When Harold Arrived at Stonehenge He Noticed Right Away That Orion Was Already Hard At

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When Harold Arrived at Stonehenge He Noticed Right Away That Orion Was Already Hard At

Chapter 12

When Harold arrived at Stonehenge he noticed right away that Orion was already hard at work placing the muggle notice me not charms around the outside of the stone circle. Making his way to the stone altar Harold started the task of activating the ancient protections that would keep out any that were not beholden to either of them.

It was a shame that they had lost the ability to recreate these great feats of magic, it would be so easy to protect the people if they could create these ancient wards that could exclude those with the dark mark from entering their enclaves.

The secret of activating the ancient protections where handed down from Patriarch to Patriarch through the seven oldest families, of which the Potters were the most senior. Pooling his magic in his wand Harold started to tap the runes in a very specific sequence that would allow the protections to be set for a two family conclave.

Orion finished with setting the muggle repelling wards turned and smiled seeing Harold over at the alter starting to power up the ancient wards. Walking over to the opposite side of the alter Orion readied himself for his part in the activation. Sensing Orion Black had taken up position across from him Harold started the final selection of runes and powered them up. When two squares lit up in the center of the alter he gave a quiet sigh of relief, he had remembered the order correctly.

Harold placed his right palm on the glowing square and looked up from the alter facing the Black Patriarch and told him, “It is ready.”

Extending his own right hand toward the other glowing square Orion hesitated a moment, “Harold the penalty must be death, we can’t afford any other during this time of war.”

Shock crossed Harold Potters face before realization took its place and he nodded his head in agreement, knowing he could not verbalize a reply until the protection ritual was complete.

Placing his hand on the now glowing square Orion began to speak, “I Orion Black Patriarch of the Black family, noble and ancient as it is do herby call together the joint conclave this night.”

Harold waited until Orion paused and then he took up his section of the spell, “I Harold Potter Patriarch of the Potter line, ancient to times beginning herby call the joint conclave tonight.”

Then together both spoke in unison.

Conclave has been called

As night falls, and the bell tolls twelve

Those that follow by blood, by oath

Shall answer the summons

By Blood by Magic by Oath

So Mote It Be As the magic grew around them a chime sounded and a voice that sounded as if it had not spoken in millennia ground out, “The protections have been activated, what shall be done to those who violate this place this night?”

Being the senior summoning member Harold told the voice forcefully, “Death, death shall be the boon to those that trespass this night.”

“So Mote It Be,” Orion seconded the order.

The voice spoke once more as a golden web of light sprang from the stones and wove a dome around the clearing, “Thy will be done.”

“Now all we have to do is wait for everyone to show up,” Harold said as he stepped back from the altar.

Deciding to fill the silence with conversation Orion spoke up as he looked out past the ring of stones, “While I knew you were the most senior line of the ancient and noble families, I did not know how old your line really was.”

Harold looked at the man for a moment and then sensing he could be trusted completely gave him a short tidbit on his family’s history. “According to the family journals the Potter line has the distinction of being the first family given the gift of magic by the High Ones; the first journal written also recounts the ceremonies that followed where the rest of the race of man received the gift.”

“Actually there are several journals that were written before the gift was given,” Harold said to the incredulous Patriarch.

“But that was way before the race of man kept written records, most everything back then was done by oral history, no one knew how to write or even make parchment, let alone bind them into journals,” Orion said in disbelief.

“For the race of man maybe, but for the High Ones who the Potter’s had learned from through service, it was not,” Harold said watching the others face closely.

“But that would mean…” Orion broke off as he realized what Harold had told him. Seeing the shocked look cross Orion’s face Harold nodded his head as he heard the sounds of Apparation from outside the circle, “Yes it means the Potter’s received the gift a good three hundred years before any other.” Turning away to face those that were now crossing into the circle Harold almost missed the awe and then slight hesitation on Orion’s face as his words registered.

Harold watched as the heads of the oldest families started to enter the circle, most looking around in surprise as they noticed who else had received the summons. Many of the families that entered the circle had either lost track of their oaths or had hoped they would never be called and their oaths forgotten.

Just before midnight the last person walked through the golden web into the circle and Harold and Orion walked back to the altar to begin.

More than I thought would answered the call thought Orion as he glanced over the assembled crowd, the Potter Patriarch holds sway over many more than I thought also.

