Notice of the 2017 Annual Members Meeting (Amm)
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Members Meeting of Helensburgh & Lomond Carers SCIO will be held at the Rosslea Hall Hotel, Ferry Road, Rhu, on Thursday, 28 September 2017 at 10.30am. Doors open at 10.00am to allow the registration of members present, for tea/coffee to be served and to ensure the meeting starts promptly at 10.30am. Lunch will be available following the meeting for those in attendance.
A main theme for the meeting is the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 and the preparations being made in Argyll & Bute to implement its provisions, which come into effect on 1 April 2018. This is an important piece of legislation for unpaid carers in Scotland, as it will strengthen their rights and entitlements and shape how future services are designed, commissioned and delivered. The Charity's Trustees believe this will be of interest to all members and they decided to cut back the formal reports, which have traditionally been delivered at the AMM, and build the Agenda around a series of facilitated Table-Talk Session. The Sessions will provide and insight into the key aspects of the Act and an opportunity for participants to raise questions on how these are being addressed.
1 Welcome and Opening
2 Introductory Remarks - Chairperson
3 Apologies for absence
4 Minutes of the Previous AMM held on 29 September 2016
5 Table-Talk - Session 1
6 Annual Trustees Report for 2016-17 - Chairperson
7 Table-Talk - Session 2
8 Annual Accounts for 2016-17 - Treasurer
9 Ordinary Resolutions of the SCIO Part 1 - Chairperson
(a) To approve the Annual Trustees Report and Accounts of the SCIO for the year ended 31 March 2017 (b) To re-appoint Wylie & Bisset Accountants to undertake the Independent Examination of the 2017/18 Annual Report and Financial Statements. (c) To authorise the Trustees to fix the remuneration of the Independent Examiner.
10 Table-Talk - Session 3
11 Service Delivery - Manager
12 Table-Talk - Session 4
13 Ordinary Resolutions of the SCIO Part 2 - Chairperson
(a) To re-elect Lawrence Bidwell as a Trustee of the SCIO (b) To re-elect Mike Blair as a Trustee of the SCIO (d) To re-elect Ron Laley as a Trustee of the SCIO (e) To re-elect Fiona MacNeil as a Trustee of the SCIO (f) To re-elect Jean Walker as a Trustee of the SCIO (g) To re-elect Liz Marion as a Trustee of the SCIO (h) To re-elect Fiona MacLennan as a Trustee of the SCIO (i) To re-elect John McLean as a Trustee of the SCIO (j) To elect Moyra Marshall as a Trustee of the SCIO
14 Any Other Business
15 Closure Remarks - Manager
Jean Walker Secretary
The Carers Centre Lomond House 29 Lomond Street Helensburgh G84 7PW
Dated: 25 August 2017
Note 1:
The Charity is endeavouring to reduce the amount of paper documents it produces for the day-to-day administration of the organisation, in order to minimise the impact of its activities on the environment. The Management Committee has, therefore, decided to publish copies of the documents that will be referred to at the 2017 AMM, on our website at This includes copies of the:
Draft Minutes of the previous AMM held 29 September 2016; Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2017 A limited number of printed copies of the above will be available on the day of the AMM at the Rosslea Hall Hotel. If you wish to receive a printed copy of any of these documents in advance of the meeting, please telephone Eileen McCrory at 01436 673444 or email the Centre at ([email protected]) to arrange for a copy to be collected or posted to your home address.
If you intend to join us for lunch after the AMM you do need to let us know and place your order in advance. There is no charge, but the Hotel needs precise numbers in order to cater for us. If you plan to attend the Meeting, please advise the Carers Centre before Friday, 15 September 2017 by telephone (01436 673444), email (admin@helensburgh- or call at the Centre personally if you are in the area.
If you require and have difficulties securing transport from your home to the Rosslea Hall Hotel, please contact the Carers Centre at the above telephone number and suitable arrangements will be made to transport you from your home to the event and return you home thereafter.
Note 2:
The election of trustees to serve on the Management Committee is governed by the Charity’s Constitution, as well as provisions set out in the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and associated legislation. The maximum number of trustees allowed on the Committee at any time is 12 and they can either be elected by the membership of the Charity at an annual members meeting or be appointed or co-opted at any time by the other trustees. Only members are eligible to be elected or appointed to the Committee.
There are legal restrictions on who can act as a trustee of a charity and the Management Committee must be satisfied that any person who has been nominated for election at an annual members meeting meets the requirements of the Constitution and the law. Other than a retiring trustee, no person shall be eligible for election to the Management Committee unless, at the earliest opportunity following receipt of the notice calling the meeting, and no later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting: the member intending to make the nomination has lodged with the Charity’s Secretary, a signed copy of the notice for making nominations and the person to be nominated has lodged a signed copy of the notice confirming his/her willingness to act as a trustee.
If any member wishes to nominate another member to serve as a trustee on the Management Committee, they can obtain copies of these notices from Eileen McCrory at the Carers Centre. If the Management Committee has no reason to believe the person who is to be nominated as a trustee is barred from acting as a trustee, an ordinary resolution to elect that person to the Management Committee can proceed at the annual members meeting.
Helensburgh & Lomond Carers SCIO The Carers Centre Lomond House 29 Lomond Street Helensburgh G84 7PW Scottish Registered Charity SC033382 (A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation)