Ahtisaari: Moscow Will Recognize Kosovo (Dailies)

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Ahtisaari: Moscow Will Recognize Kosovo (Dailies)

Main Stories 9 April ______

 Ahtisaari: Moscow will recognize Kosovo (dailies)  Thaçi satisfied with ministers, makes no changes in the Government (Zëri)  Constitution of “compromise”, not applicable in entire state (Koha, Zëri)  Munter: Kosovo, the only open issue between Serbia and the U.S. (Zëri)  Vllasi: Relations between Kosovo and Serbia will be normalized soon (Koha)  Investigations into Serb threats toward EULEX (Koha Ditore/dailies)  Kosovo delegation demonstratively leaves CEFTA (dailies)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Ahtisaari: One day Moscow too will recognize Kosovo ( dailies ) Daily newspapers quote former Finnish President and Noble Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari as saying that he expects Russia to one day also recognize the independence of Kosovo, now that relations between the U.S. and Russia are improving.

“I think that circumstances at the time were such that recognition did not happen and maybe we have to wait for some time for this recognition to happen. But I hope that in the end, especially now with relations between the U.S. and Russia improving, that Moscow will recognize Kosovo too. However, this is not a big issue. It should not be exaggerated,” Ahtisaari said in an interview for Voice of America.

Ahtisaari, who recommended conditional independence for Kosovo, said he was disappointed that some EU member states haven’t recognized Kosovo’s independence. “This also had a negative effect on the process of the EU enlargement and this is very bothersome for me. The fact that nearly 60 countries have recognized Kosovo is good since they make up 60-70% of the world’s economy. This is a good start. This process will be accelerated and I honestly hope that countries of the Islamic world will start recognizing Kosovo,” Ahtisaari added. Thaçi satisfied with ministers, makes no changes in the Government ( Zëri ) Zëri reports that it seems Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi will continue with the same cabinet of ministers without making any changes in the Government. Yesterday, Thaçi ruled out the possibility of making changes in his Government and said the work of his ministers was very good and productive.

“The Government is very functional and productive, we are implementing priorities that are directly related to increasing the Government’s efficiency, transparency, efficiency at work, and providing better services for citizens,” Thaçi added.

Constitution of “compromise”, not applicable in entire state ( Koha, Zëri ) Zëri reports that one year after the approval of Kosovo constitution, state leaders have said openly that they are not achieving to make all the articles of the constitution applicable in the entire territory of Kosovo.

In a solemnity session of the Assembly of Kosovo, organized on Wednesday in the honour of the anniversary of the approval of the constitution, this fact was confirmed by the Head of the Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi, before President Fatmir Sejdiu, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and numerous diplomatic representatives accredited in Kosovo.

“This contract contains compromise of Kosovo in the name of future and for the sake of peace and stability. This fact gives us the right to demand from the international community and its missions, outmost engagement to guarantee sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo and the implementation of its constitution in every part of Kosovo,” Krasniqi said.

Munter: Kosovo, the only open issue between Serbia and the U.S. ( Zëri ) Zëri reports that the U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Cameron Munter said in an interview with Tanjug that relations between Serbia and the U.S. are improving and that Kosovo remains the only issue. Munter added that the U.S. strongly supports Serbia's future within Europe and will do as much as possible to help the Serbian Government overcome its economic difficulties.

“Relations with Serbia are very good, there were difficult moments in the past, but things are now moving in the right direction,” he said. Ambassador Munter announced that there would be no changes in U.S. policy towards Serbia or the Balkans under the new administration of U.S. President Barack Obama. The aim of this administration remains being reforms, the integration of the Balkans with the European Union, and a more prosperous and secure future for the citizens of this region.

Vllasi: Relations between Kosovo and Serbia will be normalized soon ( Koha ) Koha Ditore reports that former Kosovar politician, now attorney Azem Vllasi, told Nis-based TV Zona that soon relations between Kosovo and Serbia will normalize. “I am certain that good neighbourly relations between Kosovo and Serbia will come to place soon, because the current and even future Government and diplomacy in Serbia should understand that it cannot gain an EU perspective by flirting a little with the ‘non-aligned’ Russia and a little with Brussels and so on,” he said.

Vllasi also called on Belgrade and Pristina to “stop fuelling the fire” and resort to the European future of their nations. “For ten years Serbia had no authority whatsoever over Kosovo, but one can still hear statements like ‘we will defend Kosovo’. How can you defend something that is no longer in your hands or under your control?” Vllasi said.

