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Bid/Tender Document for packing & despatch (Job work)
( i ) Last Date of collecting tender: 09/6/2005 (ii) Last date of submission of bids : 13/6/2005 Time : 2.30 Hrs (ii) Date of Opening of Bids : 13/6/2005 Time: 15.00 Hrs
Cost of bid document : Rs.500/-
1. Scope of Work Including Technical Specifications To provide trouble-free services for the dispatch of the three magazines, viz., VIGYAN PRAGATI,(about 40,000 copies) (Monthly), SCIENCE REPORTER (about 40,000 copies) (Monthly) and SCIENCE-KI-DUNIYA (about 8,000 copies) (Quarterly) 10,000 copies (21 journals) ( monthly, Bi-monthly, semi-monthly, quarterly etc.) as per terms and conditions in the tender document to our satisfaction as per schedule finalised with P & T Deptt.. Postal charges increase many fold even for one day delay. The job is of highly prestigious nature and hence its schedule have to be scrupulously maintained. The detailed requirement and the items for which rates are required, are given in Annexure-1. Total work value for one year is Rs.5.5 lakh approximately.
2. General Instructions
(i). (a)) Lists of Addresses/Franked envelopes where the Journals are to be sent will be supplied by the office for pasting etc.
(b)The Journals are to be despatched on the allotted dates every month and the contractor will ensure the despatch on time.
(ii). Arrangements to despatch registered packets will be made by the contractor. Bill for the despatch should invariably be accompanied by registration slips from the Post Office.
(iii). Other Publications will be despatched as and when required and the contractor will ensure their prompt despatch.
(iv). PACKING: All items of stationery of good quality required for jobs for packing have to be arranged by the contractor. The sample of jute tat, brown paper, sutli, corrugated sheet should be sent with quotation. (a) Packets must be wrapped in double kraft paper of thick quality. (b) Sutli : Double sutli will be needed and two rounds of it will be in length and width wise as illustrated below:-
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(v). Cover envelopes for despatch will be supplied by the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCINECE COMMUNICATION & UNFORMATION RESOURCES, NEW DELHI-110 012.
(vi). The schedule dates for despatch under postal concession without pre-payment for each Journal have to be maintained and their dates are to be strictly followed in consultation with the Sales & Distribution Officer.
(vii). A letter to the Postal authorities about the exact number of copies being posted by ordinary post will be addressed by this office for payment for their bills for despatch of magazine and a copy endorsed to the contractor.
(viii). Before handing over the covers to the Post Office these will be checked by the representative of this office at the Post Office.
(ix). Copies to be posted by ordinary and registered post must reach the Post Office by 10.00A.M. on the days of despatch. The contractor will ensure their timely despatch in the Post Office.
3. General Terms & Conditions of the Contract :
(i). (a)The contract for dispatch work shall be for a period of one year (12 months) from the date of award, which can be extended for another year. (b) Quality of packing should be good enough to withstand handling in railways and under adverse weather conditions.
(ii) .Railway receipts should be handed over to this office on the same day or next day morning from the date of despatch of the packets. In case of delay, demurrage charges, if any, on account of late handling over the R/R’s claimed by the agents/parties shall be deducted from the despatch bill of the contractor.
(iii). In case of losses on account of faulty packing, liability will be owned by the contractor and the losses thus incurred will be recovered from contractor.
(iv) .Any short receipt in the untampered packets reported by the agents will be charged from the contractor.
(v) .Any loss of copies due to faulty packing, negligent pasting of addresses slips or otherwise, will be deducted from the bill of the contractor on pro-rate basis. Relevant postage or rail freight will also be deducted.
(vi). After despatch of Rail packets, the R/R’s should be submitted to this office with 2 copies of lists indicating the R/R’s No. and date against each station on the same day or next day morning by 10.00 A.M. to enable the office to forward the R/R’s to the parties concerned with relevant bills etc. Failure to submit the R/R’s to this office in time would render the despatch contractor liable to bear demurrage charges incurred by the parties/this office.
(vii) .Actual amount spent on booking of Railway Receipts/Transportation by Road may be claimed in the despatch bill.
(viii). If the firm fails to execute the job within the stipulated time or leaves the job incomplete or refuses to complete the work or takes more time than the schedule fixed then the firm will be liable to be penalised @ Rs. 500/- per day and the excess postal charges incurred due to delay will be deducted from contractor’s bills. In such cases, The Director reserves the right to the termination of the contract without any advance notice.
(ix) Canvassing in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection on that ground alone.
(x). The Director, NISCAIR reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason and engage more than one contractor for award of the required jobs.
(xi).Director, NISCAIR reserves the right to cancel the contract with immediate effect if the services are found to be unsatisfactory without assigning any reasons.
(xii). The quality of service will be reviewed after every three months.
(xiii) Each quotation should be duly SEALED and superscribed “ quotation for packing & dispatch No...... dated……………date of opening 15.00 Hrs).
(xiv) The quotation will be opened in the presence of the representatives, if any of the quoting firms on the date and time mentioned above.
(xv). The acceptance of the quotation will rest with the Director, NISCAIR, who does not bind himself to accept the lowest quotation and reserves the right to reject or partially accept any or all the quotations received without assigning any reason.
In case you are not in a position to send your quotations this time, please state so , failing which your name is liable to be removed form our mailing list.
4. Performance Security
( i ) The Vendor/Contractor should furnish performance security to NISCAIR for an amount of Rs25,000/-( twenty five thousand) valid up to 2 months after the date of completion of the Contract.
(ii) The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to NISCAIR as compensation resulting from the Vendor’s failures to complete its obligation under the contract.
(iii) The performance security shall be in one of the following forms
A Bank guarantee from a scheduled bank in a form provided by NISCAIR or Demand draft in the name of Director, NISCAIR.
(IV). The security deposit will be refunded after two months of completion of contract. (V) EMD of Rs. 20,000/- is to be submitted along with tender. Without EMD tender will not be considered. 5. Payment Conditions
Payment will be made within 30 days after receiving bills and satisfactory execution of the jobs.
The Director, NISCAIR reserves the right to make suitable deduction from the bill in case work is delayed and if the quality is not found satisfactory.
Annexure-‘A’ PROFORMA ( DESPATCH) Proforma for submitting quotations for despatch of NISCAIR publications like Science Reporter(monthly), Vigyan Pragati (monthly), and Science-Ki-Duniya (quarterly) and other books throgh post , rail and road.
Name and address of the contractor ......
...... Phone no...... Fax...... Mob...... A. Rates for Despatch to be done by POST 1. Rates for the pasting of address slips on envelopes . (per 100 or part thereof)
2. Rates for the pasting of address slips on Renewal Cards (per 100 or part thereof)
3. Rates for the insertion of magazine into the envelopes and stamping the envelopes about the despatch date (per 100 or part thereof)
4. Rates for insertions of letters and franking of Envelopes (per 100 or part thereof)
5. Sorting of envelopes and preparation of the bundles state-wise and metropolitan city-wise (per 1000 or part thereof)
6. Rates for preparing packets of Books/Scientific Journals wrapped in double craft paper of thick Quality and in Gunny Jute packing up to 5 kg weight. Rates per packet.
7. Rates for the preparation of packets of Books/Scientific
Journals in double craft paper with polythene packing of thick quality and in Gunny Jute Packing upto 5 kg weight Rates per Packet.
8. Rates for the preparation of slips for Parcels (Rates per slip)
9. Despatch of Regd.parcels at IARI, New Delhi or any other Post Office approved by the Postal authorities containing. 5-25 copies per packet
26-50 copies per packet
10. Preparation of mailing list data entry in computer (per 100 or part thereof)
11. Dispatch of parcel/packets by ordinaty/registered post under outreach programme wt. of the parcel upto 600gms Rate per parcel/packet......
(IARI Post Office is just 2 km from NISCAIR.)
B. DESPATCH BY RAIL 1. Preparation of address slips in duplicate according to the list supplied. Before pasting of the slips on the packets, these are to be got verified from the departed Officer of NISCAIR. Discrepancies if any, will be IMMEDIATELY intimated for carrying out necessary corrections. RATE PER SLIP: 2. Preparation of packets of books/journals/magazines wrapping with brown paper inside, tightly tied with jute strings, keeping hardboard on top and bottom, wrapping in gunny bags and stitching, pasting of address slip properly with marking ink. RATE PER PACKET: 3. Preparation of packets of books/journals/magazines wrapping with brown paper inside, tightly tied with jute strings, keeping hardboard on top and bottom, wrapping in gunny bags with Polythene packing and stitching, pasting of address slip properly with marking ink. RATE PER PACKET: 4. Preparation of packets weighing more than 5.00 kilogram will be sent in gunny bags. Packing with brown paper (double sheets) with thick sutli, Pasting of address slips. Each packet will contain more than 5 copies or weighing less than 5.00 kg. RATE PER PACKET: 5. Preparations and Packing of Other Publications books in double packing kraft paper of thick quality then in Polythene packing paper and in corrugated boxes up to 40 kg box weight. with jute tat stitching. RATE PER BOX:
C. TRANSPORTATION Transportation of Packets/Parcels as above from NISCAIR to different places by tempo etc. Rates per Trip in Rs. 1. To Delhi Jn. Railway Station
2. To New Delhi Rly.Station. 3. To Nizamuddin Rly.Station. 4. To Central News Agency, Connaught Place. New Delhi 5. To Sarai Rohila Rly.Station for S R & V P 6. For booking of corrugated boxes (Other Publications) and Parcels of SR, VP & SKD booking through Transport Co. in Delhi 7. Transportation of copies by post/ Parcel to IARI Post Office by Tempo 8. Transportation of copies by post /parcel to IARI Post Office by Rickshaw 9. Transportation of copies ( SR, VP & SKD ) upto 500 Nos local by Auto
This would include loading at NISCAIR and unloading at the Destination (Transport Officer/Rly Stn./ Post Office/CNA). The contractor will ensure the booking of parcel in the Transport. The contractor will ensure the booking of parcel in the stipulated train.
Name and address of the contractor ......
...... Phone no...... Fax...... Mob......