Part of a Winning Team
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Douglas County High School Giannina Gotuzzo [email protected]_
¡BIENVENIDOS A LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL! Today’s world is changing rapidly. The Internet and the ease of travel have made international communication a key to success. Many businesses right here in the Atlanta area are looking for bi-lingual employees. Some companies even pay the bi-lingual employee more than an English- only employee for doing the same type job. The recent graduate who can speak Spanish will be equipped for success. My objective is to establish a learning environment that will enable students to develop bi-lingual/bi-cultural communication skills for tomorrow.
Because of the nature of this class, I feel that it is imperative that each student make a commitment to speak a second language. Having an “A” in Spanish may look impressive on a transcript, but it will not benefit you in the workplace if you do not acquire the skill to speak Spanish. Foreign language classes are very different from most other classes. A second language must be practiced daily whether there is assigned homework or not. The student must find ways to incorporate Spanish into daily life. I strongly encourage each one to have a study partner and practice communicating with each other in Spanish. Be an active participant in classroom communicative activities. Answer questions. Do your part on all projects. Be a team player and win games. Very few students have ever told me they actually enjoy studying grammar. However, it is a necessary and essential tool. It may even help students to understand English grammar better. A functional knowledge of grammar is vital to communicate effectively in Spanish.
The study of culture is a very important part of our study. Culture is the fun part of class, and yet it must be taken seriously. The student may learn vocabulary, grammar rules and verb conjugations and be able to speak Spanish: but to communicate effectively across two cultures, the student must also learn the way people relate to each other in the target culture. I urge students to approach this study with an open mind to see beyond themselves and have greater respect, understanding and a clearer vision of the world around us.
Expected Behavior: Each student is expected to be in the classroom in his/her assigned seat when the bell rings. There will be work either on the board or on the overhead to be done immediately at the beginning of each class. Only the first minutes of class will be devoted to this and the student will not be able to make it up. Tardiness and “socializing” rather than getting straight to work will adversely affect the student’s grade. Each student is expected to: 1. BE PREPARED and come to class with completed homework, book, notes and notebook, pen, paper and any needed supplies. 2. DEMONSTRATE COURTESY and respect to teacher(s), students and guests. This includes (among other things) raising his/her hand and waiting to be called on if there is a question, and remaining seated in his/her assigned seat unless given my permission to do otherwise. 3. RESPECT the PROPERTY of the school, the teacher and other students. 4. BE HONEST and RESPONSIBLE for his/her own work and only his/her own work. 5. NOT bring anything to EAT or DRINK into the classroom. It is difficult for the mouth to learn to imitate the Spanish accent if it is occupied with something else. 6. FOLLOW THE SCHOOL RULES. Students that put their best effort into learning to speak Spanish always impress me. I am always thankful for actions that demonstrate a desire to be a part of a winning team. I hope I encourage each individual student along the way. The students reward themselves when they help to provide a pleasant atmosphere that promotes cooperative and successful learning. Consequences for inappropriate behavior: Minor offenses will result in losing a “peso”. According to the severity of the offense, the student may or may not be warned before being disciplined. The discipline policies of this school and the Douglas County School board will be followed. I take the well being of each of my students seriously. Therefore, any interference with the teaching and learning of another person cannot be tolerated. Depending on the severity of the offense, the following steps may be taken: 1. Give either a nonverbal warning, or, if necessary, a verbal warning. 2. Have a private conference and/or change the student’s assigned seat, and call parents. 3. Assign after school detention to be served. If detention is not served on the assigned date, there will be an automatic discipline referral to the office. 4. Give a written referral to the office. 5. Cheating will not be tolerated. All persons involved will receive a zero for the assignment or exam and their parents will be contacted.
Absence Policy: All assignments are due when class begins on the given due-date. If you are absent from class, you are responsible to contact someone in the class to find out the assignment. If you are absent on the day of an exam, school policy regarding absences is in effect. If you return to school on the day of a previously announced exam, you will be expected to take the exam along with the rest of the class. Extra help is available on Tuesdays from 3:50 – 4:20. Make-up exams are on Wednesdays from 3:50 – 4:50 Please notify me when you are coming since from time to time I have to attend scheduled meetings. Other arrangements can be made.
Grading system: 1. Major Assignments 45% of semester grade Exams, projects, research paper, reports, cumulative, interviews, skits and major compositions 2. Assignments Quizzes, homework, impromptu skits and class work = 20% Participation = 20% 3. Cumulative Final Semester Exam 15% of semester grade
Parents, I urge you to discuss this plan with your son or daughter and encourage them during the course of this class. Each student should study at least 15 – 30 minutes outside of class every day. I hope you will help your child to attain the worthy goal of being able to communicate in another language. Note that as a part of instruction, some foreign language movies will be shown in class. Most movies will be rated G, PG or PG-13. All movies, including foreign films that are appropriate for the classroom, will be carefully monitored by the teacher. Please sign your name in both places indicated below affirming that you have read this plan with your child, agree with it and that you will encourage your child to practice daily.
______Parent signature Student signature Date (Student: Keep both pages of this form in the very front of your notebook. Return the last paragraph signed by both you and your parents to Sra. Gotuzzo. Promptness counts. This is your first responsibility.) Cut here ------
This affirms that I (parent) have read this plan with my child, will encourage daily practice and give my permission for him or her to see classroom movies. AND I (student) understand what is required of me and I agree to follow these guidelines.
______Parent Name Student Name ______Parent Signature Student Signature Date