Standing across from one another on opposite sides of the altar once more Orion and Harold placed their hands back on the glowing squares and together they said, “The summoning is complete, none may enter or pass until we have finished. So Mote It Be.”

Heads turned as the unfamiliar words caused the golden web to intensify in its brightness until suddenly it became a solid dome.

Minerva watched the magical display in wonder; it was not often that one was able to see first hand ancient magic being cast.

Walking around the altar Orion Black stood side by side with his sons best friends father as he looked out over those assembled. Clearly three fourths of the old families were represented here this night. “You have all been brought here tonight to listen and be informed of several developments.”

“By Blood, By Oath, By Magic you have been summoned here, by those three things you will listen and obey,” Harold said sternly as he glared at those fidgeting in the crowd. “Or forever be cast out and regarded as an oath breaker, where none will lift a finger to help you or yours ever again,” Orion told them heatedly.

Most of those in the crowd were shocked over those words, and a small minority did not like the fact they had been summoned here and told they would have to obey, but then hearing that they would be cast out as oath breakers if they refused they quieted down quickly.

“For those of you who have heard the rumors of the High Ones once more walking amongst us, they are true,” Orion told the shocked crowd.

Every eye was fixed on the two men now.

“Last week the two of us swore an oath to protect those who could not protect themselves as a citizen of the fourth kingdom, binding our lines to those of the High Ones…which now includes all of you,” Harold stepped forward as he spoke those words.

“How could you do such a thing without coming to us first,” A man cried out from the back of the crowd.

“To stop the High Ones from making war on us for the actions of Albus Dumbledore I would do more than bind us to them,” Sneered Orion angrily as he stepped forward as the crowd parted before him to give him direct sight of the one who had spoken out.

“The Lord of the fourth kingdom had gone to Hogwarts in an attempt to contact one of the students’ parents, a student that had been injured and found his way to the hidden lands after the night of a full moon,” Harold told them seeing the looks of shock and then on some disgust.

“Our sons had overheard the headmaster refusing to help The Lord of the fourth kingdom and their head of house treat him badly, for without the High Ones ears showing most do not even take a closer look to see the differences, they of course left school in an attempt to contact Harold and gather the Lupin’s to take them to The Lord of the fourth kingdoms healing hall, it seems they have a cure for lycanthropy and needed permission from young Remus’s parents to administer it since his life was no longer in danger,” Orion picked up the explanation. “Regardless we managed to gather the Lupin’s as well as both of our wives and make it to the Healing Hall of the fourth kingdom before their Lord returned. We heard him return as he came into the complex, ranting that if Dumbledore wanted a war he was going to give him one,” Harold told them, his words having the effect he wanted them too as now they were all scared and some trembling as they glanced at their neighbors.

‘To secure the safety of our families and those who look to us to lead them we swore the oath we did.” Orion ranted, as he was now several steps away from the loudmouth, “We could have just asked for asylum and let the rest of you fall in battle, but we chose to save as many as we could and defuse the situation…So don’t tell me we should have asked you first.”

“The ministry is in an uproar; Dumbledore tried to propose that we take care of them, and not allow any of the High Ones to leave their hidden realms ever again,” Harold finished to the indrawn breaths of shock and fear when they realized what the Headmaster proposed.

“He has since been removed from any position of power in our government and the minister has wisely decided to not antagonize any of the High Ones,” Harold told them, his words relaxing them just a bit, as Orion made his way back to the altar.

“We have distanced our selves from the war with this upstart dark lord, and for the most part have not forbidden any of you from following what you believe…That ends now,” Orion proclaimed as he followed Harold in placing his hand back on the glowing altar.

“From this day forth, to follow that madman known as Voldemort means death.” Both said in unison, “So Mote It Be.”

Startled cries could be heard off to one side as several men fell to the ground; their oaths had killed them for taking Voldemort’s mark.

“War has been declared on Voldemort and his followers; the Wizengamot has given the Aurors killing curse privileges for those who raise their wands to attack others. We can not take the chance that madman would target one of the High Ones leading to the extermination of our way of life and the removal of the gift of magic,” Harold told them sternly reminding them how serious the situation could turn out to be. “We have done our duty to those who look to us by informing you of these events, if you wish to rescind your oath of fealty to either of us you must do so before the sun rises. But know this if you do so you will be forever cast out of the world of magic, though you will not suffer the consequences,” Orion told them as he stood next to Harold as the golden dome fell.

