Eastlake Elementary
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Eastlake Elementary PTA Board Minutes Thursday, January 16th, 2013
Present: Jodie Milad (President), Meg Seamons (Treasurer), Lynette Speyer (Secretary), Tamara Webb (VP of Education), and Aimee Cutler (VP of Membership & Volunteers), Principal Jan Tanner, Kimber Uluave (Teacher Rep, Marisa Sheneman, and Nicole Mann.
BJ Goodner, Tahnie Roska, Cherie Visker, Andrea Moore I. Welcome – PTA President Jodie Milad
II. Principal Tanner and Teacher Report 1. Jan. 21-27th Is Volunteer Week a. Shayla, the interning principal is heading up the week. b. KSL will be giving the school with the most volunteer hours a assembly, pizza party, a visit from Chopper 5, and will be featured on a news story. c. Please make sure you get all of your home hours recorded and turned into the office. 2. Leader In Me a. Lighthouse Review will be on Feb. 23, two executives from Covey will come review the school’s progress. They will review evidence binders, visit classrooms, talk with students, review leadership binders, and speak with a parents’ panel. a.i. Being named a Lighthouse School is the highest honor for a Leader in Me school a.ii. If you would be interested in being on the parent panel, please contact Mrs. Tanner. b. Leader in Me Symposium, March 18th b.i. Eastlake has been asked to help out again. 90 guest will be bused into our school to view the program. Students will be asked to be greeters, speak at the symposium, and take part in a student panel.
III. Nominating Committee Timeline and Openings 1. Fliers went home on Monday, will be due Feb. 3rd. Board member job descriptions are on the PTA blog and FB page.
IV. Treasurer’s Report- Meg 1. Cypress bank account is officially closed and all money is in American First Credit Union. 2. Everything is on budget for year to date. 3. Boxtop Competition starting again Jan. 21-Feb. 7th A/B/C Feb. 10-Feb. 21st for D Track a. Boxtop - YTD Earned $3000, Goal $4200 b. Smiths $850 c. Prizes for 4-5 classes: fruit bar + extra recess or possibly Dunkin Donut party 4. Everything is on target for the grant through Jordan Ed Foundation for the PTA to donate funds for 6 new iPads to be used in the K/1st grade classrooms.
V. Upcoming Events/Business 1. Zupas’ Spirit Night 1/28 from 5-9pm a. 20% of profit goes to Eastlake. b. Tell the cashier you are with Eastlake. c. Board Members with take shifts as greeters: 5-6pm Aimee and Lynette 6-7pm Tamara, Jodie, and Marissa d. Jan will e-mail the teachers to see if anyone is interested in attending
2. Harmons’ PTA Day 2/6 from 3-8pm a. Darla Thomas is decorating a check out stand for Harmons, the theme is “Winter Olympics” b. Donut eating contest for PTA board members and principal grocery bagging contest from 5:30- 6:00. c. Info will go out on the blog/FB Page d. Helping-Tamara can help after 3:30, Nancy Harris also offered to help.
3. Spring book fair 2/18-20 a&b and c&d 3/18-3/20 a. Using A+ again b. Andrea Moore will be using Volunteer Spot to get help again
4. PTC dinners 2/19 a. Aimee and Meg were able to get Texas Roadhouse and Buffalo Wild Wings to donate meals for Feb/Mar Parent/Teacher Conferences.
5. Literacy week (tentatively a&b 2/24-2/28 and c&d 3/3-3/7) a. Nancy Harris will be working with the librarians to finalize dates b. May plan around National Library Week
6. 6th grade party a. Board Members with 6th graders will start forming a committee for the party (Lynette, Meg, and Tamara) b. $1000 Budget c. Ideas: Mini field day, go on location, invite the fire station to bring hoses to spray down the kids. c.i. Buses- $15.50 hr, $1 a mile, $15 surcharge, if using buses, needs to be booked ASAP. d. 6th Grade t-shirts? Marisa Sheneman, Stephanie & Todd Jorgenson, or Stacey Phelps may be good resources.
7. Mathnasium Scholarship a. Deadline is Friday b. Lynette will review the applications and if needed review them with Jan, teacher, and/or the math specialist.
8. Snow Removal Procedures/Safety a. Jodie will talk to Jan about current policies. b. Kimber Uluave will help get our concerns on the agenda for the School Community Counsel Meeting.
VI. Next PTA Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 20th, at 8:45am.