The Origin of the Universe
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Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 1
By Demetrius Demetriades BSc (Alias Jesus Demetrius Zeus) Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 2
This Thesis is part of a more extensive work that abolishes the boundaries between Physics and Metaphysics and expounds a UNIFIED THEORY of the Origin and Nature of the Universe, not merely as a system of bodies with a certain mechanistic behavior but as a system that exhibits also the phenomena of Willfulness, Self knowledge, Consciousness, Awareness, Emotions and other Sentient characteristics.
It is appropriately titled
It has already been published by the same author. The interested reader can refer to this book for an all round explanation of all Universal phenomena, including LIFE.
2 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 3
Challenging the older theories 1) Gravity is not a Force Field but a NODAL ACTION FIELD Force is NOT the cause of motion 04 2) The Void of MATTER MATTER is SPACE MOTION Particles: Nodal Vortexed centers of Space Fields 08 3) The fallacy of the Photonic Theory of propagation of Light 11 The Water Wave and the Breaker Theory of Particle formation 13 Introduction of Twin-phase (6-D) Space 16 Experimental proof of Breaker formation in Light 17 4) The fallacy of the Special Theory of Relativity 20 Review on Einstein 30 5) The fallacy of the ‘Big Bang’ theory 36
THE THEORY PROPER CHAPTER ONE OUTWARDNESS: The primary property of INFINITE UNBOUND SPACE The CAUSE of Creation 40 Space Pulsations, the Primary Inertial Material 46 CHAPTER TWO NODAL ACTION Nodes and Internodal Etheric equilibrium 49 Fundamental Particles 52 Monopoles and the Electric Field 53 Equipartition Energy decides the only stable fundamental particles 56 Coalescing; formation of Nuclei, Atoms and satellites 57 Properties of the Etheric medium 62 Particle Energy and Mass (E=mc2) 64 CHAPTER THREE LIGHT 65 Quantization; derivation of Plank's constant 66 The difference between Nodal Vortices and Transient Breakers 70 Velocity in Lattice and Color Dispersion 71 Explanation of Fizeau's results 73
APPENDIX A The locus of the Center of Infinite Space 76 APPENDIX B The Reality of the i-space (ix-iy-iz) 80 APPENDIX C Instant teleportation 82 GLOSSARY of primary words 84
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In this introduction we shall examine some of the existing theories and see where they are wrong or inadequate. This is necessary in order to prepare the ground for the acceptance of the new ideas that follow in an unbiased way; something like ‘chipping off the old plaster’, so to speak, as this old plaster can predetermine what kind of material may be allowed to stick on and the way this new material is interpreted.
We shall challenge these theories in more or less a chronological order, starting from the classical ones.
1) The Universal Gravity theory and Force-and-Motion (*)
Let us start with Gravity. Many scientists have written it and many more have said it, that: When a body is subject to Gravity and no other force, it experiences weightlessness. Or, “Conditions of weightlessness are achieved in a certain space when the said space is isolated from all other dissymmetric Forces except Gravity”.
If Gravity were a Force Field, this would be as contradictory as saying that: “ When a body is exposed only to water and isolated from everything else it is kept absolutely DRY”.
‘Weightlessness’ is ‘forcelessness’, without dissymmetric Forces of any kind, including a Gravity Force, and under no Mechanical stresses. (The passengers feel no force at all, the ligaments of their viscera are completely slack and so are their safety lines and a quantity of liquid assumes a perfectly spherical shape). Yet, all bodies in such state of ‘weightlessness’ are in full unobstructed gravity acceleration. Dissymmetric forces arise in the form of MUTUAL and opposite Reactions, only when Free Field acceleration is impeded and only to the degree to which acceleration is impeded.
This means two things: First, that Gravity IS NOT a Force Field and, second, that acceleration IS NOT caused by Force.
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The same is true in a Gravity Field of any intensity, like down a ‘Black Hole’ for instance, or in any kind of Free Field, Magnetic or Electric. There are no force fields of any kind.
At every point where a Force arises, it is always in equal and opposite pairs, what Newton calls Action and Reaction, and the body subject to these is necessarily subject to mechanical stress. What Newton calls ‘Action’ and ‘Reaction’ are Mutual Reactions, arising due to the constraint of Fields ‘in contact’, when motion is impeded or transmitted from one Inertial body to another or, more correctly, from one Field to another.
During free fall, or in a stable orbit, a body is subject to no mechanical stress at all and no gravitational force can possibly be detected by any means, even in situations of celestial bodies with ‘g’ a million times that of the Earth.
Then, if Gravity is not a Force Field, what is it?
Gravity is a N O D A L Action or Nodal Convergence Field, and the so-called lines of force that are said to define it are Space flow lines, culminating at the Nodal Vortex Eye. (This is analyzed in PART TWO of this book).
A particle or any gravity center is an Etheric Nodal Vortex. Dark Matter (non-particle Ether) fills the space of the Antinodes.
Like a hurricane, a particle vortex or a Galaxy is not produced by attraction to its center. The particle or Galaxy vortex is produced by the Nodal Flow Field and not the other way round. This is why a galaxy is normally flat (not spherical), with a black hole along its axis, just like a large hurricane viewed from a satellite. The gravity vortex of our planet has a small eastward component, observed as ‘Coriolis acceleration’.
The Nodal Gravity Field is the active CAUSE of the accumulation of material at the Node and NOT the RESULT caused by inert material accumulation.
(We are now discovering that the Earth’s acceleration constant as we go deeper into the Earth does not decrease as expected according to Newton’s theory and that Gravity near galactic centers is too high to be accounted for by the amount of mass within them and we have to postulate the existence of a ‘Black Hole’ at the center of our Galaxy).
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Let us now consider Force-and-Motion.
Force is Not the Cause of Motion or Acceleration.
This sounds really preposterous to your conditioned minds. Our conditioning in this case has been exceptionally strong. Follow me briefly and you will be convinced.
Forces arise only when and where Motion or, more correctly, Action, is impeded and always arise as a pair with equal members, both in the direction of Action and against it.
What Newton calls Action and Reaction are really Mutual Reactions. Force is not the Action or the CAUSE. It is the RESULT of Impedance to Action. Force arises when motion is transmitted across fields, as the fields of particles or surfaces ‘in contact’ are mutually constrained. Within a Field there are no Forces. So, if we could make use of existing fields or generate our own fields and be accelerated by such fields we could accelerate without any mechanical stresses, however large the acceleration.
If we wish to call the ACTION ‘Force’, then we must make a distinction between IT and the phenomenon that causes Mechanical Stress. But, since we are used to associating FORCE with Effort and Mechanical Stress, it is better to stick to Action as the Cause of Motion or acceleration.
Let us follow together a couple of examples: i) Consider first the transmission of motion from the cylinder of an internal combustion engine to the passenger:
As the expansion of the combustion gases is restricted, or constrained, mutual reactions arise between their molecules and the cylinder walls, (due to mutual constraint of their molecular and atomic fields). By designing the degree of firmness in the various directions, we channel, or steer, the motion in the direction of least firmness. Thus, motion is transmitted to the piston, conrod, crankshaft, gearbox, axle, wheels and, by mutual reactions between wheels and ground, to the car body, the seats, the back of the passenger and finally across the whole of his body. At every point of transmission of the motion, mutual reactions arise, proportional at each point to the degree of impedance, or INERTIA, encountered.
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Had the expansion of the combustion gases not been impeded or constrained in any way, there would be NO FORCES arising anywhere.
Where did the motion start then? At the beginning of the described process, it was in the molecular bonds of the fuel and air molecules, which, like everything else in the Universe are in perpetual motion.
Which is the Action that CAUSED this perpetual motion originally? This Primary Action, this Primary and only Cause of Motion, is the first subject of our Theory, expounded later. No amount of subsequent Forces (Mutual Reactions) can increase or decrease this Motion (Momentum) in the Universe one little bit. Einstein’s so-called ‘mass-energy conversion’, mc2 , is also a fallacy. (See last paragraph on page 64). ii) Consider now a basket full of tomatoes swung in a circular motion: As the motion is transmitted from our hand to the handle of the basket, to the bottom of the basket and finally to the tomatoes, there arise, at every point of transmission of motion, mutual reactions; Forces. Unlike the case of a satellite in a stable orbit, in this case there are both a centrifugal force, tending to tear the bottom off the basket, and a centripetal force, tending to crush the tomatoes; and the two are equal and opposite.
In a constrained field, like on the surface of a planet for instance, where motion has already been greatly impeded, Force, which can be manipulated to steer or guide Motion, has been mistaken as the Cause of it. However, applying this thinking to an unconstrained Field, like free acceleration within a Field, be it Gravity, Electric or Magnetic, and not across Fields, has trapped us in some really nonsensical fallacies in the field of Scientific Causality.
All Fields are Mechanical. The terms ‘Electric’ and ‘Magnetic’ are applied to the Fields of Monopoles, or ‘Complex’ Fields, as scientists have hitherto failed to understand the mechanics of Monopoles and have conventionally assigned to them ‘electric charge’ in order to explain their mechanical behavior.
(*) About 40% of Earth’s gravity is caused by the Core vortex; not the individual particle vortices. Our Moon has no Core vortex; hence, it has less Gravity relative to its mass. This is why it appears to be about 30% less dense than the Earth, (wrongly assuming the Center of Gravity between Earth and Moon to be the same as the Center of Mass). Yet, the Moon is constituted of exactly the same incompressible solid materials. Gravity is due to space-time implosion in vortexed nodes, both fundamental particle nodes as well as planetary, solar, galactic nodes and so on. A black hole, of immense
7 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 8 gravity, has no mass within it; (until it clogs up, as in old galaxies before they go supernova).
8 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 9
When we hold a piece of rock in our hand, it feels hard and unyielding. By this, together with its weight, its inertia and the impossibility for two such rocks to occupy the same place at the same time, we conclude that the rock is made of MATTER.
What makes the rock feel hard, or rather, what is it that feels hard and unyielding? What is it that we touch?
To answer this question, we must examine very closely, to sub-atomic magnification, the two surfaces ‘in contact’: The two surfaces, of our hand and of the piece of rock, are constituted of atoms, and these are in turn constituted of nuclei and electron clouds.
Examining these surfaces in contact to sub-atomic magnification, we shall see that neither their nuclei nor their electrons touch. Repulsive Forces arise on approach, and these keep them apart at a certain distance, however small. What makes the piece of rock feel hard and unyielding is a barrage of tiny repulsive forces. These repulsive forces arise because the fields of the atoms or of their electrons are mutually constrained.
So, even if electrons and nucleons were hard kernels situated at the centers of their fields, (which they are not), the only thing that ever comes into contact is Field against Field or empty space. What feels hard is just EMPTY SPACE.
One may argue that this is not just empty space but a Field. But then again, what is a Field?
A Field is defined as ‘empty space in which Forces are experienced’; and this ONLY when Fields interact or are constrained.
A Field, any Field, is not a Force Field, but a Flow Field or Nodal Action Field; either a Space Flow Field or an Etheric Flow Field, culminating at a spinning vortex at its center; an Etheric vortex is what we perceive as a particle, fundamental or non, or the material body.
We have no direct experience of scalar quantities like Mass. All Physical interactions are directionally dissymmetric and therefore vectorial. The weight is experienced when we impede free gravity acceleration. Inertia is experienced again vectorially as Reaction to
9 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 10 acceleration. From these vectorial interactions we infer the Mass. It is from these inferences that we postulate in reverse that there are particles with Mass at the centers of the interacting Fields and that it is these particles, due to either their mass or their electric charge, (both scalar STATIC quantities), that produce the Fields, (which are vectorial DYNAMIC entities).
A Field is a dynamic activity and, by definition, something that by itself, unassisted, produces a dynamic activity must be inherently active and not possibly static or inert.
As we mentioned in the previous section, The Nodal Field is the active CAUSE of the accumulation of material and NOT the RESULT caused by inert material accumulation.
It is like saying that a hurricane and its eye are two different structures and that the eye is the cause that produces the hurricane. Why not say that a Field and its central vortexed node, which behaves like an inertial gyro, arise as a single structure and study it as such?
This we do in our Theory proper and show conclusively that
Matter Is V O I D. Matter Or Mass Is Space Pulsations Or Space Motion And A Particle Is Merely Vortexed Space With Motion stopped, there is NO MATTER (or ENERGY).
The idea of particles as little hard kernels, or ‘quanta’, with some of them carrying electric charge, is puzzling to a mind that has not been conditioned to the idea. The idea of an electric charge may be a convenient convention but it must never be considered as a Physical reality.
What is electric charge made of? Is it of some kind of substance? Is charge additional to the particle monopole, like paint is additional to the canvas of a painting, or is it merely a convention that accommodates the mechanical behavior of monopoles like protons and electrons in relation to fields? In our Theory proper, we shall explain both the mechanics and the shapes of particles, both monopoles, (protons and electrons), and dipoles, (neutronic particles).
There is no such thing as ‘electric charge’.
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Another very important question is this: Are Fields, and consequently their centers, which we consider as particles, additional to Space, like paint and canvas, or are they part of space? We shall see in our Theory proper that fields and particle vortices are part of Space, (just like hurricanes and twisters are part of the Atmosphere), and that the Space in their vicinity moves with the Fields or particles. So Space is not Isotropic.
The fact that masses and Space and Ether (Dark Matter) in their vicinity move together led to the laboratory observation that the speed of light is the same in all laboratory Inertial Frames of Reference (IFRs); i.e., in quiescent Ether. This gave rise to the absurd postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity, that of the universality of the speed of light in all IFRs, even when applied across intergalactic distances, which is both a physical and a mathematical contradiction. (It violates the most fundamental mathematical Law of Vector Addition).
Beyond the vicinity of masses, Space expands outwardly whilst its ‘Motion Density’, i.e. Mass Density, remains constant. This means that Mass-Energy in the Universe is not constant but increases at infinite rate. The cause that created, or rather, creates the Universe is constantly active. The Universe, as seen from a finite point of view, has never stopped being created. (We shall tackle the Big Bang theory further down).
As Space expands, galaxies, with their ether (dark matter) and space, move away from us, with receding speeds increasing with their distance from us. As space and ether move away from us they carry with them the light produced by galaxies, giving rise to the Doppler effect, which also increases with distance, going from Red to Infra Red to Microwaves to Radio waves until, for galaxies beyond a certain distance, their light never reaches us, as the speed of both Space and Galaxies is bigger than the speed of light AWAY from us. This is why the night sky is dark instead of bright. Although the Universe is Infinite, the part of it that is visible, or observable by means of electromagnetic waves, from any one point, is limited. The Radio and Micro wave background against a total darkness has given rise to the notion that these waves are the ‘echo’ of the ‘Big Bang’ and that the age of the Universe is limited to some billions of years.
The speed of EM waves relative to background quiescent Ether is co only in the vicinity of the Earth. (In open-space Dark Matter of lower density but same EM tension the speed of light is greater). However for sources receding with Space and Ether or ‘Dark Matter’, the speed of their light relative to us is reduced by an amount equal to their receding speed. This
11 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 12 relative to us speed picks up on approach until it becomes co in our vicinity, with the spacing out of the waves retained. Hence the Doppler effect.
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3) The Photonic Theory of the propagation of Light
The Dual Theory of light, as it stands, does not satisfy any serious scientist today, but it is still adhered to, merely because it is a convenience. Making do with theories that are merely convenient, or seem to work, is a very usual phenomenon in today's technological science. It is however a hindrance to our drive to discover the reality behind things, even when this reality is much simpler than the theories with which we make do.
It is a proven fact that ‘Electric’ and ‘Magnetic’ stresses are observed in ‘empty space’ (?) and that these stresses are transmitted through empty space at a finite velocity.
Stresses imply Elastic properties and the transmission of these at finite velocity implies Inertial properties.
Elastic and inertial properties are the properties that precisely define a mechanical medium. This is Ether (or ‘Dark Matter’ as some scientists prefer to call it). A Mechanical Medium does not have to be corpuscular; i.e., consist of particles.
Not understanding fully the nature and behavior of this medium is no excuse for denying its existence. By denying the existence of the EM medium, we naturally have the problem of explaining the transmission of light, and other EM waves, through empty space, in the form of waves, or mechanical disturbances, and have to fall back to the Corpuscular or Photonic theory of propagation of Light. So, the existence of the propagated photon was postulated, as a particle with energy and momentum, but no mass(!!).
But how can this postulate be true for radio waves, which are definitely wave trains with wavelengths of up to hundreds of meters that can be continuous for days and thus extending beyond the limits of our solar system? Are these also ‘quantum particles’?
Immediately a great number of other problems arose, among them the problem of explaining phenomena like Refraction, Interference etc..
Thus the Duality theory came into being: A photon is a particle with Wave properties, having Energy and Momentum, possessing no Mass and yet attracted by strong Gravity, (a phenomenon of interaction between Masses).
(This, together with the notion of electric charge, are a couple of concepts that are more outlandish and more absurd than the Theory of the ‘Flat Earth’).
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This still leaves us with a number of very difficult questions:
Shouldn't we expect these photons to have a very wide range of speeds, just like any other emitted particle? What makes them propagate at a speed characteristic of the medium, irrespective of their travel history through other media? This property alone is a sound indisputable proof that Light is transmitted in the form of Waves.
Since the photon is not affected by Electric and Magnetic fields, what is the property of the transparent medium that causes the speed of light to change sharply as it enters?
If light is propagated by means of photons, how can these photons accelerate or jump to a characteristic speed, when they emerge from a denser medium into a lighter one?
Since in random emanation photons are not coherent, how is it possible for the 30.000 odd slit-lines of a Diffraction Grating to be coherent? Does each photon split into 30.000 parts when passing through the Grating and these parts join up again after passing through? (Actually light emitted from the same vicinity is mostly coherent. There is no purely random emanation, after emanation is initiated).
Laser and fiber optics technologies offer further proof that light is transmitted in the form of waves. Otherwise how can Raman or Doped Fiber Amplification be explained? How can energy fed transversely to the fiber produce further photons of the same range of frequencies as the fiber signal, (and not those of the amplifying pump or the doping ions), and without a change of direction or phase of the optical signal? Only waves can show such coherence.
In spite of these gross inadequacies, the Photonic theory managed to establish itself because, most importantly, it seems to explain the Photoelectric effect. Light transfers momentum and momentum is carried by particles and not by waves.
A very simple question we should ask is the following: Are there any circumstances in which a wave, any kind of wave, is associated with Inertial transference and, hence, Momentum transference?
If we persisted with this question and had a look around, we might find the answer staring us in the face and, further, this answer might give us a good clue as to what a particle is. (Surfers, kids playing ball in shallow water at the beach, a fisherman mooring his boat in exposed shallow or tsunami survivors might be able to give us a fairly good answer).
