San Diego Episcopal Cursillo

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San Diego Episcopal Cursillo

San Diego Episcopal Cursillo Music Guidelines

From the S.D Episcopal Cursillo Secretariat 1. The Purpose of Music and Song in the Cursillo Movement

The purpose of Music and Song in the Cursillo Movement is to provide an avenue for the participants to utilize their God given talents for music and song, and raise a joyful noise, in worship, to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Music and Song at Cursillo Events supports our Liturgy, our praise to God, and binds us together in building a spiritual and Christ centered community.

2. The Role of the Music Leader in Cursillo

The role of the Music Leader is that of a Worship Leader. A Worship Leader led by the Holy Spirit, combines biblical truth with music and song, and makes sure that God’s word is sung, proclaimed, explained, and treasured so that God is lifted up in everyone’s hearts, minds, and souls. On the practical side, the Music Leader:

2.1 Should be proficient enough on his/her instrument to not be distracted from the main focus of leading others in song. 2.2 Could be a strong singer, and with strong musical back-up, lead the group.

2.3 Should be able to organize music in advance of the need, and remain flexible as unexpected needs arise. 2.4 Should be able to express, and inspire others, with the joy of the Lord in song.

3. Complexity of the Music and Song

To provide for the most comfortable and engaging music and song for the widest participation, the music should be simple and easy to play, and to sing: 3.1 With simple chording structures. Not a lot of quick, complicated, and unnecessary chord changes. 3.2 With familiar keys and chords. 3.3 In a singable key – not too high or too low. 3.4 By choosing songs from the Cursillo Songbook for group singing. 3.5 By singing each song several times during the weekend so they are familiar to the New Cursillistas by Sunday afternoon.

The reasons to keep the Music and Songs simple and easy are:

3.6 More musicians and singers are able to participate if the skill level required is not too difficult. 3.7 It accommodates a larger number of musicians and instruments. 3.8 It requires less rehearsal to produce a good sound. 3.9 It encourages beginners to join in, try out, and improve their musical skills. 4. Guidelines for Musicians at Ultreyas All musicians are welcome at Ultreyas. The chosen Music Leader needs to be prepared and flexible for other musicians showing up at the last moment. Specifically welcome them and invite them to come forward with the other musicians. Clearly, everyone needs to have the same music and chords for each song. Even if insufficient microphones are available, all musicians can line up and participate, whether with instruments, voices, or both. Other musicians naturally will follow the lead of the Music Leader. The songs chosen will be from the Cursillo songbook. Ideally, any musicians who come to the Ultreya need to use the latest Cursillo musicians' song book with the music and/or chords appropriate for each song. The musicians song book is not the one given to candidates on the weekend. The Music Leader follows the direction of the master of ceremonies or Ultreya coordinator, including the number and timing of the songs. A song can be requested by each speaker. The Music Leader needs to check with each speaker before his part of the agenda.

5. Guidelines for Musicians at the Day of Deeper Understanding (DODU) Preferably, the Head Musician from the previous Cursillo weekend should be the Music Leader at the DODU. The Music Leader will choose the other musicians to participate at the DODU. Normally, all those musicians on the previous weekend will be invited to the DODU. Other musicians are also welcome. The songs selected will be those from the weekend. The reasons for these musicians, is that the DODU is the first group reunion after the weekend, and continuity with the previous weekend is needed. The songs need to be familiar to the new Cursillistas. And the weekend musicians have a sense of the mood of the new Cursillistas as well. Also songs for each talk can be selected by the speaker if desired. It is not necessary to do so. The Music Leader will check with each speaker before his part of the agenda.

