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8 12 2015 14 6 37 Procurement Plan Mozbio-Version IV Revised 4-Dec-2015 Final - Image Bank


REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE MINISTRY OF LAND, ENVIRONMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Mozambique Conservation Areas for Biodiversity and Development Project (Mozbio 1)

Procurement Plan

Version IV Maputo, December 2015

1 Procurement Plan


1. Project information: Republic of Mozambique, Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development Mozambique Conservation Areas for Biodiversity and Development Project (Mozbio 1)

2. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: 3. Date of General Procurement Notice: 4. Period covered by this procurement plan: 12 months (December 2015/November 2016)


Thresholds for Procurement and Review Methods

Contract Value Expenditure Procurement/ Selection Contracts Subject to Threshold Category Method Prior Review (US$) Works ≥ 15,000,000 ICB All

≥ 5,000,000 < 15,000,000 NCB All

≥ 100,000< 5,000,000 NCB Post Review < 100,000 Shopping Post review

All values Direct Contracting All

Goods and IT ≥3,000,000 ICB All Systems, and Non- Consulting Services ≥ 500,000 < 3,000,000 NCB All ≥ 75,000< 500,000 NCB Post Review

< 75,000 Shopping Post review

Direct Contracting All All values UNOPS All

All Invitations to Bid for (ICB&NCB) Goods and Works are subject to advertisement in a national newspaper and UNDB (para. 2.8 Guidelines); Prequalification: There will be no prequalification of Bidders; Proposed Procedures for CDD Components or equivalent: As per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines and Procurement Manual; Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: Items to be financed under this Credit/Grants will be procured inline with rules in the Operational Manual, Credit/Grant Agreement and Procurement Manual; Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: MoU _ Inter- Institutional Memorandum of Understanding CPP – Community Participation in Procurement 2 2. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AWP Proc.P Contract (Description) Estimated Source Procure Adverti Review by Procys Expected Completi Comments Ref. lan Cost (US$) of ment se in Bank Submission Bid Opening on Date No. Item Funds Method UNDB (Prior/Post) (Yes/No) Date No.

Component 3.1. Conservation Areas Management

3.1.1 1 Construction of Airstrip IDA Shop No Post No Jan 2016 Dec 2016 3.1.14 2 Construction of (1) MSR – (i). IDA NCB No Post No Dec 2015 Dec Bid Senior staff house at HQ, (ii). 2017 launched Entrance Gate & dormitory with ablution facility, water supply system & solar power for Rangers in Machangulo; (2) Ponta do Ouro – (i). Senior staff house with ablution facility, water supply system in Ponta do Ouro village; (ii). Ranger’s Outpost in Ponta Santa Maria 89 Construction of senior staff IDA NCB No Post No April 2016 Dec house in Bazaruto NP HQ, 2017 dormitories with ablution facilities water supply system & solar power for Rangers, Administrative office, Rangers Outpost in Magaruque; Senior staff house with ablution facility and water supply and Dormitory with ablution facility and water supply system in Pomene Reserve; Rehabilitation of Rangers outpost in Benguerra and Dombe, chalets (4) and Dining Hall (1) 90 Construction of a Drift (1), and IDA NCB No Post No Jan 2016 Dec rehabilitation of roads in 2016 Chimanimani NR 91 Construction of: (a) ranger IDA NCB No Post No April 2016 Dec outpost with dormitory, ablution 2017 facility, water supply system & solar power in Tandanhangue; (b) Drift over Montepuez River and improvement of roads ; (c) Rehabilitation of ranger outpost in Napuda and senior staff house in Ibo Island. 92 Construction of Jetty in IDA NCB No Post No Jan 2016 Dec Tandanhangue 2017