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We are going to answer this question here, by carrying out a short study of the water wave, which is the most visual of all waves and the simplest to study.
The water wave
Water waves have been called Transverse waves, but this is not strictly true. Though we can have purely longitudinal propagated waves, it is impossible to have purely transverse ones. For propagation to take place, the disturbance must have a longitudinal component as well. This can easily be demonstrated by placing floaters on the surface of the water and observing their motion. Taking a vertical section of the wave through the origin, we shall see what is demonstrated in the figure that follows:
The floater on the right of the origin is describing a clockwise quasi-circular motion, whilst that on the left, an anti clockwise motion; (fig. a). This is due to the fact that the particles of the medium at the surface, and consequently the floaters, are subjected to two mutually orthogonal and orthophasic oscillations. (I use the term ‘orthophasic’ to signify ‘90o out of phase’, as I reserve ‘orthogonal’ for ‘at right angles in space’).
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A very good simile of the floater's motion can be effected, if we connect the same sinusoidal signal to both the vertical and the horizontal scanners of a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, (CRO), with the same amplification, but a relative phase shift of 90o in one of them. With the vertical leading, we will get a clockwise circular trace, and with the horizontal leading, an anti clockwise one.
An appropriate equation expressing the behavior of a floater, or that of the point on the CRO screen, would be: iwt ft = a e = a cos wt + ia sin wt with a cos wt expressing the transverse and ia sin wt expressing the longitudinal. (a cos wt can only be the transverse, because, at t=0, a cos wt = a, whilst the wave has traveled zero longitudinal distance. It is only in the Cartesian convention of axes that the reference point can be taken at personal choice and, hence, have the function either as cosine or sine. This however is not legitimate in natural reality. Sine naturally lags cosine by 90o phase and ia is orthogonal to a).
From fig. b) we can see that, due to the circular motion, the hump of the wave is shorter than the trough by 4a. That is: width of hump = (λ/2) - 2a width of trough = (λ/2) + 2a where λ is the wavelength and a is the amplitude
When the amplitude becomes λ/2π, (or λ=2πa), the hump (or crest) becomes pointed; (fig c). At this point, the maximum medium velocity forward, which is at the crest, is equal to the phase velocity.
The maximum medium velocity forward cannot exceed the phase velocity. So, when the amplitude (a) tends to exceed this critical value of (λ/2π), and the medium velocity at the crest tends to exceed the phase velocity, the top of the crest curls forward into a BREAKER, carrying Inertial material and Momentum forward.
Thus, we see that under certain conditions, a wave that carries no material and no momentum forward changes into a breaker that carries both material and momentum.
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Before we extrapolate to what the equivalent of a three-dimensional wave would be, let us first notice a couple of features of the water wave, which are common to all natural waves, even though they may not be apparent or easy to visualize for all waves. i) Except for the center of origin, at all other places the medium motion is rotational, with only one longitudinal direction following the transverse component in orthophasic sequence, at each point. This makes for the forward only propagation of the wave. Similarly, when an Inertial Breaker is formed, its rotation, or rolling, causes its translation in one direction only, thus it does not attenuate due to its motion. It is however undone as friction causes dissipation of its energy into the carrying medium. ii) In a so-called transverse wave, at the origin, and only at the origin, the motion is purely transverse. This means that all possible directions follow the transverse component in orthophasic sequence. Hence, in its tendency to propagate in all possible directions, the central blip does not propagate at all, but dissipates itself out of existence, its motion mass spreading out into a wave train. Thus, in contrast with the Inertial breaker, the central blip is not naturally perpetuated and does not have any translational motion in any direction. The central blip is a non-propagated transient oscillator.
In a surface wave, like the water wave, there is only one apparent transverse direction or dimension. In one-dimensional waves, as in a free elastic string, there are two apparent transverse dimensions. Thus, the central blip describes a quasi-elliptical plane. At all other points, where the wave is propagated, there is a longitudinal component as well. This causes the medium motion to be contained in a quasi-ellipsoidal envelope.
A difficult situation seems to arise in the case of a three-dimensional transverse wave, like a spherical electromagnetic wave, produced when an alternating current is connected to a spherical condenser, for instance. In this case, we seem to be short of directions or dimensions.
Where is the transverse direction to a spherical wave front? What form does the transverse central blip take?
It is customary, when studying a spherically propagated transverse wave, like unpolarized light, to consider only one pencil of light, or one ray, along a single radius of the spherical wave-front, that is, an one-dimensional part, in which the transverse directions constitute the
17 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 18 whole plane across the direction of propagation; across this single radius of the spherical wave. This however is not satisfactory, because it deprives us of the rest of the picture.
If we consider all the radii of the spherical wave front longitudinally synchronous, (in phase), where is the common transverse to all? What is the form of the central blip?
All the transverse planes to the infinite radii of the wave front constitute the transverse to the spherical wave front and the space of the central blip.
These make up another sphere, or rather an infinite number of spheres, imploding inward from the center. These are both orthogonal and orthophasic spheres to the ‘x,y,z’ sphere and constitute the ‘ix,iy,iz space-phase’, which must be quite real and not imaginary, if it has to contain the transverse component of the disturbance. (See Appendix B).
Thus, it is evident, or we are compelled to accept, that dynamic space has at least six(6) dimensions. We must stress, however, that the dimensions of static space are only three(3), (always according to the orthogonal system of axes). But, as we shall see in more detail in our Theory proper, static space cannot exist in reality. Static space is only a Geometric Idea.
Since Dynamic Space necessarily contains the concept of TIME, or phase, we choose to refer to it not merely as space but as space-phase, as we have done further up.
So, the central blip, the source of an electromagnetic wave, is a transient electromagnetic oscillator in complex or dynamic or twin-phase space.
The Inertial Breaker of an EM wave is a spherically precessing vortex, with ix-iy-iz implosion in the narrows of its eye, and can be considered as a transient neutral particle, with directional gravity down its axis. It arises at the same critical conditions of amplitude, a=λ/2π. (In our Theory proper, we shall see that this critical amplitude in the arising of ix-iy- iz implosion breakers is the cause of their quantization).
So, a photon, (and any neutrino), like any fundamental particle, transient or stable, is an Etheric Inertial Vortex with ix-iy-iz implosion in the narrows of its eye, and is formed from an electromagnetic wave, only at the critical amplitude conditions. This happens when, either the wavelength shortens due to decrease of speed in a very dense medium of loose electrons, or the amplitude increases due to resonance with a chemical bond, for instance.
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And, since the electromagnetic wave can and does form an Inertial Breaker, the definite conclusion is that it is carried by a medium which has Inertial content.
We have sound proof of this, demonstrated by a very familiar apparatus, found in almost all school laboratories and, as I discovered, in all, without exception, Planetaria or Science Centers in all American cities; sometimes in numbers.
This ingenious apparatus was originally devised and intended to demonstrate and verify the photonic nature of the propagation of light. However, it proves this thesis instead:
Light is propagated (and reflected) as a wave in a mechanical medium with Inertial content and is absorbed in the form of Inertial Breakers.
Somehow, this obvious conclusion from this demonstration has eluded us, until this thesis, because we had been fully convinced so far that there is no such thing as an electromagnetic medium or Ether.
A sketch of the ingenious apparatus follows:
It consists of an evacuated bulb, which contains a horizontal mill carrying four(4) vertical veins, and free to rotate on an almost frictionless point bearing. One side of each vein is blackened and the other shining, with all shining sides facing in the same circular direction.
The original idea behind this effort was this:
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If light is propagated in the form of particles, (photons), carrying momentum, they should behave like little balls, momentum wise. Accordingly, when they are reflected with a speed equal to the speed of incidence and the same angle, they behave like perfectly elastic balls. When a ball bounces perfectly elastically off a fixed wall, it imparts to it twice as much momentum than if the same ball, incident at the same speed and same angle, were to collide perfectly inelasticly and stick to the wall. So, though not all photons are reflected from the shining sides and not all are absorbed by the blackened sides, almost twice as much momentum per unit time (i.e. Force), should be imparted to the shining sides than to the blackened sides. Hence, the mill should turn, with the blackened sides leading. The apparatus works perfectly. As soon as it is unveiled near an open window, the mill begins to turn but, with the shining sides leading, showing that more momentum per unit time, (force), is imparted to the blackened absorbing sides than to the shining reflecting ones. How come?
Noticing this contradiction, the phenomenon was later attributed to hotter, and therefore faster, air molecules bouncing off the blackened sides at terrific speeds. Hot air molecules do not bounce off the hot surface at terrific speeds. Due to surface adhesion, any hot air molecules rise slowly into convection. The heat possessed by atoms on a hot solid surface is entirely in the form of vibrational energy, with the direction of vibration totally random with no net outward resultant. For heat to be transferred to an air molecule, the molecule must adhere to and vibrate with the hotter surface for some time until it is shaken loose by the vibration. The air molecule does not bounce off the surface. The hotter molecules shaken loose off the surface give the surface a very small kick and remain within a layer of air, adhered to and carried along with the surface, with the closest and hottest layer of molecules rising very slowly into convection, (as demonstrated also by Schlieren photography). Apart from the convection drift, the translational, rotational and vibrational movements of molecules due to heat energy are totally random.
Though very slight momentum is imparted by hot air molecules to the blackened sides, (the temperature difference cannot be more than a couple of degrees or so and the mill starts rotating when the temperature difference is practically zero), what about the excess momentum imparted to the shining sides by the reflected photons, (which would be greater many times over than the momentum imparted to the blackened sides by the hotter air molecules), if light was indeed reflected in the form of photons?
The NET momentum transferred to a body by photonic breakers, (which has been detected by more sophisticated experiments), is not as large as would be expected because, as the body
20 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 21 consists of a lattice of Etheric vortices (particles) embedded within the Etheric medium, it also takes up most of the recoil of the medium.
This demonstration proves our thesis: Light is reflected from the shining sides in the form of waves, imparting no net momentum to them, whilst it is absorbed by the blackened sides, in the form of Photonic Inertial Breakers, which, as explained, are Etheric Vortices with Inertial content and Momentum.
From the above thesis, it is clear that we should forget about photon probes or photon rockets as means of space-ship propulsion. NASA experimented with light beams of many kilowatts but never observed any thrust at the production end. However, they observed thrust on a surface where the beam was incident. So they abandoned the notion of ‘photon-rocket propulsion’ but they are considering boosting probes in space by means of beams of light from orbiting satellites onto the ‘sails’ of such space probes. Yet, it has not dawned on them that there is a difference between propagated light and absorbed photons. They do not dare challenge Einstein the super genius.
[We have estimated the density of Ether in the vicinity of our planet to be about 2.6563 gm/m3; about 1/486 of the sea level air density. We can draw literally infinite amounts out of it without upsetting the equilibrium density, as the Causes that create this equilibrium are constantly active. It is less in open-space Dark Matter beyond the vicinity of celestial bodies and greater near spinning bodies than non-spinning ones, like our Moon. It is because of denser Ether and not because of gravity that light bends as it passes close to celestial bodies. The etheric density within the human body is about 100 times the above, as calculated from measurements of the mass of the human etheric body carried out by Swedish doctors in the sixties. The average mass of the human Etheric body was found to be 22 gms. (More recent measurements show it to be somewhat less).]
Scientists are now estimating that 96% of all matter is non-particle matter or ‘dark matter- energy’. They still hesitate to call this matter by its real name ‘ETHER’, as this would automatically mean that they should reconsider their concept of ‘Empty Space’ and their conviction regarding the photonic propagation of Light through ‘Empty Space’. Even so, whether they call this non-particle mass ETHER or DARK MATTER, they should still reconsider their concept of both Matter and Space, as well as the nature of propagated light.
21 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 22
4) The fallacy of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR)
As we have mentioned in the section on the Void of Matter, the speed of light is only the same constant in quiescent Ether. The same can be said for the speed of sound in any quiescent medium, like inside a closed wagon of a fast moving train. The Earth, being itself a concentration of etheric vortices or particles, carries its associated Ether along in the same way that it carries its Atmosphere. Around a very fast moving particle there is considerable medium sheer. Etheric sheer also exists in the vicinity of celestial bodies.
Further, even Einstein himself never claimed that his theory explains how the Universe really is but how it appears through light. That's right. Even if his theory were correct, it would still only accommodate an optical distortion or illusion. For example, when we look into the night sky, the positions of the stellar bodies, as we observe them, are not the correct ones. Because of the finiteness of the velocity of light, different stars are viewed where they were at different times; never all at the same time. So, the relative positions we observe were never true. Some of them are not even there today. Furthermore, at the same instance, the same object has different dimensions in different IFRs in which it travels with different relative velocities and, similarly, the same clock shows different times in different IFRs. Are these all REAL or apparent? Yet, the shortening of lengths and the slowing up of clocks at high speeds have been interpreted as REAL by the advocates of the STR. (This is similar to the ridiculous fallacy in which the Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’ is incorporated into equations to predict ‘Real situations’, like in the early evolution of the ‘Big Bang’ Universe. But, the ‘Uncertainty Principle’ expresses only our practical incapability to measure Reality accurately; NOT that reality is not accurate!!)
Corollary: If three different sets of equipment made observations of the same reality using signals of three different speeds, they would each see a different picture, expressed by three different relativistic equations, with the signal of lowest speed giving the biggest distortion. However, observation signals CANNOT CHANGE REALITY.
In observations made neither optically nor with any other observation signal, by direct contact with a counter detector for instance, there can be no relevance with any signal observation theory. Yet, some scientists, in detecting some unstable cosmic particles on the surface of the Earth, and calculating that their observations could only be accounted for if the lifetime of these cosmic particles was longer than the life of the same particles observed in accelerators, would like to have us believe that this demonstrates the validity of the STR. And this is a terrible fallacy. Even if there were a lengthening of the life of these particles at high speeds, this can have nothing to do with the STR. It did not involve an optical observation.
22 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 23
Actually, muons and other transient ‘cosmic particles’ of near frequencies observed near the Earth do not originate at the Sun. They are breakers formed from waves as they enter denser medium near the Earth. In accelerators, such transient particles arise as breakers of etheric surges, generated by fluctuations in the accelerating Field. If the energy of the surge is of extremely high density, it will form a tsunami wall; a boson?
We shall now proceed to prove that the STR does not explain even what it claims to explain. The whole theory, from postulate to derivations, is completely wrong. (And I believe that Einstein knew this). We are first going to challenge the validity of the Contraction Equation, which is the basis of all subsequent algebraic manipulations, that constitute the ‘body’ of the STR, on the grounds that it contradicts the fundamental physical truth, that a signal of finite velocity takes longer to travel a greater distance. For this equation to be even qualitatively correct for an approaching body, light should need more time to travel a shorter distance than a longer one. The equation in question is herewith quoted and its implications examined.
2 1/2 l = lo [ 1 - (v/c) ]
Where lo = length in Proper Inertial Frame of Reference (IFR fixed to the body) l = length in IFR in which body is moving v = velocity of body in second IFR c = velocity of light in vacuum
According to this formula, the body should appear, to an IFR relative to which it moves, always contracted in the direction of motion, whether the body is approaching or departing. (The equation also implies that the maximum value of v is c). The following analysis, however, shows this conclusion, and the equation, to be completely wrong.
When we observe a body, we do so by light, or signal, that reaches the point of observation simultaneously from the various parts of the body. Since the speed of light, or signal, is finite, the time taken by it to reach the point of observation from a more distant part is greater than from a nearer one. Thus, in the case of a fast moving body, the more distant parts are observed at an earlier body position and the nearer parts at a later body position. In the case of a departing body, the leading point, or the ‘head’, is the more distant part and the ‘tail’ is the nearest part. Since the head is observed at an earlier body position and the tail at a later body position, the body appears contracted in the direction of motion. (In the time
23 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 24 that lapsed between the instance that the first observation signal left the head and the instance that the last observation signal left the tail, the tail was moving to close the gap between itself and the signal position of the head). In this case, the contraction equation seems to make sense; (though not necessarily correct).
However, in the case of an approaching body, the head is the nearest point and the tail the most distant. Therefore, in this case, it is the tail that is viewed at an earlier body position and the head at a later body position. In the meantime, the head was moving away from the earlier signal position of the tail. Hence, in this case, the body appears extended in the direction of motion. It is definitely clear that, in the case of the approaching body, the equation is completely wrong; even if the postulates on which it is based were correct.
Departing body
Direction of motion
T H a) Observer signal leaves H b) Observer T T’ H H’
signal from H reaches T’ signal starts from T’
c) Observer T T’ T” H H’ H”
Both signals from H and T’ proceed together to Observer Apparent length = T’H CONTRACTED
24 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 25
Approaching body
Direction of motion a) Observer H T
signal leaves T b) Observer H’ H T’ T
signal from T reaches H’ signal starts from H’ c) Observer H” H’ H T” T’ T
Both signals from H’ and T proceed together to Observer Apparent length = H’T EXTENDED
[It should also be obvious that, like the Doppler effect, the apparent change of length depends also on the direction of observation, being maximum when the observation is along the line of motion and zero if it is perpendicular to the direction of motion. I would like here to point out a gross absurdity in the General Theory of Relativity (GTR). Although the following is not the line of thought or the line of derivation in the GTR but involves the application of the STR time-space to Gravity, the ‘bending of space’ predicted by the Theory is equivalent to the following: Consider a spoked wheel spinning at high speed in its plane, around its axis. The circumference or the rim of the wheel is shortened, (according to the GTR), because it moves along its length, whilst the spokes’ length remains unchanged because there is no movement along their length but perpendicular to it. The only way this can happen, that is, the spokes’ length remaining the same ‘r’ whilst the rim circumference becomes shorter than 2πr, is for the spokes to get bent. If however the point of observation is somewhere along the axis of the wheel, the rim circumference should not change at all, as all of it is at the same constant distance from the observer. As for the deviation of the orbit of Mercury from the Gravity Inverse Square Law, that the adherents of
25 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 26 the GTR attribute to the GTR and consider as a verification of the GTR, the deviation is real one and not apparent and has nothing to do with any signal observation theory. We explain in our Theory proper, which follows, that any Gravity center is a Nodal Vortex and that the Inverse Square Law should hold only in the radial region of the flow at a great distance from the Eye of the Vortex, with the deviations from it being greater as we approach the Eye, non- axially, the approach effect being maximum perpendicular to the axis, i.e., in the orbit plane, with zero deviation along the axis.]
Even in the case of the departing body, in which case the contraction equation seems to make sense, the derivation is further biased because of the way the time factor was estimated. The derivation considered only the situation in which time is shortest, (always according to the STR), in the Proper IFR; i.e. when both observations are made at the same co-ordinates in the Proper IFR. This, however, is only one particular case. If the first event is at a leading position and the second event at a following position, then these two positions come closer together in an IFR in which the body is moving and they are at the same co-ordinates in a particular IFR in which the body is moving with the suitable speed. Thus, the shortest time is not always that of the Proper IFR. (See diagrams).