6. Guidelines for Musicians for the Cursillo Weekend The Music Leader (Head Musician) for the Cursillo Weekend is selected by the Weekend Rector/Rectora, and is a member of the Weekend Core Team. The Head Musician will help the Rector/Rectora select the Assistant Rollo Room Musicians and the Kitchen Musician. The Head Musician will attend the Team Training Days and organize the music and song selections, to practice the music and songs prior to the weekend. The Music and Songs to be prepared for the Rollo Room on the weekend include: 6.1 Thursday- Commissioning Service-Coordinated with Priest in charge 6.2 Friday – Sunday – Gathering Songs in Rollo Room prior to Kitchen Team entry into Rollo Room with Rollista. 6.3 A song before each Rollo, chosen by the Rollista. 6.4 Friday – Sunday – Music at meditations if requested. 6.5 Instructed Eucharist – Service music, and music for sequence hymn, offertory, etc. as requested by Priests. 6.6 Friday Evening – Background music during foot-washing. This is a place to use other music that fits the occasion. 6.7 Saturday Evening –Music for Agape Meal Eucharist. Help with skits, talent, or entertainment as needed for any particular weekend. 6.8 Sunday – Mananitas: Joyful “morning” songs to sing while team distributes flowers. 6.9 Sunday – Open Clausura: Gathering music, service music, sequence hymn, offertory, communion songs, in coordination with the Priest in charge. 6.10 Preparation for the Kitchen Musician 6.10.1 Thursday evening- Music if requested by the Rector/Rectora , Good Night Sponsors. 6.10.2 Daily - Morning Eucharist songs and service music. 6.10.3 Friday – Sunday: Accompany Kitchen Team as they bring each Rollista into the Rollo Room. 6.10.4 Friday – Sunday: Play and Sing in Dining Hall as Rollo Room enters. 6.10.5 Participate in Mananitas , Open Clausura, and other times when teams are together for special events. 7. Conclusion

The Music and Songs on the Cursillo Weekend are a very important part of the flow, the spirit , and the message of the Weekend. Music and Song are integral parts of the spiritual ambiance of the Weekend, and should receive close attention and care in the selection, preparation, practice, playing and singing. Raising a joyful noise to the Lord through our Music and Songs, and doing it the best we can, is one way to show our love for our Lord, our candidates, and for each other.

8. Rollo Song List These songs have been chosen as appropriate for each rollo. This list is by no means exhaustive, nor does it mean that a song listed under one Rollo can't be used for another. This list is meant to be a guide:

IDEAL: Jesus My Lord, This is the Day GRACE: Hymn to Joy, Jesus My Lord, Blessed Assurance, Amazing Grace, Grace Alone LAITY: This Little Light, Lord, Be Glorified, Be My Body, Fear Not, For I Have. . FAITH: Abba! Father, Lord, Be Glorified, Seek Ye First PIETY: How Great Thou Art, Come to the Water, Our God Reigns, Glorify Thy Name, Just a Closer Walk, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus STUDY: Open Our Eyes, Come and See, I Am the Resurrection, Thy Word is a Lamp unto My Feet SACRAMENTS: God and Man at Table, Isaiah 49, Come to the Water, Take Our Bread ACTION: Prayer of St. Francis, Be My Body, Pass It On, I Am the Light, Pass My Love Around, Here I Am, Lord OBSTACLES: Just As I Am, Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance, Freely, Freely, Standing in the Need of Prayer LEADERS: The Servant Song, Prayer of St. Francis, Special People, Be My Body, Here I Am, Lord ENVIRONMENTS: Jesus My Lord, Alleluia, He is Coming, Wind, Wind, Kyrie Eleison, Fear Not, For I Have . . LIFE IN GRACE: Just As I Am, Just a Closer Walk, Alleluia, He Is Coming, Peace is Flowing . . ., Peace Like a River, Our God Reigns CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN ACTION: Wind, Wind, Prayer of St. Francis, Pass My Love Around, Pass It On, They Will Know, Bind Us Together GROUP REUNION: Special People, Bind Us Together, Peace is flowing ULTREYA: Just a Closer Walk, I Have Decided, Be My Body, Here I Am, Lord

9. Cursillo #129 Weekend Schedule with Typical Music Selections

The following weekend schedule with overlayed music selections is intended as a guide only, and was used on Cursillo Weekend #129. This Rollo Room Musicians Schedule puts the details listed in Paragraph # 6 above in context with the Master Cursillo Weekend Schedule, and the timing of events on that weekend.