Minerva was not proud of her actions that day, taking her frustrations out on a student like that was not like her, hearing that he was the Lord of the fourth kingdom was disquieting. As the rest of the crowd broke up into small groups to discuss and plan what to do with this new information they were presented with, she made her way to the altar and hopefully answers to her questions.

Acknowledging both of them by name Minerva quickly got to the point, “Do you mean to tell me that child that came to the castle is some type of Lord of the Ancients?”

Nodding his head Harold told her what they had found out, “Yes and it seems he is older than I am.”

Seeing the incredulous expression on her face he explained, “Seems Remus was bold enough to ask the High One his age.” Harold chuckled and the memory, “He was told that if he multiplied the age he looked like by three he would still not be close enough.”

“Yesterday we witnessed an incredible sight.” Orion broke in, “The Lord of the fourth kingdom stopped and his body blurred as it suddenly seemed to shift around, when it was over he was the height and had the look about him of one that is sixteen.”

“I asked Amathal their head healer about it as she was escorting us to the halls of study and she mentioned that everything was as it was supposed to be,” Harold told her noticing that most of the others had moved closer to hear the tale.

“Yes it seems that the High Ones enter puberty around age forty or so and then over the course of several months their bodies mature to adult form,” Orion proclaimed, not realizing he was making the wrong assumption with what little knowledge he had.

“I was told that by winter solstice he would have the body and looks of an eighteen to twenty year old,” Harold added that tidbit. “Albus what have you done,” Minerva whispered in fright.

Standing straight she looked Harold directly in the eye before saying, “I Minerva McGonagall chief of clan McGonagall herby reaffirm my clan’s oath to the Patriarch of the Potter line.”

Nodding his head slightly and smiling Harold told her as the magic between the two of them grew, “I Harold Potter Patriarch of the most Ancient line of Potters accept you and you clan’s oath to me this day.”

The magic that had been building grew visible as it encompassed the two of them before disappearing.

Softly so only Orion and Minerva could hear Harold told her, “I will see you in a week’s time at Hogwarts for the governors meeting.”

Bowing her head slightly Minerva stepped back and before leaving acknowledged his words, “Patriarch.”

Soon others started to line up to reaffirm their oaths.

Unnoticed just out of the circle of light cast by the torches surrounding Stonehenge Voldemort’s spy slowly made his way deeper into the shadows intent on getting to his masters side as quickly as possible.


Entering Hogwarts grounds with most of the other members of the governing board Harold double checked one last time that the emergency transport crystal was attached firmly to his skin. Once the meeting started he was planning to formally pull his son out of Hogwarts as a student thereby nullifying the agreement and returning control of the school and grounds back into his hands.

They had discussed this late last night with the Lord of the fourth kingdom and that is when he had given him the transport crystal that would move him through any wards in existence if he was placed in danger. They had also decided that he would make the announcement with the largest amount of people around, less chance of something fatal happening that way.

He was still shocked at the vision he had been shown of a possible future where his grandson grew up parentless and abused due to Albus machinations. He took steps right after that to ensure that the future he had been shown would not come to pass.

Entering the great hall Harold took his seat near the head of the table, glancing around he noticed the only staff present was the deputy headmistress.

Madam Marchbanks was the first to comment on Albus’s absence, “The Headmaster was informed of our meeting, was he not Minerva?”

“I know he received an owl the other day, but whether or not he read the message...” Minerva trailed off.

Shaking her head in disgust Madam Marchbanks told her, “So be it, I think we can come to a decision without him being here anyways, this just makes it easier.”

“Shall we begin?” Madam Marchbanks told the group.

“Was there a particular reason this meeting was called?” Abraxas Malfoy asked snidely.

“Yes, we are here to decide if removal of Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster is warranted,” Orion black told the man with a glare.

“I for one say we should let him stay, after all now that he is not torn between so many duties he should be able to do a fine job,” Abraxas said smoothly.

Harold sat there and listened to the debate as most of the board members had something to say for or against Dumbledore.

Finally it came to a vote and Madam Marchbanks told them, “It’s decided Albus will remain Headmaster and be placed on probation for the next school term, if his performance does not meet our expectations then he will be let go.” Orion was disappointed with the outcome but they knew it would more than likely come to this.

“Well if there is nothing further?” Madam Marchbanks started to stand.

