Stark County Commissioners s1

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Stark County Commissioners s1





Commissioner Harmon opens the meeting at 9:00 AM.

Recite – Pledge of Allegiance


Commissioner Vignos Meeting Letter

Commissioner Bosley Meeting in Lawrence Township

Commissioner Harmon: Social Function Response from the Fiat Group

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the agenda as amended. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

NOTICE: Minutes of meetings of the Board of Commissioners are filed as a permanent record in the official journal of the Board of Commissioners. The official record includes originals or copies of all resolutions that are adopted by the Board. This includes resolutions approving the signing of Contractual documents, financial transaction forms and other actions adopted by the Board. Contracts, agreements, leases, purchase orders, personnel actions and other such material referred to in the resolutions are filed by subject in the Administrative Offices and originated departments. The official journals that include, the minutes and related resolutions are available for public inspection in the Administrative Offices of the Commissioners.


Discuss/Consider for approval: Possible Litigation Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Possible Litigation with Sharon Miller, Commissioners and County Administrator in attendance at 9:02 AM: Roll Call: Vignos – Yes Harmon – Yes Bosley – Yes Motion Carried.

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to adjourn from Executive Session and return the meeting back to Regular Session at 9:08 AM Roll Call: Vignos – Yes Harmon – Yes Bosley – Yes Motion Carried.

As a result of the Executive Session Ms. Miller of the Prosecutors Office gives the following information that was disclosed in Executive Session. Issues with the Veterans Commission and the Board, they made an offer thru their Attorney Randy Wilson to settle the on going dispute for their funding for 2008. They looked through their budget and they understand the position financially the county and recognizing that they indicated to the County Commissioners if they could be funded for the remainder of this year an additional $50,000.00 they would put off van purchases which were included in this years budget until 2009. With the understanding that would be allocated to them there asking for the $50,000.00 this year and they would not precede with litigation.

Commissioner Harmon is in agreement and feels they need to make the transfer of $50,000.00 to the Veterans Services Commission. The only place they can make the transfer from to the Veterans Services is the Storm Water and Drainage Account. He will support this to avoid the litigation.

Commissioner Bosley he met with them on Friday and we talked about it in Thursday meeting, going forward next year at the beginning of next year they will fund their reasonable submission of a request for money ahead of any other department. He spoke with Mike Rehfus and he feels that there are certain projects that they just won’t get to this year, because there were so many to get to they are playing catch up from some of the drainage work that didn’t get done. He feels this is a good deal for Stark County and he commends the Board and the Veterans Commission for working with them and coming up with a reasonable number all can live with and they stated in the meeting they realize it is a tough time for Stark County and they are willing to show that they are willing to work with us and show that we are willing to work with you by funding you as our priority next year.

Commissioner Vignos – this is indicative of the problems we are having with our budget this year. In order to fund anything else we are going to have to move money from accounts that have already been appropriated. She recognizes that there are others in circumstances hat may need more money but without a new certificate the only resource they have is to move money, we are shorting what we would have had in the drainage account, but she is agreeable to doing this because the cost of litigation and possible outcome outweighs the decision we make today. She suggests that they direct staff to bring this to the next meeting.

Commissioner Harmon directs Mr. Hanke/ Ms. Young to bring the transfer to the board on Thursday July 31, 2008


Maintenance Bond Release The Villas of St. James Place #2 Allotment in Lake Township Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Maintenance Bond Release as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Construction Variance Request: Emerald Estates #8 Allotment – Jackson Township There are several variances requested and Mr. Underwood refers to a drawing of the Emerald Estates Development Allotment . Ms. Bennett from Hammontree & Associates refers to the drawings of Emerald Estates Development Allotment.

Mr. Joe Underwood – County’s Subdivision Engineer and Ms. Barbara Bennett from Hammontree & Associates are in attendance for discussion.

Commissioner Harmon would like to table this item until they meet on Thursday August 7th, 2008, so he can review the information that was presented today.

Commissioner Vignos would like a little more information regarding the proposed variances.

Commissioner Bosley fills that it is a good decision to review the information that was presented to them over the next week and ask questions would be a good thing

Commissioner Harmon – Mr. Gianella, sometimes it is hard to talk to everyone you want to talk to. He is not going to let this drag out, and it will be brought back before the board as quickly as possible.

