Jasmine Guzheng Academy Was Founded in 2000 As a Community Guzheng Music School in Maryland

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Jasmine Guzheng Academy Was Founded in 2000 As a Community Guzheng Music School in Maryland

Jasmine Guzheng Academy was founded in 2000 as a Community Guzheng Music School in Maryland. The Guzheng Acamemy fulfills the multi-cultural music needs locally. It provides individual or group instructions for all ages and gives each student a solid foundation for performing guzheng music. Many of academy students, served as a guzheng soloist, have participated in many major events in the local, regional, and national places. In February of 2007, the Lunar Chinese New Year Festival, Jasmine Guzheng Academy presented Guzheng solo and group performances at the Kennedy Center, one of the nation’s most elegant concert halls.

Lili Zhang, as the Academy Music Director and Instructor, graduated from Nanjing Institute of Arts with major in Guzheng performance in China. Since 1996, she has participated in many large performances organized by the different music groups and associations in Washington metropolitan area. Lili Zhang started her professional musical training when she was selected by Nanjing Little Red Star Children's Performing Arts Group, the very famous Children's music group in China. Before coming to the USA, Lili Zhang won several prizes in regional and national competitions in China. She is showcased as a soloist in many movies / TV series in China.

茉莉花古筝艺术团成立于是 2000 年。艺术团是由来自大华府地区各行各业的古筝音 乐爱好者所组成。艺术团音乐指导是古筝演奏家张立立老师,她毕业于南京艺术学 院音乐系古筝演奏专业。艺术团以演奏和教学等多种形式向广大在美华人及美国民 众推广中国民族音乐。 本着宣传和推广中华文化艺术的宗旨, 艺术团自成立以來, 已经参与并举办了大华府社区各种各样的文艺演出活动。艺术团团员还经常受邀去 老人活动中心,图书馆,学校及大学校园作访问演出。通过张老师的教学指导及学 员的不懈努力,艺术团已培养出许多有才干的古筝演奏者。 她们大多是在校学生, 如今已经活跃在大华府地区的各种音乐舞台上。在 2007 年中国新年之际,茉莉花 古筝艺术团荣幸地受邀在亨誉盛名的肯尼迪艺术中心进行了精彩的古筝独奏以及合 奏的艺术表演。由古筝合奏的“茉莉花”第一次绽开在异国的最高艺术殿堂, 使 观众直接欣赏到优美的古筝音乐。茉莉花古筝艺术团准备与华府地区其它专业艺术 团体合作,将每年举办一次古筝音乐晚会, 让古老的民族音乐在美国的土地上发 扬广大。茉莉花古筝艺术团将继续为华府社区的古筝教学及演出服务,并为古筝爱 好者订购古筝或出租古筝给初学者。 有兴趣的朋友,请联络(301)916-5529。

古筝演奏家张立立老师,茉莉花古筝艺术团音乐指导,出生于古都南京,自幼学习 古筝,上小学的时候,就被入选为中国著名的“小红花艺术团”,作为“小红花” 的演员,童年时代的艺术表演,为她的艺术之路奠定了坚实基础。鉴于她的出色的 音乐基础和丰富的表演经历,1987 年,以优异的成绩被南京艺术学院音乐系古筝演 奏专业录取。从此,开始了她的音乐生涯。在南京艺术学院就读期间,及 1991 年 毕业之后,多次与交响乐团合作,担任独奏、重奏,其中包括与著名作曲家何佔豪 先生合作,并在他创作的电影音乐中担任独奏。张老师 1994 移居美国, 一直从事 古筝演奏及教学工作。

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