Tone Word Vocabulary
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Tone Word Vocabulary--
On the following dates, you will have assessments on the attached words. You will be responsible for turning in work from the list of activities also on the same day as the assessments. Quizzes will be matching and will consist primarily of the assigned group of words; however, words from previous quizzes may also appear on the quiz. The test will cover all of the words and will require you to be able to use the words…fill in the blank, analogies, synonyms, antonyms, etc.
February 19--Quiz
March 2—Quiz
March 10—Quiz
March 17—Quiz
March 24—Test
Tasks to Prepare for Each QUIZ: To be completed at home unless there happens to be time in class when you finish other assignments.
1. Complete the Anticipation Guide and check your answers on the blog.
2. Make a study strategy-flash cards, 2-column notes, or foldable 2-column notes.
3. Choice: Pick ONE to complete.
a. Write high quality sentences using at least 10 of the vocabulary words using the Vocabulary Sentence Scoring Guide in the keeper section of your binder to make sure you write HIGH quality sentences.
b. Draw a picture to represent at least 10 of the vocabulary words. Make sure to label the picture with the word.
c. Write a story using at least 10 of the vocabulary words.
4. These will all be checked on the day of your quiz.
Definition of Tone: ______
Why is TONE important:
______Anticipation Guide—Positive Tone Words Name ______
Due 2/19
What Word I Think Means This Definition What Word Actually Means This
commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed
having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
pleasurably entertained, occupied, or diverted
deeply respectful
feeling or expressive of gratitude
having, showing a feeling of joy or pleasure; cheerful
still or nearly still/ free from excitement or passion
desiring no more than one has; satisfied
characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
giving hope or confidence
showing concern for others
having similar understandings or tastes
carefree and happy
especially sure of oneself
having or displaying great dignity
having a positive view
feeling wonder, awe, or astonishment
full of delight; very happy
Giving support
Amused Content Optimistic Appreciative Elated Proud Authoritative Encouraging Reverent Benevolent Enthusiastic Surprised Calm Friendly Sympathetic Compassionate Happy Confident Lighthearted Anticipation Guide—Negative Tone Words Name ______
Due 3/2
What Word I Think Means Definition What Word Actually Means This This
characterized by careful evaluation and judgment
inflamed; extremely mad
having no stake; impartial; indifferent
indicating a lack of maturity
angered at something unjust or wrong
in an opposing direction; very opposed in nature or character or purpose
marked by a lack of interest; showing little or no emotion
passing judgment; finding fault
snobbish; arrogant
argumentative; characteristic of one eager to fight
accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance
feeling or appearing troubled or nervous
having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities
feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with
having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority
feeling of great dislike or animosity
Feeling of anger, hurt, or resentment because of a bad experience or sense of unjust treatment
Accusing Arrogant Condescending Haughty Shameful Agitated Belligerent Contradictory Hateful Uninterested Angry Bitter Critical Indignant Apathetic Childish Desperate Passive Anticipation Guide—Sorry-Fear-Worry Tone Words Name ______
Due 3/10
What Word I Think Definition What Word Actually Means Means This This
bewildered; perplexed
feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief
fraught with danger or harm; very serious
low in spirits; sad and dejected
despairing; bleak; feeling no chance of positive outcome
annoyed; frustrated
having a negative view; opposite of optimistic
feeling sorry for action or behavior or event; regretfully acknowledging offense
feeling of uneasiness and self-consciousness
dignified; serious; somber
experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome
feeling or showing of worry
sincere feeling; not taken lightly
a tendency to be gloomy and depressed
deeply moving; touching
Aggravated Depressed Mournful Anxious Embarrassed Pessimistic Apologetic Grave Poignant Concerned Hopeless Serious Confused Melancholy Solemn Anticipation Guide—Humor-Irony-Sarcasm and Neutral Tone Words Name ______
Due 3/17
What Word I Think Definition What Word Actually Means This Means This
characteristic of those who treat others with arrogance
given to questioning
straightforward; direct without secretiveness
showing that one considers oneself superior to others
showing little emotion; just the facts; practical
showing an inappropriate amount of seriousness; rude
overly dramatic
thoughtfully considering the situation; thinking about the topic, situation, event, etc.
disrespectful; having or showing a lack of respect
not influenced by emotion; fair
believing the worst of human nature and motives
deeply or seriously thoughtful; thinking deeply
making fun of; teasing
judging something harshly; likely to find fault
honest; genuine; without pretense
feeling of humor, joy, or entertainment
Amused Irreverent Inquisitive Caustic Mocking Matter-of-Fact Condescending Patronizing Objective Critical Candid Reflective Cynical Contemplative Sincere Flippant Histrionic Keys
Anticipation Guide—Positive Tone Words Anticipation Guide—Negative Tone Words KEY KEY
Due 2/19 Due 3/2
What Word Actually Means This What Word Actually Means This
Authoritative Critical
Enthusiastic Angry
Amused Uninterested
Reverent Childish
Appreciative Indignant
Happy Contrary
Calm Apathetic
Content Shameful
Benevolent Accusing
Encouraging Haughty
Compassionate Belligerent
sympathetic Passive
Lighthearted Agitated
Confident Arrogant
Proud Desperate
Optimistic Condescending
Surprised Hateful
Elated Bitter
Friendly Anticipation Guide—Sorry-Fear-Worry Tone Words Anticipation Guide—Humor-Irony-Sarcasm and Neutral KEY Tone Words
Due 3/17 KEY
What Word Actually Means This Due 3/24
Confused What Word Actually Means This
Mournful Patronizing
Grave Inquisitive
Depressed Candid
Hopeless Condescending
Aggravated Matter-of-fact
Pessimistic Flippant
Apologetic Histrionic
Embarrassed Reflective
Solemn Caustic
Anxious Irreverent
Concerned Objective
Serious Cynical
Melancholy Contemplative poignant Mocking