Journeying with Your Child

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Journeying with Your Child

Journeying with your child AT HOME In preparing for First Eucharist

To do at home after last meeting and before next session. All lessons are to be done together – parent and child and completed lessons are to be returned at the next class. Please make every effort to attend Mass regularly with your child

After SESSION 5 In preparation for their first Holy Communion, your child is learning the significance of the Mass as a celebration of God’s gift and as a reenactment of the Last Supper. Here are some suggestions that might help prepare your child for his or her part in Mass.  If possible, visit the church sometime during the week. Point out those things your child might miss during Mass – the tabernacle, the vigil candle, the Stations, and so forth.  Make sure you child grabs a MagnifiKid booklet on the way into Mass and help them follow along at Mass. Make sure you take it home with you and complete the activities that help children remember the message for the week.  Arrive at Mass early! Sit as close to the altar as possible. Nothing turns a child off faster than to see nothing but the backs of people’s heads.  Set an example of the spiritual attitude necessary for Mass by your own prayerful attention. Join in joyfully in the prayer responses and singing. Encourage your child to do the same.  On the way home from Mass, discuss the gospel message. Think of ways you can fit this into your lives.

Children: Together in Jesus, Lesson 2 (Eucharist) Go to “Watch” drop-down “Youth” Brother Francis – The Mass Your child watched the first part in class. We ask that you view the entire video with your child at home. Parents: Use an activity to reinforce community 1. Together in Jesus, Lesson 2 (Eucharist) with child 2. View on go to “Study” Drop-down to “Faith Formation” “Augustine Institute Originals” Symbolon – Living the Faith: Session 3, A Walk through the Mass, parts 1 & 2 NOTE: Our parish code to sign up for FORMED is: DXRBZ3 3. Sacred Times pg. 22 & 23, complete with child following First Penance Continue to take your child to Mass each Sunday

After SESSION 6 You received a Bible during Session Six along with some bookmarks. Place your Bible in a special place where everyone can access it and it is visible to everyone. Look at all of the bookmarkers with your child and explain that by placing each one in the Bible in its proper place, you are following the main stories that tell of God’s presence with human beings throughout our history. As parents, you can read a story in the Bible and then tell it to your children. Talk with your child about the difference between the Old and New Testaments. Let them know that the Old Testament tells us that God has 1 been reaching out to human beings since the time of Adam and Eve, through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, and all the prophets. The New Testament is called the Good News because it tells us of God’s unconditional love and mercy for human beings. God decided to come to us, as one of us (Jesus), to let us know just how much he loves us and wants us to know him. Jesus and his message of love and forgiveness are the heart of our faith. The more your child learns about Jesus and his way of love, the more meaningful the celebration of Eucharist will be.

Family Activity: Color and place the Bible bookmarks where they belong in your Bible Lent Materials: Begin using on Ash Wednesday, February 14th

Children: Go to “Watch” Drop-down to “Youth” The Jesus Stories Parents: 1. Sacred Times: Parents complete pages 30-31 2. Go to “Study” Drop-down “Faith Formation” “Augustine Institute Originals” Symbolon – Knowing the Faith: Session 3 - The Bible, Parts 1 & 2

3. Read each of the following seven Bible passages to your child. Matthew 8:5-13; Mt 9:1-8; Mt 9: 18-25; Mt 9: 27-31 Mark 8:31-37; Mk 10: 46-52 Luke 9: 10-17 The passages are short to give you time to discuss Jesus’ action and how your child can adapt that action to his or her life. The more your child learns about Jesus and his way of love, the more meaningful the celebration of Eucharist will be.

After SESSION 7 To emphasize this month’s lesson with your child, take time to read a biblical account of the Last Supper (Mt 26:26-30 or Mk 14:22-26). Discuss how Jesus shares himself with us in this special way so that he can live and work through us, just as God the Father lived and worked through Jesus. Ask your child to list several ways that he or she can share himself or herself with others. (making friends, sharing toys, helping at home). Now ask your child to add to the list some ways that he or she can share himself or herself with God (praying, going to Mass, keeping the commandments). Ask your child to keep the list where he or she can look at it every day, to help him or her grow in love for God and for neighbor. Family Activity: Decide what their family will do to help the parish Loaves & Fishes project (March 17th) Mark your home calendar with a chalice on the date you will receive your First Communion. Continue to use Lenten activities Children: Go to “Watch” drop-down “Youth” Brother Francis- He is Risen!