Investigations into Serb threats toward EULEX ( Koha Ditore/dailies ) Koha Ditore reports that members of Kosovo Police and EULEX are investigating the latest threats directed against EULEX presence, especially in the north. Although there is no concrete evidence about possible preparation of an attack, the latest developments in the field and UNMIK’s alert have forced Kosovo and European police to carefully analyze possible threats.

“EULEX has received information about a possible attack by Serbs against members of EULEX and we are actually dealing with this issue,” EULEX Spokesperson Karin Limdal said.

Koha Ditore reports that also KFOR is threatened. About the eventual incidents between the communities in Kroi i Vitakut, Serb representative Sinisha Lazic has said that the responsibility is KFOR peacekeepers and the French commander Philippe Bras, since they are allowing the returns of Albanians in the north of Mitrovica while the security of Serbs is endangered. “There will be a fight, because KFOR wants this, they did not want to stop the rebuilding of Albanian houses,” Lazic said.

Kosovo delegation demonstratively leaves CEFTA ( dailies ) Dailies report that Kosovo delegation left demonstratively the meeting of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) member states that is being held in Podgorica. The reason for leaving the meeting was the insistence of Montenegrin authorities that the Kosovo delegation should be represented with an UNMIK logo, and their rejection to put a Kosovo logo instead.

At the three-day meeting that started on Tuesday, Kosovo was represented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and Customs. The delegation was lead by Frymëzim Isufaj, political advisor of Minister Idriz Vehapi. Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page  Kosovo leads in the region with salaries of leaders  Preteni “suspected” of suspicious movements  Investigations into Serb threats against EULEX  Banks in Kosovo with biggest profit in the region  The state of Kosovo supports Roma

Other headlines  Constitution of “compromise”, that is not applicable throughout the state (2)  Lithuania too withdraws soldiers from KFOR (2)  Serb Gendarmerie arrests two Albanians from Presevo (3)  Albania may block Serbia’s path to NATO (4)  Kosovar delegation demonstratively withdraws from CEFTA meeting (4)  Vllasi: Relations between Kosovo and Serbia to be normalized soon (4)


Front page  Kosovo marks first anniversary of constitution, which is not applicable throughout the country  Pieter Feith against “parachutists” in the board  Editorial: Main task – Constitution to be valid for all, throughout the territory of Kosovo  Ahtisaari: I’m disappointed that some EU countries haven’t recognized Kosovo  Thaçi satisfied with ministers, makes no changes in the government  International Roma Day celebrated in Kosovo

Other headlines  Weller: Kosovo violated no international law when it declared independence (4)  Munter: Kosovo, the only remaining open issue between Serbia and U.S. (4)  Kosovar delegation leaves from CEFTA meeting (5)

Kosova Sot

Front page  Elections at risk  Editorial: Blocked integration  Thaçi: I am not changing the ministers  EU warns Serbia until the end of the year  Beer: With divisions one cannot join the EU

Other headlines  U.S. softens relations with Serbia (4)  Ahtisaari is disappointed (4)  Banac: Kosovo can become like Bosnia (5)

Epoka e Re

Front page  Kuqi: No changes at Government  Thaç: I thank Ministers for not being corrupted  One year with Constitution  Ahtisaari: Russians will also recognize Kosovo

Other headlines  Munter: The U.S. working for Kosovo state to become successful (2)  Lavrov: Destabilization of Balkans to be avoided (2)  Vllasi: Kosovo-Serbia relations will normalize soon (2)  Kosovo should not fear (3)  Sejdiu congratulates Ivanov (3)


Front page  Hilmi enjoys  Constitution without full implementation  With major efficiency  Let us bomb America

Other headlines  Lipjan Airport (2)  The first of April and Sali Berisha (3)  Kosovo out of the process of visa liberalization (4)  The U.S. are working for Kosovo state to be successful (5)  Ahtisaari: Recognition by Russia (6) Lajm

Front page  Mistreated  EULEX progress  Good signs for Kosovo

Other headlines  Constitution is (not) implemented (2)  Three category of Ministers (2)  Sander and Berisha suggest the enlargement of NATO in Balkans (3)  Kacin engages himself that Kosovo can be part of Euro-Atlantic integrations (3)  Albania supports territorial integrity of Kosovo (4)  Spain confirms the withdrawal of its soldiers until autumn (5)  New standards for the education of Roma (5)