M M M’ M”
o A IFR1 A A’ A” x Fig. I(a) Fig.I(b)
The STR considers the time between events as the time needed by light to travel perpendicular to the direction of motion in the Proper IFR, IFR0, to a mirror and back, as shown in figure I(a). Seen in IFR1 in which IFR0 moves in the x-direction, the path of light A-M-A develops into the two equal sides of the isosceles triangle A-M’-A”. This apparent path is obviously longer and, if we consider the speed of light, as observed in IFR1, to be the same ‘c’ as in Fig(a), which contradicts both the independence of movements as well as vector addition, then the time is longer. The Pythagoras theorem relation of the hypotenuses to the perpendiculars gives the square terms under the square root in the Contraction Equation.
However, if the two timed events are at A(first event) and at B(second event), as shown in Fig(c), then the triangle AMB of the light-path-and-axis compresses to AMB’ as in fig(d)
26 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 27 until, at a particular speed of IFR0, the apparent light path is a return trip along the same line, as shown in fig(e), and, as speed increases, the triangle develops again as shown in fig(f). It is obvious that, according to the STR, the shortest time should be that in IFR2. (In laboratory situations the IFR of the observer is the most convenient).
IFR1 x B A B B’ A A’ Fig I(c) Fig I(d)
IFR0 IFR0 x x B A/B’ A’ B A B’ A’ IFR2 IFR3 Fig I(e) Fig I(f)
Reading further in the STR, we see that this fact is admitted but, strangely enough, this shortest time is still referred to as the Proper Time, though it does not refer to the Proper IFR. This is unprecedented in legitimate physical and mathematical practice, and it is very misleading. (I believe that this was noticed after the equation was derived but, as trying to re-derive the equation for the general case would in effect destroy it, it was decided to leave the original derivation, which could only be correct, if at all so, for the particular case in which the shortest time was that of the Proper IFR, and applied the term ‘Proper time’ for the shortest time, even if this did not refer to the Proper IFR, thus knowingly misleading).
So far, one might get the impression that the Contraction Equation is correct, at least in the particular case of a departing body, when the shortest time is that of the proper IFR, (according to the STR). This is far from true. The whole concept is wrong. The postulate of the universality of the speed of light, as the same constant in all IFRs, is itself both a physical and a mathematical contradiction. What this postulate in effect says is that “the speed of
27 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 28 light relative to any body (or IFR) ‘A’, as observed by ‘A’ is ‘c’ but this same speed of light relative to ‘A’ changes to ‘c-v’ when observed by a second body (or IFR), in which ‘A’ moves with velocity ‘v’)(!)”. So, the same speed of light relative to ‘A’ varies depending on the IFR in which ‘A’, and the light associated with it, are observed.
An even greater contradiction is seen when the STR tries to explain the Doppler effect. To accommodate this paradox, as it calls it, the STR, in considering the lengthening of the time between wave encounters (the relativistic period or wave beat), in effect it considers the velocity of light, in this case as seen by the observer in the IFR of the observer, not as ‘c’, but as ‘c-v’(!), where ‘v’ is the velocity of observer relative to the source, thus contradicting its own postulate.
The Doppler effect is observed when one or both of the following circumstances are true:- a) The movement of the source relative to the medium affects the spacing and the concentricity of the waves. b) The movement of the observer affects the relative speed between himself and the wave front, hence the frequency of encounter. In this case, the interaction is strictly between observer and waves. For all intents and purposes, the source has ceased to exist, or need not exist.
According to the STR, which does not accept the existence of a medium, the movement of the source does not affect the spacing of the waves. According to the postulate of the STR, the speed of the light wave front as seen by the observer, in the IFR of the observer, should not be affected by the motion of the observer and should be ‘c’.
So, according to the postulates on which the STR is based, neither (a) or (b) are valid, Therefore, there should be no Doppler effect. But there is.
The fact that a Doppler effect is observed in light demonstrates that light is carried by a medium.
A particle or any celestial body does not normally move relative to Space or the EM medium in its vicinity. As we shall see in our Theory proper, a particle vortex is part of the Space or field around it and vice versa. However, as Space and the EM medium expand, the interstellar or intergalactic distances increase and this results in the lengthening of wavelengths and, therefore, the Doppler effect. Thus, the light from galaxies further out shifts progressively into the Infra Red, then microwave region, radio wave region and so on until it fails to reach us altogether. It is this almost uniform radio and microwave background against the dark sky
28 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 29 that the supporters of the Big bang Theory try to interpret as the echo of the Big Bang explosion.
The broadening of spectral lines in high temperature plasma is due the random motion of emitting particles and their incorporate Ether relative to background Ether. [According to STR’s explanation of the Doppler effect, the broadening of spectral lines should be towards one side of the normal line only; i.e., only lengthening of relativistic time or period; (i.e., spreading towards the red). The fact that this broadening spreads on both sides of the normal contradicts the Special Theory of Relativity].
The STR, with its contradictory postulates and its biased derivations, has given rise to the popular impression that time is always shortest in the Proper IFR, and this, combined with the mistaking of appearances or optical aberration for physical reality, has in turn given rise to fantasies that a space-ship could travel at such high speeds, (near the speed of light), and return to Earth after its own clock has clocked a few months, only to discover that the Earth has clocked centuries.
But the return trip of the space ship is a closed loop process and, in such processes, there can be no disparity between clocks. If a clock disparity is observed, then this is a real one, not a distortion and, as such, it has nothing to do with the STR.
To demonstrate the impossibility of disparity between clocks in a closed loop process, let us consider more closely the case of the space ship:
Let us suppose that the speed of the space ship relative to the Earth and the duration of the journey are such, that the clock of the space ship clocks one year, whilst that of the Earth clocks a century;(always according to the STR). But according to the STR, there is no privileged IFR and, relatively speaking, the return trip of the space ship is equivalent to a return trip of the Earth relative to the space ship, (acceleration or no acceleration). So, by merely switching our choice of Proper IFR, it is the Earth that should clock one year for the space ship's century!! This is obviously quite absurd. There can be no disparity between the two clocks.
What is ignored here is the fact that, for one leg of the trip the objects were departing from each other, whilst for the second leg, they were approaching each other. Observing a clock fixed to a body, by means of a signal starting at the body, the clock appears slower when we are departing from it, due to the extra time that the signal needs to catch up with us, but it appears faster as we approach, as we double back on the signal we had run away from. The
29 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 30 real clocking time has not changed. If a change is observed, it has nothing to do with our relative speed or the Relativity Theory.
So, we have an equation, derived to accommodate an optical distortion that tells us that our reality is limited by the speed of light. Yet, we have at least a couple of phenomena that suggest that greater speeds occur.
When we are looking at a Black Hole in the sky, what we are looking at is the South (inflowing) mechanical pole of a gigantic Neutronic Vortex, where the speed of the electromagnetic medium is greater than the speed of light, away from us. It is similar to what we would observe standing on the entrance side of a wind tunnel, down which the wind speed exceeds the speed of sound. The tunnel entrance would be a silent hole. Relative speeds between objects carried by the wind and air, or between adjacent air layers and between them and the tunnel walls may not exceed the speed of sound because of medium shear. The same is true for an ‘Etheric wind tunnel’. At the moment this is explained as ‘Gravity trapping’ of the photons, as the Black Hole is an intense Gravity Vortex; (though photons are supposed to have No Mass!!).
The following phenomenon, however, cannot be explained as a gravity trap. As we observe into the infinity of the Universe, the field of view fills up with galaxies and, if the Universe were not expanding, with receding speeds of galaxies increasing with their distance from us, the night sky would appear quite bright; much brighter than the Milky Way. The reason for background night sky being black is that the light from stars that lie beyond a certain distance from us never reaches us. This is because, beyond this critical distance, the receding speed of both stars and electromagnetic medium is greater than the speed of light. So, though the Universe is infinite, the part of it that is visible, from any one point, is finite, due to the continuous expansion of space. The visibility limit is the boundary beyond which the speed of stars and medium exceeds the speed of light away from us.
Considering that for sources of light at this critical distance the speed of their light relative to us is zero and, for sources beyond this limit, as well as for sources within or near Black Holes, their light is actually receding from us, the phenomenon contradicts the postulate of the universality of the speed of light in all IFRs, on which the STR is based.
30 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 31
Scientific Sacrilege Because ‘scientists’ could not explain their observation of the apparent constancy of the speed of light, they accepted, in full realization of what they were doing, the violation of the most basic Law of Mathematical addition and they called this audacity the work of a super genius! Someone with a shred of respect for sound scientific thought would try to find the premises in which neither experimental results would be ignored nor Mathematical laws violated. If they considered that the EM medium has Inertial content, they should realize that it could not be either Static or Heliostatic but, in the vicinity of the Earth, it would rotate around the Sun with the same angular velocity as the Earth. In the same way that the Earth carries its Atmosphere along with it, it carries its Ether also. Even now that ‘scientists’ estimate that the non-particle mass in and around our Galaxy is 96% of the total mass, they chose to call it ‘dark matter/energy’, in order to avoid calling it by its name, ETHER. As we shall see in our Theory Proper even particle matter is Ether, in the form of ‘Etheric Vortices’. A Physicist or a Mathematician with self respect would not consider the STR or its ‘sister’ any further than its Introduction, where the decision to violate a basic Law of Mathematics is stated as one of its premises; except of course for exposing it as the ridiculous fallacy that it is. The second postulate of Einstein’s STR, namely that ‘the speed of light in vacuum is the same in all IFRs’, contradicts the vary meaning of Relativity. Only a monumental idiot can say that photons hit you with the same speed whether you move at high speed against them or in the same direction as them.
Another example of how great a fraud Einstein was is the following: When he first presented his theory of the Universe, his Universe was coming out as ‘open’ or expanding. However, the prevailing belief among scientists at the time was that the Universe was ‘closed’ or non- expanding and they pointed to Einstein the ‘error’ of his theory. Einstein said; “Oops, I must have made a mistake”. He went home, drew a parameter out of the hat, worked it into his theory and ‘closed’ his Universe in order to satisfy the prevailing ‘scientific’ opinion!!!
Never before has sound Scientific reasoning been abused so badly or sacrificed so unceremoniously at the altar of nonsensical algebraic manipulations. And, in order to intimidate Human intelligence from ever challenging this nonsense, Einstein was declared the genius of all geniuses, though, as far as Physics is concerned, he could not tell the difference between ‘coming’ and ‘going’. (It is the same with Darwin. The Authority that rules over us by imposing upon us scientific ignorance, gives all false scientists over-magnified intimidating prestige).
31 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 32
Review on Einstein
(The purpose of including this critical review in an otherwise scientific document is to strip this false scientist from his ‘super genius halo’ because, we believe that, by fully exposing such frauds, we help to free scientists, and laypersons, from the prejudices and the scientific ignorance that are maintained because of the false but intimidating prestige of these frauds).
This is a late addition, after a long research on Einstein, both his Work and his private life.
It is clear to me now that Einstein was not the protagonist of the ‘Einstein fraud’. The top Physicists of the time could not possibly be fooled by such an obvious fraud, as the Theory of Relativity, unless they wanted to be fooled. It is obvious that the community of the scientific elite were collectively the protagonists of the scientific fraud, using Einstein, an outsider to the family of established Physicists, that would be the target of ridicule, in case the fraud did not pass.
This is how it all came about:
Theoretical Physicists had been for a long time perplexed by the dilemma that their measurements of the speed of Light were contradicting the fundamental Mathematical law of Vector addition. Actually, there was no contradiction. Their error was that they were considering that light is either transmitted in the form of waves through a static or heliostatic elastic medium with no inertial content, Ether, (ignoring that ‘no inertial content’ should mean ‘infinite speed’), or as photons through ‘isotropic empty space’. According to either of these two concepts, the speed of light in the direction that the Earth transverses this medium or ‘isotropic empty space’ should be greater than in the opposite direction. Accurate measurements showed systematically that this was not the case; hence, the ‘contradiction’.
What baffles me is how the great scientific minds of the time could conceive of an elastic medium with no inertial content and, hence, be exempt from the laws of Gravity? Any material medium at the Earth’s distance from the Sun should orbit around the Sun with the same velocity as the Earth. How could they not put ‘two and two together’ and realize that their results were suggesting that light is not transmitted through ‘isotropic empty space’ but through an elastic inertial medium, and that the Earth does not transverse this medium, in the same way that it does not transverse its own Atmosphere, instead of opting to the ridiculous conclusion that their observations violated the fundamental law of Vector addition? How could they conceive such an absurd notion? The fundamental Laws of
32 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 33
Mathematics are the premises that can NEVER be violated. Anyway, however stupid this seems to be, this was the case and this is why they were so perplexed.
While they were so perplexed and saw no way out of this dilemma, something happened that gave an urgency to their predicament: In 1903, the Curies shared the Nobel prize for Physics with Becquerel for their experimental research on Radioactivity, their work being mostly carried out in a laboratory in a basement, in which the conditions were very poor, if not appalling. This caused a great sensation in the scientific community and, especially, among its financial sponsors. This caused almost all the sponsorships and grants to be diverted into experimental research and not much was left for Theoretical physicists. So, they had to do something about it; to find a way to cause a similar sensation in their own field and, thus, attract some of the funds to themselves.
However, there was not much really outstanding or ‘flashy’ going on in theoretical Physics and they had to ‘cook up’ something. So, they conceived the idea that, if they came up with something very ‘way out’ and managed, through the prestige of their genius, (and of their names), to persuade or sweep right off their feet the rest of the World, especially the financial sources, to accept it, however audacious this appeared to be, they would have the research funds redirected to themselves. The more ‘way out’ and difficult to comprehend by people of common scientific sense, the greater the sensation, if it passed.
The question was “Who would take the risk of becoming the laughing stock of the scientific community in case their fraud did not pass”? So, they thought of Einstein, a very minor name in Physics, who was seeking the company of the community of the elite Physicists, trying to hog some limelight to himself.
Physicists handed their scheme to Einstein and they were providing him with ideas and some of their own equations to take home and work on them. Einstein used to take these guidelines home where his girlfriend Mileva, later his wife but, still later, divorced, would develop the calculus, as she was the brains of the pair. Einstein would take this work, signed both by himself and Mileva(?), back to his ‘patrons’ for approval. Then he would return home with their comments and suggestions and have Mileva work on the suggested modifications. This is why many who study Einstein’s work and compare it with the current or preceding work of other established physicists accuse Einstein as a great ‘plagiarist’. However this was not the case. Einstein had their permission and encouragement to do so. It is indicative of this that, when he later brought to them the early form of his theory of the Universe, his Universe was coming out as ‘open’ or expanding, which, though now seen as correct, contradicted current beliefs. They pointed out to Einstein that he had to correct this, if his theory was to be
33 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 34 accepted by the wider scientific community. They also suggested how he could do it. Einstein goes home and, according to their suggestion, introduces this ‘spurious’ parameter and has Mileva work it into his theory in order to bring about the desired ‘closing’ of his Universe. Now, it should be clear to anyone that knows a bit about research procedures, that such ‘cooking’ would be immediately spotted and promptly rejected, unless the examiners were themselves willing to accept it or, more precisely, they were part of the scam.
Let me tell you of a similar case out of my personal experience: A friend of mine was assigned as a project for his doctorate degree at Manchester University, the calculation of the ‘binding energy’ of the nucleus of Lithium-six (Li6), using the ‘three-body model’. My friend was using some very powerful calculus that he had put together for his Masters diploma. After brain-racking work and tons of computer printouts, the energy was coming out around (+3.1) MeV, instead of (–4.2) MeV as measured for the Lithium nucleus. This meant that not only the Lithium nucleons could not be held together as a stable nucleus but they would fly away from each other with nuclear explosion speeds. My friend was very perplexed and unhappy because he thought that all his work was in vain and that his doctorate was going down the drain. He checked and rechecked his Mathematics, and then he gave them to me to check for a supporting second opinion. (People involved in editing know that it is difficult for someone to edit his own work, even for spelling mistakes, as he tends to skip over familiar ground, without noticing his own mistakes). I checked his Mathematics and found no flaw in his estimations. So, what was he going to do? He had a mind of packing it all in and flying home without submitting his thesis. I pointed out that this was utterly silly. His hard work did merit the doctorate. This was very serious work, which actually proved not only that the ‘three-body model’ was not valid for the case but, also, that the nucleus was not just nucleons merely ‘touching’. (Nucleons partially coalesce to form compound nuclei; see page 56 in this thesis). So, I persuaded him to hand in his thesis. His supervisors agreed that his thesis merited the doctorate but, as one of them was one of the originators of the ‘three-body model’ and as they could not include in their doctorate archives or ‘abstracts’, a work that calculates the ‘binding energy’ of a nucleus as positive instead of negative, they suggested to him the inclusion of various spurious eigen-functions with negative eigen energy values so as to push the calculated energy to some negative value. If you look up the word ‘spurious’ in the dictionary, its meaning is given as, ‘fake’, ‘counterfeit’, ‘false’ and ‘illegitimate’. Surely such ‘illegitimacy’ cannot be accepted by any research supervisor, unless he is part of the fraud or he or she is the one who suggested it.
Let me try to explain in very simple language the violation of the fundamental law of vector addition in the Einstein fraud. This is definitely not a mistake on Einstein’s behalf as it is clearly stated in the deliberations of the introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity that
34 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 35 the violation of the law of addition was a deliberate choice. It is clearly stated in these deliberations that the choice was one of either disregarding experimental results or violating the Mathematical Law. In choosing to violate the Mathematical law, it is stated that, as Physics is an ‘experimental science’, systematic experimental results could not possibly be disregarded and so there was no choice other than violating the Mathematical law instead!!! This is what is done in the second postulate of the Theory, namely that “The speed of Light in vacuum is the same constant in all Inertial Frames of Reference (IFRs)”. I will put this in a non-scientist’s language so as to show it for the sacrilege that it is because, as stated formally in the postulate, it is read like a verse or a jingle and one does not give serious conscious thought to it. Otherwise, how could an intelligent person accept it?
