols conducted by deputies of the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office during the Billfish Tournament, (4 days/evenings), July 4th Holiday (1 day/evening), Memorial Day Weekend (4 days/evenings), Rockville Regatta Weekend (2 days/evenings), and Labor Day Weekend (r days/evenings). The purpose is to provide safety and security of patrons to the Marina during these times. Request is for $4,200 for these services. Repairs and Renovations to Kiosks – Request for updating the kiosks which advertise Seabrook Island. This request is referenced in Councilman Wells remarks regarding the 2016 Accommodations Tax funds provided earlier in these minutes. Request is for $1,000 to complete these repairs. Request for horizontal message boards – These message boards would be placed on each end of the Marina and would contain information promoting the eco systems of the Seabrook Island area. Request is for $2,000 for the signs.
Kick-it at Bohicket – Todd Gerhart, President of the Bohicket Merchants Association Mr. Gerhart reported the event is to provide a free, family oriented evening of entertainment, providing activities for a wide range of ages for children and adults. Kick-It at Bohicket is held at Bohicket Marina and hosted by the Bohicket Merchant’s Association, on each Tuesday beginning May 30 through August 29, 2017 and November 24, 2017. Attendance is expected to be in the area of 5,000 people of which 3,800 will be tourists. An estimated tourist/visitor dollars to the community is $68,000. The event has a DJ, a photo booth, face painting, games for children, balloon artist, etc. Publicity will primarily be in The Island Connection and The Seabrooker. These events will leave a positive, long lasting impression to the thousands of tourists that vacation on Seabrook Island. The budget projection is below: Advertising $ 5,700 Insurance – Approx 3,000 Band 1,700 DJ ($250 x 15wks) 3,750 Face Painter ($159 x 15 wks) 3,750 Balloon Artist ($250 x 15 wks) 3,750 Photo Booth (300 x 15 wks) 4,500 ______$26, 150 Request is for $17,000 for the event.
Alan Fleming Tennis Tournament – Mike Kiser, Tennis Pro at Seabrook Island and Susan Leggett, Tournament Chair Mr. Kiser and Ms. Leggett reported that the Tournament was established in 1981, is one of the most popular events on the southern senior tournament schedule and attracts over 250 top players from approximately 20 states. In 2007 the tournament was designated a Senior Clay Court State Championship and has been awarded National Championship Status for 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s mixed doubles. This championship has competitors from 35 to 80, men and women in 44 events including singles doubles and mixed doubles, all prime tourism candidates for Seabrook Island. A 2015 survey of participants indicated that 75% of the responding players stayed on Seabrook Island, staying at least three nights and patronizing local businesses. Almost 90% of the players came with other players and/or non-participating family and friends. An economic impact study by the Charleston Area Sports Commission, using date from the 2014 tournament estimates an impact of $329,695, including $233,826 of direct spending. Total estimated attendance for 2017 is 450, number of tourist/visitors expected 400, estimated tourist/visitor dollars to community $350,000.
The tournament is used as an opportunity to raise funds for charity but the funds that are raised for charity and the sponsorship funds and registration fees used to cover tournament expense do not intermingle.
As a Presenting Sponsor, the Town would have the following: Named as a 2017 Tournaments Sponsor in Tournament literature Listed on the Sponsor banner at the Racquet Club for a full year Have website linkages with the Tournament and Town Receive a permanent plaque to recognize the Town’s sponsorship Receive special recognition at the Tournament Banquet Request is for $5,000 for the event.
Chair Sue Ingram excused all who presented requests to the Committee so the Committee could discuss and determine recommendations to be made to the Town Council.
Each request made by the Bohicket Marina was considered separately. Stuart Spisak moved to recommend a contribution of $8,000 for the Billfish Tournament Captain’s Dinner at The Seabrook Island Club and $4,200 for parking detail and security patrols by deputies of the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office during prime tourist visitation as stated in the request from the Bohicket Marina for a total of $12,200. Motion was seconded by Randy Buck and unanimously approved by the committee.
Stuart Spisak moved to recommend a contribution of $17,000 for Kick-It at Bohicket with the clarification that Accommodations Tax funding will not be used to pay for the insurance for this event. Motion was seconded by Randy Buck and unanimously approved by the committee.
Stuart Spisak moved to recommend a contribution of $5,000 to the Alan Flemming Senior Open Clay Court Championship Tournament. Motion was seconded by Randy Buck and unanimously approved by the committee.
The committee discussed the plan to use Accommodations Tax funds to pay for the work of Hammond and Associates for publicity and website development of the Town of Seabrook Island. It was the consensus of the committee that Hammond and Associates should have been at the meeting with a presentation about their planned spending that would be covered by Accommodations Tax funds.
It was the consensus of the committee that the Town of Seabrook Island should have made a presentation to the committee regarding the amount of Accommodations Tax funds planned to be used for Seabrook Island beach patrol.
The Accommodations Tax Committee will meet in the spring of 2017 to hear requests for funding from Seabrook Island for 2018.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Ingram, Chair Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee