PALMYRA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2010 8:00 a.m. Palmyra Community Center

Meeting was called to order by Chamber President Rick Ball at 8:08 a.m.

Roll Call: Rick Ball, Laurie Mueller, Kelly Anderson, Lori Garlock – present.

Also Present: Terry Burrington,Wendy Lucht, Paul Oehrke, Karen & Pete Klatt, Ruthann Mueller, Marie Koch, Pat Bladow, and Denise Derry

Treasurer’s Report: Motion by Terry Burrington, second by R. Mueller to accept the January Treasurer’s report as presented. All ayes-carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by R. Mueller, second by Wendy Lucht to approve the Jan. 7, 2009 meeting minutes as presented. All ayes-carried.

Communications: A thank you was read from the Holiday Assistance program at the Palmyra Elementary School and a thank you from Marlene Frehner from the Food Pantry for our $250 donation to them. Denise Derry who does marketing for the Jefferson Daily Union introduced herself and informed us of the paper offering an “E-Edition for one month free” if we would be interested.


1. Debbie Ball was present to review the health plan that the Chamber can join then making it’s members able to access health coverage through that plan. If the Chamber joins between now and June 1st we have a 24 month rate guarantee, there is a one time fee to join of $200 for the Chamber. There will be some information available at the meet and greet for anyone who might be interested. The Chamber will re-visit this at their next meeting to make a decision.

2. Lori Garlock reported that we have 3 new members and she will be sending out a reminder to businesses for their renewal. Cory Ueble was present for his business “CU Tax Preperation” as a potential member.

3. A reminder that the Meet & Greet will be Feb. 6th @ 3:30 p.m. at Hot Rod Bar & Grill. 4. Marie Koch said that Ruthann Mueller has just about everything ready for the book. Marie will start soon getting ads for the book. We can access our book on CSI’s website for free and see the entire thing. We can also put a link to their website on the Chamber’s website.

5. There was some discussion on trying to put an ad in the papers to promote local businesses and tell residents to “shop locally”. There were some suggestions from Denise Derry of the Jefferson Daily Union that were talked about. Perhaps the local media could try to promote ads by contacting the local businesses and maybe run an ad when we are promoting an upcoming event. Pete Hansen from The Enterprise will be invited to the next meeting.

Any Other Business: Career Day is coming up in March so this should go on the next meeting agenda. Also we should be thinking about forming a scholarship committee for the 2011 scholarships we will be giving. This will also go on the next agenda.

There being no other business L. Mueller made a motion, second by R. Mueller to adjourn at 9:15 p.m.