2.04 Listening Activity Guide: School Activities

Look back in the lesson to find the definition of the following vocabulary words. estudiar = buscar = inglés = hablar = dibujar = arte = escuchar = preguntar = ciencias = mirar = artes marciales = matemáticas = practicar = el baile = educación física = participar = el canto = español = entregar = excursiones = trabajar = actividades =

Listen to the recording and write down the words you recognize. (You can repeat this step as necessary.) Don’t try to figure out what the whole sentence means right now. Remember they are talking about school, activities and verbs from this module. Use the chart below to organize the words you hear.

Classes Sports Art Field Trips Martial Arts

(Next page) Now listen to the recording again and try to follow along with the script. Don’t try to write anything the first time. You can do this once or twice. REMEMBER, he is using the words above that we have learned in the lessons.

Now, listen to the recording and try to fill in the blanks. Keep the mouse on the pause button so you can stop it as you write down the words. He speaks fast, and even I can’t write down the words fast enough.  Keep at it! I know you can do it!

“Bienvenidos a mi ______en España. Por el día tengo clases de ______, ______, ______, el almuerzo. También clases de ______, ______y educación ______. Me gusta ______mucho en la ______de inglés. Mi ______favorita es ______física porque me gusta ______deportes. Por la tarde mi ______tiene muchas ______extracurriculares. Mi escuela ofrece ______como el ______, el ______, el ______, y el ______. También tenemos clases de ______como el karate y el judo. Si te gusta el arte, mi escuela tiene ______de ______, ______, ______y ______. Me gusta ______la clase de baile y me gusta ______la clase de canto. Si te gusta la cultura, muchas clases tienen ______a ______y ______. ¿Qué actividades hay en tu escuela?”

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear all the words the first time! You are just getting started with your language learning and the more you practice the easier it becomes! Remember that new vocabulary words learned in the lessons have an audio file for you to hear. It is important that you take the time to listen to and practice the pronunciation of new words as you learn them. That will help you understand the videos more easily as you go throughout the course.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can use this guide to help you complete the 2.04 listening guide.