Qué Hay En Su Plato?- Reading

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Qué Hay En Su Plato?- Reading

¿Qué hay en su plato?- reading

A. Pre –reading: Write Spanish food words you know where they belong on the plate. B. Recognizing the format of the document A quick glance at the format of a text can help you anticipate content and pick appropriate reading strategies. What kind of document is this text? Circle your answer.

This document is a [Sign/ event poster/ card/ article or publication/ poem/ short story/ script/ novel/ ______]

C. Using titles and subtitles Look at titles and subtitles before you begin to read. They will usually help you know what a reading selection will be about. Having an idea of what a reading will be about will help you understand better as you read. a. Título/title: ______English______b. Subtítulos/ subtitles b.i. ______English______b.ii. ______English______b.iii. ______English______b.iv. ______English______b.v. ______English______D. Using pictures and photographs Before you begin to read, scan the text. Look at pictures, photographs, or any other visuals that accompany a reading. By doing this, you can often tell what the reading selection is about before you actually read it. a. Make a prediction. What do you think you will read about in this article? ______b. What do you already know about this topic? ______E. Identifying known words – In the “¿Qué hay en su plato?” document, the following words from your Chapter 5 vocabulary list are used, often repeatedly. Find the words in the text and highlight each time it is used.

Antes de arroz bocadillos carnes cereal comer

Comidas congelados desayuno dulce ensaladas frijoles

frutas guisantes helado huevos leche mariscos

pan papas pescado postres queso sopas

tomates vegetales yogur

F. Cognates Words that look alike and have similar meanings in Spanish and English (famoso, famous) are called “cognates.” Look for cognates whenever you read in Spanish. Recognizing cognates can help you figure out the meaning of many words in Spanish and will thus help you understand what you read. Make a list of NEW cognates from the text. Write the Spanish word and what you think the English word is. a. Spanish ______English ______b. Spanish ______English ______

c. Spanish ______English ______

d. Spanish ______English ______

e. Spanish ______English ______

f. Spanish ______English ______

g. Spanish ______English ______

h. Spanish ______English ______

i. Spanish ______English ______

j. Spanish ______English ______

G. Guessing meaning from context It’s easy to understand words you have already studied. There are also ways to understand words you are not familiar with. One way is to use the context—the way these words are used in the sentence or reading—to help you guess the meaning of those words you do not know. Using context clues and cues, write definitions for the following words: a. La grasa ______

b. Taza ______

c. Onzas______

d. Jugo ______

e. Enlatado______

f. Elija ______

g. La mitad ______

h. “whole grains” ______

i. “reduced sodium” ______

j. “Without added salt” ______

H. Adaptability When reading in a foreign language, it’s important to remember that language and meaning can be unclear sometimes. You may not know all the words or some words may have multiple definitions. Let’s look at a few examples.

a. Spanish words with multiple English definitions a.i. Como- This word can mean “I eat”, but in the following sentence from the text that definition wouldn’t work

“ Use frutas como bocadillos, en ensaladas, y postres.”- Use fruits I eat sándwiches, in salads, and desserts.

a.i.1. As/like is another definition for como, which makes more in this context. Use fruits as sándwiches, in salads, and desserts.

a.i.2. How- With an accent, Cómo becomes the question word “How?”

“¿Cómo se calcula…?” – How do you calculate…

a.ii. Bajo- The first definition of this word that you learned was “short”.

a.ii.1. Low is another definition for this adjective.

a.ii.1.a. Find and write an example sentence from the text that uses bajo(a,os,as) as “low” ______English: ______

a.iii. Lista- This word can be both a noun and an adjective. It changes meaning depending on how it is used.

a.iii.1. La lista – as a noun, it means “the list”.

a.iii.1.a. Find and write an example sentence from the text that uses La lista as “the list”. ______English: ______

a.iii.2. Lista (o,as,os)- as an adjective, it can mean “ready”

a.iii.2.a. Find and write an example sentence from the text that uses listo as “ready”. ______English: ______b. English words with multiple Spanish synonyms

b.i. Banana – you learned “plátano” for this fruit. What word does the text use? ______b.ii. Peanut – one word for this protein is “cacahuate” What synonym does the text give? ______

c. Unknown words- There may be many words you do not know or cannot understand from context. Instead of trying to look them all up or translate the whole document (which will be very time- consuming and frustrating), pick some words that seem important or key to understanding. For example, words which are frequently repeated or might be the verb of a sentence. Write five key words you looked up and their definitions.

c.i. Spanish ______English ______

c.ii. Spanish ______English ______

c.iii. Spanish ______English ______

c.iv. Spanish ______English ______

c.v. Spanish ______English ______

I. Summarize the main points of the article. ______

J. What is the author’s purpose? ______

K. How does this article relate to your own life? ______

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