Let us suppose that I am driving down a straight road with a constant speed of 100 mph. My car and I constitute an IFR. The road and the trees off the embankment constitute another IFR. I travel relative to them with 100 mph in one direction and they travel relative to me with 100 mph in the opposite direction. If I crash with my car into a tree head on, my car hits the tree with 100 mph and the tree hits my car with the same speed. They both suffer damages according to a 100 mph crash. Suppose now that there are other cars on the same straight road traveling at various speeds but, for simplicity, we consider a car that is traveling in the same direction as me with a constant speed of 80 mph and a car that is traveling in the opposite direction with a constant speed of 80 mph. These cars are, like my own car, different IFRs. (IFR is a frame of constant speed in a straight line; no acceleration). My relative speed, or the speed of overtaking, with the first car is 100-80 = 20 mph. If we collide, I will hit it in the rear with 20 mph relative speed and it will hit me in the front with the same relative speed and the two cars will sustain analogous damages each. My relative speed with the second car is 100+80 = 180 mph. If we collide head on we shall both sustain damages analogous to 180 mph. This is quite clear to everyone. Now let us consider what the second postulate of the STR says for the case of Light. Consider the light or photons travelling outward from the Sun at the speed of Light in vacuum; co. Let there be a spaceship travelling at high speed outward from the Sun and a second spaceship travelling at high speed towards the Sun. According to the postulate, the speed of light Relative to either of these space ships is equal to the speed of light, co; that whether we travel against the light or along with it, the photons hit us with the same speed co; this contradicts the very meaning of Relativity. Now, you may realize clearly the magnitude of the audacity. Actually, right from the start, as soon as the ‘Lorenz transformation’ is put down and its expounding began, the STR admits that what it says does not make any scientific sense or contradicts common scientific sense but, it must be accepted as correct because it follows from the second postulate, which postulate violates the basic
35 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 36 law of Vector Addition. And this audacity and scientific sacrilege passed because of the prestige of the names of important yet fraudulent people.
The way the STR was accepted was beyond their wildest expectations, (an example of what promotion, even fraudulent promotion, can do). Not only the fraud did pass but Einstein was declared the super genius of all times. Einstein satisfied his vanity and his ambition both for glory and money as he became the most sought for and most highly paid touring guest lecturer in all science institutions. Mileva however was left out of this glorious and ludicrous scene and was threatening Einstein and, indirectly, the others involved in the scam that she would expose the fraud. (May be he married her just in order to shush her).
[In letters now made public, it seems that, while Mileva was carrying out the work, she was being promised -by Einstein- a PhD. The quotation from Einstein’s letter reads: “You must continue with your investigations – how proud I will be to have a PhD for a sweetheart, while I remain a completely ordinary person!” Could it be that Einstein was goading Mileva to carry out these ‘investigations’, which, by her reluctance, she seems not to think highly of any way, with the pretext that he was submitting them on her behalf to a Board for her PhD, whilst he was signing copies of her work without her knowing and submitting them to his ‘patrons’ as his own work, for his own promotion and glory, at her expense? Otherwise, how could he say to Mileva that this work would lead to a PhD for her, while he would remain a completely ordinary person? When Einstein takes the glory and she is left out, Mileva bitterly complains that now that Einstein is famous, he has no time for her and that “he is getting the pearl whilst she is left with the shell”. Later, when Mileva is writing her memoirs, Einstein sends her a letter with a strong advice to “keep her mouth shut”.]
So, Einstein went to his patrons and asked for the Nobel Prize. How ridiculous! Nobody was sure how long the fraud would last before the wider public got wise and uncovered it. They could not take the risk of the awarding Academy appearing itself ridiculous in the end. Mileva kept threatening and Einstein kept insisting for the Nobel. So, they decided to ‘give’ him a Nobel but, of course, not for the fraudulent STR. They gave him their existing theories on the photoelectric effect to publish as his own and duly awarded him the Nobel for his ‘novel’(!) equation of the energy exchange in the emission of an electron from the atom when bombarded by high energy photons, namely the equation ‘ h ν = w + ½ mv 2’ . There could be no error in this as it is just an exotic form of the energy equation that twelve-year olds learn at school ever since Newton, if not ever since Archimedes, namely that the total useful energy given to water by a pump is equal to the Potential energy needed to bring it to the surface plus the Kinetic energy with which the water comes out of the pump. It is indicative of this dubious arrangement that the amount paid to Einstein for his Nobel was the
36 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 37 lowest ever paid, a fraction of the normal, and every penny of it went to Mileva. (Later, while Einstein was in America, he gave Mileva a right of attorney to collect on his behalf an appreciable sum of money due to him in Switzerland. Mileva pocketed this money as well, in spite of Einstein’s protests. If he took her to court for it, he was afraid that she might ‘spill out the beans’.)
Then Princeton gave Einstein the Physics Chair. It was all right as long as Einstein was giving touring lectures on the same trodden topic, by copying or reading from notes. (After his divorce from Mileva, Einstein proved a dried-up well for any new ideas or any new material). At Princeton however he was bombarded with questions on all sorts of topics, for which Einstein could not furnish answers. At first, the students interpreted this ‘refusal’ to give answers, not as Einstein’s lack of genius but that the answers would be so ‘deep’ or ‘involved’ that they would not comprehend. However, this was soon becoming ridiculously suspicious. So, Einstein was given the freedom of ‘The Institute of Advanced Study’, where he could do as he pleased, not having to give any lectures or being under pressure to produce any research results. In effect, he was kept as a ‘show piece’, in the same way that many Nobel laureates are used by Universities for prestige. Though outwardly he was supposed to be working with other physicists on ‘The Unified Field Theory’, he actually occupied himself with anything else but Science.
People who veil Einstein with the halo of a super genius support that Einstein was not part of the ‘Manhatan Project’ and the Los Alamos group for the Atom bomb research “because he was a pacifist”. This cannot be further from the truth. He agreed to be left out so as not to become the laughing stock of the younger physicists in the group, who did not know the fraud. However the Manhatan Project could not be set up if it was not for Einstein. Roosevelt repeatedly refused to approve funds for the project and he was only persuaded to approve the funds by Einstein’s intervention. Although he could not offer any scientific help to the group, Einstein employed his prestige.
Einstein was definitely dishonest and, though devious, his intelligence was below average. I would go as far as calling him stupid. Only an idiot would consider a material medium heliostatic and grossly violate sound Scientific Reason and basic Laws of Mathematics.
Just look at his face: Foxy? Yes; but otherwise thick; his intelligence was definitely not above average.
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5) The Mathematical bias and the ‘Big Bang’ Fallacy
Mathematics has always been my strongest aptitude and my favorite subject; (at the age of eighteen I was certified by my college as a ‘mathematical genius’). However, computational intelligence (as in accounting, IQs and programming) is a mechanistic function of the brain. It uses only a small part of the brain and very little energy. You can get a rough idea of this, by considering that a scientific calculator has a tiny wafer chip, its brain, of 1 cm2 and its operation, including its clock, alarm and a few other functions, is powered by a source of less than 0,001w and can be kept going for almost a year by two cells the size of headache pills. Accountants and computer programmers are usually of quite low conceptual intelligence.
Mathematical operations are mainly linear processes that give singular answers. In addition, the mathematical process is free from emotions and therefore objective. For these reasons, Mathematics is an invaluable tool of science. However, a tool is all that it is. Mathematics does not explain things. Though mathematical solutions may be correct, they are not necessarily true. The truth of the output depends on the truth of the input. We can work out mathematical derivations based on different premises and assumptions, even contradictory premises, to fit equally well the same empiricism. For this reason, mathematical derivations that fit our assumptions are not a proof that our assumptions are correct. Unfortunately, many, some fascinated and others filled with awe by complicated algebraic manipulations, credit mathematics way above their worth. Proving(?) our assumptions by fitting them with the algebraic derivations that suit our case, is a misleading mathematical fiddle, that sometimes blocks us from pursuing the truth any further and from understanding the very often much simpler reality. (In Algebraic equations we can even state or postulate that TIME started at a particular instance and that there was NO TIME b e f o r e that. There was ‘BEFORE’ but there was no ‘TIME’!!!)
Let us first consider a very simple case of accommodation of empiricism by a simple algebraic expression: According to Huyghen's Wavelet theory, every point on a wave front acts as a secondary source, and the common tangent of the secondary wavelets from all these secondary sources is the new wave front. The theory is used to explain quite well many properties of waves, like reflection, refraction, interference and so on. However, it seems that this theory is not quite correct or does not tell the whole story. If the theory did tell the whole story, we should expect that from every wave front there should be propagation in both the forward and the reverse directions, which is not the case. To get over this difficulty, we introduce a so-called "obliquity factor", ½(1+cos θ), which has a value equal to one(1) in the forward direction, (θ=0), and zero(0) in the reverse direction, (θ=180), and we multiply our wavelet functions
38 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 39 by this factor. This is very neat. We have solved our problem quite nicely. However, this obliquity factor does not explain anything. It fits or accommodates the situation. The very negative result of this convenience is that it has stopped us from applying our genius to discover the real story or the whole story. Examining natural mathematics, like eiwt = cos wt + i sin wt and the physical significance of the two terms, both considered real, might reveal the right clue for the correct understanding of wave propagation. That the only direction of propagation is the one that follows in phase the transverse phasor of the wave. (We met this in the study of the water wave further up).
Our second example is more complex and more controversial and has to do with much more elaborate algebraic manipulations than a mere trigonometric expression. It concerns the Explosion theory of the Origin of the Universe. Convinced of the validity of our idea, we worked out mathematical expressions that fit some parameters of empiricism, in order to justify our conviction. But, however awesome or fancy these mathematical expressions may be, they cannot make void the simple logic that.... when an explosion takes place, something explodes and this something must exist first, before it can explode.... So, we cannot say that the Universe was created by the explosion; rather that it was dispersed from a more concentrated form; some kind of grenade or ... an e g g. Now where this egg came from and how and why suddenly, at a particular moment of time, it became so violently unstable, overcoming infinite gravity, are questions that the Explosion theory leaves gaping unanswered. The Cause of Creation should be what created the egg in the first place. Why then, all of a sudden, poof, one single egg and no more eggs? How can a healthy Mind suppose that the Primary Cause that creates the Universe, an UNCONDITIONED and INDEPENDENT Cause can possibly cease to exist or cease to be active?
Some take their Mathematics even further and conclude that the Universe was created by an explosion of a central point of almost zero dimensions and extremely high density, born out of nothing. Further still, they incorporate Heizenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’, (which only expresses our incapability to measure Reality beyond a certain limit of accuracy), into algebraic equations to predict REAL situations!! (In the older version of the theory it was calculated that 300.000 or 700.000 or 1.000.000 years passed after the explosion, before the density fell to such levels, that the Universe became transparent to light!!!).
The contradiction, both mathematical and physical, is quite obvious. Both versions imply that the Universe is finite and has a unique or singular center! Strangely enough, they cannot tell us in which direction relative to our position this unique center of the Universe lies.
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We are so fascinated by our Mathematics that we get so engrossed in the ‘reality’(?) of our mathematical models and algebraic manipulations, that we often neglect physical reality. Once convenienced by these impressive, sometimes brain-racking mathematical treatises, we forget to question the validity of our starting premises.
As for the interpretation of the almost uniform Microwave and Radio wave background beyond the visible galaxies as the ‘echo’ of the ‘Big Bang’, this is a well-marketed fraud. Like all scientists, the originator and promoters of this idea know very well that this is the tail-off of the Doppler effect of radiations from receding galaxies in the background.
As we observe into the infinity of the Universe, the field of view fills up with galaxies and, if the Universe were not expanding, with receding speeds of galaxies increasing with their distance from us, the night sky would appear quite bright; brighter than the Milky Way. However, as we have seen earlier, in the section on the ‘Void of Matter’, as Space expands, galaxies, ether or ‘dark matter’ and space move away from us, with receding speeds increasing with their distance from us. As space moves away from us, it carries with it the light produced by galaxies, giving rise to the Doppler effect, which also increases with distance, going from Red to Infra Red to Microwaves to Radio waves until, for galaxies beyond a certain distance, their light never reaches us, as the speed of both Space and Galaxies is bigger than the speed of light AWAY from us. This is why the night sky is dark instead of bright. Although the Universe is Infinite, the part of it that is visible, or observable by means of electromagnetic waves, from any one point, is limited.
(In 2000 Astronomers observed that radiation received from galaxies at the ‘boundary’ of the Big Bang shows these galaxies to have been just as old at the very ‘beginning’ of the Bang as our neighboring galaxies today, instead of ‘infants’; something that proves the theory wrong).
The Inflation theory: To patch up the many gross inadequacies of the Theory, its supporters are cooking up all sorts of other bizarre theories. For example, in order to explain why the Universe did not collapse upon itself soon after the Bang, due to its high density, (and forbidding gravity), they came up with this ‘Inflation’ theory that the Universe initially expanded or inflated almost instantly, in 1.5 x 10-33 of a second, (still against forbidding gravity). The speed of expansion or inflation suggested is more than 1050 times the speed of light. To overcome the contradiction with their view that the speed of light is the maximum possible, they say that it is Space-time that expanded, carrying all matter for a ride, whilst matter was in effect not
40 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 41 moving at all!! Is space then the explosive charge that drives the material contents of this massive ‘bomb’? If space imparts momentum, then it is a material possessing momentum. This should give them the clue that all matter may be different states of this space material.
This ‘inflation’ nonsense is the result of cooking together a) Quantum Physics with b) the Uncertainty Principle, which merely expresses our incapability to measure Reality beyond a certain degree of accuracy and not that Reality is inaccurate! (Fluctuations of dimensions are not an uncertainty). The ‘theory’ took the Uncertainty as a reality and inflated it in a 10-33 sec Bang from Plank’s dimensions to 14 billion light-years across! Some Uncertainty!
They support that the arising out of the blue, out of nothing, of this tiny (10-35 m) but massive ‘egg’, (that contains compressed all the material of the Universe), is allowed by Quantum Physics. Actually, this is not exactly what they are saying. It is not allowed by Quantum Physics on its own but only when it is cooked with the Uncertainty Principle, what they call ‘quantum uncertainty’, which extends Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle from an uncertainty in measurements of Time and Space coordinates to an uncertainty in ‘Being’ and ‘NOT Being’. In plain language and not in sophisticated and fraudulent algebraic mumble jumble, ‘Our Uncertainty of ‘Nothing’ being exactly Nothing’ allows for the material of the whole Universe to appear within a ‘speck’ of Plank’s dimensions, (10-35 m), as a deviation or discrepancy from Nothing, suddenly out of the blue. Furthermore, within this ‘speck’, there is the material, the Energy and the explosive force to expand this ‘speck’ to the eventual dimensions and contents of a Universe with billions of galaxies that spans some 14 billion light-years across. Not only this; its detonating charge is so precisely regulated and controlled that within 1.5 x 10-33 of a second, it ‘inflates’ this extremely dense ‘speck’ to some 14 light-years across, (the present dimensions of the Universe!), and a density equal to the critical necessary to avoid both the ‘crunch’ and the ‘over-blowing’ till today, with an accuracy of one in 1060!! Whoa!! What a CHANCE miracle of miracles!
The ‘Big Bang’ theory seriously explains (!) all this through an ‘uncertainty’ of ‘nothing’ being exactly nothing, or by adding an uncertainty of Plank’s dimensions to a ‘zero solution’ of a Quantum equation. So, the whole Universe IS a quantum uncertainty, originally 10-35m across but containing the material of billions of galaxies, which inflated in 1.5 x10-33 sec to a critical density to avoid both ‘crunch’ and ‘overblowing’, with an accuracy of one in 1060! Unbelievable!! This is not Physics. It is just conjuring on paper.
Ever since the Einstein fraud, when scientists consented to accept as true what contradicts scientific reason and violates mathematical laws, the ‘scientific community’ at prestigious
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Science Centers has been practicing a permissiveness that has developed into a complete perversion of Scientific Truth; much worse today than in the Middle Ages.
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A step-by-step non-algebraic derivation of the Fourier Transform of the Unit Impulse
The space of the Universe is Infinite and Unbound, as seen from a finite point of view; (‘finite point of view’ is the point of view from any finite domain reaching out with finite speed. From infinity’s point of view, there is no sense of size or relative dimensions of space and no sense of time or motion; Infinity is its own non-definable ALL, (all=1). It is always instantly HERE and NOW. From infinity’s point of view all time is NOW and space is void. The concept of time, as well as the idea of relative dimensions of space and of motion, arise as a result of the physical transformation of Instant Unboundedness into an infinite spectrum of complex (6-D or twin-phase) space waves, (its Fourier Transform), arising from everywhere and transmited in all directions as functions of time. The Fourier Transform of Instant Unboundedness is the way Instant Unboundedness is experienced in a non-zero timeframe from a finite point of view, as analysed further down.
Infinite space can only be unbound. Infinity cannot have a boundary or a fixed size. Form infinity’s point of view space is a uniform void, (isotropic integral state), whilst from a finite point of view space is differentiated, (non-isotropic differential state).
Let us analyze what these terms, ‘infinite’ and ‘unbound’ actually mean. We shall see straight away that the Primary Principle of spontaneous OUTWARDNESS is a fundamental property of infinite unbound space.
‘Infinite’ means that whatever finite part, or domain, of it we consider, however big, it has zero size relative to the rest of space, beyond this domain.
Furthermore, whatever the location of this domain, it is the point center of infinite space. That is, there are no privileged points, due to end or boundary effects etc., in infinite space, since it has no boundaries. The point center of infinite space is undefined and can be realized anywhere and everywhere in infinite space, at any instance of time. (See Appendix A).
As we have already mentioned further up, Infinite space can only be unbound. This automatically introduces the concept of TIME, and makes Infinite Unbound Space DYNAMIC and not static.
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This brings us to the definition of the term ‘unbound’:
‘ Unbound’ means that from a finite point of view no boundary can be reached; i.e., it expands at infinite speed as seen from a finite point of view. Infinity cannot possibly expand at a finite speed. For every finite speed there is an even greater speed that will eventually catch up with it and this means boundary. ‘Infinite speed’ implies that, at every instance of time, space is infinite as compared with what it was a moment ago, and zero as compared with what it will be the following moment.
Every domain in space, however big or small, even the whole of infinite space itself, acts as the point origin of an infinite instant pulse or UNIT IMPULSE. (‘UNIT IMPULSE’ is another term for ‘INSTANT UNBOUNDEDNESS’).
Every domain of unbound space, ranging in size from the mathematical point to infinite space itself, has the fundamental property of spontaneous OUTWARDNESS, and this is manifest as a Unit Impulse at all points of space.
It must also be understood that there has been NO TIME, during which this property had not been manifest and became suddenly manifest, at a particular moment of time. The Principle of Outwardness and its manifestation go together like water and wetness. Infinity is timeless.
Let us now examine this Unit Impulse and see how the phenomenon of Antikinesis or Inertia arises from it.
First of all, every point in space is the origin of the Unit Impulse. And, since the Unit Impulse is infinite and instant, it is not first at one place and then at another. Therefore, it does not propagate and it does not cast a shadow. This property, though significant, will not help us understand its mechanics and how the phenomenon of Inertia arises.
The following analysis however, will: As we have already mentioned, there are no privileged points, or domains, in infinite unbound space. Therefore, the expansion of one domain, or point, cannot be accommodated by pushing the adjacent domains out of their place. Each domain holds its ground equally well and expands outwardly from where it is.
