English I Pacing Guide

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English I Pacing Guide


1st Quarter

Standard 1

CLE 3001.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through the use of grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).  SPI 3001.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the eight parts of speech, including their troublesome aspects, such as how to form the past and past participle of irregular but commonly used verbs.  SPI 3001.1.8 Select correct pronoun usage in a sentence (e.g., with compound elements such as between you and me, or following than or as).  SPI 3001.1.9 Select correct pronoun-antecedent agreement using collective nouns or indefinite pronouns  SPI 3001.1.10 Recognize the correct placement of end marks with quotation marks. ONGOING  SPI 3001.1.13 Select the appropriate word in frequently confused pairs (i.e., to/too/two, their/there/they’re, it/it’s, you/you’re, whose/who’s, which/that/who, accept/except, affect/effect, between/among, capitol/capital, principal/principle, who/whom, stationary/stationery, allusion/illusion, complement/compliment, cite/site/sight, counsel/council, coarse/course, farther/further, lose/loose, fewer/less). ONGOING

CLE 3001.1.3 Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures  SPI 3001.1.4 Combine a set of simple sentences into a single compound or complex sentence. o Check for Understanding 3001.1.3 Know and apply a variety of sentence-combining techniques.

CLE 3001.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, and usage of words and phrases.  SPI 3001.1.16 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, déjà vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage, alma mater, cum laude, femme fatale, esprit de corps, verbatim, E pluribus unum, prima donna, avant-garde, status quo, joie de vivre, carte blanche, caveat emptor, alpha and omega, tabula rasa, hoi polloi, ad nauseam). ONGOING

Standard 2

CLE 3001.2.3 Identify the thesis and main points of a challenging speech.  SPI 3001.2.1 Identify the thesis and main points of a challenging speech.

1 o Checks for Understanding 3001.2.2 Identify the thesis of a challenging speech in which the ideas may be subtle or implied, regardless of whether the organizational pattern is linear.

CLE 3001.2.2 Summarize, paraphrase, and critique information presented orally by others.

 SPI 3001.2.2 Distinguish between a summary and a paraphrase. o Checks for Understanding 3001.2.3 Summarize information presented orally by others, including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence.

 SPI 3001.2.3 Distinguish between a critique and a summary. o Checks for Understanding 3001.2.3 Summarize information presented orally by others, including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence.

CLE 3001.2.6 Deliver effective oral presentations

 SPI 3001.2.6 Determine the most effective methods of engaging an audience during an oral presentation (e.g., making eye contact, adjusting speaking rate). ONGOING o Checks for Understanding 3001.2.15 Employ effective presentation skills, including good eye contact, careful enunciation, appropriate rate and volume, and relaxed body language.

CLE 3001.2.7 Participate in work teams and group discussions  SPI 3001.2.7 Select the most appropriate strategies for participating productively in a team (e.g., gaining the floor in orderly, respectful ways and listen with civility to the ideas of others; identify the needs of the team and sharing various resources to respond to those needs; establishing clear group agreements and ensuring appropriate individual contributions are respected by the team). o Checks for Understanding Group Dynamics and Roles Assign roles and responsibilities for team members based on an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and the dynamics of the team. Identifying task(s) needed to meet goal and purpose, including purposefully identifying tasks that are best completed as a team vs.

2 tasks best completed individually, and set deadlines for completing each task.

o Establish clear group agreements and ensure appropriate individual contributions are respected by the team.

Standard 3

CLE 3001.3.4 Revise documents to develop or support ideas clearly, address potential objections; ensure effective transitions between paragraphs, and correct errors in logic.

 SPI 3001.3.5 Demonstrate the ability to combine a set of simple sentences into a longer, more interesting sentence.

o Checks for Understanding 3001.3.16 Revise to craft a tone, mood, and style that convey the writer’s attitude and are appropriate to audience.

CLE 3001.3.3 Organize ideas into an essay with a thesis statement in the introduction, well-constructed paragraphs, a conclusion, and transition sentences that connect paragraphs into a coherent whole.

 SPI 3001.3.6 Select the thesis statement in a writing sample or passage. o Checks for Understanding 3001.3.7 Employ varied and appropriate organizational structures that support the topic

CLE 3001.3.1 Write in a variety of modes for a variety of audiences and purposes.

 SPI 3001.3.15 Identify the mode in which a writing sample is written. o Checks for Understanding 3001.3.1 Write in a variety of modes (e.g., summary, explanation, description, persuasion, informational, literary analysis, creative expression).

Standard 5 CLE 3001.5.1 Use logic to make inferences and draw conclusions in a variety of challenging oral and written contexts.