CURSILLO 129 *=Rollo Song WEEKEND SCHEDULE Colored space=be

prepared for music THURS ROLLO ROOM preselected SONGS space to change song on MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend

1:00 PM Team Arrival and Set-up TALK TO PRIESTS ABOUT MUSIC FOR 3:00 PM Prepare and set-up for Dinner TEAM EUCHARIST

4:00 PM Team Eucharist - Opening: Celebrant : Fr. Paul Team commissioning, Song of Praise: blessing of crosses, name tags, candles, songbooks, Gradual: aprons Offertory:



5:00 PM DINNER -Thank You to the Rollo Room Team for a great meal! 6:00 PM Dinner Clean-up

Songbooks to Rollo Room

7:00 PM Welcome Candidates in Traffic Circle Register candidate, tag luggage, take candidate & luggage to bunk room, escort candidate to dining hall, 8:00 PM Sponsors Leave - “Good Good Night Sponsors Night Sponsors” 8:15 PM Rectora’s Welcome to Candidates / Fr. George’s Welcome to Cursillo Introduce Clergy & Core Team, Team and Candidates introduce themselves 9:15 PM Candidates and RR Team to Chapel in Silence 1st Meditation - "Who Am I?" : Fr Carlos 2d Meditation - "The Prodigal Son" : Fr Paul 10:15 PM Entire Team Pray for Friday Rollistas and Team Announcements 10:30 PM All Teams to bed in Silence

ROLLO ROOM MUSICIAN'Spreselected SCHEDULE SONGS space to change song on weekend FRI

Day of Faith, Day of the Father 6:00 AM Rest of team up

6:10 AM Silence continues

6:50 AM *BELL-Cands.&RR Team to chapel in Silence 7:00 AM Morning Devotion : Jesus Messiah

Summary of Preparation Phase : 3rd Meditation - "The three Glances of Christ":Rev Babs Closing Prayer :

Morning Instructions : Rectora “Silence” ends 7:30 AM BREAKFAST-Song : Good Morning Lord 8:15 AM Break ( 15 min. )

8:30 AM *BELL - Candidates & RR Team to Rollo Room 8:35 AM Preliminary Remarks : Rectora (optional ) and/or Music 8:40 AM 1st Rollo - "Ideal": Darryl Everlasting God Peralta Song:

Pray: * Seek Ye First Chapel : 9:10 AM Silent Reflection and Table Discussion TALK TO PRIESTS ABOUT MUSIC FOR 9:35 AM Break ( 10 min. ) INSTRUCTED EUCHARIST 9:45 AM 2nd Rollo - "Grace" :Fr Amazing Grace(Jennifer Wayne Knapp) Song: Your Grace is Enough Pray : *Open the Eyes of My Chapel : Heart 10:15 AM Silent Reflection and Table Discussion 10:45 AM Break ( 15 min. )

11:00 AM Instructed Eucharist - Opening: Here I am to Instructor: Fr Paul Worship Instructed Eucharist - Song of Praise: Celebrant: Rev Babs 11:30 AM Homily: Gradual:

12:15 PM Break ( 10 min. ) Offertory:

12:25 PM * BELL - Candidates and Communion: Sanctuary RR Team to Dining Hall 12:30 PM LUNCH - Song : Joy, Joy, Closing: Pass My Love Joy, Joy Around 1:15 PM Break ( 15 min. )

1:30 PM *BELL - Candidates & RR Team to Rollo Room ROLLO ROOM space to change song on FRI MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend preselected SONGS Day of Faith, Day of the Father 1:40 PM 3d Rollo - "Laity" : Lynn Trading My Sorrows Nicholson Song : Here I am Lord

Pray : *Prayer of St. Francis Chapel : 2:00 PM Silence Reflection & Table Discussion TALK TO PRIESTS ABOUT MUSIC FOR 2:15 PM * Break ( 15 min. ) FOOT WASHING/RECONCILI ATION 2:20 PM *BELL - Candidates & RR Team to Rollo Room 2:30 PM 4th Rollo - "Faith": Rev I Walk By Faith Ed Song : God of Wonders