3 b. GOODS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AWP Proc. Contract (Description) Estimated Source of Procureme Advertise in Review by Procys Expected Comple Comments Ref. Plan Cost (US$) Funds nt Method UNDB Bank Submissio Bid tion No. Item (Prior/ n Opening Date No. Post) (Yes/No) Date All components a) 3 Vehicles IDA NCB Yes Prior Yes May Feb Contract 2015 2016 awarded AWP ref: 1.1.64; 1.1.65; 3.1.19; 3.1.33; 3.1.46; 3.1.60; 3.1.73; 3.1.85; 3.1.98; 3.1.123; 3.1.135; 3.1.148; 5.4.1 b) 4 Tractors & Trailers IDA NCB No Post No May Feb Contract 2015 2016 awarded b) AWP Ref: 3.1.23; 3.1.49; 3.1.63; 3.1.75; 3.1.100; 3.3.113; 3.1.125 c) 5 Quad Bikes & IDA NCB No Post No May Feb Contract motorbikes 2015 2016 awarded c) AWP Ref: 1.1.21; 3.1.22; 3.1.35;3.1.36;3.1.47;3.1.48;3.1.61; 3.1.62;3.1.74; 3.1.87;3.1.88;3.1.99;3.1.112;3.1.124;3.1.137;3.1.138;5.4.2 d) 6 Twin engine Boats with IDA NCB No Post Yes May Feb Contract trailer for marine & 2015 2016 awarded coastal CA’s d) AWP Ref. 3.1.20; 3.1.34; 3.1.86; 3.1.136 e) 7 Office supplies IDA Shop No Post No May Dec Bid launched 2015 2015 e) AWP Ref: 1.2.13; 5.6.4 - ANAC HQ, Biofund & Moz Unit f) 8 Uniform for field rangers IDA NCB No Post No May Feb Bid launched 2015 2016 f) AWP Ref. 3.1.24; 3.1.37; 3.1.50; 3.1.64; 3.1.76; 3.1.89; 3.1.101; 3.1.114; 3.1.126; 3.1.139; 3.1.149 9 Various field Equipments IDA Shop No Post No May Feb Bid launched g) (sleeping bed, mattresses, 2015 2016 torches, knives, etc.), incl. Android Smart cellphones for Cyber tracking g) AWP Ref. 3.1.24; 3.1.25; 3.1.37; 3.1.38; 3.1.50; 3.1.51; 3.1.64; 3.1.65; 3.1.76; 3.1.77; 3.1.89; 3.1.90; 3.1.101; 3.1.114; 3.1.126; 3.1.139; 3.1.140; 3.1.150 h) 10 Camping Tents (for 1, 2 IDA NCB No Post No Oct 2015 March Bid launched and 10 persons) 2015 h) AWP Ref: 3.1.22; 3.1.35; 3.1.48; 3.1.62; 3.1.74; 3.1.87; 3.1.99; 3.1.112; 3.1.124; 3.1.137; 3.1.147 1.1.61 11 IT Equipment IDA Shop No Post No May 2015 Dec Contract 1.1.62 1.2.12 2015 awarded 12 Digital Sender IDA Shop No Post No May 2015 Dec Contract 2015 awarded 1.1.63 13 Photocopier machines IDA Shop No Post No May 2015 Dec Contract 2015 awarded 3.1.7 14 Office Furniture IDA Shop No Post No Jan 2016 Dec 2016 1.1.66 15 Acquisition and IDA Shop No Post No Jan 2016 Aug 1.1.67 installation of Financial 2016 1.1.68 management System Software for ANAC 93 Acquisition & implantation IDA NCB No Post No Jan 2016 Dec of signing boards 2017 94 Acquisition of SMART IDA Shop No Post No Feb 2016 Jun equipment for law 2016 enforcement and patrolling activities 95 Elephant Restraining Line IDA NCB No Post No November June Bid launched Fence Material for MSR & 2015 2016 ZNP Sub-Component 1.2: Strengthening BIOFUND 1.2.20 16 Acquisition of Accounting IDA Shop No Post No May 2015 Dec Contract Software 2015 awarded 1.2.21 17 Acquisition of Document IDA Shop No Post No May 2015 Dec Contract management Software 2015 awarded Sub-Component 1.3: Strengthening of CITES Authority 1.3.6 96 Acquisition and IDA NCB No Post No Jan 2016 June installation of electronic 2016 system for issuing CITES Licenses 1.3.6 18 Acquisition of equipment IDA Shop No Post No Jan 2016 March for ivory marking 2016 4 c. Non-Consulting Services All components 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ref. Contract (Description) Estimated Source of Procureme Advertise in Review Procys Expected Comple Comments No. Cost (US$) Funds nt Method UNDB by Bank Submission Bid tion (Prior/Pos (Yes/No) Opening Date t) Date 3.1.164 19 Helicopter hiring 120 IDA NCB No Post No Oct 2015 Oct Tender hours (33 hours/area 2016 launched operation) for law enforcement support activities in Quirimbas NP, Gile NR and Banhine NP 3.1.65 20 Assessment and Protected IDA NS No Post No October Aug Contracted Areas Security Plan (incl. 2015 2016 training needs & approach) 3.2.2 21 Carry out Hippo survey IDA NCB No Post No Jan 2016 June Tender 2016 launched 3.2.3 22 Carry out Cordylus IDA NCB No Post No May 2015 Dec Cancelled mozambicus survey 2015 2.1.4 23 Development of Logos for IDA Shop No Post No Nov June Merged all CAs as well as 2105 2016 with item 26 elaboration of brochures & 70 for four targeted CAs 2.1.5 24 Support preparation and IDA Shop No Post No May 2015 June Concluded organization of launching 2015 of National Conservation Areas Day (25 May) 2.1.6 25 Production and collection IDA NCB No Post No June 2015 June Merged with of audio-visual materials, 2016 item 26 & printing, and distribution 70 (ANAC/Mozbio activities & events) 97 Helicopter hiring (35 IDA DC No Post No Oct 2015 Dec Concluded hours/area operation) for 2016 aerial counts in Maputo Special Reserve (a) (a) Direct Contract to Helicon, a helicopter service provider being jointly used by both Tembe Elephant Park (South Africa) and MSR for joint aerial counts 2.14/2.6 98 Content development IDA NCB No Post No Nov 2015 Dec Merge of (websites, promotional 2017 items 26, 28 material, social media) & & 70 public relations; Production and collection of audio-visual materials, printing, and distribution; Development of Logos for CAs; elaboration of brochures 99 Security plant for and IDA NCB No Post No Jan 2016 Aug execution of ivory stock 2016 piles under CITES Authority 100 Editing & printing of IDA Shop No Post No Nov 2015 Dec Concluded community subprojects 2015 manual (comp. 4)

