Rubric for Tone Stories
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Dynamic Character Project Rubric 90-100 80-89 65-79 Below 65 Highly appropriate choices for Appropriate choice of symbols Somewhat appropriate choice Objects misused as all symbols. Symbols chosen demonstrate of symbols. symbols of themselves. Symbolism Symbols chosen demonstrate some creativity. Symbols chosen lack Symbols chosen do not creative and complex thinking. Missing one symbol. creativity but are appropriate reflect creativity or Has full set of symbols. to the character. understanding. More than symbols missing. Missing two or three symbols. Overall effect creates a Overall effect creates a full, Overall effect creates a simple Parts of face missing. creatively articulated face. many featured face. face. Character traits chosen Depth Character traits chosen Character traits chosen Character traits chosen contradict traits of the demonstrate a deep demonstrate understanding of demonstrate a surface character expressed in the understanding of the character the character and book. understanding of the character book. and book. and book. Paragraphs fully explain all Paragraphs explain all symbols Paragraphs explain symbols in Insufficient explanation of Explanation symbols using sophisticated and provide rationales using a cursory manner with limited symbols or no explanation language and provide evidence from the text. evidence from the text. of some symbols present. rationales using evidence from the text. Few if any errors in grammar, Limited errors in grammar, Many errors in grammar, So many errors in Usage and punctuation or spelling. punctuation, or spelling punctuation, and spelling. grammar, spelling, and Mechanics Strong evidence of Evidence of proofreading. Little evidence of punctuation that reading is proofreading and revision. proofreading difficult No evidence of proofreading Portrait is colorful, visually Portrait is colorful and Portrait is colorful but Portrait does not Aesthetics/ interesting and aesthetically aesthetically pleasing simplistic in design demonstrate grade-level Presentation pleasing Portrait is neat and Portrait has some aesthetics or sufficient Portrait is neat and demonstrates effort imperfections effort demonstrates great effort Comments: Formatting Issues: ___ missing title and author of book on poster ___ project heading in the incorrect location ___ wrong font ___ labels missing ___ portraits not in logical order ___ no heading or heading in the wrong location