January 27, 2017 Issue 135 the Iris the Body Glyphix Studio

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January 27, 2017 Issue 135 the Iris the Body Glyphix Studio

January 27, 2017 Issue 135 The Iris The Body Glyphix Studio Greetings!

Welcome to 2017 The Year of the Rooster~ it will be a powerful one, with no middle of the road when it comes to moving forward. This year, impressions count. You’ll want to look your best and be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. Stick to practical and well-proven paths to ensure success, rather than risky ventures. In a Rooster Year, all of the Chinese animals can reap great rewards by tapping into Rooster traits. Loyalty, commitment, hard work, family values, and top-notch appearances are just some of the characteristics that will be rewarded this year “as the Rooster crows!”

And in your quest~ don’t forget a Body, Mind & Soul Consultation to clean up spiritual attachments, help with your diet, determine impending issues, herbal nutrition for building or detoxing and clearing negative energy. Inhale 2017 and exhale 2016 out....

______Tips for Sinus Congestion

When on vacation or traveling during the holidays, many of us eat in such a way that we would not normally eat at home. When you’re eating/sleeping schedule gets mangled due to travel plans, sinus problems – pain, congestion, or worse, a sinus infection can quickly crop up and cause discomfort and misery especially if flying is part of the itinerary. Here’s a very easy way to keep those sinus problems at bay with you breathing freely and clear during these times of stress and off the wagon eating. Or anytime you get sinus congestion…..

Prevent Sinus Problems with this Easy Tip Most folks don’t realize that beneficial flora, also known as good bacteria, seek to dominate and protect every tissue of your body, not just your gut! There are plenty of beneficial bacteria in your mouth, throat, nasal passages and ears too. When you get a sinus infection, the balance of good bacteria to bad (pathogenic) bacteria – including candida – becomes imbalanced with the baddies taking over with lots of mucus and possibly even an infection the result. To prevent this from happening, after brushing/flossing your teeth at night before you go to bed, empty a probiotic capsule into your mouth, swish it around in your mouth, and swallow. It is very important to not drink anything – even water – after you do this. Enough probiotic residue will be left in your mouth after swallowing and these good little critters will migrate while you sleep all through your nasal passages, guarding the roost and helping to make sure no pathogens have an opportunity to take over and start plugging up the works. Already Have a Sinus Infection? Use a ceramic neti pot plus your probiotic of choice to help clear up an existing sinus infection fast with no antibiotics Sniffing Silver Biotics into your nostrils is very effective. Silver Biotics orally and/or Olive Leaf or Myrrh~ I sell them at the Studio, they are always in stock. Also Probiotic 11 provides 11 species of live microorganisms that exert many beneficial health effects. Among other things, they support digestion, promote immunity and aid in the elimination of toxins. Don’t forget to eliminate dairy (it causes mucous and weakens the immune! Stop eating grains until you feel better! Try a 24 hour fast from foods (drink plenty of liquids, bone broth, Kombucha Tea, water) Do a colon & liver cleanse Rest

Acu-Yoga~ place your left fist into your right arm pit and hold for 30 seconds. Then place your right fist into your left arm pit and hold for 30 seconds. This opens up your sinuses quickly.

Acupressure~ lying on your back, take your fingertips and press them into painful areas above your eye brows. Hold as long as you can tolerate. Try other points above your eye brows. This opens up your sinuses quickly. ______

Let’s be Proactive this Year and be Healthy!

This has been said to be the worst year ever for influenza. If you have not had Moxibustion (the alternative to the flu shot), you can still schedule an appointment with Rose. It takes less than 5 minutes. This can be done October through March. Moxibustion is a remedy which uses a Chinese homeopathic called Artemis Vulgaris which is used to warm the skin at the meridian associated with the immune. It wards off all influenzas by working the immune. Our statistics / effectiveness for the past 9 years, and is nearly 100%.