“Yes there is, I have an announcement to make,” Harold stood up. After everyone sat back down and looked his way Harold spoke the words he knew would cause chaos. “I am disappointed in this board’s decision, so I am officially removing my son as a student of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

The castle became very still as the ghosts and paintings stopped their movements and focused their attention on the words that suddenly sounded throughout the castle.

“So you remove your brat from the school so what,” Abraxas sneered.

Out of all the board members Madam Marchbanks was the only one that had the slightest idea what that meant.

“Harold you mustn’t,” Madam Marchbanks cried out as she half rose out of her seat.

“You fool, you don’t understand what that means do you?” Orion glared at the Malfoy family head.

“One less blood traitor we have to deal with,” Abraxas sneered in delight.

Shaking his head sadly Harold told him, “No Malfoy, what it means is that I rescind the right of my lands and castle to be used for the purpose of this school as per the agreement with the founders when they were given the right to use this land and castle.”

“As long as a Potter completes their education at this school this castle and lands remain in the custody of Hogwarts until the time that a Potter heir is denied, refuses or is pulled out of this institution. If that happens the lands and castle automatically revert back to my families control,” Harold told him as he moved away from the table and removed a small knife from his robes. Cutting his finger while Orion held Madam Marchbanks in her seat Harold said the words that severed the ties that fed power to the Headmaster and locked down the castle and wards. “I Harold Potter Patriarch of the Ancient Line of Potter herby rescind the right of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry from using our lands as I am pulling my son out of this institution due to concerns for his safety and the substandard education he is receiving.”

As soon as the drop of blood touched the floor the sound of a bell was heard throughout the castle and grounds as the wards shifted cutting of any ties the Headmaster had with the castle.

“So Mote It Be,” Harold said as he was engulfed in a light as the castle shifted control of the wards and grounds to him, activating wards long thought lost.

Pulling his wand and standing up Abraxas shouted out, “You fool what have you done?”

“It is not polite to pull your wand on a person in their own house Malfoy,” Harold said as he asked Hogwarts through the new link to bring Malfoy’s wand to him.

Opening his hand so Malfoy’s wand had a place to land Harold closed his hand around the wand when it appeared and told him as he glared daggers at him, “You are no longer welcome on any land I own, leave before I have the wards remove you.”

Feeling the pressure on him as the power built in the room Abraxas refused to allow the fear he was beginning to feel show on his face, “My wand, return my wand and I shall leave you to your pathetic power play.”

Tapping Malfoy’s wand with his own it glowed orange for a moment, after the glow dissipated he threw it back to the pompous idiot along with a smirk, “Sure thing Malfoy, seeing as the wards will not allow you to cast any spells while on my lands now.”

Grabbing his wand out of the air Abraxas felt that it was indeed not reacting to his touch and threatened Harold with, “You are making a big mistake Potter, you have made an enemy today that you will regret one day.” “You will find Malfoy that you are the one that will be doing the regretting in the end,” Harold replied to Malfoy’s retreating back.

“Harold you have to reconsider, there is not enough time to find another location for the school before term begins,” Madam Marchbanks pleaded.

“I will not give up control of these lands again Matilda, but if you wish to hold classes here for the next year you may do so on two conditions,” Harold told her as he sat back down.

Nodding her head she asked, “What are they, if they are not too demanding we can come to an agreement.”

Holding up his finger, “One Albus Dumbledore is barred from any lands I own, so he will not be allowed back here; if you want him to remain Headmaster find another way for him to do so without stepping foot on these grounds ever again.”

Seeing her wince at that he did not give her time to respond before holding up the second finger, “Two if you wish students to be taught here it shall be done properly from now on, there must be at least one professor that has the masters mark so that the students may be taught to access their magic properly.”

Shaking her head clueless over the term marked master, Madam Marchbanks finally said, “Harold I have no idea what you are talking about. I have been part of the examining board for nigh onto forty years and have never heard of marking masters before?”

“Wait a minute.” Minerva spoke up for the first time, “That High One that was here at the end of term mentioned something about masters marks.”

Smiling Harold dropped the other surprise he was holding back in reserve, “That he did Minerva, seems after a bit of research through my families history journals I found out that the last marked master was Merlin himself.”

“Then how do you expect for us to procure a marked master to oversee the school then,” Madam Marchbanks raised her voice near the end, waving her arms. “Simple.” Orion Smirked dropping the bomb,” Minerva will simply have to go to the classes being offered by the High Ones, surely someone of her experience should not take long to gain her mark.”

Let the chaos begin Orion smirked towards Harold.