5 Selection of Consultants

Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants:

Selection Method Prior Review Threshold Applicability

Consulting Services – Firms

A. QCBS/QBS/FMS/LCS ≥500,000 All


≥200,000 <500,000 C CQS/QCBS/QBS/FB /LCS Post Review <200,000

D SS/SS All All values

Consulting Services – Individuals (IC)

E IC - Individual Qualifications All ≥200,000 F IC - Individual Qualifications Post review <200,000 G IC – Individual All Qualifications/SSS All values

QCBS – Quality and Cost Based Selection QBS _ Quality Based Selection CQS – Selection Based on Consultant’s Qualification LCS - Least Cost Selection SSS/SS – Single Source Selection IC/ICS – Individual Consultant

Additional requirements:

a) All Selection Methods are subject to TORs approval b) Contracts above US$200,000 are subject to advertisement in UNDB Online

1. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $200,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2.7. of the Consultants Guidelines.

2. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: MoU – Inter-Institutional Memorandum of Understanding

6 Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule 4.1. Staff funded under the project

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AWP Proc. Description of Assignment Estimated Sourc Selection Review Procys Expected Comple Ref. Plan. Cost ($) e of Method by Bank Submission Proposals tion No. Item Funds (Prior/Post) (Yes/No) Submission Date No. Date Component 1: Strengthening Institutions for Conservation Area Management Sub-Component 1.1: Strengthening ANAC ANAC HQ 1.1.1 26 Senior Human Resources IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 1 Management Officer 2017 1.1.1 27 Senior Accounting & IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 2 Financial Officer 2017 1.1.1 28 Assets Manager IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 4 2017 1.1.1 29 Senior Training Officer IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 5 2017 1.1.1 30 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 6 2017 1.1.1 31 Community Officer IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 7 2017 1.1.1 32 Communications Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Selected 8 2016 1.1.2 33 Legal Adviser IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 1 2017 1.1.15 101 Senior Training Officer IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 July Contracted 2017 Ponta d’ Ouro Marine Partial Reserve 102 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator 1.1.2 34 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2 2016 1.1.30 35 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Selected 2016 Maputo Special Reserve 1.1.30 103 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2016 104 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator Limpopo National Park 105 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator Banhine National Park 1.1.2 36 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 3 2016 1.1.31 37 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2016 106 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator Zinave National Park 1.1.24 38 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec 2016 Contracted 1.1.32 39 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec 2016 Contracted 107 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator Pomene National Reserve 1.1.33 40 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2016 108 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator Bazaruto National Park 1.1.2 41 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 5 2016 7 109 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec 2016 Single Source to existing Reserve Administrator