2:45 PM Pray : *I Want to Walk as a Chapel : Child of the Light 3:00 PM Palanca Presented by Kitchen Team - Letters are read & posters are hung by Kitchen Team 3:25 PM Candidates and team are left alone w/Palanca - *BELLBreak - (approx. Candidates 70 min.)& RR Team to Rollo Room

4:35 PM

4:45 PM 5th Rollo - "Piety": Julie Lord Reign in Me Wells Song : Kyrie Eleison

Pray : *Cry of My Heart Chapel : 5:05 PM Silence Reflection & Table Discussion 5:40 PM *BELL - Candidates & RR Team to Dining Hall 5:45 PM DINNER - Song : Enter Rejoice and Come In 6:20 PM Break ( 10 min. )

6:30 PM Table Summaries

ROLLO ROOM space to change song on FRI MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend preselected SONGS Day of Faith, Day of the Father 7:25 PM Candidates & RR Tm to dining hall * Candidates leave bibles in Rollo Room 7:30 PM Sin & Reconciliation - Abba, Father Presented by : Foot Washing - All Who Are Thirsty Introduced by : As the Deer

For Those Tears I Died

Heart of Worship

Refiner's Fire

Only A Shadow


We Fall Down

Thy Word

9:30 PM Candidates Anointed and sent to bed 9:40 PM Pray-in Saturday Rollistas, team meeting 9:40 PM to Rollo Room in SILENCE to sign bibles 10:30 PM All Teams to bed

ROLLO ROOM space to change song on SAT MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend preselected SONGS Day of Love, Day of the Son 6:00 AM Rest of teams up

6:15 AM * BELL - Candidates up

6:50 AM * BELL - Candidates and RR Team to Chapel 7:00 AM Morning Devotion : Servant Song

Summary of Proclamation Phase : 4th Med. - "The Figure of Christ": Fr Wayne Closing Prayer:

Morning Instructions : Rectora 7:30 AM BREAKFAST - Song: GO OVER ABBA/SERVANT SONG 8:15 AM Break ( 10 min. ) WITH ED & SUSAN 8:30 AM *BELL - Candidates&RR Team to Rollo Room 8:40 AM 6th Rollo - "Study": Your Name Sharon VandenBosch Song: Mighty to Save

Pray : * God Has Spoken Chapel : 9:10 AM Silent Refection & Table Discussion TALK TO PRIESTS ABOUT MUSIC FOR 9:30 AM Break ( 10 min. ) AGAPE DINNER/EUCHARIST 9:40 AM 7th Rollo -"Sacraments" Sing For Joy Rollo: Fr Paul Song :

Pray : * God and Man at Table Chapel : are Sat Down 10:25 AM Break ( 15 min. )

10:40 AM 7th Rollo “SACRAMENTS- PART 2” : 11:25 AM Holy Unction - Healing Service (optional) 12:15 PM Break ( 10 min. )

12:25 PM *BELL - Candidates & RR Team to Dining Hall 12:30 LUNCH - Song : “De Colores” TALK TO ED ABOUT PM MUSIC FOR MANANITAS 1:15 PM Break ( 10 min. )

1:25 PM * BELL - Candidates and RR Team to Rollo Room 1:35 PM 8th Rollo - "Action" Bryan Everlasting God Chan Song:

2:00 PM Pray : *Abba Father/Servant Chapel : Song mash up into I Love You Lord 2:05 PM Silent Refection & Table Discussion TALK TO PRIESTS ABOUT MUSIC FOR 2:35 PM Break ( 10 min. ) OPEN CLOSURA

ROLLO ROOM space to change song on SAT MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend preselected SONGS Day of Love, Day of the Son 2:45 PM 9th Rollo:"Obstacles to Grace": Fr Carlos Song :