1. Tap your thymus daily! (Center of Chest) 15 seconds (wakes up your immune) 2. Nature’s Sunshine Vitamin D3 1 or 2 -2xd 3. Nature’s Sunshine’s Probiotics 11 1 or 2 daily~ first thing in the morning on an empty stomach To get Nature’s Sunshine products 40% off retail please call 1-800-453-1422 and mention Body Glyphix as your sponsor). 4. Should you feel flu-like symptoms coming on- pick up patented (proven to rid the flu) Silver Biotics listed way below retail – $19- from our Studio or the Gel $19 (use it as a natural hand sanitizer) 5. Exercise/Yoga/Walking- key to staying healthy! 6. Get enough sleep 6-8 hours recommended for adults. 7. Wash your hands frequently! 8. Do not touch your face! 9. Lions Breath daily & when you have been around someone who’s sick. 10. Take a good Multi- Vitamin (Nature’s Sunshine Super Supplemental rocks) 11. Clean up your air & drink only filtered water. 12. Eat organic foods, avoid sugar, dairy & processed foods. 13. Use a Neti Pot daily. 14. Do a colon and liver cleanse regularly 2-4 times per month 15. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily and stay hydrated. Most importantly!! See your local Holistic Practitioner (Rose Czyrny) regularly

The Role of Walk-Ins

During a Body, Mind & Soul Consultation, a client asked a question on walk-ins, which was a great question because it explains many aspects of the adult Indigo and Crystal journeys, and why so many of you feel that you have 'lost' years in your lives. Walk-ins are energies that replaced the soul's energy in a physical body until certain experiences are completed. They can be voluntary or involuntary. While you needed the energy of these experiences, they were too painful, dense or were for the benefit of others' healing and, so another energy 'walked in' to preserve the physical presence for that period.

A walk-in is a soul that occupies other bodies for specific experiences or time frames. It may be part of a soul contract, appear by invitation or may come in because of openings in the person's energetic field. While the walk-in is present, the person is unaware of what is happening in their life and may not remember many details of that period. When the walk-in is voluntary, it participates in the experiences that are required for someone's journey but are too dense or painful for their soul's energy. Many walk-ins appear when there is abuse, illness or great trauma.

Involuntary walk-ins happen when a traumatic incident, suicide attempts, addictions, pain or fear, have lowered someone's energy enough to allow a lower vibrating energy to enter. This happens when someone's desire to live is so low that they allow other energies access to their energetic space. This kind of walk-in experience is difficult because it interferes with the soul's path but until the person is able to raise their energies and release the walk-in, they take over the body. Some religions cause this 'possession', and in some ways that is true, the person is possessed by another energy.

Voluntary walk-ins play an important role in our soul's growth because they act as a place holder for the soul's energy until it is safe for it to return. While we may need the energy of an experience for our soul contract, we may not need its details. After walk-ins leave, we know something happened, we just can't remember what. And we do not need to because it is the energetic exchange that the walk-in allowed to happen that was important. Involuntary walk-ins require conscious release, through claiming our power, releasing fear and finding joy in living. These are neither good nor bad situations, they represent aspects of our life path that we can use for our soul's growth. When we are in our power, connected to our divine presence and aware of our dominion over the third dimension, we do not need walk-ins to help us manage the challenges of our soul contracts.


Many folks have come to me for help with their health. Many issues are side effects of ”Leaky Gut,” thyroid disease, hypo & hyperglycemia, heart & circulation issues, anxiety, depression; the list goes on and on. During our Body, Mind and Soul Consultation I may have suggested repairing your gut and supporting the organs affected by it. Read on….

Suggestions to help you repair

If you've changed your eating habits, eliminated common irritants, do you still need to take supplements? In short, the answer is “Yes.” Because of the abuse we have put our bodies through, our depleted food sources, genetically modified grains, we are needing to heal our damaged gut....supplements help give us an additional guarantee that we are getting the nutrients we need; help replace what we are already lacking; and also kick-start our weight loss program and goals!

Rose can help you modify and change your diet, the following supplements can be used to help heal the gut and jump start your best self:

Take 1-2 capsules of Food Enzymes with meals. This will help supplement digestive secretions.


 Supplements the body's production of important enzymes.  Provides a blend of enzymes to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats.  Provides hydrochloric acid and bile salts to help digest proteins and fats.  Helps prevent or relieve occasional indigestion.