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This means that, in three-dimensional space, unprivileged expansion is impossible. There seems to be no room, or space, for it!!! (In a finite space or body, there is a unique center, the center of mass, and this is the only point that holds its ground in an expansion, if the body meets no external resistance in any direction. In Infinite space, however, there is no unique center; any point is equally the center of infinity as the next point).
Therefore, if infinite space were confined to three dimensions, it could not expand in an unprivileged uniform way, (according to what follows from its being infinite and unbound). That is, if space was only three-dimensional, it could not be either infinite or unbound.
For unprivileged expansion to be possible, the expansion of any domain should divert or be accommodated out of the way of adjacent domains. The only way this can happen is for the expansion to be accommodated transversely to the x,y,z space.
To help understand this transverse accommodation, let us study here together a thought experiment in one dimension first:
Consider a very long straight elastic rod. So long, that 100 km of it is so insignificant, a point, compared with its full length, that, within this section of 100 km, there are no privileged points due to end effects.
Let us start with the rod uniformly longitudinally compressed; not by holding it in at its extremities, but by means of a vice made of two semi-cylindrical halves, each the same length as the rod and fitting along its entire length, holding it longitudinally compressed.
On releasing the rod from the vice, the whole of it at the same instance, the entire rod should expand outwardly along its length, all parts of it simultaneously, setting the rod into its fundamental pulsation, at its fundamental frequency. As the origin of this expansion is everywhere along the entire length of the rod, this expansion, or pulse, does not cast a shadow.
There is a serious flaw in this idea of a synchronous longitudinal expansion along the entire length of the rod, or rather, along a section of it without privileged points, which would be the entire rod, if its length was infinite.
Suppose this rod passes right in front of us and we examine a section of it of one-meter length, at the moment the expansion is ten per cent (10%). The meter section, taken as a unit,
45 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 46 would be seen to expand five centimeters each way, with the unit as a whole holding its place. Moving down the length of the rod by a distance of 100 km and examining a unit meter section there, we should expect this second unit meter section to behave exactly the same way, without losing its ground, since there are no privileged points, or sections, within this length of the rod. This seems to be impossible, as it allows no room to accommodate the aggregate expansion of the 100 km in between the two meter sections; that is, an expansion of ten kilometers.
What we shall observe instead is that the rod will wriggle out of its straight line. That is, the expansion will be accommodated transversely.
As there are no privileged points, and the directions transverse to the rod are infinite, with none of these directions privileged, the rod will snap out of straight line at random points, in random transverse directions. This results in the rod snapping into sections of a great variety of lengths, (infinite variety, if the length of the rod were infinite), with larger ones overlapping with smaller ones, and each one of these sections vibrates or oscillates at its own natural frequency.
Each oscillating section generates a wave of its own natural frequency, propagated two ways along the length of the rod, the space of the fundamental, with a finite velocity, and casting a shadow as it does. These waves are mixed, longitudinal and transverse, with the transverse component leading the longitudinal by 90o phase.
Thus, the fundamental pulse, which has no net propagation, (because its origin is everywhere along the rod), is inevitably transformed into an extensive frequency spectrum, (infinite spectrum in the case of an infinite rod), its Fourier Transform, each component frequency, of localized origin, being transmitted as a wave across the space of the fundamental.
If we performed the experiment with an elastic lamina, the resulting motion would be rippling, instead of wriggling, with only one apparent transverse direction.
In the case of a three-dimensional space, as in the case of the three-dimensional wave we examined in the Introduction, there is no transverse within the x,y,z space. The transverse accommodation can only be ‘inward’ (or implosive) at every point, in the ix,iy,iz space- phase.
Thus, Dynamic Space is necessarily at least a twin-phase space. This is the space of the Unit Impulse.
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For the same reasons we explained in the case of the uni-dimensional rod, the Unit Impulse of the entire infinite space transforms into an infinite frequency spectrum, thus giving real essence to the concept of TIME. [As we have mentioned higher up, from Infinity’s point of view, there is no Time or Motion. All time is instant now.]
Each component frequency is an orthogonal and orthophasic twin and can be represented by the form
a eiwt = a cos wt + ia sin wt where a is a function in x,y,z. Both terms on the right are equally real.
(We have not started with space compressed, as in the case of the elastic rod, but the fact that infinite space is unbound is the only adequate criterion for this effect).
As the origin of the Unit Impulse is undefined in Infinite Space or is everywhere in Infinite Space, the infinite spectrum of its Fourier Transform consists of waves originating from everywhere and transmitted in all directions. Therefore, from any one three-dimensional finite point of view, the Fourier Transform of the Unit Impulse, which is what we experience, appears as a Directionally Undifferentiated Continuum.
The effect of the Fourier Transform of the Unit Impulse as a whole on any point in any three- dimensional space has a Zero directional resultant. The point holds its ground whilst the rest of space expands uniformly away from it. As the point has no directional motion relative to space or the Continuum in its own vicinity, it does not encounter any Inertial Resistance or Antikinesis due to the expansion of space.
Any component of the spectrum of the Unit Impulse, or any change or disturbance that picks out a component or part of the spectrum, meets with an Inertial Resistance or Antikinesis, as it propagates across the space of the Unit Impulse Continuum.
The reason is quite simple: For every component of the Continuum, the rest of the spectrum of the Unit Impulse Continuum has a resultant equal and opposite to the missing component. This causes any disturbance to break or transform physically into its Fourier Transform and each of its component frequencies is counteracted by the rest of the Continuum. (This is also why in electromagnetic telecommunications every signal
47 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 48 breaks or transforms physically into its Fourier Transform as it propagates across the space of the Electromagnetic Medium, the Secondary Continuum).
And this is what Primary Inertial Material is made of. It is merely the resultant of the rest of the spectrum of the Unit Impulse Continuum, encountered as Antikinesis by any component or part of the Unit Impulse Continuum.
So, MATTER IS VOID. Its concept arises from the motion of unbound space. With motion stopped, there is no matter.
(The ix-iy-iz space-phase consists of an infinite number of spheres transverse to the x-y-z space-phase. If we flip our ix-iy-iz phasors, and hold them flipped, so as not to coincide with those of the objects or the Continuum around us, we would not fully interact or collide with these objects. We could go even through a wall without encountering Inertial Reaction, or become invisible, or not be affected by gravity fields in a non-coincident ix-iy-iz space- phase, depending on the flip. This could disrupt the EM Continuum in our vicinity).
What form does this Primary Inertia take?
In the case of a three-dimensional pulse, the Inertial reaction is spherically against it, but lagging by one quarter (1/4) of the period of the pulse.
For a linear motion, apart from the head-on reaction, which lags the action by one quarter (1/4) the period of the highest frequency in the Fourier transform of the motion, the other two sets of phasors, which are both orthogonal and orthophasic to the motion as well as to each other, frequency for frequency in the Fourier transform, accompany the motion, describing circles around it as it moves along, forming a cylindrical spiral, or solenoidal, flow field around it.
When the motion consists of two mutually orthogonal and orthophasic components, resulting in circular motion, it is automatically accompanied by the third orthogonal and orthophasic phasor, along the axis of the circle, in the direction of a right-hand screw. The final result is the formation of a funneled vortex.
Once the vortex sets in, it behaves like a particle. Approaching two such vortices causes their spinning flows to collide, or mutually constrain each other, and this keeps them apart as corpuscular entities or particles.
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These vortices, which are formed of the Primary inertial material, are not the particles of protons or neutrons. The latter are vortices of denser material, as we shall see in the following chapter.
These Primary Vortices are, each one of them, seats of individual Sentient Beings; Points- of-I.
This Primary material, the Fourier Transform of the Unit Impulse, is much finer than Ether. It is what in the language of scientific formulation is known as CHAOS (). The second letter is the short or half Alpha. The long Alpha, like the letter ‘h’, had the form of the profile of a water wave, the best visual form of a wave, emanating from a transverse disturbance, and was pronounced as the best audible wave; an open sound wave produced by a chord, or vocal chords; aa, ee, ae or ea. The third letter ‘O’ stands for the view of half a water wave from the top, orthogonal to the profile, which is the orthophasic component. ‘X’ is the symbol of orthogonality and also defines the mathematical point. So, ‘ΧΑΟΣ’ simply means the whole spectrum of ‘orthogonal and orthophasic twin-phase space waves’.
It is the same material as NUS, (Mind), or Spirit. The relation between Chaos and Nus or Spirit is the same as that between Air and Breeze, or Breath of Air. Nus or Spirit is directionally flowing Chaos.
The Primary Principle of Outwardness, being a principle, has no form, and is symbolized by a form of its Primary manifestation: Alpha, a sine wave emanating from a chord.
In the language of scientific formulation, the Primary Principle of Outwardness is rendered by the word-formula ΑΓΑΠΗ, which means ‘Non-Associative Love’. (I did not mention it in the heading of the chapter, because most of you might think that I was talking about a feeling. This is what it is now a days used to express.).
Actually the word ΑΓΑΠΗ is a twin. ΑΓΑ, with two short alphas on either side of the silent chord, gamma, ‘Γ’, stands for the Principle as primarily manifest, as an instant pulse in twin space-phase, and ΠΗ, with the secondary silent chord ‘Π’ and the long Alpha ‘H’, as secondarily manifest, as time functions, from all points of accumulation of the original or other material; from the sun, for instance.
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Although the speed of expansion of space is infinite, this is not what we observe visually in the x,y,z space-phase. The Unit Impulse is first accommodated transversely and what is observed in the x,y,z is its Fourier transform.
Each frequency component meets with Inertial resistance in any one space-phase and has, therefore, a finite speed of propagation. Furthermore, once nodes are formed, due to the superposition of all these waves, as explained in the following chapter, the speed of separation of these nodes, or inertial bodies, which is what we actually see, is the result of an equilibrium set between the two tendencies; namely, the spontaneous Outwardness and the Nodal Action; (see next chapter).
Since what we observe is the Fourier transform, we observe a Universe pulsating at an infinite spectrum of frequencies. Yet, it will always be expanding because, in the spectrum there is always a frequency so low, with such a long period, that it will in effect be just starting its outward motion in the x,y,z.
Infinite speed is still possible by means of point convergence across the two space-phases, as this links all points in space in dynamic rapport. (See next chapter).
The term ‘Unit Impulse’ may have been coined intuitively but it is very appropriate. (All =1).
An even more appropriate term would be to call the Unit Impulse the ‘I-space’. The Unit Impulse is the space of ‘I’, the Sentient being and of Consciousness.
If we wish to be in accordance with the old word-formula ‘Chaos’, and the meaning of the letters ‘h’ and ‘o’, we could call the two space-phases the ‘hey-space’ (h) and the ‘hoe- space’ (o).
That is, I = h + o I-space = hey-space + hoe-space
Or we could express the I-space as the A space-phase and the iA space-phase, which would be more in accordance with modern convention. That is, I = A + iA (or I = 1+i, where 1 = ‘the whole’) I-space = A space-phase + iA space-phase
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Where A stands for an infinite instant pulse in x,y,z.
In this case, squaring the Unit Impulse to get the scalar, that could stand for the Energy or Material content, we have, I2 = A2 - A2 + AiA +iAA which is obviously equal to zero scalarly, as A and iA are orthogonal spaces. (The Energy- Mass in the two Space-phases is equal and opposite, giving zero total).
The last two terms, however, considered vectorially, are two three-dimensional space- phasors in opposition.
They can be considered as two spherical tensors, (the closest term we can use, though not strictly true), one inward and the other outward, acting at every point in space. They could be used to express the Creative Principle of Spontaneous Outwardness, (or Divergence, since it acts both inwards and outwards), a fundamental property of every point of Infinite Unbound Space.
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The Secondary Principle Of Nodal Action - GRAVITY
So far, we have met the Primary Inertial material, which is uncondensed and non- corpuscular.
The condensed, but still non-corpuscular material is what we call ‘Ether’, as experienced by the x,y,z space-phase.
How does Chaos get condensed into Ether and how do fundamental particles and secondary inertial bodies arise?
The whole frequency spectrum is superimposed in space, with the result that a dynamic system of nodal patterns arises. This pattern is dynamic and continuously evolving, because the Dynamic Geometry of complex or twin-phase space is not merely Geometric but Chronogeometric. This is due to the fact that beyond three dimensions the axes are not merely orthogonal vectors but orthophasic phasors, exhibiting orthophasic sequence as well.
The Nodal patterns are decided by an infinite Geometry but an infinite geometry but primarily by the Minimal Dynamic Geometry, (MDG), of complex space. The MDG is the minimum number of active elements that decide the vibrational, (and Nodal), patterns in a domain.
A uni-dimensional domain, a straight line, has an MDG of two zero-dimensional elements, two points.
A plane surface, or two-dimensional domain, has an MDG of three uni-dimensional elements; an equilateral triangle.
Three-dimensional space has an MDG of four two-dimensional elements; a regular tetrahedron.
Complex, (six-dimensional), space has an MDG of seven five-dimensional elements. This domain, as well as its elements, are chronogeometric. (The MDG of complex space, or the I-
52 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 53 space, is responsible for the heptaves in the senses; notes, colors etc.; even of tastes and smells, which the human bodily organs are not designed to resolve).
The nature of Nodes
The Fourier transform of the Unit Impulse is an infinite spectrum of frequencies, which contains exact multiples. Therefore, many frequencies share the same nodes.
Each frequency has two mutually orthogonal and orthophasic spherical components; three orthogonal linear twins. This results in the nodes not being merely points of radial convergence. The two component twins give the nodal inflow a rotational component as well. This selects a maximum of three frequencies governing the behavior of a node. The highest frequency gives the nodal vortex its spin, and the other two or one, if there are any, give the vortex its precessions round the remaining two orthogonal axes.
The spin frequency does not only cause the node to spin, due to the two mutually orthogonal and orthophasic component twins. The third orthogonal and orthophasic component twin bends the spiral inflow along the axis of the spin, in the direction of a right-hand screw, giving the inflowing node a funneled vortex behavior.
The nodes exert an inflowing Action on the primary Inertial material and, consequently, an Action towards each other. This causes the primary Inertial material, Chaos, to contract. Beyond the immediate vicinity of the nodes, a new equilibrium is set up, as a balance between the primary property of unbound space, Outwardness, and the effect of Nodal Action.
This new condensed Inertial material is Ether.
As the Primary Inertial material, Chaos, condenses to Ether, the whole frequency spectrum contracts to new shorter wavelengths and new characteristic speed*, the corresponding wavelengths and speed of Light. Thus, Light comes into being, a product of the contraction of mental waves, due to Nodal Action (Nodal Convergence).
As space continues to expand, it pulls this new condensed material to expand as well. However, the new equilibrium, with its characteristic Motion density, (Space Motion or Pulsation IS Matter), is maintained, because new primary uncondensed material, Chaos, is continuously created and condensed into additional Etheric material. This condensed Inertial material, apart from the characteristic density, has another characteristic constant parameter;
53 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 54 the product of its density by its mobility. This is equal to ‘ρv2’, where ‘ρ’ is the new 2 equilibrium density and ‘v ’ its mobility; (v or co is the speed of Etheric pulsations or EM waves that make up the Etheric Inertial Material). This is analogous to the parameter of pressure or Elasticity Modulus in confined corpuscular material. It is however a complex field tensor; what we understand by Magnetic Tensor or Magnetic Modulus. It is the Equilibrium Tensor set up between Spontaneous Outwardness and Nodal Action.
Because of the way The Electric Permitivity of free space (εo) and the Magnetic Permeability of free space (μo) have been defined, their respective relationships with this equilibrium density of free Ether, (ρo), and its equilibrium Pressure or equilibrium Magnetic Tensor, (Mo), come out as:
o = o/ co (= 8.85419 x 10^-12) and o = co/Mo (= 1.255 x 10^-6)
2 [Mo = ρco ]
Where co is the velocity of light in equilibrium Ether.
The inflowing movement due to Nodal Convergence is a free fall motion. In the radial region of a node, beyond the close vicinity of the Vortex, the flow-line density is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Within the Vortex, it is inversely proportional to a higher power of the distance, the index increasing as the eye is approached. The Vortex is what gives the small eastward component of gravity, known as ‘Coriolis acceleration’.
Thus, every Node has the characteristics of Gravity. Every node is a Gravity node, with free fall, and inverse square law characteristics in its radial region.
*To give you an idea of the speed of mental transmission, consider that a mental message from Sirius takes two to three hours to reach the Earth.
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Fundamental Etheric Particles
Smaller fundamental Nodal vortices of the original Fourier Transform of the Unit Impulse, (not just transient breakers of Atomic and nuclear emissions), are formed in the spaces between larger fundamental, or non-fundamental (secondary) vortices. As these fundamental Nodal vortices flow together towards the eyes of the larger vortices, they are kept apart by collision of their outer vortex flow currents, which are thus mutually constrained. This is the first instance of the arising of Forces.
So, Etheric Nodal vortices exhibit a particle nature by virtue of their spin.
The speed down the axis of these fundamental vortices exceeds that of Light (their inflowing pole is a black hole) and at these speeds ix-iy-iz implosion takes place in the narrows of the eye of the vortex.
In cases where the precession frequencies are much lower than the spin frequency, the implosion into the ix-iy-iz space-phase is partial and reversible. Such a Vortex is a self- contained dipole in three dimensions, with an inflowing pole leading directly to an outflowing pole, across the extremely narrow funnel round the axis of the Nodal Vortex.
The inflowing pole, or female pole, or positive pole, is the real Nodal vortex. It is very tight and well tucked in, compared with the Outflowing, or male, or negative, pole, which is merely the exit of the Nodal inflow.
Such an Etheric dipole has the following additional characteristics: i) The dipole has a Northern bulge. (Even the tertiary accumulation of our own planet has a Northern bulge of a few meters). ii) The Outflow of the North Pole and the Inflow of the South Pole cut the spin flow in opposite sense. Thus, the Magnetic tensor at the inflowing pole is in opposite direction to the Magnetic tensor of the Outflowing pole. If the flow is implosively pulsating, the two Magnetic tensors are not only opposite to each other but also in antiphase. That is, the magnetic tensor along the axis of such a fundamental Etheric dipole oscillates.
An Etheric Vortex Dipole is what we call a Neutronic Vortex, or Neutronic Particle.
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When the precession frequencies are the same as the spin frequency, or comparable, the Inflow does not tunnel through, but converges to a point North of the geometric center of the vortex. Total irreversible implosion takes place. In this case, the question is... Where is the outflowing pole?