The Commissioners are in agreement to Table the Construction Variance Request for Emerald Estates #8 in Jackson Township until Thursday, August 7, 2008

Commissioner Harmon recesses the meeting Commissioner Harmon reconvenes the meeting at 10:04AM

They deviate from the Regular Agenda and go to the Engineers Presentation under Marsha Cimadevilla Agenda


Engineers: Early Retirement Incentive Plan

Mr. Rehfus is in attendance to discuss his request for an Early Retirement Incentive Plan that is required by the Public Employees Retirement System. This plan will buy essentially two years of service credit for the employees that are eligible and allow them to retire early or retire with two additional years of services. He went through the list of employees and this effects potentially 31 employees; however the fan is limited to only 15% of his current work force. 15% of 107 is about 16 employees. So the first 16 would be offered and if they turn it down it would be offered to the next employee after that. He expects probably 8 to 12 people that may be interested it’s not enough years that a lot of people are going to jump on it, but it is enough for those who were thinking of retiring it could give them the boost they need to do so. The only way this makes sense is if he does not replace the majority of these employees. His goal as he stated last year he wants to be under 100 full time employees total, so if he does get 8 to 10 people excepting this and maybe only replace one or two of them as necessary he will be under that 100 full time employees. The savings based on 8 employees and using $50,000.00 of salary plus benefits, health insurance alone is $12,000.00 per employee so he uses that as a rough estimate he can save between 400,000 to 600,000 dollars per year. All of this money will go back into the Road and Bridge and help the paving program, help pay for the rising cost of fuel, asphalt, steel, concrete all of the things they use everyday.

Commissioner Vignos – has a number of questions – Sometimes these buyout plans do work out, and sometimes they don’t. She has looked at the buyout plans from the Engineers office all the way back to 2001. Her first question she has is “if we say take 8 or 10 of these people and they accept your retirement plan, would you not hire any of them back even as a temporary?”

Mr. Rehfus – nobody that takes a buyout will ever come back and work as a part-time employee, that is one of his policies at the office and that includes those that did retire in ’01. You can’t have it both ways, you can retire under your normal schedule and sometimes be offered a part-time position, but he will not hire back a person that took a buyout.

Commissioner Vignos – asks “you think possible that 7 of them would not be replaced?”

Mr. Rehfus – There is one of sure if he accepts it will have to be replaced, the other ones some of the management supervision people he can promote from within bring people up from the bargaining unit into management replace…

Commissioner Vignos – that would be an increase in salary for them as well.

Mr. Rehfus – yes he has accounted for that there is a bump in salary for those people but he wouldn’t revise the lower positions to try to get the total work force down to under a 100.

Commissioner Vignos – her calculations going with his figure of $50,000.00 would be initially this would save about $350,000.00

Mr. Rehfus – depending on many accept it, yes. If it were only 8 people but it could go as high as 16.

Commissioner Vignos – she calculated 16 and that would be approximately $400,000.00 in expenses this year. Is this over a period of time, because the initial cost to save $350,000.00 is about $400,000.00 so she would like to know that over the course of time is it going to balance out and are you going to be able to save more money? Mr. Rehfus, - it wouldn’t all be this year, what he notices what happens on these and this is the third one they have had at the Engineers Office, the first one was in 1986 which was a 5 year, the second one was in 2001 which was a 4 year, and this one is a 2 year. Those were paid out over time to PERS the four year buyout was spread over 4 years, and then they had interest to pay. He would rather Pay this as the person retires. So the Plan runs September 08 thru September of 09 so you have a whole year window of people retiring, so it doesn’t all hit at one, they will be paid as they retire. Commissioner Harmon – makes the following comment – Thank You, for as long as he has been Commissioner a little over a year, every conversation they’ve had is how to make the Engineers office more efficient and saving money long term, and it is important to note that his department is not supported by the General Fund, it is important to note that he is a Sovran elected official and elected by the people of this county and you are coming to the Board of Commissioners, he is taking a very proactive approach to the future of infrastructure improvement done in Stark County, we all know what has happened to the price of asphalt and petroleum based products, he supports this.