How It Works: Enzymes break down food into compounds for absorption into the bloodstream. This combination of enzymes offers more complete digestive support when taken with meals. This formula includes pepsin, which is used for pre-digesting proteins in the stomach. Betaine HCl helps create an acidic environment to facilitate the activity of pepsin. After food reaches the small intestine, the enzyme pancreatin further digests protein, carbohydrates and fats in the small intestine. Pancreatin also helps to support the pancreas. Alpha amylase digests starches. Bile salt makes fats soluble, preparing them for further digestion by lipase. The enzymes bromelain and papain aid in the digestion of proteins. Bromelain also offers other health-related benefits, including relaxing smooth muscles and supporting joint health. Taken between meals, Food Enzymes works systemically to break down proteins associated with joint health, arterial health and immune activation. One capsule will help you digest a minimum of 30 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 20 grams of fats.

If you have problems with bloating from carbohydrates take Proactazyme.


 Helps break down food.  Improves digestion.  Provides plant-sourced enzymes

How It works: Breaking food down into usable form requires digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes bind with food particles to enhance the reactions necessary to turn solid foods into liquid solutions of nutrients to be absorbed in the intestinal tract and used by our cells. Enzymes have the capacity to process food at an amazing rate, making digestion infinitely more efficient. Refined foods and overcooked foods contain minimal, if any, enzymes. Proactazyme is a unique, general-purpose, food-enzyme supplement to assist in the everyday digestion of most food types, including sugars, vegetable fibers, long-chain starches and proteins. It contains plant- sourced enzymes in a digestion-enhancing herbal base.

If you have problems with dairy foods, take Lactase Plus.


 Supports the digestive process.  Aids in the breakdown of dairy foods.

How It Works: Lactase and protease enzymes help people who have difficulty digesting dairy products by aiding the breakdown of milk sugar and milk protein. This is an effective and convenient solution for people with lactose intolerance. For many people, it's not just the lactose (milk sugar) in dairy products that causes bloating, gas and other discomfort; it's also the protein and fat. Lactase Plus combines lactase, lipase and protease for maximum digestion to minimize discomfort. This product contains an exclusive herbal blend that relaxes and soothes the stomach, and supports digestion.

Eat cultured foods and take a probiotic supplement like Probiotic Eleven with every meal, to help replace the good bacteria in your gut.


 Regulates intestinal and digestive functions.  Provides 11 strains of beneficial microflora.  Helps eliminate toxins.  Aids in the elimination of toxins.  Supports the immune system.  Regulates intestinal functions.

There are additional supplements that may be helpful in overcoming food intolerances. If you have a lot of gas, bloating and a sour stomach about one hour after meals, it may be helpful to take some supplements to reduce bacterial populations in the small intestines.Berberine IR is a great option.


 Supports healthy glucose metabolism  Supports gut health to combat endotoxins It is also helpful to make sure that you go for at least 12-14 hours every day without eating. So, if your last meal was at 7:00pm, the next meal should be between 7:00 and 9:00 am. Taking a supplement like Intestinal Soothe & Bowel Builder or Proactazyme on an empty stomach before bedtime is also helpful. If intestinal inflammation is a problem consider Intestinal Soothe and Build.


 Supports the intestinal system.  Helps to ease and soothe a toxic bowel.  Provides nutrients that help cleanse the bowel.  Restores the bowel to a cleaner, healthier state.

The amino acid l-glutamine supports cellular growth, energy and repair and provides digestive and immune system benefit. It also help to repair leaks and tears in the intestinal wall.

While making dietary changes, it may also be helpful to do a colon cleanse. Supplements that tone the intestinal membranes to reduce leaky gut will often reduce food sensitivities. Coupling with colon hydrotherapy will enhance and quicken the benefits of any program. Three great cleanses to try are the Tiao He Cleanse , Para Cleanse, and Clean Start.


 Supports the intestinal system.  Supports intestinal regularity.  May improve energy and well-being.

How It Works: Tiao He Cleanse is a 15-day nutritional program designed to help the body achieve balance and harmony. It combines Chinese nutritional and Western herbal experience. The Tiao He Cleanse is designed to support the cleansing mechanisms of the body by targeting the intestinal, digestive and circulatory systems.