 SPI 3001.5.7 Differentiate between the stated and implied evidence of a given argument. o Check for Understanding 3001.5.7 Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied.

3  SPI 3001.5.1 Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence in text. o Check for Understanding 3001.5.7 Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied.

CLE 3001. 5.2 Analyze text for fact and opinion, cause-effect, inferences, evidence, and conclusions.

 SPI 3001. 5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion o Checks for Understanding 3001. 5.2 Analyze text for stated or implied cause-effect relationships.  SPI 3001.5.4 Analyze cause-effect relationships in text. o Checks for Understanding 3001. 5.2 Analyze text for stated or implied cause-effect relationships. Standard 6 CLE 3001.6.1 Comprehend and summarize the main ideas of informational and technical texts and determine the essential elements that elaborate them.

 SPI 3001.6.1 Discern the stated or implied main idea and supporting details of informational and technical passages. o Checks for Understanding 3001. 6.1 Identify the main ideas in informational and technical texts. CLE 3001.6.3 Read, interpret, and analyze graphics that support informational and technical texts.

 SPI 3001.6.2 Use the graphics of informational and technical passages to answer questions.  SPI 3001.6.3 Determine the appropriateness of a graphic used to support an informational or technical passage. o Checks for Understanding 3001.6.11 Evaluate informational and technical texts for clarity, coherence and appropriateness of graphics Standard 7

CLE 3001.7.4 Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherent media productions.

 SPI 3001.7.1 Draw an inference from a non-print medium o Checks for Understanding 3001.7.7 Use visual images, text, graphics, music and/or sound effects that relate to and support clear, explicit messages.

CLE 3001.7.1 Evaluate the aural, visual, and written images and other special effects used in television, radio, film, and the Internet for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.

4  SPI 3001.7.3 Choose a visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint. o Checks for Understanding 3001.7.4 Present clearly identifiable messages using an appropriate medium and increasingly complex visual, audio, and graphic effects and interactive features. Standard 8 CLE 3001.8.5 Know and use appropriate literary terms to derive meaning and comprehension from various literary genres.

 SPI 3001.8.3 Identify and analyze an author’s point of view (i.e., first person, third person, third-person limited, third-person omniscient). o Checks for Understanding 3001.8.8 Analyze the narration and point of view in increasingly complex texts in which the narrator and point of view shift with multiple characters acting as narrators.

 SPI 3001.8.4 Identify and analyze how the author reveals character (i.e., what the author tells us, what the other characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what the character thinks).  SPI 3001.8.6 ONGOING Identify and analyze standard literary elements (i.e., allegory, paradox, parody, foreshadowing, flashback).  SPI 3001.8.8 ONGOING Determine the impact of setting on literary elements (i.e., plot, character, theme, tone.)

 *SPI 3001.8.9 HONORS ONGOING Identify the common stated or implied theme in a series of passages.

CLE 3001.8.4 Analyze works of literature for what they suggest about the historical period in which they were written.

 SPI 3001.8.13 ONGOING Locate words or phrases in a passage that provide historical or cultural cues.

CLE 3001.8.3 Recognize the conventions of various literary genres and understand how they articulate the writer’s vision.

 SPI 3001.8.16 ONGOING Analyze how form relates to meaning (e.g., compare a poem and a newspaper article on the same theme or topic).

5 Writing Process Prewriting Draft (New Holt Language calls it Writing) Revise Edit (New Holt Language merges this step into Publishing) Publish

Thesis Main points

Grammar: Types of Sentences Declaratory Imperative Interrogative Exclamatory

Simple Sentences-at end of eight parts of speech Compound Sentences-@ end of POSPE in connection to Conjunctions Complex Sentences-@ end of POSPE in connection to conjunctions Compound-Complex-@ end of POSPE in connection to conjunctions

End Punctuation

Eight Parts of Speech Nouns Pronouns Prepositions Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Conjunctions Interjections

Literature: Overview of Literature Novels and Shorts Stories (Novellas)  Fiction  Non-fiction  Autobiography  Biography Essays Informational Text: Newspaper articles Magazine articles Websites

6 Advertisements Technical Writing-Directions Poetry

Elements of Fiction Setting Characterization Characters  Antagonist  Protagonist  Main  Minor Narrator Voice Points of View  1st Person  3rd Person Limited  3rd Person Omniscient Inference Foreshadowing Flashback Flash forward

Suggested Literature: To Kill a Mockingbird-Honors Speak-Exceptional Ed., Standard, and Honors Tears of a Tiger-ELL, Exceptional Ed., Standard, and Honors


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