Chimanimani National Park 110 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator 1.1.26 42 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2016 1.1.34 43 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2016 Marromeu National Reserve 111 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator 1.1.2 44 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 7 2016 1.1.35 45 Law Enforcement Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 2016 Gile National Reserve 112 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator 1.1.2 46 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 8 2016 Quirimbas National Park 113 Park Administrator IDA SSS Prior No Jan 2016 Dec Single Source to existing Reserve 2016 Administrator 1.1.2 47 Community Liaison Officer IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Contracted 9 2016 114 Community Officer II (marine) IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec 2016 Single Source Selection for existing Parks & Reserve Administrators already contracted

Sub-Component 1.2: Strengthening BIOFUND

1.2.1. Improvement of planning, administration, management and monitoring of BIOFUND activities 1.2.4 48 IDA SSS Prior No May 2015 Aug Contracted Program manager 2017 1.2.5 49 IDA IC Post No May 2015 Aug Contracted Financial Assistant 2017 a) Single Source Selection of existing Biofund Staff, where applicable, to take responsibility of managing Component 1.2 of Mozbio Project as agreed during the Appraisal. Sub-Component 1.3: Strengthening CITES Management Unit 1.3.1 50 Licensing Officer for CITES GEF IC Post No Nov 2015 June Contracted Unit 2016 Component 5: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation 5.3.1 51 Environment Safeguard IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted Specialist 2017 52 Social Safeguard Specialist IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 2017 5.2.3 53 Financial Assistant IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Selected 2017 5.2.4 54 Procurement Officer IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 2017 5.2.6 55 Accountant 2 IDA IC Post No May 2015 March Contracted 2017 115 Planning, Monitoring & IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec Evaluation Specialist 2016 116 IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec Tourism Specialist 2016 117 IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec Infrastructures Manager 2016 118 Communication & Public IDA IC Post No Dec 2015 Dec Tender Relations Officer (MITADER) 2016 launched 119 IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec Project Manager Assistant 2016 120 Procurement Assistant IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec (ANAC/UGEA), 1 year contract 2016

Component 1: Strengthening Institutions for Conservation Area Management

Sub-Component 1.1: Strengthening ANAC

8 1.1.54 56 Development of Human IDA IC Post No May 2015 Dec Contract Resources Strategy for ANAC 2015 signed 1.1.55 57 Consultancy on Results Based IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec Contract Management 2015 signed 1.1.69 58 Update of training needs IDA CQS Post No May 2016 Dec assessment for Protected 2016 Areas, incl. the CITES Unit 1.1.84 59 Drafting regulation on the IDA QCBS Post No May 2015 May Contract 1.1.85 1.1.86 Conservation Law, incl. 2016 signed 1.1.87 hunting regulation & best practices 1.1.89 60 Design of communication IDA IC Post No March 2016 Dec 1.1.90 1.1.91 strategy for ANAC 2016 1.1.93 61 Legal Advisory Services for IDA CQS Post No Dec 2015 Oct 2017 121 Short term consultancy in IDA IC Post No Feb 2016 Nov training on wildlife survey 2016 Sub-Component 1.2: Strengthening BIOFUND 1.2.22 62 IDA CQS Post No May 2015 Dec Selected Legal advisory support 2018 1.2.24 63 Update Grant Disbursement IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec Pending Procedures 2015 1.2.25 64 Design Strategic Plan, IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec Selected including M&E Strategy 2015 1.2.28 65 IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec Pending Develop Fundraising strategy 2015 1.2.29 66 Develop communication and IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 July Pending marketing strategy 2016 Sub-Component 1.3: Strengthening CITES Management Unit 122 Revision and updating of CITES IDA CQS Post No Jan 2016 Sept legislation 2016 123 Assessment and update CITES IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Aug recommendations to MZ 2016