Parents: 1. Sacred Times: read pg. 32-33. Write the letter on pg. 34. Do page 35 with your child. 2. Go to “Study”

2 Drop-down “Faith Formation” “Augustine Institute Originals” Symbolon – Knowing the Faith: Session 6 – The Paschal Mystery, Parts 1 & 2 Symbolon – Living the Faith: Session 2 Eucharist, Parts 1 & 2 As a family, attend Holy Thursday Mass Read the Passion story and Easter story in one of the Gospels: Matthew 26 - 28 Mark 14 - 16 Luke 22 - 24 John 18 – 20 Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 25th Masses: 5PM Saturday, 8AM, 9:45 & 11:30 Sunday Holy Thursday: March 29 th Mass at 7:30PM Good Friday March 30 th Passion of Our Lord 1:00 – 2:00PM; CRASH Stations of the Cross, 7:30PM EASTER SUNDAY: April 1 st Masses: Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) 8PM (2 hours) NOTE: NO 5PM Mass Easter Sunday Masses: 8AM, 9:45 & 11:30

***REMINDER: First Communion Retreat on April 14th: 9 - noon *** Bring solid felt piece (1’ x 3’) See parent packet for details

After SESSION 8 Most children are accustomed to thinking of a gift as something material. Before your child can fully appreciate Holy Communion as Jesus’ “gift of himself,” you need to help him or her understand how a person can be a gift. The things you do every day, things your child may take for granted, are truly gifts of self. You can identify these gifts by saying, “Today my gift to you is …” and tell your child what you have done “just because I love you.” Other events can also be examined and identified as gifts of self. If a neighbor does something special for you or any member of the family, explain how that neighbor has given a gift of self. Talk about the missionaries whose whole lives are gifts of self to God. Tell your child of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, whose gift of self was given daily to the suffering people of India. Read John 14:18-21, in which Jesus promises to live on in each of us. Explain that Jesus keeps that promise by giving the gift of himself through Holy Communion.

Your child’s big day is almost here. First Communion is an exciting and beautiful event. But the excitement and newness can fade quickly unless every encounter with Jesus in Communion is made special. Your own attitude toward the Eucharist is very important to your child’s view. Each of you is a saint-in-the-making. A close relationship with Jesus is important to your spiritual progress. Consider the times you receive Jesus in the Eucharist now. Are there opportunities, other than the weekend Mass, for your family to attend Mass? If it is not possible to attend on another regularly scheduled day each week, perhaps you could plan to attend on each family member’s birthday or feast day or on some other day that is special to your family. Discuss this possibility as a family.

Children: Go to “Watch” Drop-down “Youth” The Eucharist for Little Children

Parents: 1. Sacred Times pg. 38-42 2. Go to “Study” 3 Drop-down “Faith Formation” “Augustine Institute Originals” Symbolon – Living the Faith: Session 9 – Catholic Social Teaching

Review with your child how to receive Communion in both forms Use Lesson 8 in Together With Jesus to make the Mass booklet and review the Mass with your child. Look through the Mass book received at the retreat with your child.

First Communion Day: 1. Plan to arrive 15 minutes before Mass begins & check in with Nancy 2. Seats will be reserved for immediate family only (there is plenty of room in the church for additional guests) 3. We ask that guests take photos from their seat. 4. You child will be part of a. The Opening Procession b. Bringing up the Gifts 5. Your child will process out with the priest in the closing procession. Refreshments will be in the Gathering Area. 6. Don’t forget to look for your banner hanging in the church and your picture on the quilt hanging in the Gathering Area!

May First Communion at weekend Masses: April 28/29 and May 5/6 5pm on Saturday; 9:45 and 11:30 on Sunday


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