Elsewhere in the forbidden forest near the array Albus Dumbledore lay twitching on the ground where he had fallen when the pain of loosing his connection to the castle and its added power boost caused him to fall unconscious.


Bowing to one knee as he leaned forward and kissed the hem of the Robes of his master Abraxas Malfoy simpered, “Master I bring grave news.”

“Rise my most faithful servant, and tell me what brings you here,” Voldemort looked down on the kneeling man as he said this.

Standing up but keeping his head bowed Abraxas relayed his news, “My Lord, the Wizengamot has declared war on you and your most loyal servants, they have authorized the use of the killing curse against your servants if they raise a wand to the blood traitor Aurors.”

Voldemort’s eyes widened in surprise, this was unexpected, he had counted on his supporters to sabotage any effective opposition. Truth be known he had also counted on that fool Dumbledore and his endless second chances fighting such a proposal.

“Why did Dumbledore not fight this?” Voldemort hissed in anger.

“The rumors of the High Ones walking among us have been proven true, and Dumbledore tried to propose measures to control or negate their presence my Lord,” Abraxas told him not looking into his masters face, if he had he would have seen the shock that was evident. “The Wizengamot led by Potter and Black removed him and rescinded any and all titles as punishment.” Standing up and starting to pace around his chamber Voldemort thought out loud, “So that old fool would go against the High Ones openly, surely he remembers what it is to be a Slytherin, unless the old fool was incompetent back then the same as he is today.”

“Does he forget that as long as we do not bother them they will not interfere with the goings on within the Wizard community?” Voldemort muttered to himself as he continued to pace.

Working himself up he finally let loose with a stream of curses causing Abraxas to subtly duck the reductor curse that came close to hitting him, ‘THE FOOL HOW DARE HE INTERFERE.”

“My plans will have to be changed now,” Voldemort spat out angrily as he resumed sitting on his throne.

“I will have to move up my plans and make a presumptive strike against Dumbledore at Hogwarts and the ministry to secure my position quickly,” Voldemort considered as he forgot he was not alone for a moment in his anger.

Gulping Abraxas knew this was going to make his master furious told him hesitantly, “Master, Dumbledore has been barred from the castle that used to be Hogwarts, I am not sure where they are moving the school too as I was removed from the grounds when I attempted to stop Potter from rescinding the use of his lands.”

Voldemort stopped his planning and slowly turned and glared at his most disappointing servant and spat out cruelly with a flick of his wand, “CRUCIO.”

Abraxas fell to the floor convulsing in pain trying his hardest not to scream, finally after a minute he could no longer hold it in any longer and let out an ear shattering scream of pain.

Releasing the curse Voldemort looked down in disgust as Abraxas lay on the floor bleeding from his eyes, ears and nose a sure sign of severe mental damage. His anger had gotten the better of him and now he had lost one of his most useful servants, Oh well he thought there was always the man’s son. “Avada Kedavera,” Voldemort said lazily as he pointed his wand at the brainless package of flesh laying on his floor. Stepping over the now dead useless excuse for a wizard Voldemort called out for one of the house elves to get rid of the body as he walked to his study, he had plans that needed to be made.


Bane who had been watching the old human come and stare at the array for the past week testing its defenses by using mind control spells on the creatures of the forest in an attempt to find the arrays secrets, watched in satisfaction as he fell to the ground screaming in agony.

It is about time he was punished for his total disregard of life he thought, turning he silently made his way back to the encampment to let the elders know of what had happened.


“ENOUGH,” Harold bellowed, immediately quieting the rest of the governors.

“Orion and I had a long discussion with the Lord of the Fourth Kingdom last night, we knew this possibility could happen and planned for it,” Harold told the stunned assembly.

“If you had seen reason and removed Dumbledore, the Lord was prepared to accept several of the professors that had their Wizarding master degrees the longest for an intense crash course leading to their receiving their master’s mark by the time the term started in the fall,” Harold glared at them.

“He was also open to the possibility of accepting the best and brightest students to study with their scholars, learning magic long lost to us,” Orion softly told them, “Think about it, it would have made Hogwarts the premier magical school in the world. Parents would be fighting to send their children here in the hopes that they would be chosen to study with the High Ones.”