As the flow lines converge to a point, their density becomes infinite. That is, the flow speed becomes infinite. The flow however cannot be interrupted. It must continue and flow out with zero time lapse. Having infinite speed and zero time lapse, the outflow emerges at a point at an undefined distance from the point of convergence. It implodes into the ix,iy,iz space- phase at the point of convergence, and back, at an undefined space in the x,y,z space-phase, at a distance which may vary from near zero to ‘near infinity’, (figure of speech), though it tends to be as short as possible.
Thus, in this case, two Monopoles arise.
The inflowing, or positive, or female, Monopole is what we call a ‘Protonic Vortex’ or a ‘protonic particle’.
The Outflowing Monopole is the male or negative monopole, what we call an ‘electronic particle’. This is not a vortex but the spinning exit of the protonic vortex.
The actual node is the protonic monopole. The electronic monopole is merely the exit end of the protonic vortex.
The flow-lines in the protonic monopole bend along the axis as they converge and, together with the spin, give the monopole its vortex nature. However, the flow-lines in the electronic monopole bend parallel to the axis as they flow out towards the periphery of the monopole, like the spokes of an umbrella, but twisted due to the spin. It does not look like a vortex. It is also more extensive and concentrates much less Inertial material. However, it is more easily penetrated by electromagnetic probes, because it is less dense, and so, electromagneticly, the protonic and electronic monopoles appear to have approximately the same size.
The passage of flow from a point of convergence in the x,y,z space-phase into the ix,iy,iz space-phase and back to any point in the x,y,z space-phase, at infinite speed, is in effect a space jump that brings into dynamic rapport, or link, all points of infinite space with each other.
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This ix,iy,iz space link tends to shorten the distances of the monopoles associated with it. It is what we experience as Electric Field. There are no electric charges.
The electronic monopole, though it possesses a small Inertial mass concentration, it has a small negative gravitational effect. This does not mean that it does not flow towards the eyes of positive gravitational nodes, big or small. It means that its contribution to the gravitational effect is slightly negative.
In the ancient language of scientific formulation, the Inflowing, or Protonic, Monopole was known as an UR, the Outflowing, or Electronic, Monopole a RE or RA and the Neutronic Dipole an URE or URA.
Sketches of these follow:
PROTONIC (POSITIVE) VORTEX; an UR Northern bulge exists even with single frequency on all axes Magnetic Tensor from South to North Radial flow and Spin are drawn separately due to difficulty in drawing the Resultant Vortex
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ELECTRONIC (NEGATIVE) EXIT NODE; a RA The Magnetic Tensor is from North to South
Approximation of NEUTRONIC VORTEX; an URA The North (Outflowing) Pole is not fully shown ix-iy-iz implosion is not shown The Magnetic Tensor oscillates
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From what we have said so far, it is obvious that any EM wave can form a breaker, provided the critical conditions of λ=2πa are met. The Energy at which this takes place depends on λ (or the frequency) and the density of the medium. The limiting maximum energy of any frequency that can exist in the Universe as a sustainable EM wave is the energy that would just not form a breaker in background equilibrium Ether (or Dark Matter) remote from celestial bodies. (Antinode Ether, beyond the vicinity of celestial Nodes, is less dense than near Nodes and the corresponding speed of Light is greater than the co that is thought to be Universal). Only EM breakers, i.e. breakers with ix-iy-iz implosion in the narrows of their eyes are quantized (see p. 67) and may be considered as transient particles.
Superimposed waves of the Fourier Transform of the Unit Impulse (UIFT) form Nodes and Antinodes in space. ‘Dark matter’ Wind vortices are not implosive vortices but, like hurricanes, they can become implosive vortices as secondary accumulations, the secondary material adding both speed and mass to the vortex. The situation is quite different with EM Nodal Vortices, i.e. quantized (E=hν) implosive vortices. Because of the Equipartition of Energy among the frequencies of the UIFT, those in which the Equipartition Energy (EE) is more than enough to form breakers are non-starters as EM waves and make up most of the ‘Dark Matter’. Waves that need more than the EE for breaking never reach breaker or vortex criteria. They make up most of the ‘Dark Energy’. Both these converge in the eyes of secondary Nodal vortices, boosting them to implosion speeds. Only frequencies of a critical hν, equal to the EE, form primary quantized (E=hν) Nodal vortices and not transient breakers. Thus, the only stable quantized (E=hν) implosive Nodal vortices in the Universe correspond to this critical hν equal to the EE. These are the Protons and the Neutrons. Density fluctuations of background equilibrium Ether and fluctuations in Equipartition, fluctuations characteristic of all free Entropy systems, play a major role in the lifetime and the population of these quantized stable fundamental particles. Because of these fluctuations, there is a variation in particle mass. Without these fluctuations and mass variation the population of these particles would be extremely small.
The secondary Principle of Nodal Action is symbolized by the letter Omega, which, like the letter ‘W’, had the form of two sine waves meeting from opposite directions and was phonetically rendered like the bilabial pronunciation of ‘W’.
In the language of scientific formulation, it was also rendered by the word-formula EROS (ερως), Associative Love, which stands for the convergence of wave energy (ε or η) into vortexed nodes (ρ), to condense (ω) into particle material (ς). So, EROS acted on CHAOS and EARTH (particle matter) was formed.
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Secondary Inertial Bodies (Nuclei And Atoms) And Secondary (Incorporate Or Lattice) Ether
We have seen that the spin of the vortices gives them their corpuscular boundaries.
However, if inflowing vortices are somehow forced together, partial coalescing of spin flows can result. The outskirts of the spins give in and part of the spin currents raps the two vortices into one bundle, forming a compound vortex with two eyes.
This is accompanied by release of both Energy and Inertial material, which is dispersed as additional background Ether.
Thus, a secondary Inertial body, a nucleus, is formed. The nucleons are bound together by common spin currents.
The released Energy is what is referred to as ‘negative binding energy’ and the released Etheric material, which is not converted into Energy but normally adds to the background Ether, is what is referred to as ‘mass deficiency’.
Had there been no coalescing, there would be no binding and no mass deficiency. Calculations of the Binding, or potential, Energy of nuclei, using three-body or other multi- body models, have given this Energy as Positive(!). (I witnessed the estimation for Li6, for the doctorate thesis of a friend at Manchester University. Instead of dropping the model, or the idea, the supervisors suggested the inclusion of some mysterious spurious parts, to push the result to some negative value.) Positive potential Energy means that, not only there should be no binding, but the nucleons should disperse spontaneously.
So, nuclei are not constituted of a number of nucleons merely touching. The constituting nucleons are rapped together by common spin currents into a secondary compound vortex, incorporating within it the eyes, (and the black holes), of their primary vortices.
We have achieved such coalescing in the case of Heavy Hydrogen, by high-speed collision. In this method however, the contact is too transient for stable formation of larger nuclei.
Nuclei are generally formed when small fundamental inflowing vortices are brought together in the eyes of larger inflowing vortices, in Galactic or Solar centers for instance.
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It should be obvious that Outflowing Etheric Monopoles, negative particles, cannot coalesce to form negative nuclei. They are brought together however in the eyes of large Inflowing vortices.
It should also be clear that coalescing, like mechanistic Gravity, is strictly a three- dimensional phenomenon. It cannot take place across space-phases.
The Outflowing Etheric Pole is so diffused that it can be considered as loose secondary Inertial Material. It is a negative pole's Incorporate Ether, carried along with the pole, as the pole travels in the Background Ether, with its shape fluodynamically deformed.
Such secondary Ether exists also within a lattice of inflowing vortices; etheric material released on coalescing, or bonding, held by the lattice. This ‘lattice ether’ is carried along with the lattice, exhibiting partial drag against the Background Ether.
As the number of nucleons increases, the pattern of their eye centers is dictated by Dynamic Geometry. The MDG is predominant but other configurations may be favored, depending on the coalescing number. The MDG of three-dimensional space is the regular tetrahedron. As the eye centers are nodal points themselves, they occupy the vertices of the tetrahedron. In the same way that equilateral triangles in coplanar nodes come together to form hexagonal figures, (like snow crystals), twenty (20) tetrahedra can come together to form an icosahedron (not so perfectly fitting), with the central cluster having twenty primary eyes and each of the peripheral twelve clusters having five primary eyes; a total of eighty (80) nucleons. However, as we mentioned above, as the number of nucleons builds up, from two upwards, stability favors different patterns. Beyond a certain number, nucleons coalesce in a quasi-spherical fashion, with the result that stability fails because of looseness of pattern and inevitable pattern gaps, unless they are held together in larger eyes. In the eyes of suns, there are heavier nuclei than those encountered free.
Very low frequency fundamental vortices, like those of suns and galaxies, are very extensive but shallow compared with their size. They have very low Etheric density, (comparable to that of background Ether). But, such a low frequency Vortex encompasses in its gigantic domain zillions of smaller fundamental Vortices, of all sorts and sizes below its own. So, it acts as the starting center for the slow convergence and accumulation to a common focus of all Vortices in its domain.
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The final result is the coalescing, to varying degree, of all these fundamental Vortices, at and around the eye of the gigantic fundamental. They contribute not only towards a massive eye density, but to the Gravitational flow as well, resulting in the formation of an extremely deep and massive secondary eye.
When we are observing a Black Hole in the sky, we are looking into the South mechanical pole of a gigantic Neutronic Vortex, where the Etheric flow velocity exceeds the speed of light away from us. We may be witnessing the birth of a brand new galaxy or a case of total coalescing; i.e., the ‘death’ of the agglomeration.
As the many fundamental Vortices coalesce in the eye of the gigantic Vortex, some of the released energy and Etheric material go into the spin of the great Vortex. As the eye of the Vortex deepens and steepens, the spin frequency increases as we go deeper into the eye, to values billions and trillions times larger than the fundamental frequency of the original gigantic Node; stable orbit frequencies. Each of the smaller fundamental Vortices retains its own frequency, allowing for changes due to material and energy losses on coalescing, and its own magnetic tensor, which is oriented according to the dynamic pattern of the Compound eye. The gigantic Vortex also retains its own original nodal frequency, superimposed on the much higher frequency of the accumulation.
These gigantic nodal Vortices are usually Neutronic, though the compound agglomeration may be spherical or Protonic.
It must also be stressed that, though the material agglomerated at and around the eye of the gigantic nodal vortex contributes toward the final intensity of the Gravity field, the empty eye itself has a very strong Gravity field of its own, before any agglomeration takes place; i.e., when it has zero mass, as seen from within. This primary or fundamental Gravity field is what causes the agglomeration to start with. And, though the amount of material eventually agglomerated is proportional to the size and, hence, the strength of the gigantic node, the node has a strong Gravity field, before the material within its domain agglomerates around its eye.
The Newtonian theory, that a Gravity field is a Force field caused by the accumulated mass, and proportional to this mass, is an incorrect inference based on the erroneous postulates on Force and Motion.
A Gravity Field Is A Nodal Action Field.
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When a positive particle, fundamental or secondary, and a negative particle come together, like a nucleus and an electron, the Etherosphere of the latter, which is much looser and much more extensive, engulfs the former, with partial coalescing in the inflowing vortex. Such a coalescing does not usually result in the formation of a Neutron, or other Neutronic particle, even when the inflowing vortex is a fundamental particle, (proton). The electron ceases to be an independent particle. The Etheric material of the electron becomes an incorporate part of the nuclear Etherosphere, with one or a pattern of outflowing nodal shells in the composite Etherosphere, depending on the number of electrons taken up.
What should be stressed and made clear is that the so-called ‘electronic shells’ are not hollow shells. They are ‘Nodal patterns’ in the atomic Etherosphere, which extends outwards right from the nuclear center. There are no particle electrons in orbit.
The de-excitation of an excited atom is the spontaneous sudden shrinking of its Etherosphere, often accompanied by change in the outflowing nodal pattern, with part of it actually sinking through the nuclear center into the ix-y-iz space-phase, causing a transverse implosive etheric ‘blip’, a fundamental etheric oscillator that dissipates in the form of an electromagnetic wave. (This is explained fully in the next chapter).
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Tertiary Bodies (Lattice Bodies and Satellites)
In the Etherospheres of suns or nuclei coming together to form some kind of permanent or semi permanent lattice, the interference of the outgoing vibrations from any one sun, or lattice nucleus, with the vibrations reaching its domain from the neighboring suns, or from the rest of the lattice nuclei, gives rise to new Tertiary Nodal Patterns.
Around suns, these nodes are annular, due to the Neutronic spin of the solar vortex. Like in the flat disc beyond the eye of a hurricane or the eye of a galaxy, the material that accumulates in these ring nodes is mainly the disc material of the solar neutronic vortex. Because the material that accumulates, (primary and secondary), is itself spinning, the eyes of the planets assume a spherical or Protonic shape, though the non-corpuscular part of the vortex beyond the corpuscular accumulation, i.e. the Etherosphere, is Neutronic.
Around lattice nuclei, the material accumulated in these tertiary nodes is primary Etheric from the outflowing atomic nodes, freed on bonding or coalescing. These tertiary satellite nodes are free orbiting fundamental particles and, if energy considerations allow, they can break loose of their orbits as conduction particles within the lattice.
It is beyond the scope of this short Basic Physics thesis but scientists in more specialized Geophysics could go a long way in understanding more fully Earth’s Magnetosphere, with its Plasmasphere, Magnetotail, Magnetopose, Radiation belts, Van Allen belt, Alfvén waves, Birkeland currents, Auroras, ‘Plasmoids’ and ‘Substorms’ in the Magnetotail and the shape of the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) image around the Earth, if they saw this ‘Magnetosphere’ as what it really is: the Planetary Etherosphere, engulfed in the Solar Etherosphere, spinning with its Magnetic vector precessing round the Geographic axis and oscillating at the extremely low frequency of the fundamental Planetary Node, just like that of any Neutronic Dipole. The Planetary Magnetic Field is caused by the spinning of the Etherosphere and not by the spinning of the molten planetary core, though the ferromagnetic core concentrates and multiplies the Magnetic Field by becoming itself magnetized by the Primary Field. This is why new crust layers, as in mid Atlantic, are magnetized in alternate directions.
While still on Geophysics, I would like to mention, though not strictly relevant, that Gravity at the center of the Earth is not zero, as predicted by Newton, but very strong and directional, towards the North Pole, (hence the ‘northern bulge’). The relative shifting of the continents and other crust upheavals, including volcanic activity, are caused by Magma tidal effects, the two Magma high pressure tidal humps traveling westward at about 1500 kmh.
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The Behavior Of The Etheric Medium
Non-corpuscular Ether, (background as well as lattice or corporeal ether), is unbound and unconfined.
Remote from the close vicinity of vortices, it behaves similar to an Ideal gas, with the difference that, as it is non-corpuscular, it involves no heat energy and has no Adiabatic factor; i.e., its adiabatic constant is unity.
In the case of the Ideal gas, pressure changes involve a time factor which is ‘macro’ as compared with the periods of its particles and, hence, Pressure fluctuation is practically in phase with the motion, or the density fluctuation. In the case of the non-corpuscular Etheric medium however, in changes involving pulsations, the pressure, or Magnetic Tensor, fluctuation is orthophasic to the motion, or the density fluctuation.
When the action on the etheric material is such as to condense the material into an Etheric vortex, the Etheric medium behaves just like saturated vapor, with its pressure, or Magnetic Tensor, remaining constant, beyond the vortex.
When an electromagnetic wave passes through a lattice of vortices, (primary or secondary), the Resultant Magnetic Tensor is made up of the Background Magnetic Tensor, Mo, and the Magnetic Tensors of the lattice vortices, to the degree that they get aligned to the background Tensor. This situation is similar to the alignment of the Domain Magnetic Tensors of a Ferromagnetic material with an oscillating external Magnetic agent, or Field.
This alignment is subject to Hysteresis. Therefore, the building up of this secondary or induced Magnetic tensor is frequency dependent, being lower for higher frequencies.
In the saturated vapor situation, we have the reverse. At higher frequencies, there is no condensation and the vapor behaves as unsaturated. It is at the lower frequencies that the pressure fails to build up.
So, we should expect the velocity of sound in saturated vapor to be frequency dependent in a low range of frequencies, being lower for lower frequencies in this range. We should expect the velocity of electromagnetic waves through a lattice to be frequency dependent in a high range of frequencies, being lower for higher frequencies in this range, due to failure of the secondary or induced Magnetic Tensor to build up. (This will be dealt with in detail in the next chapter).
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The velocity of electromagnetic waves in Background Ether, (what is referred to as ‘empty space’), is decided by the Elastic and Inertial parameters, just as in the case of any other waves in any other Inertial medium.
As there is no adiabatic constant involved, the velocity
½ -½ co = (Mo/ρo) = (εομο)
2 Mo = ρoco
[Electric flow causes the arising of Magnetic Field Vector and MF movement causes Electric flow; (we can substitute ‘Electric’ with ‘Etheric’).
This interplay of these two vectors is what causes the propagation of the EM wave; (see Maxwell and Heaviside).
This is how ο andο come into play in the speed of Light.
What hasn’t been said by these scientists is that εο is related to the density of Ether and that μο is related to a parameter of Ether, similar to the Elastic Modulus of any other Inertial medium; so far, Ether was not considered as an elastic inertial medium but as an elastic medium without mass (?). (We shall refer to the Elastic Modulus of Ether as its Magnetic Modulus; Mo in empty space).
Considering Ether to be an Elastic Inertial medium, ο is related to both the speed of light and the vacuum density of Ether.
Like the speed of mechanical waves in any elastic Inertial medium,
1/2 Speed of Light co = (Mo/ρο) (Ether is non-corpuscular; γ = 1) 1
-1/2 But co is also equal to (εομο) 2
Juxtaposing 1 and 2,
8 -6 14 Mo = co/μο = 3 x 10 /1.26 x 10 =2.4 x 10 and
-3 -3 ρο = εο co = 2.6563 x 10 kg m ; (El. Flux is equivalent to Ether density).
At sea level, Ether makes up just over 0.2% (1/487) of the Atmosphere]
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Particle Energy and Mass (E=mc2)
The Energy in a particle is the energy needed to concentrate the Etheric material into the particle Vortex. It is similar to the mechanical work done to condense saturated vapor into a droplet, with the difference that, in the case of the formation of a fundamental particle, there are no inter particle forces and no heat involved. The adiabatic constant ‘γ’ is unity.
During Nodal concentration, the Etheric Pressure, or Magnetic Tensor, remains constant at M, as in the case of the condensation of saturated vapor.
The concentrated Energy is the work done, W, against the constant pressure or Magnetic Tensor, M, in contracting the material from its original volume, V, to that of the particle, which is insignificant and can be taken as effectively zero. 0 E = W = - V M dV = M V
But M = ρc2 2 (or Ps = ρsvs /γ for any saturated vapor)
Therefore E = ρc2V But ρV = m , the condensed mass Therefore E = mc2
Which appears as the vortex energy of the particle of mass m.
