DUE DATE: June 4 and 5, 2007


SCO: *See all outcomes under the Culture topic on your outline.

Analyze a Culture of your choice. Use pages 482-483 People in Perspective in your textbook to assist you in topics for content.

You will be displaying and sharing the contents of your scrapbook with the class. There will also be . a recipe component where you must research a recipe native to your culture, make it and have G samples to share with the class. Half the class will go on the first day and half on the second. e o g raphy (map of countries where you can find this culture, where they emigrated from, how the culture has shaped the environment or how the environment shapes the culture’s way of life) . Population: (population, subcultures, where do they live and why, style of houses) . Political system (type of government, flag-symbolism, legal system, interesting laws, punishments and customs) . Family Life (marriages, death rituals, family unit, recreation, sports and leisure) . Beliefs (rules, rituals, religion, morals, beliefs, special holiday celebrations, rights of passage, values) . (Your culture) in the News : Include at least two articles about your culture in the news today and any events of significant importance that might be relevant to the culture. You must summarize the content of the article in how it relates to your culture/influences/impacts your culture. (100 words each) . Material Goods. Food, shelter, dress, art, transportation, symbols…) . Recipe You must make a dish native to your culture, bring in samples for the class to try and have the recipe in print. . Out of the Blue! Include five unique discoveries you found about your culture that people will find amusing or interesting. . Cultural Diffusion Aspects of your culture that have been incorporated in other parts of the world and how have other cultures affected/changed your culture’s way of life. . Bibliography of all the sources you used for your presentation on paper in proper format. Include websites too.

Possible Cultures to choose from:  !Kung San  Koryak  Brazilian  Ogoni  German  Sri Lankan  Acadian  Kurdish  British  Omani  Greek  Sudanese  Afghan  Kveeni  Bulgarian  Orang Asli  Guatemalan  Swedish  African  Latvian  Cajun  P'urhepecha  Hakka  Swiss  Ainu  Laz  Caribbean  Pakistani  Hawaiian  Taiwanese  Albanian  Lebanese  Catalan  Palestinian  Hazara  Taiwanese  Amish  Libyan  Celtic  Pashtun  Hispanic Aboriginal  Arabic  Lithuanian  Central  Penan and Latino  Tajik  Argentine  Macedonian American  Peruvian  Hmong  Tanzanian  Armenian  Maharashtrian  Chilean  Polish  Hungarian  Thai  Aromanian  Malay  Chinese  Polynesian  Iban  Tibetan  Ashanti  Malaysian  Chokwe  Puerto Rican  Icelandic  Turkish  Assyrian  Manx  Colombian  Qatari  Indian  Turkmen  Australian  Maori  Costa Rican  Raramuri  Indonesian  Tuvan  Australian  Mapuche  Croatian  Romanian  Inuit  Ugandan Aboriginal  Mauritian  Cuban  Russian  Iranian  Ukrainian  Aymara  Mayan  Cypriot  Rwandan  Iraqi  United Arab  Azerbaijani  Mexican  Czech  Sami  Irish Emirate  Balinese  Middle  Danish  Sanketi  Israeli  Venezuelan  Bangladeshi Eastern  Dayak  Saudi Arabian  Italian  Vietnamese  Basque  Mongolian  Dutch  Scandinavian  Jamaican  Virarika  Belgian  Moroccan  Ecuadorian  Scottish  Japanese  Welsh  Belizean  Mozambican  Egyptian  Serbian  Jewish  Yanomamo  Bengali  Myanmar  Estonian  Sherpa  Jordanian  Yemeni  Berber  Native  Ethiopian  Sindhi  Karen  Yoruba  Bidayuh American  Evenki  Singaporean  Kashmiri  Zambian  Bolivian  New  Filipino  Slovak Pandit  Zapotec  Bosnian and Zealander  First Nations  Slovenian  Kenyan Herzegovini  Nicaraguan (Canada)  Somali  Zimbabwean an  Nigerian  French  South African  Korean  Botswanan  Norwegian  Garifuna  Spanish


No two persons may do the same culture. Choices must be approved with the teacher.


CONTENT 2 4 6 8 10 . Geography -failed to present -most topics not -outlined topics -outlined topics -outlined . Population topics outlined; presented; mostly presented; fair clearly covered; topics above . Political questionable statistics not amount of research statistics current; expectations; systems ownership; current; not very evident; somewhat well researched; statistics . Family Life minimal research; thorough thorough mostly thorough current; very . Material did not meet thorough Goods expectations . Beliefs ORGANIZATION 1 2 3 4 -disorganized; -difficult to -structured but progression -logical; easy to follow; very well difficult to follow in parts; not logical; good organized follow fair organization organization COUNTRY IN THE 0 1 2 3 4 NEWS -did not have - country in the -Only had one article and -two completed -Two completed information news articles summary for country in the articles about articles about about country in present but not news country in the country in the the news summarized. news but fair news and great summaries/too summaries/ vague. explanations. OUT OF THE BLUE 0 1 2 3 4 -did not include. -only had 1 or two -had 3 or 4 items for this -completed 5 -completed 5 items for this category. Good items for this items for this category. Weak information and research. category but category. Very information and information was interesting and research. already present in captivating other parts of the information research. Not interesting or captivating. MATERIAL GOODS 0 1 2 3 -did not include -little -fair amount of information -lots of information on material information on on material goods; some goods. Extra effort to include material goods effort to make scrapbook authentic items and make scrapbook more appealing by including more appealing. material goods. CULTURAL 0 1 2 3 DIFFUSION -did not include -included only -included and explained -understood, included and explained one aspect fairly thoroughly.

CREATIVITY AND 0 1 2 3 4 LAYOUT -no use of -use of token -uses a fair amount of -uses a variety of visual enhancers to -succeeds at “owning” supplementary graphics and visuals to enhance support presentation; good layout and presentation; material materials, pictures, presentation. Somewhat creative approach. well laid out; lots of graphics, diagrams and creative approach. visual materials to pictures, charts to support presentation; diagrams or support very creative approach charts to support presentation; presentation; no limited creativity creativity OVERALL 1 2 3 4 5 IMPRESSION -did not meet -met minimal -mostly meets requirements -meets requirements outlined; very -exceeds requirements; minimal project outlined; good effort and good effort and creativity. extra effort and creativity requirements of requirements; creativity. noted; excellent project; poor fair effort and effort creativiity BIBLIOGRAPHY 0 1 2 3 4 -no -minimal -fair amount of sources -good variety and number of sources -excellent variety of bibliography sources present identified and some (5-10) sources (>10) (1-2) variety(3-5)

RECIPE COMPONENT 0 1 2 3 4 Did not do this Only handed in Fair attempt to bring in Good attempt to bring in dish native Excellent effort to bring portion of the the recipe native dish. Dish may be to culture. Research is evident and in dish native to culture. project. store bought and not home lots of effort. May be missing recipe. Research is evident and made. Little research recipe is included. evident about foods/May be missing recipe.