Pray : *Pass My Lord Around Chapel : 3:15 PM Share and Prayer

3:50 PM Break ( 10 min. )

4:00 PM 10th Rollo - "Leaders": Craig Noble Song :

Pray : *Those Who See Light Chapel : 4:30 PM Silent Reflection & Table Discussion 5:00 PM Candidates Prepare for Table Summaries 5:55 PM *BELL-Candidates & RR Team to Dining Hall 6:00 PM Music to welcome God and Man at Table Are candidates as they enter Sat Down dining hall

6:10 PM EUCHARIST- Celebrant : Opening:

Reading: Song of Praise: Reader : Reading: Gradual: Reader : Gospel: Offertory: Reader : 7:00 PM AGAPE DINNER Communion:

8:00 PM Break ( 10 Min. ) Closing:

8:10 PM Candidates&RR Team to RR 9:00 PM Candidates & RR Tm to dining hall for Evening Program/ optional 9:05 PM Evening Program: Talent Program 9:45 PM * Candidates to bed

9:50 PM Pray-in Sunday Rollistas & Team Announce… Prep music for Mananitas

10:30 PM All Teams to bed

ROLLO ROOM space to change song on SUN MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend preselected SONGS Day of Hope, Day of the Holy Spirit 5:15 AM Rest of the Team up

6:00 AM Mananitas - Community Las Mananitas Prayer and Announcements : Rectora 7:00 AM * BELL - Candidates and Rise and Shine RR Team to Chapel De Colores

They'll Know We Are Christian By Our Love Do Lord

Give Me Oil in My Lamp

7:10 AM Morning Devotion :

Summary of Conversion Phase : 5th Med. "The Message of Christ":Rev Ed Closing Prayer :

Announcements : Rectora ( Be sure belongings are off the floor ) 7:40 AM BREAKFAST - Song : Las Mananitas 8:20 AM Break ( 30 min. ) Candidates may use this time to pack 8:50 AM *BELL - Candidates&RR Team to Rollo Room 9:00 AM 11th Rollo - "Environment": Joe Landry Song:

Pray : *In His Time Chapel : 9:30 AM Silent Reflection and Table Discussion 10:00 AM 12th Rollo-"Christian Life In Grace":Rev Babs

*As the Deer

10:30 AM Silent Reflection and Table Discussion 10:50 AM Break ( 10 min. ) 11:00 AM 13th Rollo - "Christian Comm. In Action": Judy Brown Song :

Pray : *Everlasting God Chapel : 11:30 AM Silent Reflection and Table Discussion ROLLO ROOM space to change song on SUN MUSICIAN'S SCHEDULE weekend preselected SONGS Day of Hope, Day of the Holy Spirit 12:00 PM Break (25 Min. ) Candidates to finish packing 12:25 PM * BELL - Candidates and RR Tm to Dining Hall 12:30 PM LUNCH - Song : Here We Are 1:10 PM Break ( 10 min. )

1:20 PM * BELL - Candidates and RR Tm to Rollo Room 1:25 PM 14th Rollo - "Grouping": Rochelle Thompson Song :

Pray : *Bind Us Together Chapel : 1:50 PM Grouping by table w/table leaders 2:20 PM * BELL - Candidates and RR Teams Rollo Room for Closed Clausura 2:30 PM 15th Rollo - "Ultreya": Karen Rice Song: I'm Traiding My Sorrows Pray: All Kitchen Teams *Trading My Sorrows

4:00 PM OPEN CLAUSURA - Gathering: Everlasting God Celebrant: Homilist: Gathering: Mighty to Save Reading: Reader : Opening Song: Sing For Joy Reading: Reader : Gloria: Your Name

Gospel: Reader : Gradual: God of Wonders Chalice Bearer : Offertory: Here I Am Lord Chalice Bearer : Communion: Only A Shadow Communion: More Love, More Power Communion: All Who Are Thirsty Communion: Sanctuary * PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL THE AHC- Closing: Trading My KITCHEN AND AHC-CAMP DISMISSES YOU! Sorrows

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