( or E = mv2/γ for a droplet formation in any saturated vapor, where γ is the adiabatic constant, which is equal to 1 for a medium of very large atomicity or a non-particle medium)
We must stress that this Energy (mc2) is not the mass, but the Energy needed to concentrate the already existing ether or ‘dark matter’ into a particle vortex. (Einstein ‘borrowed’ the equation and then misinterpreted it). When a particle vortex is undone, (or partly undone as in coalescing or in nuclear fission), its vortex energy (or part of it) is externalised whilst its etheric material (or part of it) IS NOT converted to Energy but returns to the ocean of non-particle ether (or ‘dark matter’). It is exactly similar to what happens to a hurricane or a tornado when it is undone (or loses strength); its air material (or part of it) is not converted to energy but returns to the atmosphere.
67 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 68
We are devoting a separate chapter to Light, because the study of Light will clarify many other things as well.
We have already dealt with Light in the Introduction.
We have seen, with the help of the water ripple, that the direction of propagation is the longitudinal that follows the transverse in orthophasic sequence.
We have also seen that, when a breaker is formed at the critical amplitude, the breaker is perpetuated because this same phase sequence, in the same sense on both sides, gives it linear, or uni-dimensional translation, thus giving it corpuscular existence.
Further, we have pointed out the difference between a breaker and the transverse blip at the origin, which is not perpetuated but constitutes a transient oscillator, because the phase sequence on diametrically opposite sides of it are in opposite sense.
In this chapter, we shall examine Light in some greater detail.
68 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 69
Quantization In Breaker-Photon Formation
We have already mentioned in passing, when we dealt with the Etherospheres of atoms in the previous chapter, that, when the Etherosphere is de-excited, part of it shrinks suddenly through the nuclear vortex into the ix-iy-iz space-phase, thus causing the transverse implosive blip that dissipates as an electromagnetic wave.
The starting energy of this blip is given by E = mc2, which we have already derived in the previous chapter for particle formation. This is the starting maximum kinetic energy of the material of the transient oscillator, the blip, of diminishing mass, m.
If there were only one degree of motion, just spherical contraction followed by spherical oscillation, this maximum energy would be given by
E = mc2 = K.E. = ½ m 4π2f2a2 where m is the starting mass of the oscillator a is the amplitude and f its frequency
This gives the amplitude as a = 2½ (λ/2π) which is bigger than the critical breaker amplitude for particle formation.
However, every breaker and every Neutrino or any other particle has necessarily a rotational motion as well.
As the Etherosphere is spinning round the nucleus and its shrinking sinks the blip through the nucleus vortex, the blip has both a radial motion and a spin, oscillating across the two space- phases in the form of a converging inflowing - diverging outflowing looped spiral.
These two motions share the energy equally, (½ mc2 each). This gives the amplitude of each component motion, i.e. the maximum depth and maximum radius for the looped spiral, exactly equal to the critical breaker amplitude, (λ/2π), in all cases, whatever the starting energy of the blip.
69 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 70
The electromagnetic blip is an oscillation of a diminishing quantity of the Etheric medium, (as in the case of the water blip), along a looped spiral, with maximum loop speed exactly the same as the phase velocity of the propagated wave. As with the water blip, the ‘motion mass’, (not the medium mass), of the oscillator spreads out into a wave train].
This critical condition in the arising of the central blip, the electromagnetic oscillator that generates the electromagnetic wave, is also the critical condition for the arising of the breaker. This is the cause of Quantization in the atomic and nuclear emission of EM waves as well as the formation of implosive breakers, photons or neutrinos, from EM waves.
The spiral ix-iy-iz implosive electromagnetic oscillator as well as the breaker or photon have both an electrostatic capacitance and an electromagnetic self-inductance.
Charging and discharging arises, as the ix-iy-iz implosive vortex is associated with what we conventionally call unit fundamental positive charge, (+e), and its outflowing fundamental pole with what we call unit fundamental negative charge, (-e). In reality there is no such thing as charge. It is what we conventionally associate with a fundamental monopole, expressing the relation of its mechanics, spiral inflow or outflow, to the ix,iy,iz link, which is experienced as what we call electric field. Therefore, the following analysis applies only to EM breakers; i.e., ix-iy-iz implosion breakers.
The electrostatic capacitance of this spiral electromagnetic oscillator can be related to its starting energy and its charging to +e and then -e, as it inflows and outflows during the same sinking.
C = 2(q2/2E) = e2/E for linear charging or C = 2(q2/E) = 2e2/E for step charging, which might be nearer to what happens. (We shall not dwell on the dilemma of the difference, because we are only interested in investigating the order of magnitude of the quantization constant).
C is the capacitance of the oscillator E is its starting maximum energy and e the fundamental charge (1,60219 X 10-19 Cb)
70 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 71
The average Magnetic intensity, ‘B’, of the spiral oscillator is given by:- B = μοk1I/a where μο is the magnetic permeability of free space a is both its radius and its depth I the mean electric current in the spiral and k1 a geometric constant, approximating the spiral to a circular loop.
The flux linked with the spiral is given by
2 Φ = k2πa Β = μοk1k2πaI where k2 is another geometric constant similar to k1
Thus, Self inductance L = k1k2μοπa = k1k2μοπ(λ/2π) = kμολ/2 with k = k1k2 = kμοc/2f
Hence, the frequency of the oscillator, which is also the frequency of the generated wave, is given by the relation
2 2 2 4π f = 1/LC = Ef/e kμοc
2 2 which gives E = 4π e kμοcf E = hf (or hν)
2 2 -34 with h = 4 e kοc = 3,8 k X 10 and k of the order of X10o, approximating the Self Inductance L of a spiral to that of a circular loop.
A rougher qualitative result can be arrived at, if the situation is considered only electrostaticly.
C = εοka
71 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 72 where a is the radius and depth of the spiral and k a constant, approximating the capacitance of a vortex spiral to that of a sphere.
So mc2 = E = 2e2/C 2 E = 2e /εοka 2 E = 2e /εοk(λ/2π) 2 E = (4πe /εοkc) f E = h f (or hν) 2 -34 with h = (4πe /εοkc) = 1.2 x 10 / k
The above analysis applies for both the maximum blip for wave formation and the critical amplitude ‘a’ for breaker formation. This means that the greater the energy involved in the formation of the breaker the smaller the breaker radius; i.e. the greater the energy, (and mass), the tighter the vortex; i.e., the smaller the eye of the vortex.
Unlike a Nodal particle vortex, the breaker vortex dissipates its energy in the carrying medium and is soon undone. Breaker vortices are transient, not stable particles.
If two identical breakers traveling in opposite directions collide, with their axes aligned, they suffer mutual annihilation, their energies appearing in two identical waves traveling in opposite directions.
This would take place with every such collision of surface breakers, as the surface aligns the axes of breakers traveling in opposite directions. With photons and other breaker vortices of three-dimensional waves, the situation is more complicated, as they are free to precess.
72 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 73
The difference between Nodal Vortices and Transient Breakers
Nodal vortices are part of the Universal Nodal System. Vortices are formed at all these Nodes, whether ix-iy-iz implosive and quantized or not. The Node itself stabilizes the vortex, as there is no short-range relative motion with the background Etheric medium. In the same way that a planet, like Earth, carries its own Atmosphere and its own Ether as it rotates or translates in Space, the Nodal Ether immediately surrounding the Nodal vortex spins and translates with the vortex. Even when a fundamental particle vortex is accelerated by an externally applied field, the surrounding Ether is carried along, fluodynamically deformed. Even when fundamental particles partially coalesce to form nuclei, they are still part of a stabilized system. The outer nuclear vortex currents spin in the same sense as the inner vortex currents of the comprising nucleons.
In contrast, the breaker vortices of atomic or nuclear emissions are not part of the System and are in direct short-range friction with the medium in which they form, in the same way as the breakers formed in any medium, like air or water, arising not at Nodes but at any random place within the medium, when the medium speed tends to overtake the wave. Thus, they are both ‘in-transit’ and transient or short-lived.
We have mentioned elsewhere that astrophysicists have estimated that ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’, outside Galactic or Solar vortices, amounts to 96% of the total mass of the Universe. (Some recent estimates give this as 98%). Assuming that the material within galactic and solar Nodal vortices is similar to the material within the Antinodes, then 96% (or 98%) of these Vortices is also made up of this same ‘dark matter/energy’ mass. This means that primary* particle mass, Protons and Neutrons, makes up only about 0.16% (or 0.04%) of the total mass of the Universe, (though a variety of other implosive particles must form in the very high densities of Solar nodes). Even this estimate may be too high, considering that primary* stable ix-iy-iz implosive Nodal vortices correspond only to an hν = EE, (the Equipartition Energy among the frequencies of the Unit Impulse). Future estimations may show it to be very much less. This width of the frequency band is caused by fluctuations in the density of background equilibrium Ether as well as fluctuations in the EE within the Unit Impulse spectrum, fluctuations characteristic of all Free Entropy Systems.
* By ‘primary’ we refer to Nodal vortices formed when Chaos, (the frequency spectrum of the Unit Impulse), contracts to Ether and not secondary accumulation vortices formed in galactic and solar nodes and tertiary vortices arising from galactic and solar emissions etc..
73 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 74
Velocity Of Light In Lattice Ether
And Color Dispersion
Lattice non-corpuscular Ether is denser than Background Ether and this should result in a lower characteristic velocity, other factors remaining unchanged.
The Etheric density in the vortices themselves is extremely high, but this is not part of the medium through which the electromagnetic wave passes. The electromagnetic wave cannot pass across the vortex. Actually, the boundary of the particle vortex can be considered as the limit across which the electromagnetic wave cannot pass.
Thus, the Etheric material within the vortices does not contribute to the primary density of the electromagnetic medium. It may or may not contribute to a secondary density, depending on the wave.
To make this last statement clearer, let us consider the water wave simile again:-
Suppose we have an area of ocean, on the surface of which float objects of masses and sizes, ranging from small pieces of expanded polystyrene, to heavy super tankers. Objects, which have a mass of the order of magnitude that is moved by a certain wave, contribute to the secondary density of the medium, for this particular wave. Objects of mass higher than this order of magnitude act as reflecting barriers. (This simile is not quite analogous to the electromagnetic medium situation because, since all the objects are floating, they should not be expected to alter the effective density).
Theoretically, for a super-duper wave, even a galaxy can be bounced on its crest, thus acting as part of the medium and, hence, contributing to its secondary, or.... quinternary density.
Loose particles in the lattice, of the order of magnitude that are moved by the electromagnetic wave, add so greatly to the effective density of the lattice medium, that the velocity of the wave is decreased to the degree that the wavelength becomes smaller than the critical value for breaker formation, and the wave is absorbed in the form of a photon breaker.
In a covalent medium, there are no loose particles, (or very few), of the order of magnitude that are moved by the electromagnetic wave, to contribute effectively to the density of the medium.
74 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 75
There is however, a secondary contribution to the Etheric Pressure, or Etheric Magnetic Tensor. This is due to the transient alignment of the Magnetic Tensors of the lattice vortices, as the wave passes through the lattice.
This secondary contribution to the Etheric Magnetic Tensor tends to increase the velocity of the electromagnetic wave through the lattice. However, as we have mentioned in the previous chapter, the alignment of the tensor is subject to Hysteresis, and the degree of this transient alignment is frequency dependent, being smaller for higher frequencies.
So, though this secondary Tensor increases the velocity of the wave above what it would be without it, for all frequencies, its effect is less for the higher frequencies, giving rise to Color Dispersion.
75 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 76
Explanation Of Fizeau's Results In Fast-Moving Water
Fizeau's results can be explained quite easily. To make it even simpler, we shall first consider two similes:
I) Suppose we have an extensive electric field of uniform intensity Eo. Now, consider a domain within this field, where a lattice of electric particles is introduced. These particles give rise to a secondary electric field, with the consequence that, within this domain, the resultant intensity is E. So, here we have a ‘plateau’ of intensity. Should this lattice now move with velocity ‘v’, the intensity ‘plateau’ will also move with the same velocity. However, the part of the electric vector that actually moves is only that due to the presence of the particles; i.e., the secondary field of intensity E-Eo. The background field of intensity Eo remains put. So, the mean velocity of the field as a whole is:
v' = [(E-Eo)v + (Eo)0]/E or v' = (E-Eo)v/E
II) For a second simile, we shall consider a pure solvent of density ‘ρο’. Within a domain of the solvent we add, interstitially so as not to increase the volume, a lattice of particles, suspended or dissolved, and somehow contain them so that they do not diffuse.
Let the resultant density within the lattice domain be ‘ρ’. This is made up of the solvent, or background, density ‘ρο’, plus the extra due to the particles, ‘ρ- ρο’.
When the lattice moves with velocity ‘v’, so does the density ‘plateau’, but not the solvent or background density ‘ρο’; i.e. there is a partial drag in this case as well. As in the first simile, the mean velocity of the material as whole is
v' = (ρ-ρο)v/ρ
Similarly with the water in Fizeau's experiment.
The total Etheric density ‘ρ’ is made up of the lattice ether, which is an incorporate part of the water, with density ‘ρ-ρο’, plus the background ether of density ‘ρο’.
As the water lattice ether moves with velocity ‘v’ whilst the background ether is left behind, the mean etheric velocity is
76 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 77
v' = (ρ-ρο)v/ρ or v' = (1 - ρο/ρ)v 2 2 i.e. v' (1 - c /co )v APPROXIMATELY
However, water is also the part of the medium in which the secondary Magnetic tensor is induced. This means that the frame of the induced secondary Magnetic tensor moves with velocity ‘v’.
To take this into account, we should use a parameter incorporating both ‘ρ’ and ‘M’, parameter ‘X’, in place of ‘ρ’, so that
X =ρ/Μ and Χο = ρο/Μο
This gives v' = (1 - Xo/X)v
2 2 Hence v' = (1 - c /co )v EXACTLY
Where co = velocity of light in background ether c = velocity of light in still water v = velocity of water IN the direction of light transmission
If ‘n’ is the refractive index of still water, (=co/c), v' = (1 - 1/n2)v and the measured velocity of light should be 2 c' = (co/n) + (1 - 1/n )v = c + (1 - 1/n2)v which is in exact agreement with the experimental results.
The reason that the classically transformed relativistic equation did not agree with the experimental results is that scientists at the time had not realized that Ether or Dynamic Space is neither static nor heliostatic, nor even Isotropic.
Ether just beyond the fundamental vortices, big or small, particles or planets or solar systems or galaxies, moves along with the vortices.
77 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 78
Though Ether in the vicinity of stars does not move relative to the stars, Doppler effect is observed in relation to receding stars because of the expansion of Dynamic Space. This expansion results in the spacing out of the wave fronts, or increasing of the wavelength whilst speed relative to background Ether remains unchanged, thus decreasing the front encounter frequency. Due to the expansion of space, both Space and Ether at a great distance from us move away from us, with receding speed relative to us increasing with distance. Thus, the speed of light relative to us, towards us, decreases by an amount equal to the receding speed of Space and Ether, becoming zero for sources at the critical distance from us, the limit of the visible Universe from our position. For sources beyond this limit their light recedes from us.
Relative v (towards us) = co - receding v
As long as the speed of light relative to us towards us is greater than zero, it will eventually reach us. This speed increases as this light approaches us, eventually reaching the value co when it arrives in our vicinity; (receding v = 0). The effected spacing out of the waves is retained; thus this light shifts progressively into weaker parts of the Electromagnetic spectrum.
The broadening of the spectral lines in plasma is due to the fast random motion of emitting particles against background Ether, which by itself demonstrates the existence of the Electromagnetic Medium.
78 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 79
If we have a look at the series of ex, (1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4!+…), keeping in mind that both differentiation and integration regenerate the series, we could give a uniform look for all the terms by writing the first two terms as ‘x0/0!’ and ‘x/1!’. However, to say that ‘1/0!=1’, where ‘0’ is an empty set, is quite absurd. (See further down). ‘1/0!=1’ makes sense only when ‘0’ is not an empty set but expresses the coordinate point. In accord with the integration and differentiation of the series of ‘e’, we could consider this term as the result of the integration of ‘0’, the Coordinate Center of Infinite Instant Unboundedness, [of the Unit Impulse (δ)], relative to the Unit Impulse. Considering ‘0dδ’ as the domain of ‘0’ within ‘dδ’ relative to ‘dδ’, the integration gives the domain or locus of the Point Center of Infinite Instant Unboundedness, relative to Infinity. [We could better express this ‘0’ with a circle and a cross at its center for distinction from an empty set] δ 0 Thus, the locus of this Point Center relative to Infinity = 0 0dδ = δ /0! = 1/0! (*)
By simple reasoning, we have already seen that the value of ‘0dδ’ as well as that of ‘1/0!’ is equal to 1, since the Center of Infinite Instant Unboundedness is anywhere and everywhere within Infinite Instant Unboundedness. What the Integral says is that ‘an infinite number of relative ones (0dδs) make up ‘another RELATIVE ONE (1/0!)’. So, ‘1/0!’ is ONE SET of an infinite number of identical unit elements. Notice that ‘0dδ’ is equal to 1 relative to dδ and ‘1/0!’ is equal to 1 relative to infinity. Its significance is that the point cross-section of the infinite x-y-z and ix-iy-iz space-phases is everywhere within Infinity. (Being at this point cross-section of twin-phase space, one is instantly everywhere within Infinite space).
Unfortunately, ‘Pure Mathematics’ does not make a distinction between the ‘zero’ as an ‘empty set’ or the ‘scalar zero’, and the ‘vectorial zero’, the ‘coordinate point’, which is ‘not an empty set’ and the actual size of which can be quite significant. For example, as ‘x’ turns to infinity, at the same time it turns to ‘zero’ relative to ex. As explained above, the domain or the locus of the point center of Infinite Space is equal or identical to Infinite Space.
The ‘0! = 1’, where ‘0’ is an ‘empty set’, in working with scalar factorials, is the absurd result of the unfortunate choice of computational language, which came about as follows:
Factorial ‘n’, (n!), is a shortcut notation for (n)(n-1)(n-2) ….. (n-n+1). The factorial expression does not contain a factor of (n-n) or (0), as this would make every factorial n, (n!), equal to zero. This means that there cannot be a ‘0!’, where ‘0’ is an ‘empty set’.