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Early Retirement Incentive for the Engineers Office as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried

Sanitary Engineers: Promotion – From - Laborer – To - Maintenance Electrician – William Fazio Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the request from Sanitary Engineers to except the Promotion of William Fazio from Laborer to Maintenance Electrician submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Advertise and Hire – Laborer

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the request from Sanitary Engineers to Advertise and Hire a Labor as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.


Commissioner Vignos Meeting Special Meeting of the Port Authority Letter Family Council – is working on the very question they were concerned about and that is analyzing out of county placement for the youth

Commissioner Bosley Meeting in Lawrence Township Spring Valley Allotment – 72 residences there, and they told him to tell the Board they are completely 100% opposed to that road being put in. As the meeting progressed they had a very nice talk, he was misquoted by one of the papers, about the conversation that he had with Bob Nau, about where we were with the Army Corp of Engineers, it was stated in the paper that he had the conversation with the Army Corp of Engineers, that road still has not been approved according to Bob Nau, it is not a done deal. They got through the whole meeting and they talked about the other roads and other ways of ingress and egress, he told the residents that he would not approve the dedication of the new road until there was another access road coming from somewhere else, wherever that may be. At the end of the meeting one of the ladies stood up, she is a Councilwomen for New Franklin, and she assured the residents that the City of New Franklin is willing to work with them. He setting up a meeting with city council, the developer, himself and as many members that can be there, they are going to work to find a solution to this. But the neighbors did a great job in letting us know they don’t want this and all of the reasons why they don’t want it, and they are going to work it out.

Commissioner Harmon: Social Function Invitation – Mercy Medical Center Dinner Response from the Fiat Group Commissioner Harmon reads the letter into the record and they all agree that it is a very positive letter


Financial: Appropriation: Coroner – Coroners Lab Fund - $29,000.00

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Appropriation as presented. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Appropriation: EMA – Cover Telephone Invoice and Miscellaneous Expenses - $30,000.00

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Appropriation as presented. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Transfers: Coroner – Lab Fund – From Capital To Service - $9,000.00 Sheriff – Concealed Hand Gun Fund – From – Other To – Supplies - $500.00 Prosecutors – Anti Gang Fund – From Service To- Other - $3,000.00 Recorders – General Fund – From – Service To – Supply - $3,000.00

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Transfer as presented. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Fund to Fund Transfer: From the Nist Fund – Fund was closed – Returned to the General Fund $70,527.32

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Fund to Fund Transfer as presented. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Consideration: Prosecutors 2008-2009 VOCA/SVAA Grant Application Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Grant Application for the Prosecutors 2008/2009 VOCA/SVAA Grant Application as Submitted. Roll Call: Yes Motion Carried.


Discuss and Consider for Approval: Advertise for Bid: Job & Family Services – Security Services

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve to Advertise for Bid for Security Services for Job and Family Services as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried

Award Bid: Various Departments - HVAC Mechanical Maintenance Low Bidder – K-Company, Fairlawn Ohio $596,562.00 – 3 Year Contract $215,650.83 – 4th Year Next Lowest – Honeywell, Brookland Hts. Ohio $639,883.16 – 3 Year Contract $235,009.88 – 4th Year

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve to Award Bid for the HVAC Maintenance for various county departments to K-Company of Fairlawn Ohio as submitted Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.


Travel Requests: Various travel requests for various county departments as submitted. Total Travel: $630.22 Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Travel requests as submitted Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Day Care Contracts: New - Jazzy Kids Day Care – Rate Adjustment – Tow Path Trail YMCA

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Day Care Contracts as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried

Job & Family Services Contracts: Christian Children’s Home Inc. Wooster, Ohio – Requisition $20,000.00 – one year contract

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Contracts as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried. Bear Foundation – New Wellmington, PA – Term effective upon Board Approval through 7/31/2010 - $400,000.00 – with a $70,000.00 Requisition

Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Contract with the Bear Foundation with requisition as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Harmon adjourns the meeting at 10:37 AM

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia M. Ashby Orig.: Jean Young Cc: Commissioners

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