Component 2: Promotion of Tourism in Conservation Areas

Sub-Component 2.1: Tourism Development 2.1.1 67 Support ANAC to regularize IDA CQS Post No July 2015 Dec Tender concessions, review and 2016 launched negotiate new contracts for concessions at BANP & QNP in conformity w/legislation 2.1.2 68 Review revenue collection and IDA CQS Post No June 2015 Feb this activity depends on channeling mechanism & 2016 review collection propose ways to improve and system being undertaken by harmonize; review the CA´s Profin Project fees (entrance, concessions, activities, etc.) and identify new sources of revenue and propose a mechanism for their revision 2.1.3 69 Content development IDA QCBS Prior yes July 2015 Feb Split in two (websites, promotional 2016 activities. material, social media) & please see public relations, incl. crisis 99 and 121 communications; support to ANAC and INATUR through strategic orientation & hands- on capacity building activities 2.1.7 70 Facilitator for Public-Private IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec Selected Dialogue (PPD) mechanism in 2018 Ponta D’ Ouro, including identification and funding few catalytic initiatives 2.1.1 71 Support targeted investment IDA IC Post No June 2015 Aug Tender 1 promotion for Zenguelemo at 2016 launched BANP and Membene at MSR

9 124 Crisis communications; support IDA CQS Post No Jan 2016 June to ANAC and INATUR through 2016 strategic orientation & hands-on capacity building activities, including newsletter production 125 Private Sector Investment IDA IC Post No Oct 2015 Dec Tender Advisor (Dobela, Machampane 2015 launched & Chimanimani) 126 Short term consultancy for IDA IC Post No Oct 2015 Dec Tender ANAC Strategic Plan edition 2016 launched Sub-Component 2.2: Wildlife Sustainable Use and Management (Sport Hunting) 2.2.1 72 Consultancy to assist ANAC IDA QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 Dec Tender to improve Wildlife 2016 launched. Sustainable use and management Component 3: Improve CA’s Management

Sub-component 3.1 Conservation Areas Management 3.1.6 73 Design Executive project IDA QCBS Prior Yes Sept 2015 Dec Tender (Architecture and engineering 2016 launched design) for Quirimbas, Pomene, Bazaruto AC´s 127 EIA for Quirimbas, Pomene, IDA IC Post No Nov 2015 Dec Selected Bazaruto AC´s, including 2016 subprojects under comp. 4. 3.1.7 74 Topographic Survey of ANAC IDA IC Post No June 2015 Dec concluded HQ in Malhazine site and 2016 infrastructures implantation in targeted CA”s 128 Topographic Survey and IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec concluded infrastructures implantation in 2016 targeted CA”s 3.1.9 75 Update of architectural designs IDA IC Post No May 2015 Dec concluded for MSR 2016 129 Revise and update the IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec concluded hydraulic component of the 2015 MSR infrastructures 130 Revise and update the electric IDA IC Post No Aug 2015 Dec concluded component of the MSR 2015 infrastructures 131 Carryout assessment of needs IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 April for improvement of access 2016 roads & water crossings in Pomene National Reserve 3.1.10 76 Supervision of two airstrips IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec construction in MSR 2017 3.1.14 77 Supervisor for construction IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec works in MSR, PDOMPR 2017 3.1.158 78 Carryout assessment of IDA CQS Post No Feb 2016 Aug VHF/VH radio system 2016 throughout the CA’s 79 Supervisor for construction of IDA IC Post No Feb 2016 Dec Drift over Mussapa Grand and 2016 Mahate River and rehabilitation of roads in Chimanimani 80 Supervisor for construction of IDA IC Post No March 2016 Dec jetty in Tandanhangue 2016 81 Short term consultancy for IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 June QNP technical advising 2016 132 Facilitator for Massingir Node IDA IC Post No Dec 2015 Dec Development 2016 133 Architectural and Engineering IDA QCS Post No Jan 2016 July Design for Massingir Node 2016 Development Airstrip Component 4: strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Communities Sub-Component 4.1: Support the enabling conditions for sustainable management of natural resources by local communities 4.1.1 82 Service provider (national IDA QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 Dec Selected level) to support and create 2018 awareness and build 10 communities’ capacity to tap into the wildlife based economy for enhancing communities’ livelihoods Sub-Component 4.2: Sub-projects to promote sustainable livelihoods within and around Conservation areas 4.2.1 83 Service provider to support IDA QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 Dec Selected development of subprojects for 2018 enhancing communities’ livelihoods in MSR/POMPR Single source for Carr Foundation 4.2.2 84 Service provider to support IDA QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 Dec Selected development of subprojects for 2018 enhancing communities’ livelihoods in ChNR 4.2.3 85 Service provider to support IDA QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 Dec Selected development of subprojects for 2018 enhancing communities’ livelihoods in QNP 4.2.2 86 Development of mechanisms IDA IC Post No Jan 2016 Dec to efficiently expedite 2018 allocation of 20% revenue from CA’s to communities 4.2.8 87 Socio-economic household IDA QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 April Selected surveys 2016 Sub-Component 4.3: Promoting sustainable forest management within and around selected Conservation Areas (QNP & GNR) 4.3.1 88 Service provider to support GEF QCBS Prior Yes May 2015 Dec Selected development of subprojects for 2018 enhancing communities’ livelihoods in GNR