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In choosing ‘r’ items out of ‘n’, we have an expression that contains the top ‘r’ factors of ‘n!’, i.e., (n)(n-1)(n-2) … (n-r+1). For example, in choosing 5 items out of 20, we have an expression that contains the top five factors of 20!, i.e., (20)(19)(18)(17)(16). It is unfortunate that Mathematicians chose a shortcut for the above expression as [n!/(n-r)!] for convenience. Actually, the expression should not have a denominator. What the expression ‘n!/(n-r)!’ means is that the ‘tail’ of the last ‘n-r’ factors of ‘n!’ is missing. By using the denominator expression we arrive at the absurdity that, when no ‘tail’ is missing from n!, we are left with a denominator of ‘(n-n)!’, or ‘0!’, a denominator that should not be there. Since having ‘no denominator’ is computationally equal to having ‘a denominator of 1’, we have to consider this ‘(n-n)!’ or ‘(0!)’ as equal to one. The real meaning of ‘(n-n)!’ should be ‘no factors’ and NOT ‘the factor of 0!’. As I mentioned, this absurdity is the result of a bad choice of computational language. If, instead, we used an expression (n|r)! for the first ‘r’ factors of n!, for example, (20|5)! for (20)(19)(18)(17)(16), we would not have the denominator problem and, thus, avoid the absurdity.
In the result of our integration above, ‘1/0!’ is not simply equal to ONE but ‘ONE SET’; the SET of the LOCUS of an infinite number of ‘point centers’ of Infinite Space, or ‘relative zeros’ of ‘varying actual size’ but of equal or ‘unprivileged significance’. This ONE, ‘1/0!’, is infinitely self-distributive into an undefined number of unit elements of equal significance, the significance of each unit element not diminishing with the increase of the number of elements. It is NOT made of fractions that sum up to ONE but of identical unit elements that make up ONE UNIT SET.
This ‘1/0!’ is the domain of the Point-of-Action of the Alpha Principle or Outwardness- ΑΓΑΠΗ within Infinite time-space; i.e., the Point-of-Action of God-The-Universal-Father, the One-and-Only I-AM in the Universe. The infinite self-distribution of (1/0!) means that God-The-Universal-Father acts at an undefined number of Points-of-I, which are all identical and he can go on self-distributing indefinitely, without diminution of the significance of each Point-of-I. All Points-of-I are identical in their basic subjectivity, that of the Universal Father. They manifest all the subjective characteristics of Life, properties of the ONE and only absolutely subjective EGO in the Universe.
Unlike the Universal Father, his manifestation, i.e. the Unit Impulse, is uniformly and homogeneously ONE; (‘1/1!’, one-out-of-one or the ‘whole’ out of the ‘whole’). It is not self- distributive into identical parts. This ‘1/1!’ represents the Logos or the Universal Son.
The inevitable complex twin-phase self-reflective nature of the manifestation of spontaneous Outwardness, makes this manifestation and the Outwardness itself not merely a Mechanistic
80 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 81 phenomenon but a personality, manifesting Volition, Consciousness and Willful Action; i.e., the manifestation of the Unit Impulse has the characteristic of Willfulness.
The Universal Spirit, the Conjoint Actor of the Universal Trinity, represents the infinite Action patterns of the manifestation of Instant Unboundedness; i.e., all the distinct Nodal Patterns effected by Nodal Action on the components of the frequency Transform of the Unit Impulse continuum, (which Nodal Action, in complex twin-phase time-space, has also the characteristic of Willfulness). These Action patterns are all distinct Nodal patterns in which Time-space can be partitioned. As each of these partitions or patterns must be distinct, in order to be significant, the number of partitions in each subsequent partition cannot be repeated. That is, once Infinity, or any non-definable ‘Whole’, is considered in two partitions, each of the resulting partitions, the size of which is equally indefinable as that of the original whole, cannot be partitioned in two again. This would not be distinct from the first partition of the whole. Thus, the subsequent partitions of the partitions are in increasing distinct numbers. These patterns of partitioning or Action patterns or Nodal patterns are represented by the rest of the terms of the natural series of ‘e’; 1/2!, 1/3!, 1/4! and so on; an infinite series.
Note that the physical meaning of 1/2! is not ½ the size of the whole, (as ½ of Infinity is meaningless), but ‘ANY indefinable whole considered in 2 parts’, (a standing vibrational mode), and its size is as indefinable as the whole; in other words, 1/2! is a ‘pattern of the whole’, or the ‘quantum number’ of a Basic Nodal Pattern of the frequency Transform of the Unit Impulse. Similarly with 1/3! and so on. They are not fractions but represent patterns of partition, or Nodal patterns, of the whole. The numerical value of ‘e’ as 2,7182818... has no physical significance and the number ‘2,71828 ^(iwt)’ is not equal to ‘cosine wt + i sine wt’. It is only the series ‘e^iwt’ that represents the orhtogonal-and- orthophasic expression ‘cosine wt + i sine wt’.
[Note that all the terms of the infinite series of ‘e’ are subsequent integrals of the original Point Center of Infinite Unboundedness with respect to ‘’ and evaluated over the indefinable whole; i.e., at 1.]
From the Personality of the Infinite Spirit as explained above, it follows that the distinct Action Patterns or Nodal Patterns that the Infinite Spirit can effect on the uniquely homogeneous medium of the Eternal Son, the Unit Impulse continuum, are infinite. It also follows that Infinite Spirit, like the Universal Father, is infinitely distributive or fragmentable but, unlike with the Universal Father, where all Points-of-I are identical, the patterns of the Infinite Spirit are all distinct or distinct combinations of the original distinct
81 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 82 patterns. Thus, it is through the subsequent willful action of the Spirit that the infinite diversity of entities and beings as well as Minds are fashioned out of and by differentiation of the Son material, the Word of God.
Thus, through the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, the Universal Father transforms from a singularly unique, infinite, unbound, eternally instantaneous, homogeneous, featureless, changeless, immutable and absolutely subjective personality to an infinitely diverse multiplicity of interactive beings with meaningful objective personalities.
This is inevitable, as the property or Principle of Spontaneous Outwardness of Unbound Infinity cannot be non-manifest; i.e., there was no time that the Principle was not manifest and became suddenly manifest at a particular moment of time. The Principle and its manifestation go together like water and wetness. And, because of the complex twin-phase self-reflective nature of the manifestation of Instant Unboundedness or the Unit Impulse, the Principle itself, i.e. the Universal Father, his Willful Personality, the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit and the concept of Time are all coeval, existential (not created) and eternal, (with no beginning and no end).
(*) The Dirac delta function, (in this case infinite at t = 0 and zero everywhere else), is said not to be a real function. However, though this is true as a probability or distribution function, the Dirac delta is a real function in the one and only case of the ‘Instant Unboundedness’ of the space of the Universe, which is a complex or twin-phase space, (x-y-z and ix-iy-iz). We could express Instant Unboundedness as a Dirac delta function (a Unit Impulse) and consider its frequency transform in a non-zero timeframe. In Chapter I of Part Two we give a step-by-step non-algebraic explanation of how the Fourier Transform arises. [(The Laplace transform of the Dirac delta function is equal to 1. (Hence, the term ‘Unit Impulse’)]. The center of Infinite space is the X-section of the x-y-z (A) and the ix-iy-iz (iA) space-phases. This X-section, being everywhere within Infinity, keeps opposite monopoles, like protons and electrons, in instant rapport whatever their distance apart and makes instant teleportation possible. (See APENDIX C).
Parked or bound in AiA, one is in a state of limbo and loses all awareness of Time. In this state all Time is instant Now and Space is Void. There is no sense of relative motion. Wherever one moves, he is always in the middle of nowhere.
82 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 83
I must clarify something about the x-y-z and ix-iy-iz space-phases:
The ‘i’ is Real and not imaginary when ‘-1’ is also Real. Negative numbers are Real when they express Vectors and their Ratios in the Cartesian Convention. In Natural Reality there are no negative Vectors. (Negative numbers are quite Unreal when used to express the number of elements in a Set; -3 apples in a basket for instance!) Directions are RELATIVE expressions. If we take the ‘right’ or ‘East’ as the positive axis or the reference direction, as we normally do, then the –ve or the 180˚ direction is the ‘left’ or the ‘West’. However, we could take the ‘left’ or ‘West’ or ‘any other’ as the +ve or reference direction, in which case the –ve or the 180˚ direction would be the ‘right’ or ‘East’ or ‘any other’.
So, you see, it would be quite fallacious from the point of view of the Physical or the Mathematical concept, (not Calculus or Algebra, which are not Mathematics but merely Mathematical tools), to consider the √(cosine right) or √1 as Real and the √(cosine left) or √(-1) as imaginary. Thus, from the point of view of the Physical or the Mathematical concept, ‘i’ and ‘1’ are ‘i’ to each other, i.e., orthogonal AND orthophasic to each other; and so are ‘x’ and ‘ix’. The ‘ix’ is the whole plane that spatially coincides with the ‘y,z’ plane but it is NOT it. It is 90˚ out of time phase or orthophasic to it. ***
In the quantum expression of the Electromagnetic wave, it is normal to take the Electric phasor in the x-y-z and the Magnetic phasor in the ix-iy-iz. However, as we have seen in the text (p.14), in any natural wave, like the Electromagnetic wave, the cosine Phasor, the x-y-z space-phase, can only be the transverse or implosive and the sine Phasor, the ix-iy-iz space- phase, which lags the cosine Phasor by a 90˚ time phase, is the ‘longitudinal’ or outward, as given by the complex expression of ‘a eiwt = a cos wt + ia sin wt’.
So, since we consider ourselves to be in the ‘longitudinal’ or outward space-phase of the transmission of the Electromagnetic wave, we are in the ix-iy-iz space-phase and not in the x- y-z, (but live in both space-phases). Keep in mind however that, as we stated above, this is a RELATIVE directional concept, referring to the space-phases, which are both orthogonal and orthophasic to each other.
You will get further in the understanding of the Physics (and Metaphysics) of the Universe, (and of the phenomenon of LIFE), if you consider Complex Mathematics as a Physical CONCEPT and not just as a computational tool for calculating Eigen values.
83 Jesus D Zeus Origin of the Universe - Thesis 84
*** One thing leads to another
The Isotropy of Static Space and the Anisotropy of Dynamic Space:
Let us consider an open tank of still water with a weighted rod, like a hygrometer, floating vertically near its center. If we take the surface of the water as the y-z plane, then the hygrometer is in the x-direction. It is NOT the x-direction. The x-direction is the whole space of an infinite number of verticals rising perpendicularly from the water surface.
Ignoring the rotation of the Earth and its movement round the Sun etc., this isolated space can be considered ‘microcosmically’ as Static, when viewed at a depth of scope that ignores also molecular movements as well as any light waves or sound waves transmitted through it. This isolated domain of Static space has physical Isotropy, apart from its Isotropy as a Concept or as a Geometric idea.
Let us now depress the hygrometer or lift it slightly and let go of it, so that its oscillation causes water waves to spread out on the water surface. The Physical Isotropy of this space has now been destroyed. The static x-y-z space we had before has ceased to exist physically and so has its Isotropy. Both the static x-y-z domain and its Isotropy can now be considered only as a Concept or a Geometric idea. They do NOT exist as a physical reality.
We have created a dynamic space with a privileged axis along the hygrometer, which is the only space that oscillates purely vertically. It is no longer in the static x-space but in the dynamic ‘x cos wt’ space-phase. All other points on the surface of the water move rotationally, radially outward from the hygrometer. The previous verticals, other than the origin, are now rhythmically leaning forward and back and meshing, like the warp in a loom. What was before the static y-z space has become the ‘ix sin wt’ space-phase and the total motion of any point, other than the origin of the wave, is given by ‘ax cos wt + iaix sin wt’, where ‘a’ is the amplitude, which diminishes with its distance from the origin.
In this very artificial case, we had a domain that could be either dynamic and anisotropic or static and isotropic, (when considered isolated and at a certain depth of scope). However, Infinite space as a whole can never be and has never been physically Static and Isotropic because it is and has always been Unbound and, therefore, Dynamic and Anisotropic.
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APENDIX C Instant teleportation
The space of the Universe is instantly infinite and unbound; a Unit Impulse, with infinite space dimensions and zero time width. From infinity’s point of view all time is instant NOW and space is void. In a non-zero time frame the Unit Impulse is transformed into an infinite spectrum of complex (6-D or twin-phase) space-waves, (its Fourier Transform), originating from everywhere and transmitted in all directions as functions of time. This is Chaos or the ‘Word of God’. Due to Nodal Convergence, (Gravity, both 3-D mechanistic and 6-D volitional), Chaos is differentiated into all sorts of accumulations.
Due to the orthogonal-and-orthophasic relation of complex waves converging at Nodes, these Nodes exhibit not only radial convergence but also a spin and, due to the triple axis convergence, acquire the characteristics of a Vortex. Vortices of slow precession are tubular dipoles (Neutronic) and vortices of very fast precession are point-converging monopoles (Protonic). The Proton vortex and its exit, (the Electron), are instantly connected, whatever their distance apart, at the X-section of the x-y-z and the ix-iy-iz space-phases, which is the center of Infinity and it is everywhere within Infinity. We have referred to this ‘instant link’ as the ‘ix-iy-iz link’. It is experienced as Electric Field. There are no electric charges.
This infinite instant rapport through the ix-iy-iz link is exhibited not only by Protons and Electrons but also by any Vortex monopole, like the Point-of-I of a sentient being. (Actually, the Proton exhibits all the subjective characteristics of a sentient being).
The ix-iy-iz link makes instant teleportation possible. The necessary procedure is to focus or converge to the Point-of-I and then let go into nothingness. This inverse transforms you from your differential time-variable state to the timeless-and-infinite Unit Impulse state and, when you refocus, you transform back to the differential state. As the ix-iy-iz link is non- directional, by this reversible transformation you may reappear instantly in any direction at any distance. This is not good for you. You most probably end up in an already existing bigger Node, like the center of your planet or a sun or a galaxy. This disaster can be avoided if you pre-program your transformation so as to rematerialize at specific coordinates. After you have been to a place once, then its coordinates may not be necessary as long as you remember precise unique features of your destination.
This teleportation, which in Sci-Fi jargon is referred to as ‘beaming’, is similar to sending an email from a mobile phone or laptop. You choose the address, then compose the message and press ‘send’. What happens is exactly similar. The transmission is non-directional but the message rematerializes only at the destination address. The difference between transmitting an email and teleportation is that the email is transformed and transmitted in the form of electromagnetic or etheric waves at the speed of light, whilst teleportation is effected through the ix-iy-iz link, which, though similarly non-directional, is instant. The only time you need is the time it takes to set up the address and prepare the inverse transformation.
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As with sending emails and other Ethernet information and software, in a coordinated system this teleportation is controlled by the administration of the coordinated system according to the system’s Protocol, through ‘servers’. Any such space-travel has to pass through Control Nodes, which control the ‘traffic’ and filter it according to importance, assigning to it priority similar to priority tokens in Internetting. This filtering introduces an additional time factor. In long inter-solar or inter-galactic travel, there can be a great number of control or rediffusion Nodes and, though the actual teleportation from Node to Node is instant, the time of filtering can reduce the average speed of the journey to a few million times the speed of light.
There is actually little point in teleporting the body machine or any other contraption across galaxies. The requirement of suitable conditions for the body machine limits our choice of destinations. This is not a limitation for our mental bodies. So, for intergalactic journeys we normally teleport only our mental bodies and design and fabricate cellular body hardware, as well as other constructions when we reach whatever destination. Teleporting in spacecrafts is limited to short distances within the same galaxy, using the ix-iy-iz link, what is referred to in Sci-Fi movies as ‘hyperspace’. The actual teleportation is instant, though in movies it is supposed to take place at warp speeds several times the speed of light. Warp speeds are achieved in wormholes, which are Neutronic dipoles of ‘black hole’ intensity, with etheric speeds down the hole a few times that of light. It is similar to flying down a supersonic wind tunnel at a few Mac without breaking the sound barrier.
If, while traveling normally, an airplane comes across a gate that opens to hyperspace, what is referred to in Sci-Fi movies as a ‘stargate’, (but to hyperspace instead of a wormhole), it may be trapped for a while in hyperspace (in limbo). When it comes out, if it comes out, it will find itself where its course would have taken it if it did not meet the gate but it will have lost the time it spent in hyperspace. For example, if a plane flying normally enters hyperspace, it will disappear from view of the air traffic control and, if it appears again, let’s say, in ten minutes, it will appear where it would be if it did not encounter the gate but the watches of its passengers would be ten minutes behind those of the air traffic control and other watches that did not go through the gate. In hyperspace all time-variable processes, including aging, stop and restart at exit. The passengers of the plane will not be aware that any change took place. The plane will have saved ten minutes’ fuel. For the plane and passengers, the time they spent in hyperspace (in limbo) does not exist.
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ΑΓΑΠΗ – AGAPE The fundamental property of Outwardness of Infinite Unbound Void. This is the Father and first person of the Triune Universal God (1/0!). ΧΑΟΣ – CHAOS The primary manifestation of AGAPE, the Unit Impulse with its Fourier transform of Infinite Frequency spectrum. This is the ‘Word of God’ or the Universal Son, the second person of the Triune Universal God (1/1!). Because of the self-reflective property of the manifestation in twin-phase space, the manifestation has the property of Willfulness. ΕΡΩΣ – EROS The converging Nodal property of Chaos or the Universal Son to form Nodes, due to the superposition of His frequency spectrum. This is the Infinite Spirit, the third person of the Triune Universal God (1/2!, 1/3!, 1/4!, …). In three dimensions, it is manifest as ‘Mechanistic Gravity’ and in twin-phase space as ‘Willful Gravity’ of instant rapport across infinite space. This is the agent that causes the contraction of Chaos to Ether. Eros or the Infinite Spirit should not be confused with the entities called ‘Spirits’, the latter being the correct use of the word ‘SPIRIT’. Eros or the Infinite Spirit is the Cause of the mobility of the Word and the formation of Word accumulations and entities, whilst plain ‘spirit’ is the resulting flow of a quantity of Word, the accumulations and entities within the medium of the Word. The term ‘Infinite Spirit’ or ‘Holy Spirit’ is inherited form the Scriptures. It is better to stick to ‘EROS’ only, as long as we define clearly its scientific meaning. ΠΝΕΥΜΑ – SPIRIT Moving or MOBILE primary material of the ‘Word of God’. SPIRIT(S) Any individual entity with a Point-of-I, a Soul and a personality, possessing a Mental body only, made of primary material of the Word of God, (i.e., a Mental Being). These beings are called ‘spirits’ because of their extreme mobility. UR An inflowing (or Protonic) fundamental vortex monopole. RA The exit outflowing monopole of an UR URA A fundamental Neutronic vortex dipole. The first modulating tool. ΝΟΥΣ – NUS Modulated Word of God; (Mind). URANUS The collective whole of all Mental or Spiritual beings, possessing Points- of-I, Souls, and Personality software, comprising of Modulated Word, having discrete coordinates and, thus, manifesting Objective Personality. The Supreme person or God that manifests Objective Personality. ETHER Contracted Word or Chaos, the Electromagnetic Medium. ΓΑΙΑ – EARTH All vortexed Nodal accumulations of Ether; Particle Matter.