Keep Them Safe: an Interactive Tool for Parents
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Governments plans for education including making all schools academies. Changes announced to Ofsted, teacher training, improved continual professional development, schools leadership and a parents online information portal.
Get involved in the Speech and Language Therapy review Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council are working together to review how the current needs of the population are being met by the speech and language therapy services. The knowledge and understanding gained through conducting this review, will inform the design of a new service model. The model will satisfy the speech and language needs of all children across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. Marie Gascoigne of Better Communication CIC will lead the review. She has successfully helped to improve speech and language services in many local authorities across the country. To ensure that Marie gets the most relevant, detailed and accurate information, she will need the help of parents of the children with speech and language needs. This means that your input will be essential in ensuring that the review is successful and that the services can be improved to meet your child’s needs. In order to have your say, you are invited to complete an online survey where you can share your experience about the support you have received from the speech and language services. The deadline for the survey is Sunday 17th April. Your input will be very much appreciated and will help shape the future of speech and language therapy across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. You can access the survey by following the link below:
Cambridge shires response to consultation on Early Help Services Early Help refers to preventative and early intervention support provided to families which is aimed at stopping problems deepening, avoiding crises, and ultimately reducing the demand for specialist and statutory intervention services. In March 2016 the formal response to the consultation on the re- commissioning of Early Help Services was published along with an Executive Summary. Link to response
Schools national funding formula – consultation on changes This funding is provided to enable all pupils to receive an education, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). For many years Cambridgeshire has been underfunded, last year we were the lowest funded authority in the country. The Department for Education (DfE) is seeking views on proposals to introduce a national funding formula for schools. The consultation sets out how they plan to provide funding under a new system. consultation-announced High Needs funding or SEND funding – consultation on changes High Needs funding is provided to meet the needs of pupils with high levels of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It can be applied for when the SEND Funding schools have is not enough to meet the needs of pupils with high levels of SEND. Funding is allocated according to the needs of each pupil and is ‘delivered’ by and Education Heath and Care Plan. The government is planning to alter how this funding is delivered and has issued a consultation on its plans. consultation-announced funding-consultation
The Budget – Information from Disability Rights UK
Challenging Behaviour – resources to help The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) and the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) have launched Paving the Way, a new website which gives case studies; examples of good practice and tools, information and resources to help professionals develop better services for children with learning disabilities whose behaviour may be described as challenging.
Local areas to get more notice of SEND inspections From May, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission will inspect local areas' responsibilities to children and young people with SEND. Proposals to inspect local areas’ responsibilities to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have received overwhelming support. As a result of the feedback, Ofsted and the CQC have decided to extend the notice period for inspections from the proposed 2 to 5 days. That will ensure all partners, especially young people, parents and carers, have ample opportunity to offer their views about local education, health and social care services, and fully engage in the inspection. From May, inspectors will visit local areas to see how they are fulfilling their responsibilities.
Losing in the long run: trends in early intervention funding A report by Action for Children and the National Children's Bureau calls on the government to renew its commitment to supporting vital early intervention services for children and families. In the report they warn that cuts to services such as children's centres will only increase pressure on children's social services in the long run.
Self-Harm advice for children, young people, parents and professionals Young Minds, the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust and the Royal College of Psychiatrists have created a series of films and digital resource packs on self-harm. These have been created with the help of children and young people, parents and professionals.
Self-Harm - survey To mark self-harm awareness day on 1 March, a group of youth charities including Young Minds and ChildLine commissioned a survey of 815 parents and 3800 young people aged up to 24 who on beliefs and attitudes around self-harm. Findings include: 67% of parents think young people should go to their parents for information and support on self-harm, but only 16% of young people would talk to their parents about it. 76% would turn to online support groups. Link to survey results OTHER NEWS… Health and social care
Are we getting this right Healthwatch requests feedback Healthwatch’s job is to make sure you have a say when important decisions are made about your local health and social care services. To them do this, they need to know: •How well you think they are doing •Where they could improve •What issues they need to look at in the future This survey is open to anyone. It will take less than one minute and you could win a £20 shopping voucher.
Project to improve mental health crisis care In July, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG was awarded the status to become one of eight, national urgent and emergency care Vanguard sites. As part of a national NHS England programme, Vanguard sites are designed to test, evaluate and accelerate change, by piloting a range of new models of care. Further details can be found using the link below.
Comprehensive database of evidence based practice The NSPCC Knowledge & Information Services have recently joined a consortium of information professionals who have created a database of social policy and practice resources. In a CILIP Update article, the NSPCC's Hazel Wright explains more about how the database has developed.
Guidance to support the transition from children's to adult's services NICE has published guidance to support the transition from children's to adult's services. This guideline covers the period before, during and after a young person moves from children's to adults' services. It aims to help young people and their carers have a better experience of transition by improving the way it’s planned and carried out. It covers both health and social care. Parents Power and Short Breaks Short Breaks enables disabled children and young people to develop the skills to Prepare for Adulthood, to access community activities, to increase independence skills and to do enjoyable activities away from their main carers. This is achieved through an allocation of early help funding that can be used for agreed activities or support. These activities or support will provide the carer with a short break. Link to Cambridgeshire Short Breaks information
Relationship between being in care and the educational outcomes of children Systematic review examining whether there is an association between being in care and educational outcomes. Findings from the studies reviewed show that children in care lag behind their peers on a number of measures of educational attainment, including grades, literacy and numeracy test scores, attendance and exclusions. However, the strength of the relationship between being in care and educational outcomes is reduced when other individual characteristics such as gender, ethnicity and special educational needs are taken into consideration. Studies suggest that the relationship between being in care and low educational outcomes is partly explained by pre-care experiences, such as maltreatment and neglect. What is the relationship between being in care and the educational outcomes of children?: an international systematic review.