5. Training

11 1 2 3 4 5 6 AWP Proc. Plan Description of Assignment Estimated Source of Expected duration Ref No. Item No. Cost ($) Funds

Component 1: Strengthening Institutions for Conservation Area Management

Sub-Component 1.1: Strengthen of ANAC

1.1.70 1 Training on specific computer skills for ANAC and CAs staff IDA 5 days 1.1.71 2 Training in English language for ANAC Secretariat and support staff IDA 4 weeks 1.1.72 3 Training on concessions manual IDA 4 days 1.1.74 4 Monitoring & Evaluation training IDA 1 week 1.1.75 5 Team building – ANAC HQ staff and CAs Administrators IDA 3 days 1.1.70 6 Training ANAC Directors and Department Heads and 11 CAs Administrators IDA 2 days in financial management for non-financial managers 1.1.71 7 Training ANAC Directors and Department Heads and 11 CAs Administrators IDA 2 weeks in procurement procedures for non-procurement specialists 1.1.78 8 Training of CA´s Administrators on planning and M&E instruments and IDA 2 weeks Safeguards procedures 1.1.79 9 Law enforcement training courses IDA 8 weeks 1.1.80 10 In situ Basic Field Rangers refreshment course for Banhine, Quirimbas and IDA 4 weeks Gile for 140 Fiscais 1.1.81 11 Pre-selection/selection and BFR training for Magoe National Park IDA 4 weeks 1.1.82 12 Patrol leaders training in BNP, QRP & GNR IDA 2 weeks 1.1.83 13 GPS/SMART training of instructors IDA 2 weeks 20 Training in planning & management tools for ANAC (all HQ staff) IDA 3 days 21 Training of Community Services Providers in Safeguards procedures IDA 1 week 22 Training of Rangers ´trainers IDA 2 weeks Sub-Component 1.2: Strengthen of Biofund 1.2.32. 14 Training in Innovative activities IDA 2 weeks 1.2.36 15 Engagement on fundraising activities, conferences and meetings IDA 8 weeks Sub-Component 1.3: Strengthen CITES Unit

1.3.13 16 Training for CITES focal points at relevant Ministries – inter-institutional IDA 4 days group of CITES 1.3.13 17 Training on ivory registration system IDA 2 weeks 1.3.14 18 Training of staff within CA’s on ivory registration IDA 2 weeks Component 5: Managing and Monitoring the Project

5.4.1 19 Mozbio PIU team Management training IDA 1 week


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