“Now we have to go with our contingency plan, Minerva will be given the opportunity to receive her mark, but instead of turning the position of headmistress over to her, Orion and I shall fill that roll as we take the school in a new direction,” Harold told the stunned Madam Marchbanks completely ignoring the others. “While the ministry will be welcome to come at the end of term and administer Owl’s and Newt’s that roll will fall to the High One Scholars after this last year. They will also provide guest speakers from time to time as we bring the standards of the education received at this school back to the previous high standards they were during the founding years,” Harold told her.

“We will also be extending the curriculum to nine years for those who wish to graduate with a master’s degree, so they have a head start on earning their masters mark,” Orion interrupted the staring match between Madam Marchbanks and Harold.

“You are overstepping your bounds, this body decides on changes to the curriculum not you two,” One of the governors shouted out from near the end of the table.

Orion glared at the man and answered with a sneer, “Are you to dimwitted to remember that after this year Hogwarts will not be holding classes here, so we are well within our rights to structure our new school how we wish.”

“Hogwarts has always been here since its inception, where would we move it to?” Augusta Longbottom asked unsettled by the news.

“More to the point I think the two of you are forgetting that if we move the school we will take everything with us. It would be very expensive to replace everything let alone the library and its costly rare tomes,” One of the other governors sneered.

Hear, hear

Well said.

“You are more than welcome to take anything that is not entailed, though I do believe you will find out there is not as much as you think there is, the High Ones have agreed to provide copies of some of their tomes to make up any difference,” Harold smiled, causing some to shy away from his end of the table. Matilda could not believe what she had been hearing and told him, “The ministry and the Wizengamot are not going to be happy with what you have done or plan to do, you do know that don’t you?”

“I am not too worried over what they might think, or their perceived happiness,” Harold told her frankly.

“You should be they can take everything away from you by passing legislation very easily. If you don’t give up this silly notion of yours you will lose everything,” Magnus a secret Malfoy supporter spoke up, not realizing the personal power these two wielded in the political arena.

Shaking his head sadly Orion told him, “That would not be the wisest move on your parts.”

“Really, and what are you going to do about,” Magnus sneered, “I’ll tell you nothing is what. I will see you both penniless and living in the gutters for this.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Harold said softly as he watched the group of people enter the great hall.

“Why’s that, scared Potter,” Magnus now stood up fingering his wand, just itching for a chance to hex the upstart for his lord.

“Because I would not like that,” Harry answered, he h had entered the great hall unseen to all except Minerva and Harold who had been facing the right direction.

“How dare you interrupt your betters,” Magnus yelled seeing the youngster walking out of the shadows out of the corner of his eye, as he turned and froze at the sight of a dozen of the High Ones standing near the end of the table.

Harry’s eyes narrowed in anger at the wizards words, “I do hope that was not directed my way, otherwise I might take exception to it and do something I would not regret in the slightest.” Chaos erupted as the rest of the members twisted in their seats and caught sight of the High Ones standing there.

Orion and Harold smoothly rose to their feet and bowed respectfully.

“Greeting Lords, how may we be of service?” Orion asked as he kicked Minerva slightly to break her out of her shock.

Now that she knew what the boy was, no, the young man she thought, she could see the obvious differences between humans and a High Elf and she paled as she flashed back to that disastrous morning.

“It seems Dumbledore was found unconscious in the forbidden forest, suffering from magical backlash and a severely reduced magical pool. This told us that you had to enact the contingency plans we had worked on last night,” Harry told him ignoring the stammering of greetings from the shocked Hogwarts governors.

“Which led us to decide to offer to emplace some of our protections around these grounds,” Saero told him as he glared at Magnus he added, “To ensure that no one would dare try to interfere with your property.”

Matilda knew when she had lost and was graceful enough to bow out without a fight, especially one that involved the obvious support of the High Ones, “I thank you Harold for allowing the students to stay in your school one more term, Perhaps later this week we can sit down and explore ways for Hogwarts to remain here in the castle.”

“Of course Madam Marchbanks, we would be thrilled to explore possibilities with you; the students would be the one to benefit the most from this,” Harold smiled gently in her direction.

“Harold if I might make a suggestion,” Orion broke the uncomfortable silence.

Seeing he had his attention Orion said, “Why don’t you take the Lords and other High Ones on a tour of the castle and grounds, while I finish up here. I will join you in a little bit.” Nodding his head Harold walked over towards Harry and smiled, “High Ones if you would follow me I would love to introduce you to wonders of my old alma mater.”

Watching the High Ones walk out of the great hall following Harold he waited until they were truly out of range before rounding on the other Governors in rage.

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