Planning for an emergency: What if? Service What if something happens to you, which means you are unable to look after your loved one? The 'What If?' service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. It can provide emergency support to the person you care for, in the event of you being unable to care because of a sudden illness, accident or other unplanned event. This is done by getting in touch with your nominated contacts for you, with back-up support available, if essential. For full details see link below.
Early years and childcare
Schools and colleges
Large rise in pupils suffering anxiety and stress The BBC reports that according to a survey by the Association of School and College Leaders, 55% of school leaders have reported a large rise in pupils suffering anxiety and stress; yet almost 65% said they struggled to get mental health services for their pupils. Link to BBC report Link to Association of School and College Leaders report
Case Law regarding direction ‘off-site’ to improve behaviour Link to summary of case court-battle-over-transfer-to-off-site-educational-provision Link to Official judgement Link to Department for Education guidance
Guide for education settings on safe internet settings The UK Safer Internet Centre has published a guide for education settings about establishing appropriate levels of filtering to prevent children and young people from accessing illegal and harmful content online. Link to article Link to guide
Money, benefits and finance
Government announces changes to PIP The Government has announced, in its response to the consultation on aids and appliances and the daily living component of PIP, that it intends to implement option five as outlined in the original consultation document eg halving the number of points awarded from 2 to 1 for the use of aids and appliances in relation to some or all daily living activities. descriptors week to-disabled-people-to-fund-a-middle-a6927056.html
Decisions not to award PIP indefinitely or for a longer period can be appealed An important new Upper Tribunal judgment has clarified the legal framework for deciding whether a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) award should be an indefinite award or for a fixed term can-be-appealed
General Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Care Act and Carers’ Rights – Fact Sheet from Disability Rights UK Other Disability Rights UK Fact Sheets
Future of Jobcentre Plus inquiry launched The Work and Pensions Committee launches an inquiry into the future of Jobcentre Plus (JCP), the public employment service arm of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/jobcentre-plus-future-15-16/
Youth Groups work Children & Young People Now reports on a major study commissioned by UK Youth on the role of youth groups in working with young people with complex needs. The report found that, despite funding cuts, youth groups provide valuable support to the most vulnerable young people in society. Link to article Link to report
Austerity - innovation and change taking place in children's services The Association of Directors of Children’s Services has published a think piece on the innovation and change taking place in children's services in response to austerity. It describes the 'pillars and foundations' enabling change and gives examples of innovative local practice.
Involving children and young people with SLCN The reformed SEND system places a strong emphasis on the involvement of children and young people and the 2014 SEND 0-25 Code of Practice requires that children and young people must be involved in discussions and decisions about their individual support and local provision. To help with this The Communication Trust has produced two resources: Involving children and young people with SLCN - a toolkit for education setting Exploring the involvement of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs and their families in decision making- a research project
Article on ADHD in SEN Magazine ADHD reimagined - The traditional view of ADHD as a behavioural disorder fails to recognise the true nature of the condition…..
Events, training, groups and consultations
Keep them safe: an interactive tool for parents Understand the issue of child sexual exploitation know the signs and be equipped to act. Pace, in partnership with Virtual College, has launched an interactive online information package for parents on the signs of child sexual exploitation. This free tool is designed to equip parents with the information and knowledge to safeguard children from this abuse.
Horizon monthly SEN Discos for young people and adults. The Funky Phoenix is a night club for people with disabilities. It runs on the first Friday of each month between 7pm - 11pm
Information on education, training, employment Information on education, training, employment and moving from children to adult services for young people in Cambridgeshire with special educational needs and disabilities. _2016
Community Interest Company for young adults with learning difficulties/disabilities Switch Now is a new and exciting community interest company in St Neots, Cambridgeshire. Switch Now aims to provide young adults with learning difficulties / disabilities supported training and work experience to develop employability skills, with the objective to be ‘work ready’. We work collaboratively with the local community and partner organisations to identify the opportunities for employment; aiming for inclusive places of work, with a mutual benefit to both employer and employee.
Self-Harm – support group for parents of young people who self-harm Are you the parent or carer of a child or young person who self-harms? Would you like to meet others who are in your situation too? Please see link below for further information.
Understanding Autism course – Fenland Parent Partnership/SENDIASS in partnership with Cambridge NAS are running an AUTISM SEMINAR ‘Understanding Autism’ for parents/carers of children 11+. For further information and booking details please see Attachment 1 – Understanding Autism flyer….
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – petition for parental involvement Give parents rights to be involved with their disabled adult child’s decisions.
FREE parenting course with FREE crèche The course is called: Triple P Group, a positive parenting programme. The course is for parents who have children aged 2 - 12 years and there is a crèche available! 9 week course on Fridays between 10am -12.30pm at Waterbeach Children’s Centre. A course that will help you to: • Use positive parenting skills to improve behaviour • Support your child’s development • Implement parenting routines & cope with stress For further details please see Attachment 2 – Triple P.. Booking required: [email protected]
Speech and Language drop in sessions Parents can take their pre-school children to a drop-in to talk about the child's speech, language and communication and any concerns they may have. Drop-ins are held at clinics or health centres. Click on the links below for information regarding locations and dates of drop-ins. services/specialist-services/childrens-speech-and-language-therapy/my-child/drop-in-to-see- us Bob Wilson Manager - Parent Partnership Service providing Cambridgeshire’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) 01223 699211