Ap European History Final Exam Study Guide

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Ap European History Final Exam Study Guide



1.Who designed the bronze doors for the San Giovanni Baptistry in Florence?

2. Who commanded the Portuguese fleet that rounded the Cape of Good Hope & reached India in 1497-99?

3. Who was the ultimate victor in the War of the Roses?

4. Describe painting and sculpture during the Renaissance.

5 . How did the fall of Constantinople contribute to the development of the Renaissance?

6. Who wrote THE PRINCE?

7. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?

8. Who painted THE BIRTH OF VENUS?

9. What were the three orders of people in Medieval Europe?

10. Define HUMANISM

11. What is CANON LAW?


12. Why did the Reformation encouraged literacy and education?

13. The Protestant Reformation encouraged what changes in the status of women?

14. Briefly describe Martin Luther’s religious beliefs.

15. Which German city did a group of Anabaptists seize control of in 1534?

16. Who was burned at the stake as a heretic for translating the Bible into English?

17. What was the most important new religious order of sixteenth-century Catholic Europe?

18. The Reformation in England was primarily the result of whom & why?

19. Where did John Calvin develop his ministry and live most of his later life?

20. Define Peace of Augsburg 21. What new musical form emerged in sixteenth-century Protestant Europe?


22.______is an artistic style of the 17th century that featured curves, exaggerated lighting, intense emotions, a kind of artistic sensationalism. 23.______ruled Spain from 1556-1598, he also ruled over the Netherlands and the Spanish colonies in the New World, he was a devout Catholic and was once married to Mary Tudor.

24. In 1593, this French king publicly embraced Catholicism. He granted the Huguenots religious toleration in 1598. ______.

25. The most famous mannerist painter was ______, who lived in Spain in the 1570s and crowded figures or objects into every available space and used larger than life or elongated figures.

26. The influential French administrator who led the government during the reign of Louis XIII who died in 1642 was ______.

27. One of the most innovative composers of the new secular form, the Opera was ______.

28. The French mathematician and philosopher who stated, “I think, therefore I am”, and was a strong proponent of human reason was ______.

29. The Englishman, ______, (1578-1657) used dissection to examine the circulation of blood within the body, demonstrating how the heart worked as a pump.

30. The Italian scientist, ______, (1564-1642), supported the view that the sun was the center of the universe when he invented a superior telescope to observe the heavens. He was forced to appear before the Inquisition by the Catholic Church.

31. Tsar ______(1533-1584) stopped at nothing to make Muscovy the center of a mighty Russian empire. He had unpredictable fits of rage, killing priests, boyars and even his own son.

32. What was the Edict of Restitution (1629?

33. What was the most important force causing a continuation of the conflict during the “Thirty Years War”?

34. What did the Peace of Westphalia concluded in 1648 accomplish?

35. Most of the victims of the witchcraft persecutions of the 17th century were ______

36. What countries were ruled by Philip II?

37. Identify Peter Paul Rubens

38. Define The Edict of Nantes

39. The economic recession of the 17th century caused ______CHAPTER 17

40. The ______occurred when the English Parliament overthrew King James II and replaced him with William, Prince of Orange, & James’s daughter, Mary.

41. ______is a system of government in which the ruler claimed sole and uncontestable power.

42. ______is a style of painting and architecture that reflected the ideals of the art of antiquity; in this genre, geometric shapes, order and harmony of lines took precedence over more emotional and exuberant forms of art.

43. Dutch painters such as ______(1632-1675), the son of a silk worker, found their clients to be people such as themselves, of common stock. His best-known paintings shown women working at home and he made ordinary activities seem precious and beautiful. One of his famous works was Officer with a Laughing Girl.

44. ______of France was considered the most prominent example of an absolute monarch.

45. Who were the Jansenists?

46. In what ways did Tsar Alexei expand his absolutist powers?

47. What was a “stadholder”?

48. Which ruler established absolutist rule over Brandenburg-Prussia?

49. In the Petition of Right of 1628, Charles I promised ______

50. Describe the government of the Dutch Republic.

51. In the first half of the seventeenth century the hub of the business world in Europe was located in ______


52. What were some of the agricultural developments that began in Britain and spread to other countries?

53. What were some of the elements of Peter the Great’s Westernization program?

54. How did the Enclosure movement change the social structure of the British countryside?

55. How did King Frederick William I make Prussia a formidable military power?

56. Describe Rococo painting 57. What is Jacobitism?

58. Define Consumer Revolution:

59. What is the Enlightenment Movement?


60. Who was the chief editor of the Encyclopedia?

61. What was the primary use of James Watt’s improved steam engine when it was first introduced?

62. What is the main argument of Immanuel Kant’s book, The Critique of Pure Reason?

63. What were the trends that led toward industrialization?

64. What was the Republic of Letters?

65. How did the attitudes towards children change among the elite classes?

66. Define Industrialization:

67. What are salons?

68. Define Deist:

69. ______is an economic doctrine developed by Adam Smith based on freeing the economy from government intervention and control.

70. Define Hasidim:

71. ______is a view of art and literature that traced its emphasis on individual genius, deep emotion and joys of nature to thinkers like Rousseau.


72. Which French colony experienced a slave revolt in 1791?

73. On what charge was leveled against Louis XVI that resulted in his execution? 74. Which European country no longer existed in 1795?

75. What is the Tennis Court Oath and why was it taken?

76. What was the Reign of Terror?

77. What was the Directory?

78. Who were the sans-coulettes?

79. What did the French armies do when they occupied an area?

80. What was the Thermidorian Reaction?

81. What was the Bastille?

82. Who was Marie Anthoinette?

83. What was the first and most influential of the political clubs formed during the French Revolution?

84. What was the Great Fear?

85. What was the slogan of the French Revolution?


86. What were some of the things that the Civil Code of 1804 did?

87. Which battle is considered Napoleon’s final defeat? ______

88. What was the Continental System?

89. Who were the Luddites?

90. Who came to power as a result of the coup against the Directory of France in 1799?

91. Which countries made up the Quadruple Alliance that defeated Napoleon in 1814?

92. After Napoleon abdicated, who became the ruler of France?

93. What was the result of the Concordat of 1801 with the Pope? 94. Which British Prime minister helped arrange the post-Napoleonic settlement?

95. Which political doctrine justified the restoration of traditional rulers?

96. ______met from 1814-15 to determine the fate of Europe after Napoleon’s defeat? They settled the boundaries, rulers, etc.

97. ______was Austria’s chief negotiator and minister who led the major meeting of Europe in 1814 and helped set conservative policy in Europe for almost 40 years.

98. What was the Reform Act?

99. What type of military leader/ruler was Napoleon (refer back to your Chapter 21 Questions)?

100. What did Chateaubriand think of Napoleon? (#10 on Questions)

101. ______was a movement which opposed the conservatives on one hand and the revolutionaries on the other; they supported the Enlightenment ideals of constitutional guarantees Of personal liberty and free trade in economics.

102. ______denounced the extremities of Romanticism. He wrote the epic poem Faust which seemed to be based on the French Revolutionary legacy and industrialization.

103. What was the Decembrist Revolt?

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