Mission Trip Application - England 2015
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Dear Student,
Thank you for your interest in the England mission trip. It is again our desire to provide you with the most positive experience possible this summer through the mission trip. The students who participate will have the opportunity to watch God change lives as He changes them.
The purposes of this application are 1) to give us an idea of your reasons for participating in the trip while advising us of any special needs that you might have and 2) to give you a chance to write out your motives for wanting to go on the trip. We’d like to know more about your family and your medical condition, any strengths that you might bring to the team, any weaknesses that we should know about and your personal relationship with God.
As you prepare to fill out the application please follow these guidelines:
1. Read through the application, pray, and then complete it. 2. If you have questions, please call us. 3. Be assured of total confidentiality.
Please complete and return your application by Sunday, March 29th. The dates of the mission trip are August 1-8. While on the mission field, we will be spending our time interacting with the people of England, providing for their physical needs, playing with children and looking for opportunities to share our faith with them in a relational way (one-on-one). We will lead sports camps, Bible Clubs, Community Block Parties and work in local schools. You will also have the opportunity to participate in one-on-one witnessing (and anything else that our sponsors ask us to do). Adult chaperones will be responsible for small groups of students and you will be expected to obey them without question as they work to provide you with all the support you need on the trip. They will be working side-by-side with you as they go through the same training and service projects that you go through (requirements are listed at the end of this application). This application contains space to share the reason that you want to make this trip and a place for you and your parents to express your commitment to fund-raising and training. In addition, you will be asked to sign up for a short interview with Kelly and/or Chris as part of the application process. We are excited that you are interested in this trip and look forward to receiving your completed application soon.
In Jesus, Kelly Knouse and Chris Dotson PERSONAL INFORMATION (please print) FULL LEGAL NAME:______EMAIL: ______ADDRESS:______CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP: ______TELEPHONE – HOME: ______CELL:______DATE OF BIRTH: ______PASSPORT NUMBER (you will need a passport by JUNE 1, 2015): ______IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE NOTIFY: ______RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT: ______ADDRESS:______CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP: ______TELEPHONE – HOME: ______CELL:______
LEGAL/LIFE-STYLE INFORMATION Have you used illegal drugs in the past six months? YES NO Do you use tobacco products? YES NO Have you used alcohol in the past six months? YES NO Are there any special issues or concerns in your life at present that would possibly affect your ability to participate in this trip (i.e. other commitments, finances, etc.)? ______
FIELD INFORMATION Please list ministries that you are currently involved in here at Idlewild: ______
Please indicate any special skills, talents or Christian service experience that you feel may be helpful in the field:______
Please list mission experiences including location, dates, and ministry: ______
How would you describe your present health? Excellent Good Average Poor Please state any major illness(es) you have had in the last five years: ______TESTIMONY In the space provided below, please share your salvation testimony. Please include how long you have been a Christian, how you were saved, and describe briefly your walk with the Lord at the present time: ______
Please explain briefly why you desire to go on this mission trip and what you hope to see the Lord do in and through you: ______
Maintain 75% attendance at:
• Sunday Morning Small Groups and Church Service.
• Wednesday night Axis.
• Take notes at Sunday and Wednesday services.
• Serve one Saturday a month at Adopt-A-Block (Sulpher Springs).
• Serve on a Wednesday night team (Prayer, Welcome, Worship, Tech).
• Attend 4 training meetings.
• Serve on a Wednesday night team (Prayer, Welcome, Worship, Tech).
• Read “All In’ by Mark Batterson before August
I, the undersigned, give my authorization to Kelly and Chris to hold me accountable in completing all requirements for this mission trip and to do my best to model my life after the life of Christ, as we prepare, as we minister and after we return. APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: ______
DATE: ______
I/we, undersigned, give our permission for our son/daughter listed above to participate in the 2015 Student Ministry mission trip to England, understanding that this includes training and service projects. We agree to encourage our son/daughter in their training and service activities and also give authorization to Kelly and Chris to hold them accountable in completing all requirements for this mission trip, and to do their best to model their life after the life of Christ, as they prepare, as they minister and after they return. We understand that by submitting this application, we are committing to full financial responsibility for the pre-paid (i.e. airfare) portion of the trip.
DATE: ______