Bota Sot

Front page  Non-respected and contradiction constitution  Changes in the Government, speculations

Other headlines  Berisha, the Albanian flag is a saint for Albanians (2)  Threatened with isolation (4)  The constitution has to change! (6)  Fatmir Sejdiu: Our modern constitution (8)  Commission gives the “visa” to the regulation of the Assembly (9)  Ahtisaari disappointed in some EU countries (9)


Front page  Anniversary of constitution  Qosja: The role of Hashim Thaçi in Rambouillet  Ahtisaari: “Russian blockade” toward Kosovo wont last forever

Other headlines  Strategy for border management (2)  Lavrov: To be avoided the destabilization of Balkans (5)  PTK, luxuries without end for Stevens (5)  The Government with strategy for forests (5)

Belgrade Media Highlights

 Munter: Relations with Serbia improving (Tanjug)  Jeremic visiting Libya (Tanjug)  Serb gathering in the Brdjani settlement in Kosovska Mitrovica (Tanjug)  Trajkovic, Bogdanovic on Returns Strategy (FoNet)  Constitution anniversary in Kosovo (Beta)

Munter: Relations with Serbia improving ( Tanjug ) US Ambassador in Belgrade Cameron Munter has stated that the relations between USA and Serbia are improving and that with the exception of Kosovo there are no open issues. He repeated that the new presidential administration will not change the policy towards Serbia and the Balkans, while pointing that the goal of that policy remains focused on reforms, the integration of the Balkans and the EU and more prosperous future of the region. Munter has also repeated that USA did not change the stand on the independence of Kosovo and that it will file a written opinion to the International Court of Justice with the explanation of that stand.

Jeremic visiting Libya ( Tanjug ) Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic arrived in Tripoli for a two-day official visit to Libya. Libya currently chairs the African Union. Jeremic will confer with top Libyan officials on Kosovo, bilateral relations and cooperation in the economy, defense and security sectors. Libya has not recognized the unilateral Kosovo Albanian declaration of independence.

Serb gathering in the Brdjani settlement in Kosovska Mitrovica ( Tanjug ) The Serbs from the Brdjani settlement in Kosovska Mitrovica have gathered in order to express their disagreement with intentions of some Albanians who have announced the renovation of their houses in that part of the city, damaged during the conflict in 1999. The police patrols and KFOR troops have intensified the control in that part of the town, including the helicopter monitoring. One of the Serb representatives in Mitrovica Nenad Toplicevic has stated that a clear stance has been presented to KFOR representatives that the Serb side wishes to peacefully resolve the issue. He reminded that 450 requests have been previously filed to UNMIK by Serbs who wished to return to southern Kosovska Mitrovica, but that was not enabled. The responsibility for potential incidents in the Brdjani settlement will be on KFOR, warned the Serb representatives. In the meantime, the KPS has stated that the works on renovation of Albanian houses have been delayed for one week.

Trajkovic, Bogdanovic on Returns Strategy ( FoNet ) The main problem with the Sustainable Survival and Return Strategy for the Kosovo Serbs is that it is unclear which ministry is in charge, says the Serb National Council for Kosovo (SNC). “One of the very relevant factors in the survival and return of Serbs is the international community, but also the Kosovo institutions and the Albanians. There are no ministry instructions or recommendations in that sense,” said SNC leader Rada Trajkovic. She said that the efforts of the people who had drawn up the strategy should not be underestimated, but that even the best documents had shortcomings. Bogdanovic himself says that he cannot understand the “fuss and commotion” that the draft strategy has caused. “For the first time in all these years, we’ve called for a transparent and frank debate on how we should resolve this key problem. The draft strategy is just a proposal that should be discussed at all levels and, later, shaped into a final version,” said the Minister.

Constitution anniversary in Kosovo ( Beta ) The Kosovo Assembly has called a ceremonial session to mark “the first anniversary of the adoption of the Kosovo constitution.” It was stated at the session, however, that the document "had still to be applied in all parts of the country". Kosovo Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi said that “there is still difficulty in implementing the constitution throughout Kosovo.” President and Prime Minister Fatmir Sejdiu and Hashim Tachi said that "the constitution guaranteed the country's integrity and sovereignty and that it met all international standards that were being achieved in Kosovo, not only by domestic, but international institutions too.”

Disclaimer This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.

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