Our Sharing Space Previous Weeks
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Our Sharing Space – Previous Weeks
February 28, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: The Holy Light dwells within me. Weekly Mantra: “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” (Om Rahm Rahm-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha) (A mantra to balance energy and to awaken and enliven the chakras, especially the solar plexus chakra.) Weekly Quote: “The mind must be integrated and used properly. The instincts, emotions, thinking and the spirit all must be balanced in integrated in the proper alignment.” “Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing” by Dr. Joshua David Stone
February 21, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: Issues in my life drift by; I attend to them but I am independent from them. Weekly Mantra: “Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha” (Om Shree Don-von-trey Nahm-ah-ha) (Dhanvantre is the Celestial Physician. Doing this mantra provides a path towards healing of health issues.) Weekly Quote: “Make material things preferences and no longer attachments. Once they are preferences, your happiness and inner peace no longer are tied in with them” “Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing” by Dr. Joshua David Stone
February 15, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “All events that occur in my life are part of a Divine Plan.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Namo Narayanaya” (Om Nah-moh Nah-rah-yah-nay-yah) (In the words of Thomas Ashley-Farrand in “Healing Mantras” “{This mantra} takes the sayer to sublime spiritual realms where spiritual questions are answered and great truths are revealed.”.) Weekly Quote: “Aquarian energy is the energy which connects you with the One to Whom you aspire and from Whom you draw your life energy.” “Symphony of the Zodiac” by Torkom Saraydarian
February 7, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am balanced and centered on my path.” Weekly Mantra: “Tattwam Asi” (Taht-Wahm Ah-See) (You are that which you seek. Through the Law of Attraction we draw to us that within which we are most in accord.) Weekly Quote: “To use a big occult potency is like driving a high-powered car at a high speed, all depends on the control; unless you have the nerve for it, you are safer on your feet.” “Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage” by Dion Fortune
February 2, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I release, in love, all that pulls on me.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Hum So Hum” (Om Huhm Soh Huhm) (A mantra to balance masculine and feminine energy and to elevate consciousness.) Weekly Quote: “Everyone is crippled in some area, and everyone is somewhere on the path of evolution, some ahead of us and some behind. In the steps we have walked are the old lessons of life, and before us are the new teachings.” “Power vs. Force” by Dr. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
January 23, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “The Holy Light dwells within me.” Weekly Mantra: “Narasimha Ta Va Da So Hum” (Nah-rah-seem-ha Tah Vah Dah Soh Huhm) (A mantra for protection and to bring freedom from negative forces.) Weekly Quote: “(T)he astral plane is also known as the plane of Desire, and desire is always referred to as the bondage of the soul.” “Spiritualism & Occultism” by Dion Fortune
January 17, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am an eternal being of light, a soul that at this time has a body.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya Jaya Rama” (Om Shree Rah-mah Jah-yah Rah-mah, Jah-yah Jah-yah Rah-mah) (A mantra for spiritual liberation, chanted by Gandhi daily throughout his entire life.) Weekly Quote: “Through meditation you increase your light, which magnetically attracts the attention of the Hierarchy.” Symphony of the Zodiac by Torkom Saraydarian
January 10, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I do, I accomplish, I grow.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Eim Saraswatiyei Swaha” (Om I’m Sah-rah-swah-tee-yei Sawh-ha) (A mantra to bring through the creative energy of Saraswati, propelling our plans and goals towards success.) Weekly Quote: “What you become tomorrow depends upon what you learn today!” Astara’s Book of Life, Book 1 by Earlyne Chaney
January 3, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “This physical life is but a small portion of my total self.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Nama Shivaya” (Om Nah-mah Shee-vah-yah) (A mantra to propel spiritual growth, bringing higher insight and spiritual maturity.) Weekly Quote: “”For a full understanding of any form of existence, more than one plane of consciousness is necessary.” Spiritualism & Occultism by Dion Fortune December 27, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: “I move forward into a New Year, I release the old and embrace the new.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha” (Om Shreem Mah-ha Laksh-mee-yei Swah-ha) (A mantra to Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance, bringing abundant success to the areas of our lives in which we have focused our energies and requested assistance.) Weekly Quote: “The authors of ancient texts…instruct us to identify our desires clearly in order to achieve the desired result.” Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
December 20, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: “I set my course, I progress, I achieve my goals.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha” (Om Gum Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yei Nahm-ah-ha) (A mantra to Ganesh to remove obstacles thereby opening the way for new positive changes, situations and/or persons to enter our lives. Frequently this mantra is said prior to other mantra practice to make way for the other mantra work to more easily produce the desired effects.) Weekly Quote: “A goal is a magnetic center established in the domain of the future. It is this magnetic center which pulls a person up and establishes a direction for him.” Symphony of the Zodiac by Torkom Saraydarian
December 13, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: “I co-create and live in a positive healthy environment.” Weekly Mantra: Hung Vajra Peh (Hoong Vahj-rah Pay) (A mantra invoking Vajrapani, the Protector of Dharma and the Great Initiator, used to clear negativity {physical, emotional or mental} by neutralizing and dispersing negative thoughtforms.) Weekly Quote: “Chanting mantras works directly on all types of karma, helping to overcome what may have been created inadvertently or ignorantly in this life or some past life.” Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
December 5, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: I am an eternal being of Light, loved unconditionally by Father-Mother God. Weekly Mantra: Om Shanti Om (Om Shahn-tee Om) (A mantra for radiating dynamic world peace.) Weekly Quote: A narrow perspective makes even a small problem unbearable. How to Practice, the Way to a Meaningful Life by His Holiness the Dalai Lama