Benefits: Is safe, natural, gentle and effective.

 Cleanses and detoxifies.  Comes in convenient individual serving packets.

How It Works: The herbs in Para-Cleanse work synergistically to create an environment that supports the health and viability of "healthy" microorganisms, also known as intestinal flora. These formulas help make the intestines inhospitable to foreign invaders, help remove debris and lubricate the colon to optimize intestinal function.


 Supports the natural, everyday cleansing of toxic waste from the body.  Works without posing dangerous side effects.  Improves energy and promotes a feeling of well-being.

How It Works: CleanStart is a two-week program that supports natural waste elimination to provide a sense of improved energy and well-being. It contains powerful nutrients that help cleanse and detoxify the body. Psyllium hulls provide fiber and absorb bowel toxins. In fact, the program delivers 10 grams of fiber per day to promote waste removal. Highly absorbent bentonite clay is often used to support colon health. Aloe vera juice soothes bowel tissue. Chlorophyll helps prevent odor and counteracts bowel toxins. Stevia herb contains stevioside, a natural constituent that is 300 times sweeter than sugar (sucrose). Enviro-Detox cleanses the body of many common environmental pollutants. The formulation includes burdock root, dandelion root, fenugreek seed, ginger rhizome, pepsin, red clover flowers, yellow dock root, marshmallow root extract, sarsaparilla root extract, Bacillus coagulans, cascara sagrada bark, echinacea root extract and milk thistle seed extract. LBS II combines strong, purgative herbs and protective, gentle and soothing herbs to enhance elimination, increase production of digestive enzymes and soothe the digestive tract. LBS II contains cascara sagrada bark, buckthorn bark, licorice root, capsicum fruit, ginger rhizome, Oregon grape root and rhizome, Turkey rhubarb root, couch grass rhizome and red clover flowers.

Which of the above suggestions, what eating plan to follow, any herbal medicinal contraindications can be determined by setting up a Body, Mind & Soul Consultation with Rose at 652 7805 (phone consultations can also be done ) or message.

Also~ how to get the best prices for these products~ up to 40% off, free shipping, even more $$ off wholesale pricing –call or message Rose ______

YOGA NIDRA~ Meditation Please join me for a very special yoga meditation class called Yoga Nidra~ under the influence of a full moon! This is not your typical mediation~ YN opens up doorways, releases blockages, it heals every organ, bone, muscle etc, it goes DEEP in to ALL levels of consciousness, releasing scars from traumas & abuses we have suffered from in this lifetime and more. Your YN takes you through the veils of life, afterlife, and previous lifetimes. We experience time travel, astral projection and it's also trippy! YN has an emphasis on health and healing where habitual thinking and thought patterns are reduced or eliminated. It also helps with insomnia and stress reduction and brings an incredible calmness, quietness, clarity and is one of the deepest of all meditations.

Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep and is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In this Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in this meditation, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras (negative energy & thought patterns). It’s also great for insomniacs and those who suffer with PTSD, as well as a powerful tool for manifesting. You will have the best sleep Wednesday night!! The class is being held on Wednesday February 1st at 7:30 PM at our studio (click here for directions). The class lasts about 50 minutes. The fee is $10. Pre-registration is a must- call 652-7805 for more information or reservations. Should you reserve and are unable to attend- please let us know- for there is usually a cancellation/waiting list.

WINTER YOGA SCHEDULE Times Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 9:30 Yoga Yoga Yoga am 10:00 Yoga am 6:10 pm Yoga Gentle Yoga Yoga

Mystical Yoga A nice blend of Hatha, Integrative, Pilates & Foot Reflexology-geared to participants needs (Rose) Gentle Yoga An Integrative, Healing type of Yoga incorporating Feldenkrais Techniques (Rose) Life goes Om Free participation in any Yoga Class to any one with Cancer or a life threatening disease Group Class fees $12 drop in or $80 for 8 classes ~ $145 for 16 classes is geared for 2 times per week

"Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul and miracles in your life in these changing times."

The Body Glyphix Studio Rose Czyrny 12377 Big Tree Road, East Aurora, NY 14052 email: [email protected] website: www.bodyglyphix.com phone: 716.652.7805

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